BL Challenging My Way to Disney...and Beyond


DIS Veteran
May 25, 2009
Hi everyone, I'm Gretchen! :wave2: I'm going into my senior year of college as an Audiology major at SUNY Geneseo. Since starting college two years ago I gained the freshman 15 and then some. I've always been a little overweight, but I have no idea what my weight is now. Here's a picture of me exactly two months ago on my 20th birthday:

This picture is a big reason why I'm joining over here. It makes me look frumpy, which is not what I want at my age!

Part of the issue is that I have PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome. Weight is a double edged sword: Weight can cause PCOS, but PCOS makes it difficult to lose weight. :rolleyes:

Last night I stumbled upon the "Biggest Loser Summer 2011 Challenge". I joined up. It can't hurt, right?

So join me here as I challenge my way to Disney (in October) and Stormalong Bay. It is my goal to lose the healthy 1-2 pounds per week and I have exactly 20 weeks until Disney. I will start weighing in tomorrow.

Here is today's journal so far.

I had a small bowl of Lucky Charms type cereal with 1% milk for breakfast. I exercised via Wii Sports for 35 minutes (bowling, tennis, boxing). I am currently drinking a bottle of water.

One of my biggest challenges is to drink more water. I drink a lot of juice at home and soda at school, but at school I drink more water as well. Another challenge is to eat more vegetables, something I hate. I compiled a cookbook from the recipe board of Disney World recipes and intend to start making some of the healthier ones.

That's my start right now. I will update later with the rest of today's journal.
Hi. I gained the freshman 15 too. Been up and down since, but I weigh less than I did at the end of my freshman year.
Today I weighed myself and took my measurements for the Challenge. My weight, while still high, is not quite as bad as I thought it would be.

For breakfast, I had a small piece of toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk. I attempted to eat an apple, but we've had them for awhile and it was kind of gross. :rolleyes:

For lunch, I stopped at the Wegmans (grocery store) takeout area before I did some shopping. I had 4 small-medium pieces of sweet and sour chicken, and a portion of Lo Mein (I ate all the veggies in it though!). For dessert, I had a big container of watermelon, honeydew, and grapes.

I just did Day 1, Week 1 of the Couch to 5K plan. It was 5 minutes walking for warm up, then alternating 60 seconds jogging with 90 seconds walking. Except apparently I can't read and did 90 seconds jogging with 60 seconds walking. :rolleyes1 Well, that means I'm in better shape than I thought, right? Before I started I honestly didn't know if I was going to be able to do it, but I did! Just kept going, "You can do it, only 8 more minutes, only 5 more minutes", etc.

I've had just over 53 oz. of water so far today, so that's goal 1 of this week's Healthy Habits challenge completed for today. This journal also allows me to write down everything I eat, so that's goal 2. :thumbsup2

For dinner I had a slice of the "Greek" pizza I made last night. It was a recipe from the Swan & Dolphin, and originally called for kalamata olives (which I don't like) and pine nuts (which were too expensive). It also wanted whole wheat pizza dough, which I was not about to make from scratch and is near impossible to find frozen. So it has regular dough. Then homemade sauce with tomato, garlic and olive oil. Parmesan cheese topping, and then topped with arugula tossed with red wine vinegar and olive oil. I had a small dish of ice cream as well.

Gaaahhh fell apart this evening. Stopped at Tim Horton's for a bagel w/ cream cheese and an iced cappuccino at 10pm. Needed the iced cap or would have fallen asleep at the wheel on the way to get mom. Then Mom stopped again on the way home. I ordered a croissant. Mom ordered 20 timbits. The kid clearly didn't know how to count and we ended up with more like 40 so I had a few.

Starting over again tomorrow.

One thing I need to work on is getting on a better sleep schedule. My mom works the 3-11 shift, so I stay up until she gets home. Then we end up staying up until 2-3AM, and waking up around 12. I intend to start changing this, going to bed around 12 and waking up around 9. I begin work at as a teacher aid in July, so my hours will be 8-3:15, and I'll definitely need better sleep patterns then!
Today was a day that was iffy with eating. For breakfast I had the rest of last night's TimBits (6?) and two bowls of Cap'n Crunch with 1% milk. I also had a couple swallows of apple juice. For my lunch I had homemade veggie cream cheese with Ritz Crackers and a few swallows of iced tea/lemonade. For dinner we went to the mall and I got a regular roast beef from Arby's and added some Horsey sauce to it. I drank a full bottle of water. Later we stopped for ice cream and I got a "small" Fool's Gold in a waffle cone.

I'm working on the 48oz of water as I write this. Didn't exercise today because my plan was to mown the lawn and it rained all day. So this will be my day off for the week.


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