Blood in the Refrigerator...A Confusing But Fun Kidani Trip New 2/17

Well ,look what reappeared! My long-lost trip report! I've been thinking about it. Maybe I'll try and finish it off! With any luck I'll put up a new post tonight.
I guess I fell a bit behind here. M, J and I went to Disney in October and had a great time. My DH went by himself in September for a few days after visiting the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, where they kindly gave him a new liver 6 years ago.

Coming up... I leave this Thursday for 4 solo days for the Princess Half marathon! I just started running last May, in a weight loss--please, let's keep it off this time!-- move. And I'm really enjoying it! I'm staying at Pop, a first for me, since we're usually in a DVC room. M,J and I are staying at BLT in early April, DH and I are staying at BWV at the beginning of May.

Then M,J and I are meeting my sister, niece and her two kids at the end of August. Whew! Not to mention DH and I are going in December with another son and daughter in-law, who just graduated from nursing school!

So anyway... we were having just the grandest time in the MK. Really. I can't remember where we ate lunch, but I'm sure we ate lightly, because we had an early dinner at BoG.

We got my grandson on Space Mountain for the first time, but not without some doing. He had a death grip on my shoulder all the way in, because I was his riding partner.

"I'm really nervous about this, Grandma," he said, as if the death grip weren't enough of an indication.

"M, if I can go on it, at my age, you can do it too," I assured him.

E rode this a few years ago and loved it. M said he was sick that day. Maybe he really was. I really thought he was going to climb out of the rockets right up until the last minute this time. Like my brother tried to do in the Laff-in-the-Dark at Crystal Beach when he was about 4 and I was 6. Yes, our parents let us ride through this alone. They were in another car with my younger sister.

"Jimmy's trying to climb out!" I was screaming, while my mom yelled at me to hold onto him.

That was fun times.

But M made it through and, of course, couldn't stop talking about it for the rest of the day. Everybody enjoys being brave in retrospect.

Before dinner, I know we were eating ice cream. Because after we ate ice cream, we sent my son M and his son M to scout out some jewels so we could repeat the successful jewel drop on E at Mickey's Philharmagic. At first I thought she might be too old for it, then K and I decided, let's just go for it. Of course, we had to stifle my grandson so we he didn't let the cat out of the bag. And he managed to restrain himself, not easy for an 11 year old boy. E loved the jewel trick and had no idea it was us, unless she just has a really good poker face.

I have no idea where DH was. He wasn't with us and he wasn't with them, I don't think. He might have gone back to the hotel for a short time, since he sometimes runs out of steam.

So E, K and I are in line for Ariel's boat ride that's-an-awful-lot-like-the-Nemo ride while they went for the jewels. E likes the songs from this, and she was proving to be a little more of a Princess girl than we had thought she would be, so we waited in line. It's cool in there, at least.

And then K got that panicked look on her face. Where you know something major has just happened.

"I don't have my wallet," she said.

Well, this was very reminiscent of our first trip, where my son M left HIS wallet in the bathroom after riding ToT. My DH also managed to lose his room key out of his pocket on that ride. That was gone forever, but some wonderful Samaritan turned in the wallet. We were hoping it set a precedent. M and K lose things frequently.

She called M and asked him to check the ice cream place. Then she went to retrace her steps back there, to see if she'd dropped it somewhere. E and I waited in the line.

K made it back right before we got on, waving her wallet. Two for two on the lost wallets so far.

Everybody enjoyed BoG. A lot. I have no idea what we ate-- I don't take pictures of food. But it was good. And we ate in the other room. You know-- there's the West Wing and the Ballroom. And we ate in the other room. I have no idea what it's called.

Waiting to get into BoG

We managed to get through the viewing of the parade without any incidents -- M didn't remember ever seeing it when he was younger, and neither did K. E liked the dragon more than the princesses, of course. Somewhere along the line we saw many more rides. I only remember this because I have pictures of them. That's why trip reports are so good. But you should do them right after you go, so you remember things better. Especially if you're old.

I know the kids really enjoyed Tom Sawyer's Island, where I hadn't been since about 1976.

We had a great view of the fireworks and our night ended up on the most perfect note ever. So of course, we had to go and screw it up.
I guess I fell a bit behind here. M, J and I went to Disney in October and had a great time. My DH went by himself in September for a few days after visiting the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, where they kindly gave him a new liver 6 years ago.

Coming up... I leave this Thursday for 4 solo days for the Princess Half marathon! I just started running last May, in a weight loss--please, let's keep it off this time!-- move. And I'm really enjoying it! I'm staying at Pop, a first for me, since we're usually in a DVC room. M,J and I are staying at BLT in early April, DH and I are staying at BWV at the beginning of May.

Then M,J and I are meeting my sister, niece and her two kids at the end of August. Whew! Not to mention DH and I are going in December with another son and daughter in-law, who just graduated from nursing school!

So anyway... we were having just the grandest time in the MK. Really. I can't remember where we ate lunch, but I'm sure we ate lightly, because we had an early dinner at BoG.

We got my grandson on Space Mountain for the first time, but not without some doing. He had a death grip on my shoulder all the way in, because I was his riding partner.

"I'm really nervous about this, Grandma," he said, as if the death grip weren't enough of an indication.

"M, if I can go on it, at my age, you can do it too," I assured him.

E rode this a few years ago and loved it. M said he was sick that day. Maybe he really was. I really thought he was going to climb out of the rockets right up until the last minute this time. Like my brother tried to do in the Laff-in-the-Dark at Crystal Beach when he was about 4 and I was 6. Yes, our parents let us ride through this alone. They were in another car with my younger sister.

"Jimmy's trying to climb out!" I was screaming, while my mom yelled at me to hold onto him.

That was fun times.

But M made it through and, of course, couldn't stop talking about it for the rest of the day. Everybody enjoys being brave in retrospect.

Before dinner, I know we were eating ice cream. Because after we ate ice cream, we sent my son M and his son M to scout out some jewels so we could repeat the successful jewel drop on E at Mickey's Philharmagic. At first I thought she might be too old for it, then K and I decided, let's just go for it. Of course, we had to stifle my grandson so we he didn't let the cat out of the bag. And he managed to restrain himself, not easy for an 11 year old boy. E loved the jewel trick and had no idea it was us, unless she just has a really good poker face.

I have no idea where DH was. He wasn't with us and he wasn't with them, I don't think. He might have gone back to the hotel for a short time, since he sometimes runs out of steam.

So E, K and I are in line for Ariel's boat ride that's-an-awful-lot-like-the-Nemo ride while they went for the jewels. E likes the songs from this, and she was proving to be a little more of a Princess girl than we had thought she would be, so we waited in line. It's cool in there, at least.

And then K got that panicked look on her face. Where you know something major has just happened.

"I don't have my wallet," she said.

Well, this was very reminiscent of our first trip, where my son M left HIS wallet in the bathroom after riding ToT. My DH also managed to lose his room key out of his pocket on that ride. That was gone forever, but some wonderful Samaritan turned in the wallet. We were hoping it set a precedent. M and K lose things frequently.

She called M and asked him to check the ice cream place. Then she went to retrace her steps back there, to see if she'd dropped it somewhere. E and I waited in the line.

K made it back right before we got on, waving her wallet. Two for two on the lost wallets so far.

Everybody enjoyed BoG. A lot. I have no idea what we ate-- I don't take pictures of food. But it was good. And we ate in the other room. You know-- there's the West Wing and the Ballroom. And we ate in the other room. I have no idea what it's called.

Waiting to get into BoG

We managed to get through the viewing of the parade without any incidents -- M didn't remember ever seeing it when he was younger, and neither did K. E liked the dragon more than the princesses, of course. Somewhere along the line we saw many more rides. I only remember this because I have pictures of them. That's why trip reports are so good. But you should do them right after you go, so you remember things better. Especially if you're old.

I know the kids really enjoyed Tom Sawyer's Island, where I hadn't been since about 1976.

We had a great view of the fireworks and our night ended up on the most perfect note ever. So of course, we had to go and screw it up.

thanks for starting it back up! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, makes the day pass at work lol
I've waited on the floor of the Town Hall or whatever they call the building where Mickey still meets and the princesses used to be many a day. But I never sat there for so long, with so little reward, as K, E and I did that night. Just so as not to kill you with the suspense, no, we never got in to see them. That night. At all.

This was mostly my fault for not believing Disney. The sign outside said the line was over an hour and a half long. I looked at the 6 or so people sitting on the rug(that should have been my first clue) and decided it couldn't possibly be that long. The menfolk went back to the hotel and the three of us joined the line sitting on the floor. E was even in her princess dress(Tangled). K was very excited-- probably more so than E, although E was very excited about showing Rapunzel her chameleon, whatever his name is. Pascal, I think. Animals are way more interesting to E than people are, in most cases. Me, not so much.

E with Pascal earlier in the day

I have no idea what was going on in the princess hall that night. I can only say that the line was moving at the pace of very slow mud. One family went in about, oh, every half an hour. Really.

We asked the CM guarding the door what was going on, but you know how that goes. According to the CMs, when things are really going slow, the princesses are having a royal tea party or getting ready for the ball. Actually, it was more like time to go to bed. I hoped they wouldn't trundle off and forget about us, their royal subjects, sitting on the floor. The park was still open for extra magic hours, so we could sit there a long time before someone finally told us to go home if the princesses forgot about us.

Other people joined the line. we all waited. The CM finally admitted she had no idea why things were moving so slowly. E played with other kids. We talked to other adults. The line moved, one family per half an hour, for 1 1/2 hours.

I should learn to believe those signs outside. Me and my superior Disney knowledge, convincing my daughter-in-law I knew what I was talking about when I said it was a short line.

She still believed me. She didn't want to leave. But it was almost 11 o-clock, we had four families still in front of us and another big day starting in about 7 hours. I finally convinced her to leave.

This is probably another one of those things she wrote down in the book where she records all the horrible things I've done over the years. (Just kidding, K, if you should ever stumble upon this report)

She REAALLLY wanted to stay. I reeeaaally couldn't see the point. I won, but you know how these kind of victories are, at least you do if you're a mother or especially a mother-in-law... you just THINK you won the battle. In retrospect, we should have just sat there another hour. Sometimes it's better to lose the battle. But at least I would have time to check on my DVC points again when I got back to the room. Because I'm a glutton for punishment.
Yay! Glad someone else prodded you into posting. I can't do it, because my trip report isn't done. :p Not that anyone but my kids probably cares much about that one. :upsidedow

I love the jewels trick! So want to do that once I have grandkids (my own kids are too old for it now).

I only remember this because I have pictures of them. That's why trip reports are so good. But you should do them right after you go, so you remember things better. Especially if you're old.


I download Daily Diary kinda Travel Journal pages from, which have all kinda prompts for recording your day. And then regularly forget to fill them in. :rolleyes1 But one of my daughters is good about filling hers in, so between that and the pictures, I can usually make a good guess at what we did when. Assuming I get the trip report done within... oh, a year or so. Which I generally don't. :rolleyes:
Lol... you're a woman after my own heart! We've been doing so many trips I couldn't possibly keep up with all of them on trip reports, unlike Bumbershoot, who just keeps pumping them out! Don't know how she does it. I love going back and reading my old report, which should inspire me to do better!
Guess where I am? Two points if you said Disney World. I'm here with DH. DD M and DGD J and I just left here a little over two weeks ago.

I'll be honest. This is getting to be a big much even for me, considering I was here in February for the Princess Half marathon too.

So it got me started thinking about wrapping up this poor report. But you know what the funny thing is? I've forgotten the bad stuff and only remember the good stuff now.

Which is good. Except when you're writing a trip report. I know we went to Hollywood Studios the next day and had a great time. We even got M on Rock N Roller coaster.


E, we could hardly keep off of it.

They both did Tower of Terror. It was a year of firsts for M.

And then, something crazy happened on our last day with the kids. I know it had to do with our multitude of different reservations necessitated by M and K's indecisiveness, but I don't remember what.

Whatever it was, I had a little hissy fit at the front desk. Because it took some time to resolve it.

I told the manager every single thing that had happened to us, except for the no see um bites on my legs.

I figured those weren't really his fault.

He gave us a fastpass each to wherever we wanted to go that day ( he didn't care, as long as it was somewhere he didn't have to see us). And he also put us in a cab to go to whichever park we wanted to go to first.

He REALLY didn't want us hanging around the front desk, haranguing him, did he.

My DH remembers the cab ride as one of the best things of the whole trip. He really needs to get his priorities in order.

We had a "greatest hits" last day. We went to every park except AK. We rode all our favorites one more time. We actually got to see the Princesses, finally. And we topped it off with a great dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe.

WCC was the scene of one of our few successes in everyone's eyes on our first trip with M and K and the kids. M wouldn't go on hardly any rides. My son was impatient with this. It caused tension. He rated the whole trip a C+. Etc.

So, the first time we went, I had high hopes for this restaurant, because I figured the kids would really like the antics. And when we got there, they sat us in the back room. Far, far away from all the fun action.

I'm not exaggerating when I say I was nearly in tears. This just seemed like one more negative thing. It might even bring the trip down to a D-. The hostess told me our waiter would make it fun back there. And he did. He was wonderful. He got us involved in the antics. And we all had a great time. It was one of the things M talked about the most.

Our return trip, you'll be happy to hear, was also a success. We were right in the middle of all the action. we had a great waitress. E started crying and said she didn't want to leave. Words to warm an insecure grandmother's heart.

My son said we should all plan on going together again in around 2 1/2 years. My DIL shot him a look that said he'd better shut up. But I was glad my son rated this trip an A and was willing to do it again sometime.

And after dinner, the kids and I went to Epcot by ourselves and spent a few hours there. Or maybe it was the MK. This is why you should do your trip reports before you get a year older and a little more forgetful.

I guess it was Epcot!

Wherever it was, it was the icing on top.

Disney's all about the icing. It's why I've been there so many times in the year since this trip took place. For me, it never gets old, because every trip is different. Different people. Different reasons for being there. Different weather even. Just one thing is constant.

It's the magic.

You need to write a WDW trip book! I read your last TR, so of course, I just had to follow this one! I look forward to reading the rest. This is my first DIS post bty. Excited:)
I've just spent the morning reading your two trip reports. Thank you SO much. I love your writing and your attitude. Have you considered starting another?? Please.
Actually, M and J and I just got back from an 8 day trip yesterday, but it was kind of a smooth trip--they're harder to make into a good trip report lol. Outside of the fact that M and I both came home with the Disney crud--you know, the sore throat, nose crud and cough that seems to affects us every time we touch handrails in Disney!

But I'll think about it. It is good to preserve memories!
I know it's been forever but I love your title and your writing style. I'm assuming they managed to get your DVC points sorted and you didn't have to pay a gajillion dollars for the stay?


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