Boardwalk Villas problems

I would have FREAKED out numerous times - - i think you held together better than I would have!!!

I am definitely pleased you weren't standing at the front desk at 11:00 PM looking for your reservation. A terrible fiasco and comedy of errors.

Kind of neat you got all your points back!!! Good for them!
Ok Everyone get ready to FLAME AWAY

BUT the 1st CM you came into contact had great cust.sev. skills and tryed to reassure you that all was well.
2nd I work for a very large a FIELD SERVICE ENGINEER .I can't stand to get a complaint or survey after I just left and asked IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE I CAN DO .This is your time to speak up if you are disatisfied not later NOW.How can WE help you if you don't let us know.
I know things happen all the time Dirty room bugs smoke broken paper holders BUT let us either take care of them or get you in another room.YOU SHOULD SELL BECAUSE YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM .If you would get it taken care of right it would be documented and patterns could be checked and enforced but to let it go and come on here to complain after the fact is just that after the fact and gets nothing but a Thank you we will look into it.
Businesses that are in the CUSTOMER SERVICE bus.Work very hard to please the majority and work on pleasing all .If you are not satisfied for what you deem you paid for you need to be Calm and direct in what you expect (hollering and cursing doesn't work well ) .If that person infront of you at the time can't meet that then ask who can and go to that person as well. It's that simple to have problems either solved or properly compensated for them not being.
This may seem simple to you but when you are stressed you don't always think quickly on your feet. So speaking up at the moment isn't always possible. I'd be upset at finding my reservation cancelled, relieved when they found a room for my family, angry at poor room conditions and very annoyed that I would have to jump through hoops to receive a decent room and waste my time talking to various CM to rectify the situation. Not a fun way to spend a vacation. I think it's a good idea pictures were taken. Pictures are worth a thousand words... Notice jamzots got her points back? I doubt that happens very often.
jamzots said:
Disney did not call me to tell me that my ressie was not in the system, I received a call from the babysitting service that I had reserved. When they called the BWV to check on what room I would be in the night I needed the sitter, the BWV advised the sitter that they did not have me in their system. The babysitting service then called me(Thank God) to let me know that BWV did not have my reservation.
For those who have never used Kids Nite Out, this is exactly how they work. They call the hotel to confirm that you're a guest when they finalize their arrangements with a particular sitter, so that the sitter can have limited privileges while working for you. They're a bit expensive but give excellent service. In this case, their diligence seems to have paid off.
tmt martins said:
Ok Everyone get ready to FLAME AWAY BUT the 1st CM you came into contact had great cust.sev. skills and tryed to reassure you that all was well...YOU SHOULD SELL BECAUSE YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM...
Hmmm. I design customer service training for the world's second largest financial corporation, so I can say with some authority that in most companies that emphasize customer service a representative who shoulders anything less than all of the responsibility for a company error, and who blames the customer for not complaining at a certain time in a certain tone of voice, would be let go.
Notice jamzots got her points back? I doubt that happens very often.[/QUOTE]

Right now she's happy :love1: Thats my point she could have gotten a satifactory room then but didn't want that but is now happy she got her points back to go right back.

Again they took care of her situation and made it right .Now I think this does happen alot of the time .Time after time DISNEY MAKES IT RIGHT when you give them the oppertunity to.

My point here is that this could have been taken care of right on the spot just like the wrong ressie was.How many people may have read this thread and decided not to buy in because at the time she was fustrated (as she should have been ) not taken a deep breath and got it resolved right then and there.Then comes on here selling everything dumping on everyone only to say how HAPPY SHE IS NOW SHE GoT MORE POINTS .

It's different to report what happened and not take any responcablity for any of it .I would never go away without ckecking my ressie 30day then 7 days out .Had this been done she could have been sitting Beach side with all smiles.I'm also not just pointing fingers at her but I see alot of this on the boards only to see them later saying how great everything is .

I will never pay a redcent to any company that does a diservice to me and then doesn't try to make it right (again customer service should be #1 ) there are just to many others that want my money and time as well. :grouphug:
rocketriter said:
Hmmm. I design customer service training for the world's second largest financial corporation, so I can say with some authority that in most companies that emphasize customer service a representative who shoulders anything less than all of the responsibility for a company error, and who blames the customer for not complaining at a certain time in a certain tone of voice, would be let go.

Yes you are right and they did that in everyway Took care of the ressie ,Had main.come to look at thing & suggested her to get another room and finally giving her her points back.

All I'm saying is this is how it's suppose to work in our imperfict world things are going to happen .It how those things are delt with is what separates the Best in the world with all the others.
First of all I am glad your situation had a Happy Ending, which is what we allwant.

However there are couple of things that are confusing to me that might help others avoid this situation.

One, was Member Services not available for you to call and find out what was going on. If they were you would have found you were staying at the Beach Club.

Second. When you requested to be wait listed did you ask not to be notified if the Beach Club came through. If so it would have been your responiblity to check on this prior to your trip. If you were asked to be notified then why did Member Services give you the wait list without contacting you?

Third, and maybe Doc or Dean can answer this as I have not waitlisted before, when you do and you get it, does your confirmation number stay the same. If it doesn't and member services does not contact you about the new reservation how would you know you had gotten it. If you had the new confirmation number then you would have known you were at the Beach Club.

It just seems to me that maybe some of this problem lies with MS and not with the BW.
rocketriter said:
For those who have never used Kids Nite Out, this is exactly how they work. They call the hotel to confirm that you're a guest when they finalize their arrangements with a particular sitter, so that the sitter can have limited privileges while working for you. They're a bit expensive but give excellent service. In this case, their diligence seems to have paid off.

Is this service provided by Disney??
Kids Nite Out is an independent service that is endorsed by Disney as the "official" service, but it is not provided by them.
rocketriter said:
Kids Nite Out is an independent service that is endorsed by Disney as the "official" service, but it is not provided by them.

Ok thanks, I could not imagine how they would allow this service to contact a resort in advance of a guest's arrival and have access to their reservation.
tmt martins said:
Again they took care of her situation and made it right .Now I think this does happen alot of the time .Time after time DISNEY MAKES IT RIGHT when you give them the oppertunity to.

My point here is that this could have been taken care of right on the spot just like the wrong ressie was.How many people may have read this thread and decided not to buy in because at the time she was fustrated (as she should have been ) not taken a deep breath and got it resolved right then and there.Then comes on here selling everything dumping on everyone only to say how HAPPY SHE IS NOW SHE GoT MORE POINTS .

It's different to report what happened and not take any responcablity for any of it .I would never go away without ckecking my ressie 30day then 7 days out .Had this been done she could have been sitting Beach side with all smiles.I'm also not just pointing fingers at her but I see alot of this on the boards only to see them later saying how great everything is .

1st of all I am very happy that Disney did the right thing and gave me my points back. I did not yell, scream or curse, I just explained my situation and was very happy with the results. I did not know who to turn to, or if anybody else had similiar experiences with the BWV, that's why I came to the boards, yes to vent and to get information on what to do next. We just arrived home Sunday night after a very long 22 hour drive and I tried to contact memeber services yesterday but they were closed due to the hurricane. 2nd of all I never actually used the DVC before so I was not aware that I had to "double check" on my reservations, and actually come to think of it I made dining reservations the week before I left and also had them check on my hotel and everything was in complete order. It seems that the BCV opened up last minute while we were actually traveling to Florida and nobody contacted me. (I checked my messages at home several times) The manager at the BWV didn't even know that I was supposed to be at the BCV. I never had to "double check" on ressies anywhere I went, and I never had a problem, now I know better. As far as the room condition goes, I did go to the front desk and complain to the manager, only at this point we were already in the room and settled, and since again we arrived at the BWV at 11:30 p.m. on a Sunday night after a very long trip, I just wanted to go to sleep so I didn't complain at that time. When maintenance came to our room they were very nice, and very sorry that this had happened but it didn't delete the fact that we were given a room that was not ready to be occupied. (this is what maintenance told us) They did ask us if we wanted to move but we had a ton of stuff since we are a family of 5 and I have a 5 month old baby, formula, food, pack and play, ect.. I can say that I did learn a lesson from this and now I know to double check everything before I arrive and not to unpack 1 thing until I am satisfied with the room condition.
Sammie said:
One, was Member Services not available for you to call and find out what was going on. If they were you would have found you were staying at the Beach Club.

Second. When you requested to be wait listed did you ask not to be notified if the Beach Club came through. If so it would have been your responiblity to check on this prior to your trip. If you were asked to be notified then why did Member Services give you the wait list without contacting you?

Member services was closed at the time I found out that my ressies were cancelled, the CM at the BWV said that the computer "wiped out" my ressie, but said nothing about being moved to the BCV.

BCV supposedly came through at the last minute while we were actually driving to Florida, nobody let me know this, nor where there any messages on my voice mail at home stating so.
Okay, not to add fuel to the fire,but, the waitlist story is kind of fishy. All waitlists are cancelled at 30 days out, unless you call and ask to be put back on. Then at 7 days all waitlists are again cancelled. So if your waitlist came thru on the drive down, that just doesn't make sense to me. I hope that MS was not feeding you a line just to get you off their back. At any rate, I'm glad you got your points returned. I hope the next trip goes much more smoothly.
Ok thanks for the additional info. We can only help others from making similar mistakes when we share info.

I am not sure that Member Services leaves messages for Wait List if it is that close to arrival. I am sure someone else can fine tune what all is involved with Wait Listing.

The good thing is you have learned some things that you as a member need to be responsible for prior to leaving, when you arrive, etc to make your stay more enjoyable.

What day did you arrive, was it on a weekend, if not the first call should always be to Member Services if there is some problem with your reservation.
Sammie said:
Is this service provided by Disney??

It is a private owned company, but it is sanctioned by Disney. I was very pleased with the services. The babysitter was excellent and I had no doubts in my mind about leaving my baby with her. I felt very comfortable. The sitter was very professional and came with games and toys for my 2 older boys. I have never left my kids before while on vacation, but DH and I wanted to go to Pleasure Island for the first time since it was his birthday. I would definately use them again. There is also other two other sitting services, Fairy Godmothers and All About Kids, but they are not sanctioned by Disney.
[Quote}1st of all I am very happy that Disney did the right thing and gave me my points back. I did not yell, scream or curse, I just explained my situation and was very happy with the results. I did not know who to turn to, or if anybody else had similiar experiences with the BWV, that's why I came to the boards, yes to vent [quote ] Jamzots

Please I was not bashing in any way as I was not there I just wanted to make a point on how these things or disasters can be handled to maybe get better results at the time.

Most of my post were generalizations on CS to get things done as to not ruin one entire Vac just to be happy later.Most of my customers know I'm the one that takes care of their problems but every once in awhile one comes along and goes another route (which is fine ) and ends up coming back to me taking care of it anyhow when I was in front of them 30min earlier.
Simba's Mom said:
Yes, thank you. We have ressies at OKW for Thanksgiving, and I was sitting here reading about your experience and thinking "Oh, no! Do we still have a reservation?" I hope everyone's learned-if you show up and your reservation is cancelled, call MS! So are you going to BCV next time since that's where you were waitlisted for and where you had a reservation (except no one told you)? I hope so-I've always loved BCV.

I am not sure where we are going next, I was advised by ms that I now have to use these points by the end of January since that is when my use year ends, wasn't planning on taking another Disney trip again so soon, but who knows??
If you ask to be kept on the wait list, they can keep you on it up until the day you arrive, which I found to my dismay, in similar circumstances. We arrived at our hotel (we thought), only to be told that we were now transferred. It turns out we told MS to automatically change our ressies if the waitlist came thru--well, they did! I remembered agreeing to that when I was on the phone with MS, I just didn't realize the implications of my decision. I am guessing this is something similar.

What I don't understand is why you stayed in such a terrible room, and when BW tried to make things right, you refused the help??? That makes no sense to me...and BUGS??? Yuck!! You should have parked yourself at the front desk, and given them H*** until you got a differrent room!! Double yuck!! BUGS!! That creeps me out! :eek:
Cruelladeville said:
If you ask to be kept on the wait list, they can keep you on it up until the day you arrive, which I found to my dismay, in similar circumstances. We arrived at our hotel (we thought), only to be told that we were now transferred. It turns out we told MS to automatically change our ressies if the waitlist came thru--well, they did! I remembered agreeing to that when I was on the phone with MS, I just didn't realize the implications of my decision. I am guessing this is something similar.

What I don't understand is why you stayed in such a terrible room, and when BW tried to make things right, you refused the help??? That makes no sense to me...and BUGS??? Yuck!! You should have parked yourself at the front desk, and given them H*** until you got a differrent room!! Double yuck!! BUGS!! That creeps me out! :eek:

Tell me about it!!!! Thank God it was only 1 bug or I definately would have moved. Like i said before we just had so much stuff and everything was out of our suitcases by the time they asked us to move, at this point I just wanted to enjoy our time at the parks and the resort, didn't want the inconvenience of moving. Everything worked in the room as far as the practical stuff goes, it was just a little gross and not what I expected. There was actually water seep through in the shower that was coming through the wall on the other side, it's amazing that the wall held up!! More than that the whole thing was just embarrasing, since I had my parents come to "visit" us in the villa and they always brag about their non-disney time share in Orlando that they paid half the price for. They must think I am a total idiot by this point, but I am happy with what we have and I am sure that this was just a fluke thing, I don't expect this to happen again. I am also happy with the way it was handled, Disney did the right thing as far as I am concerned by returning my points. We were also supposed to pay members cash ($450.00?????) for the first night which they did not wind up charging us for or I would have pitched a fit right there and then!!!!


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