Bobarazzi shirts!


Aug 5, 2007
Just a suggestion for my favorite Pod Squad...

Since it sounds like you're updating your PodWear Collection, why don't you include a Bobarazzi shirt? I'd like to proclaim that I am a member of the Bobarazzi, although I'm in Michigan and no one would have any clue what that meant! (I'd laugh every time I see it!).

BUT - PLEASE do not include a picture of Bob in the Bikini on the shirt. I have my limits...
The thought of having Bawb on my chest is extremely disturbing. :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:
If I'm considered a "Bobarazzi" well then I wear the label proudly. It was a pleasure to have met him during F&W. He is a gentleman in every sense of the word.


Funny you sould talk about the Bobarazzi Shirts.

We were going to make some and come down in Dec. to The Podcast meet and greet.

The plan was to make about 20 and give them to people before walking into the convention center to meet Bob and the Pod Cast Team. We were thinking that everyone would walk in wearing the shirts and flash bulbs firing and all go up to Bob asking for his autograph in a mad swarm.

But we can not go in December.

We did send a sample embroidered logo shirt to the Podcast team and also lmany logoed totes etc., These had the Dis Unplugged Logo on them just to say thanks. I never did hear if they all got them, this was back around Oct 30th. So we never did end up making the Bob shirts.

Have fun if you make it to the podcast event.

Steve Griswold
Atlanta GA


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