~*Bree and Paul's October 2010 Wedding PJ* Some TR and WEDDING PICTURES!*

the new venue sounds great! 1.5 hours is definitely not enough time for a reception (ours went nearly 5 hours!) so I think going with the Cali Grill is a wonderful choice.
Be forwarned: This is a mini rant to express my utter frustration with my floral partner. :sad:

I had my first floral consult on May 11th. I had read on the disboards that it usually takes 3-4 weeks to hear back, and my planner echoed this when we talked.
Now, after we talked, I had sent several emails with no reply. Disboarders suggested she didn't get my emails. So I called. No answer. But, she did coveniently email me back that day instead of calling back.
I had asked for an estimate of what the altar floral arrangement would be, and she said that we could have a phone consult on June 17th to go over centerpiece ideas and get the altar floral estimate. (The date of the email was June 8th).
So on Thursday (June 17th) we spoke on the phone. She stated the call by saying that her computer was rebooting so she'd give me the BEO in a few moments. So we talked, and she said she would email me centerpiece ideas and the BEO since we really had not much to say--I have no idea what we can do for centerpiece ideas and wanted to see some inspiration pictures. So we ended the call with her getting ready to email me when her computer booted up.

So, I never got an email.

On Friday I emailed her and her assistant stating that maybe the email got lost in cyberspace and could they email me again. No dice.

So then yesterday I emailed my floral partner and her assistant again. I let them know that if my BEO isn't ready that that is okay, but could they please send me some inspiration pictures for centerpiece ideas. Still no reply and it's Tuesday afternoon.

For me, I just feel disrespected. Let's say they aren't prepared: the least they could do would be to tell me. Why can't they email me back to tell me???

:sad2: Im so sorry that this is happening to you. Well, if its any conselation, I had my PS 3 weeks ago and I have yet to recieve a BEO from either the planner or the floral department. I know that June is such a hectic month for them so Im trying to keep this in mind. BUT- yes, you do deserve to have responses to your emails. Have you said anthything to your planner? Maybe let your planner in on the situation and they can put some fire under the floral department's tails. :hug:
Ok good, hopefully your planner can find out what the deal is and get a response for you! I know its frustrating when you dont get a response back from an email...in the begining with my planner I had this problem with the assistant. But, about 2 weeks before the PS, things got a lot better and I would get responses back in a decent amount of time. Hopefully you'll hear back something before the week ends.

As for me, Im trying to be patient on the BEO, but I'll probably cave if I dont hear anything by Friday :laughing:. My planner had said it would be about 4-5 weeks before I get one before they are super busy and June through August is crazy busy for Disney. But, at the same time, my wedding is in November so I do need to have an idea of where we are at (budget wise). Let us know of any updates! :)
Sounds like you had a pretty great trip! The napa room looks gorgeous in all the pictures I've seen.

Sorry to hear about the delay from floral. It does seem like things keep getting pushed back further and further.
Wow you have a ton of really great updates! It is great that you are so happy with how everything is going - that is the way it should be! Congrats on getting your invites out - that must be a huge relief for you!
Just joining in here. Under budget? Wow! You're my hero!:thumbsup2
Everything sounds wonderful. Congratulations on booking your photographers.
I'm using David and Vicki too. I'm so excited!:cool1: The Napa room is beautiful. I can't wait to hear more. popcorn::
Joining in.

Congratulations! You must be excited after you mailed the invites.

Good luck with the weight loss. I'm struggling to keep off the weight I lost last year (and lose a few more).
I love the engagement pics! Sooooo cute! Can't wait to read/hear more!
David and Vicki put up some more sneak peeks! Here is one of my favorites:

I don't know why, but I love it!

I know why you love it -- it's adorable!! :goodvibes The engagement pictures you've posted are just beautiful; you guys are a beautiful couple and David and Vicki do such a nice job. :thumbsup2
I love the little white dress your Mom is getting you for after the Wedding. It's so cute.:cutie: I love the hanger too! Where did you order it? I've seen some like it, but not the wooden one.
ess for "after the wedding" since we are having a lunch wedding/reception she thought I may want a dress for our dinner that night (just the two of us). I had been saying no as I didn't want to look for another dress...and I didn't think I would want one. WRONG! I found a super cute dress and she so wonderfully ordered it for me!

Cute dress! I love your sneak peeks.


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