

Mar 30, 2003
I am getting a bronchoscopy done on May 18. Do you know any good websites i can look at to see what exactly what they are going to do? The reason I am asking this is b/c i am only 13 and I am freaking out. The doctor explained it but he was using to many words i don't understand. I asked my mom and she had no clue what he was saying either. Thanks for all of your help.
Sorry to hear you need a bronchoscopy. It is scary to think of for many adults, but lots of people have one each year and they do well. You will either be asleep or sedated (treated with medication to help you relax) during the bronchoscopy.
Here are some good websites:
Web MDhas links to pictures and to explanations of words you might not know.
This site has some good explanations of what happens.
If you have more questions, have your mom call the doctor's office and ask to talk to the nurse or call the place where you will will have your test and ask if they have any information about the test they can send you.

I'm sure you will do just fine and I hope this information helps you.
Sending LOTS of pixie dust to you! :wizard: :wizard:
Becky, I am a respiratory therapist in a childrens hospital. I am the one who helps the doctor do the bronchoscopy. We do several of these every week.
You will be made really sleepy with drugs. then once you are not aware of whats going on they will start.
What they do is put a small spegetti like tube down your mouth and into your lungs. They will then move it around and look inside both lungs. Some times they might have to put water down in your lungs and then suck it up so they can see if something is in your lungs that shouldn't be there.
You shouldn't feel a thing while they are doing this and might not remember to much of it either.
Any other questions let me know and I will answer them for you.

Respiratory Rob
Thank you, pudog. I was hoping you would come along.
My DS who is 3 has had 4 of these and I have been fortunate enough to have great Dr that records the procedure. It is an awesome thing to see inside a persons lungs.

Everyone reacts diffferently but my DS has only had a hoarse voice afterwards and no other symptoms.

Things went great, for him as I am sure that they will with you. We will keep you in our prayers and thoughts. :flower:
I had a bronchoscopy when I was 16. I was awake but was given disassociative anaesthesia aka forget me medicine. During the procedure I interacted and answered doctors questions but when I woke up I didn't remember anything!

They squirted some nasty tasting numbing medicine up my nose so when I woke up my mouth tasted gross. I had a little bit of a sore throat and was a little hoarse-but that's it.

It was cool to see the pictures they took!

Hope your bronch goes smoothly!!



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