Bus Driver/ Idiot fight at Studios

Im going to start carrying this.
Is this what Disney should be putting on all the buses?
Say hello to my little friend.

It's actually a Nerf machine gun.
Is this what Disney should be putting on all the buses?
Say hello to my little friend.

It's actually a Nerf machine gun.

Betcha my neighbor has one,,he has every weapon it takes to make sure theres peace in this world,,
I'll try to get it for you and bring it down in Jan.
Is this what Disney should be putting on all the buses?
Say hello to my little friend.

It's actually a Nerf machine gun.

Is that the Vulcan? My guys have that in their Nerf arsenal. It's less freaky looking in its natural yellow and orange coloring! :scared1:
Glad to see this thread is still alive and well.

Betcha my neighbor has one,,he has every weapon it takes to make sure theres peace in this world,,
We're too far to be considered neighbors, but you just described my DH, though he's not too concerned with world peace.:thumbsup2
Well as a bus driver...we were instructed to put our hands in the air and yell dont hit me...so the camera would pick it up on audio and video....then its on...you know protecting ourselfs.....a rebar tire knocker behind my driver seat...well its not pretty...but effective...just saying....
Magicbus, don't you love people that write in the third person, worked a rare night shift tonight hoping to run into the driver involved in the incident in order to get a status report. Mission accomplished. In a nut shell, everything turned out ok for him. He was on paid leave for only three days and Disney did not find any wrong doing on his part.
I did get some juicy details on what transpired before what's shown on the video . The guy that tried to strangle the driver got the short end of the stick before the recording started, and it could have ended real badly for him if the driver hadn't used a lot of self control. The guy did in fact throw the baby at the driver. The driver caught and held on to it. The disgusting thing, but not surprising, was that right after the incident, a WDW middle manager came over and blamed the driver. Well IMO all WDW middle managers are complete idiots. They're totally useless. They could fire all of them and no one would notice. If you're one and reading this, get a real job. Anyway, as I said, someone with half a brain higher up determined that the driver did the right thing and nothing will appear on his record. So all's back to normal.
Good to hear bout the bus driver, :thumbsup2

Now I say let's hunt down that moron and,, and ,,,
oh never mind, ( I wanna remain on the dis boards a while longer)
(Altho sometimes I'm not sure why).


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