California Dreamin'-A 14 Day Odyssey to San Fran,Yosemite & DL! 8/2013 COMPLETE!1/9!!

Wow, I love all your DL updates! What a nice surprise!!

What a shame that you did not enjoy your drinks at Trader Sams!! We went there twice because we loved the drinks so much. They were so potent as well! I had the one that came in a tiki bowl and brought that home with me (the second night I got it in a normal glass). It is now on my dresser and cheers me up every morning!

I could not convince Michael to go on the scary Fun Wheel with me, he had been on it before. I really would have loved to try it!

Did you see the neon-lighting ceremony in Carsland? We tried to catch it and got it on our last evening. It is so neat because they play the music from the film!
Holy Mega update!!!!! :scared1:

I am sure I forgot half of what I wanted to comment on. Well, your day looks great so far. I was impressed that you did not get more wet on the River Run. We were soaked. :rotfl2:
Lunch looked delicious. No wonder the boys were more thinking about the food than the "funny looking" other park guests.
Yip, have been on the Mickey Wheel of Death. What a fitting name. I am not that easily scared and have ridden really scary coasters, but that thing made me scream my head off and holding on like hell. :rotfl2:
Sorry you did not enjoy Trader Sam, but at least the food and drinks looked very yummy.
And what a bummer you did not get to enjoy WOC. Oh well, on the other hand it means that you need to make another trip to DL. ;)
Well, it was our last full day of vacation. Day 13. And I can tell you now that 13 days is the end point for La Familia Geissel. Because they were DONE. Would not get out of bed. Had no interest in even one more ride no matter how short the line was. They had hit the wall.

Note to self- do not plan any more Family vacays with a duration of 2 weeks. They just can't do it.

Second note to self- this does NOT apply to ME! I got me some Vacation STAMINA!!! :dance3:

Fortunately, Drea's family seems to hit the wall in 2 days- so she was on her own, too.

What. A. Shame.

We met up in DCA, and it was time to get our ride on!

The rides here are SO CUTE!!!

The standby at ToT-

Which is one of the few rides that is so much better in WDW- but its still fun!

Walking by a shop window after-

We were hungry, and went to La Brea Bakery to grab some brekkie sammys-

It was good- but not as good as the tamale breakfast from the day before. Next we went into DL-

Awww...what a nice picture- but something is just not right about it.....don't worry, we'll fix that later. :roll eyes:

We saw that we could see the long lost friends here-

We couldn't wait to see which characters we could find! Well, it seems, characters like Woody, Buzz, Chip & Dale are long lost. HUH? Here's what we think of this area-

Now to Mr Toad's Wild Ride, which broke down as soon as we got on-

But not for too long, thank goodness.

Passed by the teacups-


Then hit up

Which had a very, very looong standby for a 20 minute posted time, but had the most interesting queue-

Cont'd next post-
as well as the cutest cars-


Well, it was about time for lunch. Hmmm....where should we go? Let's stroll over to New Orleans and peruse the shops while we wait- the crystal shop is very cool-

Then it was time for quite possible the world's BEST lunch- with a couple of friends who have a friend in high places. That requires an elevator to get to-

Back soon with our lunch at Club 33- can't believe I went through all my uploaded pics!

And thanks for sticking with me everyone- you DISers are the BEST!!:grouphug:

Breakfast at Flo's looks great! I have a very hard time deviating from Riverbelle Terrace but Flo's is on my list.

Another one I need to try!!! Where is that?

Going back to bed after RSR? :lmao: If it makes you feel any better my girls do not *get* RSR either. Joshua loves it though. They don't love RSR but love Bugsland? ;) Kids.

YEA! They are CRAZEEEE!!!

Hope Sean has warmed up to camp. :hug: That may have come and gone by now. Is he going on your cruise? Speaking of, I can't believe your cursing to Alaska so soon! :woohoo: party: Have a magical trip girlfriend and safe travels.

I was cursing to Alaska! DAMN YOU ALASKA FOR BEING SO BEAUTIFUL AND SO FAR AWAY!!!! Like that! :rotfl2:

Happy New Year, my friend- :hug:

I know - I was looking forward to seeing you. But no worries - will catch you next year.

Excellent! Thanks for understanding!:hug:

Vacation was nice, and the beach was beautiful (after our first 3 days of rain!). It feels good to be back home in my own space though. The next time we rent a beach house, I want to also rent a housekeeper and a cook (13 of us in one house was nuts)!!


That's a lotta people in one house!

And Ellen, after seeing FB about Alaska it jogged my memory of your cruise. I just forgot, duh. And our cruise leaves October 1st from Port Canaveral. For us it is perfect. A double dip and Key West with one sea day. And we are doing a pub crawl while in Key West. That should be fun!

Have a great time while in Alaska!

It was INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!! And you are about to go! WOOHOOOOOO!!!!!! Key West is excellent- going on the Magic there in May with girlfriends. You will LOVE it- perfect place for a Pub Crawl! That is what the town is about-

Have to tell you, tho- missed you and Kristi et al LIKE CRAZY in ALaska- but probably better you weren't there- never would have made it to our excursions in the morning, lol!

Love POTC in DL.
I need to try a beignet sometime. Never have.
Your app sounds delicious.
The entrees looked yummy.
I cannot wait to try Carsland area. Nice pics you got.
LOL. He went back to bed. Teenagers! LOL.
Alison those were great pics.
Caught up again.

You DO need to try a beignet sometime, skinny man! :goodvibes Hope you are caught up again NOW, but I think you are on vacation again?
Wow Franandaj your photos have just made my day - happy memories which I sadly couldn't photograph :-(


Ellen, I have flights booked to LA just waiting for my 7 month window (fingers crossed) and you are giving me lots of ideas as to where I need to eat!

When is that? I seriously can't WAIT to meet you in LESS THAN A MONTH!!!!!:yay::yay::yay:

Impatiently waiting for Ellen to return to the lower 48... :rolleyes2

Here I am! :hug:

Wow, Alison, your photos of Walt’s apartment are awesome. I wonder why they stopped allowing people to take pictures.


The million dollar question- I never understand this- if there is no flash, exactly what is the harm?

Great photos of Walt's apartment, Allison! And, yes, that first photo is where we were "asked" (I mean told!) to hang our cameras on my first tour there. Mine was not safe on those hooks so I put it on the floor! I've done 2 ABD-BSM tours (also, the Walk in Walt's Footsteps once) and we were not allowed to take photos at either, only the one in front of the lamp. I was told they used to allow unlimited photos, though.

We need someone to go on this tour again and find out WHY from the scary lady. I bet she knows.

Ellen are you stuck in a Fjord !!!!! Can't wait for the pix

LOL!!!!!! I kind of was, Rosie! How are you????:hug:

Ellen, I am not sure when I last commented on your TR!!! :sad2: Life has been so crazy after I came back from the cruise with work. But now I am caught up and it was wonderful to read along about your DL adventures since I just was there myself! We had dinner at Catal, too, and thought it was absolutely wonderful! Not as good as Napa Rose of course though. ;)

Hope you had a great time in Alaska!!

This is how I feel about EVERYONE'S TRs!!! It's ok- we all need to give ourselves a break- life takes over sometimes, right?

And Alaska was incredible- I feel so fortunate we saw Yosemite last summer (created by Glaciers) and then saw Alaska (creatING by Glaciers) this summer- made so much sense, especially when we stood on top of one those glaciers!FANTASTIC!

Hi Ellen! We've been back from our summer trip to DLR for a couple of weeks, and your pics are making me homesick to go back!

I'm sorry!!!!:hug:

Your dinner at Catal looked and sounded amazing. I am going to have to give the DTD restaurants a try - especially that one!

YES! I know you will love it!

I hope you had (are having?) a great time on the Wonder! Ugh - I hope you love(d) your Alaska cruise as much as we did!!!! :goodvibes

Holy Mega update! The mother of all updates at the Mother Ship! Fun!

So - I always wondered if the wheel of death was as bad as people say. Now I know. If you were screaming, I would be hanging on for dear life. :lmao: OMG - I still have to try it!

I just think all the rides at DL are so cute! They seem to have so much character.

Your night time shots are so awesome! I just love that park at night!

What? The family hit the wall? Say it isn't so? I'm glad that you and Drea were able to still get your park on.

Yum to all the food porn.

You know - Denny keeps calling Trader Joes (the grocery store) Trader Sams. Now I know there IS actually a Trader Sams. That will be cool when it comes to WDW! :thumbsup2
I almost forget - Shout out to Pod's dogfish head shirt. Love that beer!
I just returned to the Disboards since I'm planning a Christmas trip, and came across another one of your fantastic trip reports! I followed your Hawaii trip last summer as I was planning our Hawaii trip, I remember showing my husband your photos of Kauai and how excited I was to see them in person.

How nice! Isn't Kauai BEYOND incredible? Still- that is my most favorite place- I feel very connected to it, in a very different way from everywhere else. My #1.:love:

I was equally excited to see your photos from San Francisco and Yosemite as we are going there next summer! I have also made reservations for the Ahwahnee Hotel 11 months out! Your room looked lovely (minus the faucet mishap! But loved your room service compensation!). May I ask you what room category you had originally booked? Your photos of the Hyatt in SF look amazing too! Did you just book a regular room with double beds and then upgraded to club access? I would love to do that too!! Right now it doesn't allow me to book club level with double bed room...

Thanks for sharing your awesome trip reports!

I am so sorry you have had to wait so long for my answer, first of all! We booked just a room that had a balcony and 2 beds- the rooms facing the city have false balconies, those are the complaints you might see on TA. When I did the online check in- they offered me several upgrades- Concierge being one, and it was a no brainer price wise then- much, much cheaper than if I had booked with it (which I seriously considered). That hotel was great, I will stay there next time I go, I LOVED our balcony- but when we were booking, the info was mixed- you COULD book the 2 bedrooms with the club, you COULDN'T- call the hotel, you will get 5 different answers. And the main reservation doesn't know ANYTHING valid. But it was VERY worth it to me, to all of us, staying there. Loved that club, loved that balcony with the water/ferry building view.

You DO know that the year after you need to go to Alaska, right??? :rotfl: Don't worry- it makes sense- you need to follow John Muir's (and my unworthy) footsteps! :thumbsup2 It wraps it all up with a bow! Nature wise, that is-

All caught up here too. Thank god you were on vacation too, so I was only 6 pages behind. :rolleyes1

KARIN!!!!!!! We are EVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

Can't wait for the next update! :)

Well then you have just had a very good day, lol-

I'm baaack. Glad you are so busy, gives me time to catch up. This is my first time on the Dis since my last posting.

Miss you WM!!!! :hug: But I couldn't make it to the party either, so we need to catch up!

Loving the pictures of Disneyland, I didn't know the Indiana Jones thing was a ride. I would like that much better than Dinosaur.

To me, Dinosaur is a waste- Indiana Jones is DA BOMB!!!!

I saw those sliced suckers on Tyler's plate & was totally creeped out. I'm not much of a foodie in some ways, no gross animal parts for me.

It is sooooo delicious- tastes like the sea-

One of these days I will get caught up with the rest of your TRs.

Hopefully one of these days I will too! HAH!!:rotfl:

I'm still enjoying your travels.

Thank you. I am still enjoying sharing them with you- :)
Aw, you're back! :hug:

And so are YOU!!! Even better!!! :hug:

So glad you are back!!! I think I could be convinced it was worth the trip to California just to be able to ride SOarin' multiple times!!!

Thanks for a warm welcome back- :blush: and it is VERY cool- Soarin so many times- but so, soooo many things are different and cool there- I can't WAIT to go back! :thumbsup2

Glad to have you back my friend! Lunch looked really yummy!

Thanks girlie- nice chatting with you today- missed you in Alaska- can you believe, Pods had to wear a STRANGER'S bra?!!!! :scared1:


Wow, Disneyland has changed A LOT since I last visited - way back in the 80s, there was one park and no shopping district, or at least no shopping district that I remember. know what THAT means......

It looks like you guys were having a great time.

Thanks for coming back to the report (knew you would :) )

One of the BEST things anyone has EVER said to me anywhere, at any time- thank you, girlfriend. :hug:


Wow, I love all your DL updates! What a nice surprise!!

I KNOW!!!! I was surprised I was posting too!! :lmao::rotfl: So nice to have the time to- right?:goodvibes

What a shame that you did not enjoy your drinks at Trader Sams!! We went there twice because we loved the drinks so much. They were so potent as well! I had the one that came in a tiki bowl and brought that home with me (the second night I got it in a normal glass). It is now on my dresser and cheers me up every morning!

I remember reading that in your TR and it made me think we ordered wrong or hit a bad night. We ordered 2 rounds, 4 different drinks (2 each between us) and they all tasted exactly the same- and like paint thinner (I'm guessing here- never actually drank paint thinner, lol). To me, usually Disney drinks are very sweet. At least a lot of them. Ours were not too sweet- they were acidic- neither sweet nor fruity- just wet and acid. Maybe some bottle had turned? Anyway- I am looking forward to a re-do once TS opens in the Poly! :hyper:

I could not convince Michael to go on the scary Fun Wheel with me, he had been on it before. I really would have loved to try it!

Yup- it all looks good, until ya get on- or, you are Drea or Michael, who seemingly have NO memory......:rotfl:-

Did you see the neon-lighting ceremony in Carsland? We tried to catch it and got it on our last evening. It is so neat because they play the music from the film!

No I did not!!!! And now I have yet ANOTHER reason to go back! (Thank-you-:flower3:)

Holy Mega update!!!!!

I'm sorry- I was busy- once I get on a roll...I am sure YOU know how this works-

I am sure I forgot half of what I wanted to comment on. Well, your day looks great so far. I was impressed that you did not get more wet on the River Run. We were soaked.

Thanks for reminding me it was called River Run!!! Silly me!
Lunch looked delicious. No wonder the boys were more thinking about the food than the "funny looking" other park guests.

Yes, but- who makes the costumes????? I want that #!!!!!!
Yip, have been on the Mickey Wheel of Death. What a fitting name. I am not that easily scared and have ridden really scary coasters, but that thing made me scream my head off and holding on like hell.

LMAO!!!!!! Crazy ride, right? :scared1::rotfl2::scared1: Can't wait to go on again-kind of sortof.....
Sorry you did not enjoy Trader Sam, but at least the food and drinks looked very yummy.

I am so willing to give it another shot- :thumbsup2
And what a bummer you did not get to enjoy WOC. Oh well, on the other hand it means that you need to make another trip to DL. ;)

SHHHHHH....see, you are giving away all my secrets- I sure hope Pods doesn't read the DIS.



Holy Mega update! The mother of all updates at the Mother Ship! Fun!

WOW!!!!! Are you sure that's not YOUR title??

So - I always wondered if the wheel of death was as bad as people say. Now I know. If you were screaming, I would be hanging on for dear life. :lmao: OMG - I still have to try it!

Yes- IT IS!!!! But worthy of the ride! Would definitely go with anyone again- might have to drink for courage first, though-:rolleyes1

I just think all the rides at DL are so cute! They seem to have so much character.

I agree-adorable!

Your night time shots are so awesome! I just love that park at night!

What? The family hit the wall? Say it isn't so? I'm glad that you and Drea were able to still get your park on.

Everybody sing- "That's what friends are for...."

Yum to all the food porn.

Just wait!

You know - Denny keeps calling Trader Joes (the grocery store) Trader Sams. Now I know there IS actually a Trader Sams. That will be cool when it comes to WDW! :thumbsup2

YES!!!! We will all love it BIG TIME!!!

I almost forget - Shout out to Pod's dogfish head shirt. Love that beer!

Thanks! LOVE that place! You think that conversation might come up in a few weeks??? :scratchin :rotfl:

I know where my money is on that one- :cool2:
Today was our big lunch at Club 33. Keep in mind, this is from over a year ago, so this can be filed in the once upon a time but not anymore category- because things have changed a lot here with the big reimagine that was done not long after this.

Walking in, Drea and I were in AWE....we just could not believe we were having this experience!! We met a man named Joe Cosgrove on the way in who knew Walt and wrote a book about him (called Walt Dreamers Me)- it was INSANE!!!

Lunch was the most wonderful buffet with a main course ordered from a menu. The chef chatted with Alison & Fran when we came in and mentioned summer truffles and main lobster, so that was also to be a part of our meal. Here are the items from the buffet...

It was crucially important to save room for dessert!

Sitting down to the impressive place setting-

Some celebrities came by to say hello-

Time for a toast!

My plate from the buffet-

Our breadbasket-

Even the butter was so pretty-

There was Potato Leek soup that was very yummy on the buffet as well-

Cont'd next post-


The chef brought out a special course for us- Maine lobster with shaved summer truffles and raspberries, created JUST for us-

YUM!!! We are SO special!! It was AWESOME, all of us being treated like royalty, and having SO much fun chatting about food, and Disney....a great, great time!

Our main courses came out. Most of us were having the filet-

It was like buttah....just perfect. Drea had salmon, and that looked drool worthy from my view-

Of COURSE, we had to share some Truffled Mac and Cheese, right?

It was time to peruse those desserts-

These were cheesecake pops, be still my beating heart....

We could have also had pasta (though I have NO idea where it would have fit!!)

Time for a little trip to the Ladies room. On the way...

Do they still have the special potties?

LOL!!!! So....ladylike!

Cont'd next post-

We had had a conversation with the chef about molecular gastronomy. I am always curious how much of a trend it is with chefs- or if it is something that they do on shows like Top Chef for wow factor alone. Well, he decided to give us a little demo- he asked us what kind of ice cream we liked, I said coffee, everyone was ok with that, and a little later, the chef and his entourage came back with cream, sugar, coffee,a whisk, a big bowl, a strong arm- and liquid nitrogen. Let's have ice cream in 3 minutes!


HOW FREAKIN COOL AND AMAZING WAS THAT?!!!!!!!!! Lucky, lucky us!!! It was being served on a VERY dense chocolate ganache kind of cake which I LOVED...

Yea- I know you're jelly. You have to be, because every other table in Club 33 was!!

We were also finishing off with some dessert martinis- coffee for me, chocolate for everyone else-

Even a cup of coffee felt special at Club 33-

Some more treats- and SALMON!!!!

Our server that day was Randy, and I would imagine him to be their finest. He was just fabulous!

cont'd next post.....

So, very, very sadly, our beyond amazing, fabulous and completely fun Club 33 experience of a lifetime had come to an end. Well, the lunch had ended, but the fun had not! A few shots on our way to make some purchases- this practically perfect table was from the movie Mary Poppins-

This painting is bittersweet- because it never happened, Walt passed away before Club 33 was finished. So this is what could have and should have been, Walt enjoying his private club, overlooking his most special Disneyland-

We made a few purchases - I bought a wine glass that I LOVE to use, as well as a long sleeved tshirt. I forget what Drea bought. We also stuffed our purses with paper guest towels from the bathroom...shhhhhhh.....

We stopped by the Trophy Room, where a birthday (I think) was being celebrated.

One of the chandeliers with a microphone for spying....

Looks like we weren't the only shoppers that day-

Time to go down....

Thank you Walt-

We stopped in the courtyard outside for a photo because we weren't sure if this would exist or be changed after the remodel-

It had been the most wonderful afternoon with these women- I am so grateful to them, and their member friend! DISmeeets are ALWAYS fun, but I have to say, this one was one of the best ever- hope we can do it again someday!!!:group hug:

That's it for now- time to go get my nails done, I am taking a trip around the NYC harbor tonight on a private yacht called Lady Sandals which is owned by the man who owns the of Sandals chain! Life is GOOD!!!!
Two weeks vacation is too much for us too. We learned that this past August. Next time, back to the tried and true 10 days and that's that.

Everything about Club 33 looks positively drool worthy. I am beyond envious!

Enjoy the yacht tonight...should be a gorgeous evening. It's supposed to be beautiful tomorrow too and I'm trying to convince the family to indulge me in a trip to Martha Clara vineyard. It's halfway to St. Patrick's Day there, and a Celtic band is playing which is described as being for the "Celticly insane". Well, that's me!
Holy mega updates lady! :thumbsup2 Love the Club 33 pics and experience. Yay for molecular gastronomy, good friends, and meeting Mickey and Pluto. :cloud9:

Sorry your crew hit their wall. I don't have a vacation wall either. ;) I can rest at home.
Wow Franandaj your photos have just made my day - happy memories which I sadly couldn't photograph

Wow, Alison, your photos of Walt’s apartment are awesome. I wonder why they stopped allowing people to take pictures.


Great photos of Walt's apartment, Allison! And, yes, that first photo is where we were "asked" (I mean told!) to hang our cameras on my first tour there. Mine was not safe on those hooks so I put it on the floor! I've done 2 ABD-BSM tours (also, the Walk in Walt's Footsteps once) and we were not allowed to take photos at either, only the one in front of the lamp. I was told they used to allow unlimited photos, though.

I'm glad you could enjoy the photos in Ellen's absence. Yay for being back Ellen and continuing the report!


I want to say I saw them in transit somewhere on my iPhone (like maybe Vancouver?) and WOW are they GREAT!!! I wish they would still allow pics! And they do not show the outdoor patio area anymore, either- so thanks for showing it.

You're very welcome!

We decided to go over to DL now, and lo and behold, the Matterhorn was OPEN!!! I was so happy, I have wanted to ride the Matterhorn since I was a little kid!

Well....this was super herky-jerky too!! One and done! I have heard that one side is smoother than the other, though- I am not sure which we were on, but my guess is the NOT smooth side. I am glad we got to ride, tho- it's a Must Do.

From the pictures that you posted, I think that you DID ride the smoother side. Yes it is very jerky, but it's a classic!

And then shared 3 Croque Monsiuers- which should have been 2. Or maybe even 1!

Technically they are Monte Cristos, but who's keeping track? :rolleyes1

I'm sorry you didn't care for the drinks at Trader Sams, I'm usually not a big one for sweet tropical drinks, but I really like them a lot. We have some of the souvenir glasses in our bar as well.

And ended up stopping at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen.

We sat at the bar, and ordered- I had a Hurricane- it was LUSCIOUS!

The food from the kitchen looked and smelled fantastic. This is going on my Must Do list for my next visit!

The food at Brennan's is absolutely stellar, well I can speak for the appetizers and the Chocolate Souffle Bread Pudding. We've never made it to an entrée. Calamari, Garlic Bread, Gumbo and Lobster Bisque, Oysters and that's pretty much a meal for us!

YUM!!! We are SO special!! It was AWESOME, all of us being treated like royalty, and having SO much fun chatting about food, and Disney....a great, great time!

This part of the TR made me cry. Because this will never ever happen again.
Not that you, Drea and I can't go to Disneyland, or that we can't go to Club 33. But we can't go to THAT Club 33 ever again. I'm so glad you got to experience the "special club" because now it is just "the club". The food is acceptable, the décor is "nice", but it's lost it's WOW as far as the dining room goes. So sad.

But let's not dwell on sad things

Time for a little trip to the Ladies room. On the way...

Do they still have the special potties?

LOL!!!! So....ladylike!

No sadly those were removed as well...."for hygienic reasons."

Yea- I know you're jelly. You have to be, because every other table in Club 33 was!!

Some more treats- and SALMON!!!!

You forgot to mention that half the restaurant was standing around our table watching him make that dessert. Evidently for a few weeks after that people were requesting the "tableside ice cream" until management found out and made them stop because it was a hazard. I heard that on FB.

And you can't just throw the Salmon thing out there without explanation! Now maybe it was a "you had to be there moment", but Fran asked our server Randy if she could have a to go box so that she could take some treats to CMs at Off the Page who had helped her out with her shopping spree the other day. She had heard that all the leftover desserts are just tossed anyways so rather than have them go to waste she could share them with others. He brought the boxes reluctantly, and said in a very straight face.

"I can only bring you these To Go boxes for Salmon. So please don't take them up to the Salmon station to fill them."

We could not stop laughing about this for the entire afternoon and even later that day we were texting each other about how good the salmon was even hours later. Ellen took quite a few for her boys back in the room.

We stopped by the Trophy Room, where a birthday (I think) was being celebrated.

One of the chandeliers with a microphone for spying....

Word is (also from FB) that these microphone chandeliers are now in the new Jazz Lounge at Club 33, but before their removal from the trophy room, someone stole one of the microphones. Also word is that it would have had to have been a CM as it would have looked pretty fishy to have a guest standing on a chair unscrewing the mic during business hours. They replaced it with something that looks similar to mask the missing piece, but now one of the chandeliers has one microphone less.

Here are some of my pics from that day. Look at that beautiful menu, and the two lovely ladies behind it! (The new logo is hideous)

Mine and Fran's plates. How nostalgic.

I got the pasta, it was delightful!

The Mac and least Marcel has been finally given the go ahead to serve this lovely dish at Steakhouse 55

Heavenly desserts

My view of the ice cream presentation

Us in the courtyard

This is said courtyard today.

Thanks for reminding me of this wonderful and fun day!
Two weeks vacation is too much for us too. We learned that this past August. Next time, back to the tried and true 10 days and that's that.

I had no issue with it- maybe I am European! I could definitely have kept going!

Everything about Club 33 looks positively drool worthy. I am beyond envious!

It was amazing!

Enjoy the yacht tonight...should be a gorgeous evening. It's supposed to be beautiful tomorrow too and I'm trying to convince the family to indulge me in a trip to Martha Clara vineyard. It's halfway to St. Patrick's Day there, and a Celtic band is playing which is described as being for the "Celticly insane". Well, that's me!

The weather is amazing here!! This whole weekend is going to be great- the yacht tonight, day at the beach tomorrow with my sorority sisters, and going into NYC on Sunday to see one of the Canadians we met in Mexico in January (He is visiting for the weekend). All fun stuff! Hope yours is fun too!

Holy mega updates lady! :thumbsup2 Love the Club 33 pics and experience. Yay for molecular gastronomy, good friends, and meeting Mickey and Pluto. :cloud9:


Sorry your crew hit their wall. I don't have a vacation wall either. ;) I can rest at home.

That's what I say! What the heck is the problem?????

I'm glad you could enjoy the photos in Ellen's absence. Yay for being back Ellen and continuing the report!

You're welcome!

You're very welcome!

Thanks again!

From the pictures that you posted, I think that you DID ride the smoother side. Yes it is very jerky, but it's a classic!

WOW! Wonder what the other side is like!

Technically they are Monte Cristos, but who's keeping track? :rolleyes1

OMG!!!! :rotfl2: I went back and corrected it! Where did I pull croque monsieur out of, I wonder!

I'm sorry you didn't care for the drinks at Trader Sams, I'm usually not a big one for sweet tropical drinks, but I really like them a lot. We have some of the souvenir glasses in our bar as well.

I really think there was some issue with our drinks- they weren't just not great, they were like drinking poison- no way you would like what we drank-

The food at Brennan's is absolutely stellar, well I can speak for the appetizers and the Chocolate Souffle Bread Pudding. We've never made it to an entrée. Calamari, Garlic Bread, Gumbo and Lobster Bisque, Oysters and that's pretty much a meal for us!

We are soooooo going there next time. :thumbsup2

This part of the TR made me cry. Because this will never ever happen again.
Not that you, Drea and I can't go to Disneyland, or that we can't go to Club 33. But we can't go to THAT Club 33 ever again. I'm so glad you got to experience the "special club" because now it is just "the club". The food is acceptable, the décor is "nice", but it's lost it's WOW as far as the dining room goes. So sad.

I'm so sorry, Alison. :sad2: I am so glad I got to experience the special club, too.

But let's not dwell on sad things


No sadly those were removed as well...."for hygienic reasons."

Well that I could kind of see- but am surprised they didn't create something else unique in its place.

You forgot to mention that half the restaurant was standing around our table watching him make that dessert. Evidently for a few weeks after that people were requesting the "tableside ice cream" until management found out and made them stop because it was a hazard. I heard that on FB.

We started a trend!!!!!:thumbsup2

And you can't just throw the Salmon thing out there without explanation! Now maybe it was a "you had to be there moment", but Fran asked our server Randy if she could have a to go box so that she could take some treats to CMs at Off the Page who had helped her out with her shopping spree the other day. She had heard that all the leftover desserts are just tossed anyways so rather than have them go to waste she could share them with others. He brought the boxes reluctantly, and said in a very straight face.

"I can only bring you these To Go boxes for Salmon. So please don't take them up to the Salmon station to fill them."

We could not stop laughing about this for the entire afternoon and even later that day we were texting each other about how good the salmon was even hours later. Ellen took quite a few for her boys back in the room.

My boys LOVE salmon, how could I not?:rotfl: He was a great server- and I didn't know if I could share the story- didn't want to get anyone in trouble for salmon smuggling, I just put the salmon in the story for YOUR benefit (specifically)- but truth be told, my purse was brimming with Club 33 napkins AND salmon! :rotfl:

Word is (also from FB) that these microphone chandeliers are now in the new Jazz Lounge at Club 33, but before their removal from the trophy room, someone stole one of the microphones. Also word is that it would have had to have been a CM as it would have looked pretty fishy to have a guest standing on a chair unscrewing the mic during business hours. They replaced it with something that looks similar to mask the missing piece, but now one of the chandeliers has one microphone less.

Well that's messed up. Maybe it was a construction worker?

Here are some of my pics from that day. Look at that beautiful menu, and the two lovely ladies behind it! (The new logo is hideous)

Mine and Fran's plates. How nostalgic.

I got the pasta, it was delightful!

The Mac and least Marcel has been finally given the go ahead to serve this lovely dish at Steakhouse 55

Heavenly desserts

My view of the ice cream presentation

Us in the courtyard

This is said courtyard today.

Thanks for reminding me of this wonderful and fun day!

You are very welcome and thanks for adding all your photos and, once again, for a truly fun and lovely day-
What a wonderful experience to have had that fun meal with friends at Club 33! And I loved seeing two different perspectives of the same meal!!

It is kind of sad to think that they altered so much at Club 33. While I can see in your pictures that some updating might have been requited (the floor underneath the throne looks very worn for example), it is so sad that they showed so little respect to history with the renovation. Not only in Club 33 (it was really interesting to read Alison's perspective on it), but from what I have seen in pictures, they altered the whole New Orleans Square area in a way that takes away a lot of its charm.

How great that you got a picture of the four of your in the Court d'Anges. It was my aunt's favourite place which she proudly showed Katharina and me on our first visit with her there in 1992 to point out how beautiful Disneyland is with all its lovely detail that is there just for adding to the theme, no other purpose.


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