Cam's New Lease on Life Journal (comments welcome!)

Hi Cam,

Congratulations on the suit fitting better. That is awesome.

I think weekly weighins are a good idea. I did a stay off the scale challenge and gained weight. I hope the doctors appointments go well.

Take care,
Won't it feel good to see your Doctors?!! They will be so proud of you!!! I know I am!!! Keep up the awesome work! :cool1:
Wow! You guys are so amazing and wonderful to take the time to post to my journal. It means so much to me. Thank you! You gave me just the boost I needed yesterday.

Well, the objectives for yesterday (as written in my little journal I carry with me at all times) were:
1. Eat all WW points and at least some of my earned Activity Points
2. Dont' eat after 8 pm
3. Do some other type of exercise instead of treadmill
4. Look for or buy a new DVD for some non-treadmill exercise at home
5. Drink plenty of water, even though in court much of the day and it would be hard normally to get it all in

So, all objectives were met --
1. I used up all my points on real food (no junk food at all)
2. I finished dinner by 7:00 pm and then went to the gym. When I got home, I went right upstairs without eating anything else
3. I did the recumbent bike for 3 miles at the gym and very slowly did the treadmill for 1 mile (pain in my left achilles tendon, so I wanted to take it easy on the treadmill, but had a compulsion to do at least one mile. SICK, I know! )
4. Bought a 3 DVD set of Leslie Sansone workouts, so that I have something new and exciting. Each workout is 30 minutes, and they vary in intensity. One is all "intervals" which I have heard is very important for 1/2 marathon training. When I have that one down pat, I will feel like I have really accomplished something.
5. Drank all my water. Taking a bottle to the gym always helps.

So, I am still on track. I have reminded myself to review all I have accomplished as frequently as necessary to pat myself on the back and to keep my motivation.

My accomplishments to date:
1. On WISH since 1/17/05 -- have completed 24 days on WISH and being cheat free on weight watchers.
2. Have been on my exercise regimen since 1/20/05 -- 3 weeks today -- and have exercised a total of 15 days out of 20 days
3. Have walked or biked a total of 40.6 miles since 1/20/05 -- 23 count toward my 50 mile February challenge
4. Have exercised a total of 735 minutes since 1/20/05 -- 395 count toward my 1000 minute February challenge
5. Did not get on the scale yesterday or this morning.

Objectives for today:
1. Drink all my water
2. Eat most WW points in healthy foods (reserve only 3-5 for non-fruit type snacks)
3. Do one of my new Leslie Sansone sessions tonight, even if we go to the gym
4. Try a new piece of equipment at the gym, even if just for 5-10 minutes
5. Do not eat after 8 pm
6. Go shopping at Trader Joe's or ShopRite for more of the healthy foods that I want, but have not had time to shop for in the past 2 weeks

So, here I go.
Wow, yesterday really had its ups and downs. Emotionally, I was a wreck and as I sat at the computer reading the half marathon thread, the tears were running down my face and I found myself feeling hopeless and defeated. Here I was, finally taking control of my life and my health, eating right, exercising, asserting myself over my circumstances and there is NONE of the forward progress that I expected to see after 3 weeks of doing everything right. I am so grateful that so many people pitched in and posted with encouragement and though I felt needy and embarassed, it really helped to have that support.
I feel better today and am glad I didn't crash yesterday when emotional eating could have taken over. I can't say for sure that the scale isn't moving because I have forced myself to stay off the scale each of the past three mornings, which I have only done in the past when I knew I was out of control and really didn't want to see my weight.
I met almost all my objectives yesterday, and I am going to just continue to focus on one day at a time, getting all my tools in place for any place I am going, planning ahead of time and working through it.
Yesterday, I:
1. drank all my water
2. My snack points were 1/2 a fat free muffin, some bites of ravioli, an apple, low fat cheese and cracker sticks, and a cup of whole grain dry cereal. I think of only the fat free muffin as junk points and that was only 2 points.
3. while waiting to go to the Y, I did the Leslie Sansone walk/jog tape which is 30 minutes and the calorie burn of 2.5 miles -- it also got me jogging a bit.
4. At the Y, I tried the elliptical cross-trainer and did it for 5 minutes -- only .25 miles, but at least I am not so intimidated by it anymore. Now I feel like I have a couple choices there -- treadmill, stationary bikes and cross-trainer. And my "orientation" session with a personal trainer is next Wednesday.
5. Blew objective #5 -- when we got home from the gym at about 10, I ate that 1/2 fat free muffin I had just bought, and then saw leftover ravioli in the fridge when I was packing my lunch, and ate 3 mini-ravioli. UGH! Won't do that again. Not healthy.
6. Finally got to shoprite, though still can't find cauliflower to make my new addiction -- cauliflower poppers. Will look around this weekend. Am glad to have stocked up on light string cheese, egg beaters, green beans, etc. and splurged on the muffins, which I have promised I will eat only half at a time.

Starting today in a better mood, getting myself geared up for the weekend when I will be on the go nearly every minute. Keeping myself motivated. WDW is 6 weeks away, so that helps, too.
Here's to a good weekend.
You are doing such a great job! Don't despair!!! It will move! :sunny:
Saturday morning. Started the weekend off pretty well, eating right for dinner last night and then snacked on low fat popcorn and pirate's booty. Should have exercised, but didn't. Will go to the Y this afternoon.
My jeans fit better and I am wearing a sweet sweater in bright stripes and not feeling self-conscious. Something to be said for that. If I don't lose pounds this week, I will schedule a doctor's appointment to find out whether anything is going on -- the drug I was on for such a long time to shut down my thyroid because of my heart should definitely be out of my system by now, but I have to wonder now whether I may be even slightly hypothyroid. I guess it is always a possibility. Hopefully, though, the scale will move this week when I finally step on it Tuesday a.m. and my body will get back into the groove of dropping pounds when I am eating so much better and burning so many calories.
Packed lunch and some snacks for today. Will do Wendy's for dinner on the way to Jenn's competition, but will check the nutrition information to find out the best choices points-wise -- probably a baked potato and a small chili with no sour cream and no cheese and a side salad with fat free dressing. That should be plenty satisfying.
Our waitlist came through for all five nights for Old Key West for Easter Week -- I think the resort is so beautiful and the thought of walking there every morning that week is so appealing to me. I am already strategizing about how to get some exercise in that week at the fitness center or walking, and am not going to deprive myself of meals at Chef Mickey's or O'Hana's or LeCellier. Really looking forward to overcoming those obstacles and walking away from the experience with the satisfaction of having made good choices. Only 6 weeks from today -- can't wait!

Back to work now. At my office listening to Disney music on my ipod. Am going to be very productive for 4.5 hours and then off to the Y.
Saturday p.m. -- less than an hour at the Y -- did 1 mile on TM (darn shin splints!); 3 miles on stationary bike; 5 minutes on elliptical cross trainer (.3 miles-- a drop faster than last week's .25 in 5 minutes :) ) I should definitely try to work out more on the cross-trainer -- I will be moving my arms and not just lower body and it makes me sweat, which I feel like is a sign of really burning calories.
Not sure now what we'll do for dinner on the run tonight, since none of us was hungry after the Y and didn't stop at Wendy's. Oh, well, I know that wherever we stop I will be able to find something to eat that I won't regret later.
Probably no time to work out tomorrow, unless I get to the Y right when it opens at 12 or I do a tape here. Maybe I should try Leslie Sansone's 3 mile or do the walk/jog again and really try to pick up the pace. Hmmm. . will see how I feel about it tomorrow. Definitely want to do something.
Sounds like you are doing great! You are an inspiration!

Hope you have a good weekend.
Thanks, guys! Can't believe I "pigged out" in the middle of the night last night. Got home from DD's competition at about 12:30 and was starving. Thank God I only ate low fat stuff and only ate my earned activity points, still haven't touched the flexpoints. So, even if I am a bit out of control (1/2 FF muffin, ff pringles, a couple pretzels, 1 cookie, and bite of chicken in small LF tortilla), I am still in control. UGH! Not hungry today at all. Guess it all balances out. Saving flexpoints for valentines dinner out on Tuesday night. Looking forward to filet mignon or lobster or shrimp. YUMMY!
Heading to the Y to exercise --- will walk my furbaby first in the hopes that will be a good warmup and help alleviate shin splints and achilles tendon pain
Sunday went pretty well --
B -- 3 sl turkey bacon & egg beaters w/salsa
L -- cauliflower "poppers"; RF triscuits w/FF ch & LF ham & pickles
D -- pot roast w/tons of veggies

Exercise -- Brisk 10 minute walk with my furbaby; .5 miles on the crosstrainer (less than 8 minutes); 3 miles on recumbent bike (less than 16 minutes); 1 mile on TM (19 mins); some leg lifts and crunches (not significant # enough to write here) while I watched the Dateline Diet Challenge. Interesting that most participants said stepping on the scale was not helpful. I have managed to keep myself off the scale since last Tuesday morning. Hoping it will show some progress tomorrow morning.

Reminding myself that I am staying on track, though it doesn't seem so much a hardship and more of a habit by now

50 miles in February exercise challenge -- 37.55 miles done; 12.45 to go
1000 minutes of exercise in February challenge --530 minutes done; 470 minutes to go
WISH -- 4 weeks
Cheat Free -- 28 days
Tomorrow I will step on the dreaded scale and see how I am doing with the 5 lbs in Feb challenge
significant non-scale victory for me -- had to get ring guards put on my rings. Knowing that, and feeling them, should help me avoid all the chocolate in the kitchen here.
CONGRATS ON THE NSV!! Three cheers for loose rings!!

Thanks, Tracy!

Well, I am calling this a HUGE victory for me -- I did not TOUCH (or even smell ;) ) the chocolate in the kitchen today -- all sorts of yummy stuff, and I am holding out for my carb smart mini reese's cups when I get home. YIPPEE!! Of course, I'll be here a while longer, but I just ate a lite yogurt with broken up pretzels in it (one of my snack addictions) and my tummy is full. I think I can hold out until I get home, eat a reasonable dinner, and get popcorn if DH and I get to go to the movies. YIPPEE.

The funny thing is, when I am not dieting, I have no interest in chocolate and couldnt have it (or alcohol or caffeine) for years, but for some reason when I am dieting, it does seem a temptation.

Oh, gosh, tomorrow is SCALE DAY! I will definitely have to be good tonight!
After reading your journal I am so inspired by all the work you have done. It is amazing to read from the beginning to see where you are only a month later. I am thoroughly impressed and overwhelmed.

Remember lean muscle is heavier than fat so while your weight may not drop that much you are converting from fat to muscle. Maybe one of your Drs can do a BMI test, Body Mass Index. I had one done at my start and it has dropped 13 points from exercise. I was 55.1% now at 42% it helps to know that changes are really happening in numbers.

You have encouraged me to get back on the Eliptical or as I call it the Devil's Machine.
I am sending :wizard: for today's weighin. You are doing great. I understand about the chocolate. I have no problem with it during most of the year, but come Feb/March I crave it. I think it has to do with winter being so long, and I just want to hibernate. Chocolate seems to fit in there somewhere.
Have a great day,
Wow, MickeySP! Look how much you have lost! You are such an inspiration. No matter how much I try to re-orient my thinking, it is the number on the scale that still means so much to me. You must have worked so incredibly hard to lose that much and to have your BMI drop more than 13 points. Congratulations!

Hi, sarahsmom73! It is always so nice to hear from you. Well, the scale was good to me this morning -- down 2.5 pounds in a week. That made me feel really good. Of course, I'd always wish it was going faster, but I am telling myself that slow and steady wins the race! (see my little turtle guy on my ticker :) ?)

Hi, Beth! Your pixie dust worked and I am really glad that I stayed off the scale for a week! I do think I might have gotten discouraged along the way if it was 1/2 a pound up or down on any given day -- this way I see all at once the result of a whole week's worth of being on plan and exercising.

I did avoid all the regular chocolate here all day yesterday and had treats at home last night on plan -- a no pudge fudge brownie ice cream cone and 2 low carb mini reese's peanut butter cups. All that after a really delicious dinner I cooked -- a new recipe from weight watchers called bruschetta chicken.

Howard bought me such sweet, thoughtful gifts for Valentine's Day -- a beautiful burgundy glass vase with a sweet arrangement of roses, mini cala lilies and daisies and baby carnations. It is beautiful. And he bought me 3 low carb chocolate treats -- pecan delights, a chocolate bar with almonds, and reese's PB cups.

DH has been so amazing. Since I came home from the hospital I have lost a total of 18 pounds (though some of the beginning pounds were from the huge volumes of IV fluids they pumped into me -- I still have the IV hole in the back of my hand as a souvenir!) He said he is so proud of me for being on plan and exercising as soon as I felt better -- and he has been right there with me every step of the way, encouraging me to go to the gym and helping with healthy opportunities for food. Between the two of us, I am thinking we can probably keep on track for a few more months, at least! :) Looking forward to getting fitted for good sneakers will be the next motivator. Then a week later, it is the 5K. Will check the website to find another 5K to do after that one, just to get in the habit of walking quickly on something other than the treadmill.

We are going out for our Valentine's dinner tonight and I am looking forward to all the great healthy choices this restaurant has. Of course, that means another night of no exercise (drats!) but I will get back in the habit tomorrow, with a meeting with a personal trainer tomorrow night. Very nervous about that and will have to work really hard to overcome my self-consciousness, but I keep reminding myself that I am a work in progress, and anyone who looks critically at me is not someone whose opinion I care about.

Thank you again, everyone, for your support. You make it so much easier to get through the day.
Keenercam, I just read your first post (and skimmed through some of the others) and all I can say is WOW!!!

How amazing!!!!! I'm going to be following your journals, and hope to meet you at the 2006 WDW half marathon!!!! :flower:
Thanks, Anniet! It will be fabulous to meet you in less than 11 months! I have to say, there is no way I could have stuck with this at the low points without the support I have found here. I feel compelled to post in this journal so many times during the day whenever I am not feeling as committed as I should and also when I have cause for celebration, or just want to note an observation, so that it is here for me to look at later. I am really grateful to anyone who has taken the time and energy to post in my journal and also very grateful to everyone who shares their observations, advice, strengths and weaknesses on the WISH board or in their own journals. I am learning so much from everyone. :)


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