Canadian Buffoon's DISmeet vacation - 09/14 - Bowled Over

Actually meant it.
Many lives are shaped
by events that occurred
when people were kids.
Think that’s pretty true for nearly everyone.
Lord knows that everything wrong with me can be traced back to being a young’en.

Sure! He's already done all
the research. :)
He’s particularly useful on that level.
Up until I start bombarding him with useless side-trips and ridiculous roadside attractions.
It’s generally not a good idea to be posting up a map of where you’re thinkin’ about headin’ in any spot where I can get a look at it…

Where is that?
U-995 at the Laboe Naval Memorial near Kiel, Germany
Last one left.

Doubt I'll have time on my
next road trip, but... never know.
Slight chance at Muskegon... hmmm...
Well, since you’ve done gone and made the mistake of posting up a map of where you’re thinkin’ about headin’ and put it in a spot where I can get a look at it…

When you roll through Bay City, Michigan, there’s the USS Edson (a 1958 US Destroyer) open at the Saginaw Valley Naval Ship Museum

And in Buffalo, NY, there’s the Buffalo-Erie County Naval & Military Park where you’ll come across another Gato-class sub, a WWII US Destroyer (with a sad and interesting history behind its name) and an early Guided-Missile Cruiser.

And that’s just the ships I know of along the way…

I think you might be
one of the few people
I know who has even
heard of a Hobson choice,
let alone use it in a sentence.
I’m sure that’s proof of yet another major flaw in my character…

Sounds like you're maybe
hinting at Coventry?
Or D-Day?
More similar to your observations on why the USN was upset about the capturing of the U-505…

Once Enigma was broken, in short order they were able to basically locate every sub that was on patrol at that time. If they acted on that tantalizing intelligence too quickly, precisely or thoroughly, then the Germans would have known something was up.

No. :(
We don't have HBO.

I wonder if it's on Netflix now?
Don’t think so, but I do believe it is available on Amazon Prime if you happen to be a member of that club. We don’t have HBO either (as I refuse to pay extra for it), so I didn’t get to see the series until several years after Hanks and company made it. I got my family to get together and buy me a set of the DVDs as a present instead. I still go back and re-watch them regularly.

Each chapter was written by different folks and done by different directors while the actors remained the same throughout. They did a chapter for the establishment of the space race and then one for pretty much all the Apollo missions focusing on a different aspect of history or the program or a point of view for each one. One chapter shows how media began to change over time, one followed how the program affected the wives and families; another looked at some of what it took to turn very driven test pilots into scientists.

There’s an excellent chapter on the aftermath of Apollo-1 and of course the one about the LEM that I was on about (one of my favs to watch). Some are sobering, some are more fun depending on the focus and the writing. My favorite is actually the one about Apollo-12 titled “Is That All There is?” Imagine how different it was for the second ship to land on the moon (especially in a country that only cares about being first). I mean, who remembers them (other than me and a few other loons). That one is just absolutely fun to watch.

This is spooky.
I'd never heard of "Mercury 13" until
about a week ago.
I downloaded it a few days ago
and will be watching it soon.
I was unaware of that bit of history until somewhat recently as well.
It’s exactly the kind of thing that gets buried and overlooked.
I’m glad someone took the time to tell the story.

1. Holy crap!
2. Drool!
3. I think I need to spend
more time in Charlotte.
4. Drool!
I’m sure that’s true for a whole lot of cities if not most of them, but there are lots of options here.
Of course, I’m fairly easy to please so there may well be some connoisseurs of the various cuisines that will vigorously disagree with my assessments.

Now then…
It must be time to actually comment on your current chapter
(and after that I believe there’s an inbox-conversation that needs attention as well)

Okay... a quick and dirty update.
Well, then I’ll offer some quick replies.

How dirty they’ll be depends on the set ups encountered…
Of course always remembering that this is a “family board”.

Admittedly, not much
happened today.
Sounds like a description of my life…

no stops, until I stopped
at the end of the day.
(Well... except for some
more poker chips.)
We all have our priorities.

I asked Betty to please
direct me..
An overt act of politeness in an attempt to not have her purposely drive you off a cliff?

(Yeah, so I like Japanese Gardens.
Sue me.)
Naaaaa, I’m good…
You know very well that I’ll stop at places that most others find supremely uninteresting.
Think I’ll just sit here in my glass house and enjoy the photos.

Besides, I like pretty gardens and natural areas too.

Betty told me to "Drive to highlighted route."
I did and three minutes later,
she told me to turn left.
Two minutes after that,
"Arriving at destination."

Well... that was quick.
So the old vinegar vs honey idiom actually works, then

After a couple days of driving,
I was looking forward to
a nice relaxing sashay
in a very zen environment.
I can see the appeal

Doesn't that look inviting?
And I do believe I’ll agree with that observation as well

I rounded that corner
in the above photo and...

Well, that stinks…
What this situation called for was the same armor that allowed you to survive the perilous and fiendish IASW encounter.

(And I’d have to re-suggest a little AC/DC as the primary insulator in this instance as well)

Nevertheless, I was determined
to at least take a few photos.
And we appreciate the effort.

Hmmm.... not exactly promising,
is it?
What was the background music like at this point in the film?

They were eyeing me,
probably wondering why
I was taking photos of their
fishing hole.
Or trying to figure out if you worked for any kind of government agency…

("I'm stealing your fish!" I yelled.
They promptly beat the carp out of me.)
I heard that it went more like this…

There they were; three of the biggest sharks you’d ever seen come down the pike.
They were covered with muscles…

One says: "Hey, shrimp, don't you come trollin' around here."
What a bunch of crabs…
They were steamed…
You could see the anchor…
in their eyes.

On porpoise, you decide to bait them.
You reel off a snapper of a comeback…

"Abalone, you're just bein' shelfish."

Well, now you knew there was going to be trouble.
So did the grounds keeper as he was already on the phone to the cods.

The biggest one hits you with a sucker punch…
You fluidly land him with a left hook.
He eels over.
It’s was a fluke, but there he was
lying on the deck flat as a mackerel

On seeing this, the other two sucked air like a couple of blow fish…
The tide had turned and after a minnow or two,
they begin to fathom that they were in the deep end and way over their heads, here.
Under a lot of pressure, they turned tail and made a run back up stream.
Meanwhile, the big kahuna was floundering around like a drunken sailor.
Nursing a terrible haddock from the blow that hit him like a tsunami.

You call out to the grounds keeper:
“Forget the cods, this guy's gonna need a sturgeon."

You had to yell pretty loud too ‘cause he was hard of herring.

Well, at this point everyone left standing decided they need a breaker…
So you headed over to the local Oyster Bar.
It was a real dive…
But you knew the owner, Gil.
He used to play for the Dolphins

Having a whale of a time laughing at the poor sucker back on the beach,
everyone bellied up to the sand bar
Gill, poured your usual…

Rusty snail, hold the grunion
Shaken not stirred
With a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side
Heavy on the mako

You slipped him a fin for his trouble.
You were feeling good about now…
So you even dropped a sand dollar in the box for Jerry's squids

For the halibut…

(with much respect offered to Doctor Demento)

"Kett." The young man replied.
(Rhymes with 'get' or 'let'.
Except drawn out a bit more.
Like "Keh-yet". Two syllables.)
Not surprising…
Lot of folks down this way need two syllables just to pronounce a single letter of the alphabet.
N = “ee – in”
R = “are – ra”
S = “a –yes”

"Good fishing around here?" I asked.
He nodded and said.
"Murphle fang donner, hehm."
Well there ya’ go…
Couldn’t be any plainer than an Amish man on his day off…

(with much respect offered to “Mayor Shinn”)

And that's all I have to say about that.
Seems like you’ve said plenty.

Today's map:

Moving quickly through my legal “home” state, I see.
You even stopped in the capitol city where I was born.
Of course, we left by the time I was two, so I don’t much count it as home.

If I’d have known you were traveling through Huntington,
I’d have suggested a short detour to “Hillbilly Hotdogs” for a spot of lunch.

A drive along US-60 out of Charleston with a stop at Hawk’s Nest might have been entertaining.
(remember… don’t show me maps.)

Did you see it in this chapter?
Nice tag…
Captured as well, I presume
:hyper: Somehow what I remember was borscht, which isn’t even German, but probably stuck in my head since I thought it looked awful (these days I would try it but as a kid I remember thinking my mom was nuts for eating it lol)
Wellll…. poop!

I did see the post
and even remember
thinking "Hey! Tammie's back!"

No idea how I missed
replying to it.
A million apologies!

No apologies needed. Just didn't want to repeat myself

Well, hi Tammie!
Don't mind me,
I'll just ignore you for a bit.


That's okay.
I'll just not reply to you
as punishment.


All moved in now?
Oregon, right?

And are you feeling a bit better now?

Yep, just in time for the wild fires. So much smoke we can't be outside, but the house is in no danger
We are not really unpacked due to waiting for new bedroom carpet and countertops to arrive. Settling in but need to finish unpacking and organize a bit. I took my job in Texas and work from home, so that is a good thing.


Don't know what the
heck is going on! :eek:

The world is a scarey place

Waiting to be ignored!

Still catching up LOL. I somehow thought our busy wedding weekend would afford down time. Silly me.
Lord knows that everything wrong with me can be traced back to being a young’en.

I think that's true
of all of us.

He’s particularly useful on that level.


Up until I start bombarding him with useless side-trips and ridiculous roadside attractions.
It’s generally not a good idea to be posting up a map of where you’re thinkin’ about headin’ in any spot where I can get a look at it…

Well, I dunno about that.
I just copied all your comments
into my road trip notes.

U-995 at the Laboe Naval Memorial near Kiel, Germany
Last one left.

That's gonna be a bit
more of a drive, though.

And in Buffalo, NY, there’s the Buffalo-Erie County Naval & Military Park where you’ll come across another Gato-class sub, a WWII US Destroyer (with a sad and interesting history behind its name) and an early Guided-Missile Cruiser.

Looked it up.
Presume you mean the
USS The Suliivans.

Reminds me of
Saving Private Ryan.

And that’s just the ships I know of along the way…


I’m sure that’s proof of yet another major flaw in my character…

I saw it as an attribute.

More similar to your observations on why the USN was upset about the capturing of the U-505…

Once Enigma was broken, in short order they were able to basically locate every sub that was on patrol at that time. If they acted on that tantalizing intelligence too quickly, precisely or thoroughly, then the Germans would have known something was up.


Don’t think so, but I do believe it is available on Amazon Prime if you happen to be a member of that club.

Not sure if it's even
available up here
if I was a member.

We don’t have HBO either (as I refuse to pay extra for it), so I didn’t get to see the series until several years after Hanks and company made it. I got my family to get together and buy me a set of the DVDs as a present instead. I still go back and re-watch them regularly.

Each chapter was written by different folks and done by different directors while the actors remained the same throughout. They did a chapter for the establishment of the space race and then one for pretty much all the Apollo missions focusing on a different aspect of history or the program or a point of view for each one. One chapter shows how media began to change over time, one followed how the program affected the wives and families; another looked at some of what it took to turn very driven test pilots into scientists.

There’s an excellent chapter on the aftermath of Apollo-1 and of course the one about the LEM that I was on about (one of my favs to watch). Some are sobering, some are more fun depending on the focus and the writing. My favorite is actually the one about Apollo-12 titled “Is That All There is?” Imagine how different it was for the second ship to land on the moon (especially in a country that only cares about being first). I mean, who remembers them (other than me and a few other loons). That one is just absolutely fun to watch.

Man that sounds good.
Gonna have to look into that.

I was unaware of that bit of history until somewhat recently as well.
It’s exactly the kind of thing that gets buried and overlooked.
I’m glad someone took the time to tell the story.

I'm about 20 minutes
into the documentary.
I had no idea.

I’m sure that’s true for a whole lot of cities if not most of them, but there are lots of options here.
Of course, I’m fairly easy to please so there may well be some connoisseurs of the various cuisines that will vigorously disagree with my assessments.

Well, so far you're the
only voice out there.

Well, then I’ll offer some quick replies.

How dirty they’ll be depends on the set ups encountered…
Of course always remembering that this is a “family board”.


Sounds like a description of my life…

Which could be a good thing.
I'm sure you've heard of
"May you live in interesting times."

An overt act of politeness in an attempt to not have her purposely drive you off a cliff?

More to not keep me off
much needed highways.

Naaaaa, I’m good…
You know very well that I’ll stop at places that most others find supremely uninteresting.
Think I’ll just sit here in my glass house and enjoy the photos.

Besides, I like pretty gardens and natural areas too.

Well.... ditto.

So the old vinegar vs honey idiom actually works, then

That and she was sitting
on the dashboard...

In full sun...

And I was holding a
magnifying glass.

Well, that stinks…
What this situation called for was the same armor that allowed you to survive the perilous and fiendish IASW encounter.

(And I’d have to re-suggest a little AC/DC as the primary insulator in this instance as well)

AC/DC and Japanese gardens
just don't seem to go
hand in hand, to me.
Not sure what I'd listen to.

And we appreciate the effort.


What was the background music like at this point in the film?

Oh, that's easy:

Or trying to figure out if you worked for any kind of government agency…

That's the exact thought
that occurred to me.

I heard that it went more like this…

There they were; three of the biggest sharks you’d ever seen come down the pike.
They were covered with muscles…

One says: "Hey, shrimp, don't you come trollin' around here."
What a bunch of crabs…
They were steamed…
You could see the anchor…
in their eyes.

On porpoise, you decide to bait them.
You reel off a snapper of a comeback…

"Abalone, you're just bein' shelfish."

Well, now you knew there was going to be trouble.
So did the grounds keeper as he was already on the phone to the cods.

The biggest one hits you with a sucker punch…
You fluidly land him with a left hook.
He eels over.
It’s was a fluke, but there he was
lying on the deck flat as a mackerel

On seeing this, the other two sucked air like a couple of blow fish…
The tide had turned and after a minnow or two,
they begin to fathom that they were in the deep end and way over their heads, here.
Under a lot of pressure, they turned tail and made a run back up stream.
Meanwhile, the big kahuna was floundering around like a drunken sailor.
Nursing a terrible haddock from the blow that hit him like a tsunami.

You call out to the grounds keeper:
“Forget the cods, this guy's gonna need a sturgeon."

You had to yell pretty loud too ‘cause he was hard of herring.

Well, at this point everyone left standing decided they need a breaker…
So you headed over to the local Oyster Bar.
It was a real dive…
But you knew the owner, Gil.
He used to play for the Dolphins

Having a whale of a time laughing at the poor sucker back on the beach,
everyone bellied up to the sand bar
Gill, poured your usual…

Rusty snail, hold the grunion
Shaken not stirred
With a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side
Heavy on the mako

You slipped him a fin for his trouble.
You were feeling good about now…
So you even dropped a sand dollar in the box for Jerry's squids

For the halibut…

(with much respect offered to Doctor Demento)

I am familiar with that one.
Heard it not that long ago
as a matter of fact.

Not surprising…
Lot of folks down this way need two syllables just to pronounce a single letter of the alphabet.
N = “ee – in”
R = “are – ra”
S = “a –yes”

Thanks for that!

Well there ya’ go…
Couldn’t be any plainer than an Amish man on his day off…

(with much respect offered to “Mayor Shinn”)

That one I had not heard. :)

Moving quickly through my legal “home” state, I see.
You even stopped in the capitol city where I was born.
Of course, we left by the time I was two, so I don’t much count it as home.

If I’d have known you were traveling through Huntington,
I’d have suggested a short detour to “Hillbilly Hotdogs” for a spot of lunch.

A drive along US-60 out of Charleston with a stop at Hawk’s Nest might have been entertaining.
(remember… don’t show me maps.)

Made notes of that too. ;)

Nice tag…

:hyper: Somehow what I remember was borscht, which isn’t even German, but probably stuck in my head since I thought it looked awful (these days I would try it but as a kid I remember thinking my mom was nuts for eating it lol)

I remember seeing sauerkraut
for the first time
and just going "Nope!"

But I'll eat it now.

Still not a fan of borscht, though. ;)
No apologies needed. Just didn't want to repeat myself

Glad you didn't
have to. :)

Yep, just in time for the wild fires. So much smoke we can't be outside, but the house is in no danger

Phew! Good!
We've been evacuated
for forest fires once.
It's not the most fun
experience in the world.

We are not really unpacked due to waiting for new bedroom carpet and countertops to arrive. Settling in but need to finish unpacking and organize a bit. I took my job in Texas and work from home, so that is a good thing.

New carpets and counter tops...
Also nice you could take your
work with you. :)

The world is a scarey place

Yep. Sure can be.

Still catching up LOL. I somehow thought our busy wedding weekend would afford down time. Silly me.

You'd think not!
Das Boot
I saw this:

Edwards Drive-in is considered one of the best in the area... however in Indiana if your tenderloin is smaller than your waist size, it's too small. The one they served you should be considered "children's size".... sad.


An actual Indiana tenderloin (my dad is what could be considered an expert on the topic) is usually only served with a few slices of onion and mustard and that's all you need. Usually served on a platter as a plate with sides in other dishes.
A "regular" size portion for a tenderloin in Indiana is more like this:
Not too far off!
I've been hearing
that getting FP's ain't
so easy these days.

I am not sure how I did it but actually got the ones that I was looking for like Flight of Passage, River Journey & Slinky Dog. FOP & SD were supposed to be hard to get. The only thing I didn't really get was dinner at BOG but did get lunch. A lot of people have told me they thought lunch was better.

I saw this:


Edwards Drive-in is considered one of the best in the area... however in Indiana if your tenderloin is smaller than your waist size, it's too small. The one they served you should be considered "children's size".... sad.

Then... why is it the best? :confused3
Did I order wrong?

An actual Indiana tenderloin (my dad is what could be considered an expert on the topic) is usually only served with a few slices of onion and mustard and that's all you need. Usually served on a platter as a plate with sides in other dishes.
A "regular" size portion for a tenderloin in Indiana is more like this:

I'll take it from the expert.

That thing is... massive!!
Where is that from????
(Maybe I'll have to go there
this fall.)
I am not sure how I did it but actually got the ones that I was looking for like Flight of Passage, River Journey & Slinky Dog. FOP & SD were supposed to be hard to get. The only thing I didn't really get was dinner at BOG but did get lunch. A lot of people have told me they thought lunch was better.

Not bad at all!
That's great, actually. :)

I have never had BOG
for dinner, only lunch.
But I do hear that's the
better value.
Could be wrong.

But I like it for lunch.
Would rather go elsewhere
for dinner.

But... that French onion soup.... :cloud9:
Oooohhh…. a rebel!

Of course, I'm part of the Rebel Alliance!

I think visiting all 30
shops in the UK
would make for a
fairly interesting trip.

I might have to consider this!

That sounds like an interesting trip and we're just a little island. Another thing that might interest you is 'Thunder in the Glens' - a Harley Davidson rally in Aviemore each August. They do a mass ride out from Grantown on Spey on the Saturday afternoon.

Well, I think it's high time
you change that!

See above - let me know if you are ever over this way. We haven't made plans for next summer yet so don't know which part of the world we'll holiday in.

I'm pleased to hear that!
Of course, I'm part of the Rebel Alliance!

:headache: D'oh!
One has but to look
at your avatar... :sad2:

That sounds like an interesting trip and we're just a little island.

One I'd love to do...
but doubt I ever will.

But... you never know.

Another thing that might interest you is 'Thunder in the Glens' - a Harley Davidson rally in Aviemore each August. They do a mass ride out from Grantown on Spey on the Saturday afternoon.

What else do they do?
That's only a 30 minute ride!

See above - let me know if you are ever over this way. We haven't made plans for next summer yet so don't know which part of the world we'll holiday in.

Don't hold your breath, but...

I asked Betty to please
direct me to the "Yuko-En on
the Elkhorn" Japanese Garden.
(Yeah, so I like Japanese Gardens.
Sue me.)

Hey, everybody's got their thing.

Doesn't that look inviting?
I thought so too.
I rounded that corner
in the above photo and...


You found lingerie in a Japanese garden? Weird.

The grounds crew were
busy working.
Leaf blowers and hedge trimmers
were roaring all around.

Well. I guess occasionally arriving somewhere early backfires.

Hmmm.... not exactly promising,
is it?

I eventually exited out
at this little waterfall area.

That could have turned out so much worse.

("I'm stealing your fish!" I yelled.
They promptly beat the carp out of me.)

Seems appropriate.

Stop cheering.
Didn't you notice the parentheses?
It didn't happen.
You'll have to keep dreaming.
And hoping.


"Kett." The young man replied.
(Rhymes with 'get' or 'let'.
Except drawn out a bit more.
Like "Keh-yet". Two syllables.)
Hmmm... I'd never heard of "Kett" before.
Perhaps I misheard?
"Sorry." I said. "What was that?"
"Keh-yet." He said again.
Suddenly it dawned on me.
I did know that species!
Cat! As in "catfish".

This, I'm sure, is exactly what you expected to find when you entered a Japanese garden.

With understanding, I felt safe
to continue the conversation.
"Good fishing around here?" I asked.
He nodded and said.
"Murphle fang donner, hehm."

WHAT did he call you??

"Sum' farble." He said, turning back
to the river with visions of "Kett"
dancing in his mind.

I glanced at the iPod as I walked away.
This is what it said:

"Good ol' boy" - detected English translation
sum' farble I do hope that your day will be a pleasant one


And with that, BRAAAAAAAAA!!!
I made BRAAAAAAAAAAA!!! my way
back BRAAAAAAAAAAA!!! to the
BRAAA!!! BRAAAAAAA!!! car and

oh for Pete's sake.
Hang on...
I'll keep writing...
when I get out of the garden.

Thanks for this chapter. I really feel relaxed and totally at peace now.

Did you see it in this chapter?

::yes:: Someone should arrest that menace for defacing public property.
As some of you may have noticed,
I'm a member of the DISdads.
We suddenly lost a very active
and loved member recently,
which I found out about last night.

If y'all don't mind.
I think I'm going to
hold off on comments
for today.
As some of you may have noticed,
I'm a member of the DISdads.
We suddenly lost a very active
and loved member recently,
which I found out about last night.

If y'all don't mind.I think I'm going to hold off on comments for today.

Don't mind at all. It's just...sad.
As some of you may have noticed,
I'm a member of the DISdads.
We suddenly lost a very active
and loved member recently,
which I found out about last night.

If y'all don't mind.

I think I'm going to
hold off on comments
for today.
So sorry to hear this.


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