
WDWfan uk

<font color=red>.... but you can call me Shirley :
Aug 21, 1999
..... there are dedicated shops selling nothing but, and even supermarkets are selling a variety! Are you into burning candles? What type and what fragrance do you like?
I just love a room lit only by candlelight and the smell of vanilla candles.
The fire risk does worry me though so it's not something I would do unless there's an adult constantly present in the room.
On Christmas Eve I just have to have candlelight with only the Christmas tree lights on..... what about you?

( As I wrote this I got a great sense of deja vu - we've done this one before I realise!! But I can't remember what you wrote, so tell us all again :D !)
I have a terrible fear of fire Shirley so I never usually have candles lit, can't even light matches I'm afraid. I do love the smell of vanilla candles though, and we had some cranberry ones recently at my parents that were nice.
Oh yes, I love candles! I have them everywhere - the mantlepiece (7), the grate (3), the dining room, the bathroom. Like you, Shirley I love to have a room lit at Christmas with just candles and the tree lights.

I like the christmassy fragrances - orangey/cinnamon. I always light them when we're in the lounge or dining room in the evenings.

I like garden candles too. We have garden lights, twinkling lights amongst the roses, parasol lights, but I still light candles as well! I like those tall ones that you stick in the borders.

Actually, the ones on the mantlepiece drip onto the grate and splash everything within a 3 feet radius. Does anyone have any tips to stop them doing it? Dh gets stressed when I light them, but they look so pretty relected in the mirror over the mantlepiece.
I love candles :D Have them everywhere..........Also have oil burners.

I have both Candles and oil burners everywhere. I love them. I have a nice collection of scented candles, I just love chocolate scented ones. Lovely if you burn them at the same time as coconut or vanilla.
Yep, I'm another candle fanatic. I have them in practically every room. Like you Debbie I have them all over my fireplace as well. On the mantlepiece I tend to use ones that are in glass containers to stop them going everywhere. M&S do some really pretty smelly ones in lightly coloured peach and pink glass jars and they smell lovely and look pretty in the mirror! I haven't worked out how to stop the bigger ones dripping on to my grate though but a little mess is worth it.

There's nothing more relaxing than having a long soak in a hot scented bath by candlelight!

Another lover of candles here, my absolute favourite is Lavender :D

I don't light them that often thought, I always worry about the children knocking them over or something, definitely an 'after kids bedtime' treat! :D
Another Candle Fan here, i have them very relaxing around the house - Love the American brand Yankee Candles there smell delicious!!!!!!!

Today i went to a store here in Alderney where they sell household stuff and bought two smelly candles one is seashore and summer melon by a brand called Old Colony. Can't wait to try them out.

Wow, Eda, great to see that smiling clipart in your signature. I missed waking up to that pretty picture several mornings a week on the US CB.

I really enjoy the scent from the Yankee Candle line, some are so relaxing. Storm Watch is one of my favorites. I use the tarts mostly, rather than candles with wicks. Do you folks have Yankee Candle in the UK, or would that be a no-no, LOL?
I love candles and even have them burning in my office, the fragrance ones really help to de-stress me :)

I have them burning in the house too - all different sorts but I do like the Cathedral ones with three or four wicks in.

I dont recall seeing a Yankee Candle shop anywhere - but do visit the Wax Lyrical Shop at Lakeside quite often :)
Firstly thank you Dan for your lovely compliment!!!

Yankee Candles are really lovely i bought a Key Lime Pie one and it smells SOOOOOOO Lovely.

I happened to find a small range in a florist here in Alderney, i was really surpried considering that we have very limited shops here. From what i have heard from our US friends i just had to try one and they are really great. When i move back to London i will keep an eye out for them.

If not i have to try and bring some over next time we are in Florida.

DW bought 8 sampler Yankee candles at a Yankee Candle store at Pointe Orlando. There were some really nice scents (in MY suitcase when I opened it today). LOL!!


We LOVE candles - floating ones, tea lights and even bought DDs a "Forever Friends" candle kit for Christmas.

Now....I have a funny but true story!

My old boss was having a party and they decided to light the whole house with candles.

My boss then bent down to change the CD and WOOOOOF - his hair caught fire!

I dashed over...put my drink down...and thrashed him about the head to put the fire out....didn't want to waste any beer!

He spun around wondering what I was trying to do by beating him about the head...

....he hadn't noticed that he was on fire!

But oh!....what a stink of burning hair!- Pooh!

I don't think he ever believed me though.

Using DWs logon again!



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