Car Seat FAA sticker has peeled off...Help!


DIS Veteran
Jul 1, 2000
The FAA sticker on the car seat for my DS1 has peeled off. We went to Hawaii last Nov and the Flight Attendent at that time told us to cover the FAA sticker on the car seat with clear packing tape for future use. At the time I thought that was a great idea. Well after a week long vacation I forgot when we got home to do it. The sticker is now almost completley gone. Im wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if so what can I do? I really dont want to go buy a car seat for him just to use on the plane. Any help is appreciated!

I would either call the manufacturer of the car seat and ask if they can send one to you, or call the airline and ask if this will be a problem. I have always had the sticker, but no one has ever looked at it. I think it depends on the car seat. If it is a 5 point harness seat then they usually know it is FAA approved. I'm pretty sure though that the manufacturer could send you something. Do you still have the warranty information for it? Sometimes in that instruction packet and stuff, it says it is FAA approved. Maybe even a print out from a website selling the seat that lists it as FAA approved would be ok.
Wow - I leave in 31 days and I never thought about our car seats sticker - which I had pulled off because they had it in a stupid location (headrest area - yucky against the little mans bald head at the time.)
Thank you for posting this!
I second calling the manufacter for a replacement sticker. However we've never been asked to show our sticker on any flight.

Wow, either you guys are lucky or Im unlucky. It has been checked by the gate agent on every flight I have taken the kids on. We have gone to both Hawaii and Disney World twice. I have looked and cant find the owners manual so Im going to call the company tomorrow and they can help me. Thanks for all the ideas!

We took my grandaughter in July and NOBODY looked at the car seat. I never would have even thought about this. I would check with your airline before I made myself crazy getting a sticker replacement.
I took my car seat out yesturday and checked over the whole thing and low and behold - way in the back - in the bottom part (barely able to see) was another sticker that had in very small print at the bottom "faa approved" so I should be all set if anyone does ask. The sticker stated weights and heights etc.


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