Carye and Josh's PJ 1-11-10 UK-WHR-Sago Cay DP BEO pg 9 rings pg 10

Just caught up on your PJ, lol prompted by your post on ours!!! Everything looks great, really excitied reading about your planning session, it was one of the things that we didn't do, being from the UK we just couldn't afford to fly over. But I trust Disney to get the food right, hey we're only having burger and hot dogs, what's to get wrong.

Sounds like we're just going to miss you in September, we arive on the 12th. Labour Day is the weekend before right?
Wow you got your ring for such an excellent price.
I know...I was so psyched about it...leaves me more money to spend at Disney :lmao:
Just caught up on your PJ, lol prompted by your post on ours!!! Everything looks great, really excitied reading about your planning session, it was one of the things that we didn't do, being from the UK we just couldn't afford to fly over. But I trust Disney to get the food right, hey we're only having burger and hot dogs, what's to get wrong.

Sounds like we're just going to miss you in September, we arive on the 12th. Labour Day is the weekend before right?
Thank you! Our planning session was a lot of fun, but we have made changes since and I completely trust them too. We will be there the 5th-7th so we will miss you, but I will be waiting here at home to see your pics :surfweb:
hey Carye! Great news about the RSVP's, very good news that your friends will make the trip!

Love the bands, its so nice that they have special meaning for you too, I want something with meaning for mine too, it makes it an even more special symbol for you both:goodvibes
Things are coming together really nice. The minimum has been paid, the responses are all in and we have 37 guests coming to the wedding, the BEO is very close to being finalized, and the projects are in full swing.

I figured out you cannot buy grey tailcoats for 20 month olds, and even finding a pattern to make one proved impossible. So I decided to purchase a white tux for him and learned how to dye polyester. It was a definite learning experience, but things turned out well. I don't have any pics yet, but I will post when I do.

We finally found a sand ceremony that we love and it came with sand, but in white and tan. So me next undertaking will be to try dyeing the sand purple and teal.

I tried out a few wedding bubbles to use for our staged exit where we are doing half petals and half bubbles, and found I didn't like them. So off mom and I went to hunt for good bubbles the other night. We ended up buying several bottles of bubbles to see if we liked the (ie opened them in the store, tested them out, and had to pay for them even if we didn't like them) then finally came across some we loved, but the packaging was for a kid party theme. After a little creative juice, we are going to spray paint them white and I am going to use my Cricut to cut purple and teal mickey heads to glue onto the handles. I think they will turn out cute, now if the rain would stop long enough to get them painted I could actually know.

I had my first bridal shower (I am having 3) last Saturday and it was great. I got a lot of the things on my registry, managed to score a new microwave, and even got a sentimental gift from my Granny. We are looking forward to the next one, just have to figure out where to put all the stuff.
This is me with an apron that my Maw-maw who I was very close to as a little girl made.

After the shower we went to pick up my dress and the bridesmaid dresses, and had our first fitting. It turned out to be a lot more difficult than I imagined. The shop had recommended we use the tailor in the shopping center, so she came down to do our pinning, and we were not impressed with her plans or her prices. So we asked if there was anyone else and they referred us to Margo, she is great and we can't wait to see how they come out.

So now, I am just working my way through my to do list one thing at a time.
Carye!!! Welcome Back!

I'm so envious, I wish I was like 1/2 as crafty or motivated as you.

Can you stand how close we are? What a great gift from your granny. I love the sentimental gifts :lovestruc aren't they fun? Okay, the new stuff if great too.
Just stopping by to say congrats, although a tiny bit late! I am actually going to be in WDW during your wedding! :cool1:

I love your ring, it reminds me of the ring I ALMOST got. :goodvibes


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