Cass, Rob & Kira - July 2022 Disney Wonder Alaska Cruise - Worth the covid!

You need to go to the shopping talk on the first sea day to get the bracelet. Then each day there is a time to stop by the shop and pick up that day's charm. It was usually a span of about 2 hours, and they gave away a new charm each day. The quality of the bracelet and charms is not high, but then again it is free.
How long is the talk? 30 min? 1 hr?
Man, I'm dizzy just trying to follow you around that terminal! :crazy:

"Mary Poppins Bag"!🤣😂🤣 I was thinking of one of those Clown Cars when I was reading this. LOL
Did you have to wear masks all week? I really didn't mind wearing ours last October either. Just wondering.

Loved the video of the lady and the seagull! Soooo funny!!! I'm picturing them saying "mine mine mine"!
Wow, Vancouver really is just gorgeous! Hope we get to see her soon too. :)

Love the gift shop purchases especially the full zip hoodie. Super cute! :cutie:

I love those dips at dinner myself, however many of them aren't GF so I have to pass on them. I was a rebel once or twice and tried them anyway. :ssst:

Wait, Butter Rules? For the price of a Disney Cruise, they better not be rationing out the buttah! :crazy:
Those sunsets are beautiful!! Each time I see one, I like it more than the previous one.

I'm hoping that they'll come back with CMs serving us at the buffets too. Much safer imo.

Where's Rob's chocolate croissant? No more?8-)

Chuck will love those whales whereas I'm more of a dolphin girl. Can't wait though.

Saskatchewan???? My retirement home..... :cutie:

I noticed that all the trippies of the ones with me are missing. Highly Suspicious! :guilty:
How long is the talk? 30 min? 1 hr?
An hour at the most, probably more like 45 minutes. The presentation is a little different because the shopping experience is Alaska is not like the Caribbean. They spent quite a bit of the time on things for sale in the ship shops, particularly watches and diamonds. They did give away a few prizes in addition to the bracelet.
I had heard a rumor that the Wonder was heading for Australia as well. I hope not though as it is my favorite ship. It might make us take a trip to Australia though which my husband has wanted to do.

We were on the Wonder in May to Alaska and had a wonderful time. We got a VGT room and lucked out with room 7068 with a clear verandah. We only had about 1300 people on board though so felt empty, even at Cabanas.

I am enjoying your trip report and look forward to reading more 😊.
I saw tons of people walking in without washing their hands, people coughing all week long, crowding together, not allowing for some personal space and everyone touching those serving dishes. 😷
No, just no. And ewww!! Wash your hands people!

Sorry you guys got the 'rona, but hopefully it was mild. We just recovered from it here - and I'm kinda glad we got it out of the way now before we sail next month.
July 12th, Part 2

It was now time for dinner at Triton's.



I was trying to get an inconspicuous photo of how close the tables were but I was failing miserably and Kira was laughing at me. :laughing:


Rob and I both tried a new dish, the fried pierogi. Rob enjoyed it, it was too mushy for me, I prefer them a little crispier. We both agreed we needed way more sour cream.


Rob had two more appetizers...



And for the first time, I had this cream of potato soup, it was very good! 😋


My entrée, which is usually my favourite of any Disney cruise, was just okay. It was overcooked, which, I don't mind too much, but it was fattier than usual and the flavour was just bland. I don't know if we just got bad cuts or they are not seasoning their meats. I don't know what was going on but the entrees were just not up to Disney standards.


Kira said her entrée was okay...


Rob said his salmon was terrible, he didn't eat much of it.


Kira enjoyed her mickey ice cream bar...


Rob and I split this, and neither of us cared for it.

Again, while the food was less than spectacular, we really loved the service from Zaldy and Luis. :goodvibes


Back to the room for us and Kira headed back to Vibe.


Rob brought his little temperature gauge on the trip, he was curious about how cold it was going to get. That's about 56F. More on this in a minute. 😏


It's not often they show Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer on our cruise map. :lmao:


So when people talk about Alaska cruises, the biggest thing that comes up is temperature. How cold is it exactly? Well, the thing is, temperature is subjective. Not only does is make a difference where you live and what temperature you're used to, it also depends on the person. ::yes::

Rob and I both live in Calgary. It gets COLD in the Winter, often -30ºC and it's so cold, your face will freeze in a seconds. Often, when I am in warmer climates, and I'm wearing shorts and a tee in 50F weather, people will ask me where I'm from, and as soon as I say Canada, they say AHHHH, okay, makes sense! But, if Rob was with me, he would be in jeans, hoodie, and jacket, just like most southerners.

So, you can read that it says 13ºC, or 56ºF but again, that is subjective.

This is Rob at 56ºF...


And this is me. :rotfl2:


Rob got so cold that he had to go inside the Cove Café. He turned a chair around so that he could watch me and make sure I'm okay. This would have been ideal for him, for the entire cruise but unfortunately, they have tastings there every night at 9:30pm, so he was kicked out at 9:20pm. :sad2:

I told him to sit on the far side and stay warm but he likes to be able to check to make sure I'm okay and he said it was pretty loud in there anyway, makes it hard to read, so he ended up just outside, in the comfortable chairs, with twelve blankets. :p


While I enjoyed hopping from the pool to the hot tubs, Rob swore that on our next Alaska cruise, he would bring his parka. You know, the one that is good for -40ºC :rolleyes1


While I enjoyed another two hours of bliss in my happy place, Kira enjoyed the Vibe until about 12:30am. She was really enjoying her time with A & E and her new friend G. :goodvibes

She was sweet enough to take photos of the schedule for Vibe every day. She got them all except for the first day. :thumbsup2


Next up, Glacier day! I hope you're ready for an explosion of pretty scenery pics. :jumping1:
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Are you sure Rob isn't from Florida? DH and I went to the Daytona 500 in February. All the Floridians were bundled up in blankets and ski caps during the race. DH and I were in light jackets and sometimes weren't wearing them. We're from Colorado.
I’m all caught up! So excited to hear about your trip! I just love those pictures from your balcony so pretty!!
We have found a difference in the food when we are cruising from TX vs. FL so I wonder if it all comes down to the supplier? :confused3 Sorry the food wasn't that great, it doesn't make or break a cruise for us, but it sure makes it nicer when the food is really good. I think we will be cold on an Alaskan cruise but seeing as it will get us out of the Texas heat, I think we will enjoy the change. I'm ready for all the scenery pics! ::yes::
July 12th, Part 1

It was a beautiful, cloud-covered day when I popped out onto our verandah this morning. It was about 10ºC, about 50F :love:

I could get used to this. ::yes::


Rob and I went to Cabanas for breakfast. It was too cold for him outside so we found a spot inside. Cabanas was the one place where I did not feel like our sailing was capped at 1800. It was completely bonkers every time we were in there! :crowded:

On our Spring Break cruise on the Fantasy, they were still serving all of the food. In fact, we were the very last sailing they did this for. I have to admit, that is the one safety protocol I wish they would bring back. We had to hunt for a table every time and up at the buffet, people were acting like they were never going to eat again. :scared: I was cut off by so many people, people would come to the same serving section as me, and instead of waiting three and a half seconds for me to scoop my scrambled eggs onto my plate and be off on my merry way, they would squeeze themselves in right next to me to get their cheesy eggs, immediately right next to the regular eggs. The days of giving people some extra space are long gone sadly. I'm fairly certain that it was at Cabanas where I got covid. :crazy2:

I saw tons of people walking in without washing their hands, people coughing all week long, crowding together, not allowing for some personal space and everyone touching those serving dishes. 😷

We are extremely vigilant about sanitizing, you will often see our sanitizer in our photos because if we touch ANYTHING, we sanitize. Need some salt, SANITIZE, grab a drink, SANITIZE, touch a menu, SANITIZE!

Also, about 45 minutes before they close for each meal, they shut down one entire side, so even if Cabanas isn't super busy, it's crowded when you get the food because there's often only one side open. And their hours are very limited.

So, fair warning, if you are going to Cabanas, be warned that it's being run as if covid-19 doesn't exist anymore. 🙄

I snapped a pic of Rob's first two courses while he was grabbing his third. :rolleyes1


We're pretty boring, we get the same thing every day. :rolleyes:


Just as I was finishing my meal, Kira texted us saying that she was going to join us for breakfast! This is not a normal occurrence, she never eats before noon, unless it's cookies in bed, and she definitely doesn't often join us for breakfast on vacation. :goodvibes

This was the one and only time she joined us for breakfast on the cruise. Glad we got at least one family breakfast in. :thumbsup2


Kira headed to Vibe and Rob and I headed to Azure to watch the presentation by our naturalist. He was pretty entertaining and had some interesting stories. I had to leave early because I wanted to make it to the Jewelry presentation to get my free charm bracelet. I did end up watching all of his other lectures on the stateroom TV. Channel 32, I think.


Although the app didn't make it clear, you could get the free daily charm in the stores but you had to attend this presentation in order to get the bracelet. I also asked if I could buy the bear and the totem, on our last day, but they were pretty adamant about only giving them away and that once they were gone, they were gone! So if you want yours, make sure to drop by every single day!


Back to the room, the sun had come out and was quite warm so Rob got some verandah reading time in.



I always made sure to watch the Morning Show on the TV every day. These two were a freaking hoot! Stephen was our cruise director and Ann was our assistant cruise director and they played off of each other so well. :rotfl2:

I would put the TV on while I was getting ready each morning and since it's at the desk, near her bed, Kira had no choice but to listen to it with her head buried deep under the covers like a vampire avoiding the light. Kira is the queen of dad jokes and these two had plenty of them! Most of them, Kira and I knew the answer to and we would shout them out when we knew them but they had a few we hadn't heard and they gave us a good chuckle. :laughing:


Now this is more like it! :banana:


They had adult Pixar trivia in the Crown & Fin. It was PACKED!!


And we won. :woohoo:


Inside of the mysterious blue bag....was another bag! And some generic playing cards. At least it wasn't the Mickey medallions. :p


Beautiful scenery this afternoon. :duck:

We spotted a whale and some dolphins!! :love:

I was recording video at the time, so here's some screenshots...






Then it was time for Rob's lunch. We headed to covid central...I mean Cabanas. :rolleyes1


It was a little chilly out for Rob but he braved it for the scenery. :teeth:



I texted Kira that they had grilled shrimp on the buffet and she came running! This kid loves shrimp but it has to be grilled, she doesn't like it any other way. On our cruise in March, they only offered it on the one day in Cabanas and she ate two platefuls. :rotfl:

She had asked us to text her if we find it on the buffet.

I'm not much of a buffet kind of girl but I did see a baked potato that I wanted to try. It wasn't really my thing though, it had spicy Tex Mex type beef on the top.

While we were sitting there, enjoying the view, Kira loudly exclaimed "This looks like Saskatchewan!" :laughing:

Rob's parents live in Saskatchewan and for the past few summers, they've visited them and went out fishing on their boat. Except for the mountains being a little bigger here, it really did look like the lake where they go fishing.


Kira headed back to Vibe and Rob and I headed to grab my lunch on deck 9.

Cute little Swan in the Quiet Cove area.


Now, on the Fantasy a few months ago, I had some of the best cheeseburgers I've had on a ship and I was hoping to continue that streak here but I could only eat two bites, it was gross! :crazy2: The patty was dry and flavourless. The fries were okay and the chicken strips were okay. Gross honey mustard though.


I was still hungry so my awesome hubby ran back up and got me a hot dog and that was actually really delicious!

It's so funny because every sailing, it's different. The last cruise, I got a hot dog for embarkation lunch because the hot dogs on our Wonder Christmas cruise were delicious but it ended up being really gross. But then I tried their burgers on the Fantasy and those were incredibly delicious, which made me want to try the burgers on this cruise. The burgers on THIS cruise were gross (with one exception I will tell you about later) but the hot dogs were delicious! Weird! :rolleyes2


More verandah time for us. :love:



And then we met up with Kira in the Walt Disney Theater for Lightyear. Kira and I ended up loving it and Rob said it was terrible. :confused3


Kira went back to Vibe and ended up meeting her bestie for the rest of the cruise at a game called 1-2 Switch! More on that tomorrow. :goodvibes

Rob and I spent the rest of the day up until dinnertime on our verandah, enjoying the gorgeous scenery. It did get chilly, enough for me to finally put pants on. :lmao:





We made it all the way to Prince Rupert and then it was time to head down to Triton's for dinner.

I gotta say I'm 100% with Rob on this. I would be bundled up in a blanket and jacket at 57F lol. I do not like to be cold. I'd love to go on an Alaskan Cruise and see the sights, but thats just too cold for me lol.
Even if the Wonder goes to Australia, doesn't it have a season like Europe and Alaska do? That the Wonder will spend part of the year in the US (west coast) and part in Australia?
July 13th, Part 1

Ready for the day, we headed to Cabanas.



Oh and I totally lied! While Kira joined us in Cabanas yesterday, she actually didn't eat but today she joined us and had some waffles! :thumbsup2


Isn't it lovely when you come back to your room and everything is all nice and clean? It's magic! pixiedust:


Kira headed off to the Vibe and we went back to our room. We spent most of the day on our verandah. This was the most beautiful scenery day and we enjoyed every second of it. :lovestruc

I put on the nature lecture channel on until we started up the Arm. We were scheduled for Endicott Arm but the captain said that he would be making a last-minute decision between Endicott Arm and Tracy Arm. Many things went into consideration with this choice, temperature, levels of ice, ice flow, wind, etc. I didn't realize how close the two were to each other but after looking on a map, they are very close.


We looked out and saw another ship sailing away from Tracy Arm. I explained to Rob that it was probably just finishing their journey out of the Arm and then it was our turn. Looking at itineraries for Alaska, it seems like many other ships transit the Arms from 5am-10am and then port in Juneau for the rest of the day.



Both arms are on the right side of the pic below, almost the same level as the word "Admiralty"

Tracy Arm is the one that goes up and Endicott Arm is the one that heads down.


We had some time before we entered either of them, so we headed down to the shops. Rob wanted to buy the Disney gloves and he ended up with the toque and scarf as well. Be warned, he said these were actually not very warm, He wore them for a bit but was too cold and ended up wearing his Calgary Stampeders toque for the rest of the day. He said the gloves came in handy for reading since they are the kind where your fingers stick out but weren't all that warm as they were kind of thin.

Here's some pics of the merch from White Caps.






He also bought the DCL Alaska ball cap and the magnet that matches that logo. :teeth:


Here's that pinkish-purply shirt that I was wanting.






See that counter in the background? This is where you go every day for your free charm. ;)



Just in time, we headed up to deck 10, as we were getting closer to the Arm. I still didn't know which one we were heading down but really, it didn't matter to us, we had never been to either!


The line on the right is for Mickey...


I'm not one for standing in lines for pics with characters, instead, I planted myself behind the Disney photographer and in between families, I grabbed some decent shots. :earboy2: You have to be very patient to get a good shot. I was very patient and was thrilled with most of them!




I will say that this seemed to be the coldest part of the day, just before and just after we entered. I had pants on and needed a hoodie for the top decks.



On the other side of the ship, was the other mouse.


Rob chose today of all days to do laundry. We headed back to the room so I could sort it all and then he went to find a free washer. I will say now that this was the busiest we have ever seen the launderettes! :eek: Every time that we passed by them, which was a lot, they were all full! It makes sense since people pack bulkier items for Alaska than for the Caribbean so people tend to have less room for more clothes. We always do a load or two on every trip and we never have a hard time finding one open, this was crazy! So, if you're doing laundry on an Alaskan cruise, try doing it really early in the morning or really late at night. You're welcome. :p

It was so easy to find our room, I put a strand of lights on our Fish Extender on our last cruise and we love it! I heard so many people commenting outside of our door about the lights. :goodvibes


Normally Thor has a long line to see him but not on this day He was killing time with the CM. :rolleyes1


I went up to the top deck at the very front of the ship. I wanted to see how cold it was and get some nice pics. This poor family were all huddled together to stay warm. I'm guessing they were from Florida. :rotfl2:


Right up at the front, with no wind barrier, this was the coldest I had ever been on this cruise (and would ever be again). There were only a few brave souls up there with me, mostly with big, fancy cameras. For someone who is constantly overheating, even on cooler days, this was the BEST!!! :cloud9: After about 10 minutes, I actually started to feel cold! The wind was sharp and icy. I told Rob about it later and meant to bring him up there but I knew he wouldn't last more than a few seconds.



And so it begins....💙

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following along, I really enjoy are your TRs. Why is this your last Wonder cruise?

Thanks! :goodvibes

Not 100% but it's a good probability. I have a feeling it's heading across the world soon. :rolleyes:

Long time reader of your reports. We’re on the Wonder Sept 5th doing a back to back with our credits to Alaska. I can’t wait for it. Our last cruise was the Wonder March 2020 Panama Canal cruise and we to came home with an extra “souvenir “ but we still don’t regret it. Thank you for the wonderful pictures, it’ll help me get through the next 42 days. (Thank goodness we can drive to the port and don’t have to worry about flying.)

Back to back Alaskas?? You go, girl! :worship::cool1: Sorry, not sure if you're a girl, just sounded good. :lmao:

You're going to have an awesome time. Keep the extra souvenirs to a minimum okay? :rolleyes1

Glad you are writing a report. I love your reports. Hope that the Covid symptoms don't last long and you test negative soon. I did an Alaskan cruise back in 2000 on Holland America and we too had to miss Glacier Bay.

Thanks, glad to have you around for this one! Oh no, you missed Glacier Bay? That's really sad. :sad:

Loving your report. We sailed in June and share your impression of the maze that was navigating Canada Place. Agree with you about the food also!

Thanks for commenting. :goodvibes I'm glad I'm not the only one, about both of those things. :rolleyes:

What a perfect end to a great first day!!! Guess this will be my last note for a week or so, I'll have lots to catch up on when we get back ;-) I'll think of you everytime I take a dip in the adult pool or the hot tubs there!!

You won't read this until you are back, hope you're having a fabulous time!! I am jelly! :cool1:

Yay, a Cass trippie and to Alaska!! I read the first couple posts this morning while stuck in the airport with a delayed flight and almost typed up a post asking you to send that good travel magic my way, but then the airport lights flickered on and off 😲 So I said, "OK, universe, you just do your thing." And made my connection with 5 minutes to spare.😬

Looking forward to all of your adventures!

Oh wow, wow! Five minutes to spare is close! I've only done that once and I didn't like it! Heading somewhere fun? :flower1:

I just discovered your trip report, I am doing the same cruise in Sept so I am following closely. Was the food bad the entire cruise or just the first night? Also, the bracelet, did you have to buy the bracelet and get the charms free, or did you have to buy them?

Thank you.

Not all the food was bad, most appetizers were good, most desserts were decent. It was mostly just the entrees and it was for the whole cruise. Hopefully it will be better for you! Let me know ;)

The charms and bracelet were free. The charms you picked up, during set times, located in the app, at the store. The bracelet was given out after the jewelry presentation in the BVT on the first at sea day. :thumbsup2

I made it and am all caught up. Loving it!
The Dream did have the good honey mustard last week, but only had 2 drink stations with diet coke in it. I felt like some things they were just running out of for some reason

Oh yeah, the Dream is the one with no diet coke LOL! I forgot about that! Same in 2018, I thought it was weird and a one-off but apparently not! Going to have to bring some Ken's honey mustard on my next cruise. :rolleyes1 I know a guy. Or girl...that can hook me up. :rolleyes::lmao:

Can you explain this bracelet situation a bit more? How do you get it? Where are the charms? One per person or cabin? Seems like a pretty fun souvenir

The charms and bracelet were free. The charms you picked up, during set times, located in the app, at the store, White Caps. The bracelet was given out after the jewelry presentation in the BVT on the first at sea day. :thumbsup2
One per person. They are cheaply made but a fun, free souvenir.

I saw that you had started this and then got busy this weekend and forgot to come back until now!! Sorry about getting Covid - I really feel like we will all get it at some point, it's just a matter of time. We are sad that the Wonder isn't coming back to Galveston as well, she's our favorite ship for sure. We've been toying with an Alaskan cruise on her next year as we have a 50% discount from our cancelled Wish cruise. The thought of getting out of the Texas heat is quite appealing. :) It's always good to read about your adventures, thanks for posting this one!

I knew I would eventually get it. Took five cruises. :rolleyes1

You should definitely do it, it was amazing! Just dress for the weather and you will be fine! I would do it again in a heart beat, even with the covid! ::yes::

You need to go to the shopping talk on the first sea day to get the bracelet. Then each day there is a time to stop by the shop and pick up that day's charm. It was usually a span of about 2 hours, and they gave away a new charm each day. The quality of the bracelet and charms is not high, but then again it is free.

Exactly! :goodvibes:thumbsup2

Thanks! We’ve got several teen/tween girls in our group and it might be a fun way they can remember their trip. (I had one of those “best friend” necklaces when I was that age and thought it was so cool. Also not great quality, but still fun.)

Hey, it's free, why not! ::yes::

How long is the talk? 30 min? 1 hr?

I think it was an hour but I showed up half way in and Rob showed up after the naturalist, about 10 minutes before it ended and we both got them. :rolleyes:

Man, I'm dizzy just trying to follow you around that terminal! :crazy:

"Mary Poppins Bag"!🤣😂🤣 I was thinking of one of those Clown Cars when I was reading this. LOL

YES! A clown car too!! :lmao:

Did you have to wear masks all week? I really didn't mind wearing ours last October either. Just wondering.

Loved the video of the lady and the seagull! Soooo funny!!! I'm picturing them saying "mine mine mine"!

We only had to wear masks in the terminal because Canada still has strict rules.

Wasn't she hilarious!! :lmao:

Wow, Vancouver really is just gorgeous! Hope we get to see her soon too. :)

Love the gift shop purchases especially the full zip hoodie. Super cute! :cutie:

I love those dips at dinner myself, however many of them aren't GF so I have to pass on them. I was a rebel once or twice and tried them anyway. :ssst:

Wait, Butter Rules? For the price of a Disney Cruise, they better not be rationing out the buttah! :crazy:

I've tried all of the dips, some are okay, others just nasty! Remember the pigeon poop? :rotfl2:

Guess you need to know the right people to get a butter hook up. :rotfl:

Those sunsets are beautiful!! Each time I see one, I like it more than the previous one.

I'm hoping that they'll come back with CMs serving us at the buffets too. Much safer imo.

Where's Rob's chocolate croissant? No more?8-)

Chuck will love those whales whereas I'm more of a dolphin girl. Can't wait though.

Saskatchewan???? My retirement home..... :cutie:

I noticed that all the trippies of the ones with me are missing. Highly Suspicious! :guilty:

I thought the same thing about the sunsets! Wait until Skagway sunset! :worship::love:

The Wish's buffet is all CM served! Love it! :thumbsup2

We didn't spot a single regular chocolate croissant the whole cruise. They have the "chocolate pillows" in the Cove Cafe but they are not the same. :sad2:

I saw TONS of dolphins! Tons of water spouts from whales too but only a few actual whales.

Yes, good luck with that! :teeth:

Very suspect, I think! :rolleyes1

We won hair scrunchies in June!

Oh wow!! They are getting desperate LOL! :rotfl:

An hour at the most, probably more like 45 minutes. The presentation is a little different because the shopping experience is Alaska is not like the Caribbean. They spent quite a bit of the time on things for sale in the ship shops, particularly watches and diamonds. They did give away a few prizes in addition to the bracelet.

I came in half-way and missed most of that. :rolleyes1

I had heard a rumor that the Wonder was heading for Australia as well. I hope not though as it is my favorite ship. It might make us take a trip to Australia though which my husband has wanted to do.

We were on the Wonder in May to Alaska and had a wonderful time. We got a VGT room and lucked out with room 7068 with a clear verandah. We only had about 1300 people on board though so felt empty, even at Cabanas.

I am enjoying your trip report and look forward to reading more 😊.

Oh wow! Nice!! :thumbsup2 I think Rob would have FROZE in May! :cold::cold::cold:

No, just no. And ewww!! Wash your hands people!

Sorry you guys got the 'rona, but hopefully it was mild. We just recovered from it here - and I'm kinda glad we got it out of the way now before we sail next month.

It's kind of like a moderate cold. Once we got past the fevers, it's mostly just annoying. Thankful for vaccinations, with my auto-immune issues, it could have been much worse! ::yes::

Happy sailing!

Just saw you were posting again! Love reading your trip reports!
I love reading your comments! :flower3:

Are you sure Rob isn't from Florida? DH and I went to the Daytona 500 in February. All the Floridians were bundled up in blankets and ski caps during the race. DH and I were in light jackets and sometimes weren't wearing them. We're from Colorado.

Hahaha, he just might be! He wears his wool hoodie when we go to Castaway Cay. :rotfl:

I’m all caught up! So excited to hear about your trip! I just love those pictures from your balcony so pretty!!

Thanks! Glad you are here. :flower3:

We have found a difference in the food when we are cruising from TX vs. FL so I wonder if it all comes down to the supplier? :confused3 Sorry the food wasn't that great, it doesn't make or break a cruise for us, but it sure makes it nicer when the food is really good. I think we will be cold on an Alaskan cruise but seeing as it will get us out of the Texas heat, I think we will enjoy the change. I'm ready for all the scenery pics! ::yes::

I think you might be right. It's usually pretty similar between the Florida and Texas cruises for us but we can taste a difference for sure!

Yeah, it didn't break our cruise but it was definitely not the best part of our cruise. I think you will love the change! :thumbsup2::yes::

Yes, this!


I gotta say I'm 100% with Rob on this. I would be bundled up in a blanket and jacket at 57F lol. I do not like to be cold. I'd love to go on an Alaskan Cruise and see the sights, but thats just too cold for me lol.

Hahaha, a lot of people were bundled up!

Even if the Wonder goes to Australia, doesn't it have a season like Europe and Alaska do? That the Wonder will spend part of the year in the US (west coast) and part in Australia?

Yes, it would, you're right! I also heard some rumours about it heading to the theme parks over there, so who knows? :confused3

I just had a feeling upon seeing her that it might be our last. :scratchin
Are you sure Rob isn't from Florida? DH and I went to the Daytona 500 in February. All the Floridians were bundled up in blankets and ski caps during the race. DH and I were in light jackets and sometimes weren't wearing them. We're from Colorado.
I find that the biggest difference is the RH% for temp for me, Calgary is quite dry and for 14C I was much colder than I would normally be at home where the RH% is around 20-40%. If you read the meter, it was 78% RH at the time, so a very damp cool temp.


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