Cass, Rob & Kira - UO & Disney Fantasy - Two Old Farts and a Teenager

Following along! Excited to hear about your Universal and Fantasy trip!

Awesome! Glad you're here! :)
Two OLD farts? Does this mean you bought trip insurance??? Lol

You got us seriously thinking about those Air Tags too. We always have a collective sigh of relief when we see our luggage at the airport.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE those SW egg rolls at Chili’s!! I’d eat them for breakfast myself.

OMG….so funny about the Tuh-ronno! You’re soooo right although you’re wrong about my Chi kah go! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
LOL, we ALWAYS buy insurance. LOL

They are great to know where stuff is but really, it wouldn't help much if our bag was left in Toronto. But we would at least know where they were.

I miss my eggrolls, they are so good!

Chi-KAH-go, I love hearing you say that LOL! ❤️
Woohoo, I'm in baby!!!
The new board format definitely makes this more difficult...sigh. oh well!

Ugh. TO....the worst airport I think I've ever been to in my entire life. We had to connect at TO both directions when we went to Punta Cana last August, it was my first time in that airport since 1996! Hated every second of it. Was horrible both directions.

But I're back in FLORIDA!!!! :)

Can't wait to read more!

I didn't even know there was a new format! So far it sucks big time! :(

Oh man, you avoided YYZ for 25 years? Smart woman! ::yes::

Can't wait to tell you more!

No obligatory bed jumping from Kira anymore? 💋

Tell her Aunt Nancy needs a techy girl here too. I pay in Disney Gift Cards. 🤣

BEST VACAY PIC EVER!!!! Whahahahahaha!!!!
She's a little too big for that now LOL!

Hahaha, she would love to help you out, she's awfully good at that stuff! ;)

Glad you like it hee her!
Yay! My favorite family and I'm in early! Can't wait to read more of your latest adventure.

P.S. I think your hair looks very cute!

Glad you're here! :)

And thanks! I can make it look a little better with the use of a curling iron but out of the shower, boy you can tell she botched it! The back is way too short and I look like a mushroom cap ugh! :(

Woo Hoo!! Another Cass trip report! A great start to your vacation! And I also think your haircut is adorable! Beautiful family!
Thanks, glad you made it! And thanks, you're sweet but if you saw my hair without me fixing it, you'd laugh LOL!

Following along. I really enjoy your reports.
Thanks for being here! :)
Yay!! I'm here and so excited you went on this trip and that we get to read all about it! :)
So glad you're here to read all about it! :)
Well lets go girlie girlie!! You know I'm in. And do you believe this, I haven't read the last report, I completely forgot! I feel guilty. I totally need to catch up big time. So Kira, holy cow she's grown up and so beautiful Cass. I love that she still wants to travel with Mom and Dad, I miss those days! My kids are in their 30's now, oh treasure these moments, they are fleeting. So excited!!
Hahaha, well, now you've got some reading to do LOL! She is a beautiful, awesome kiddo! We have the best time on vacation with her, she's so funny, up for anything, creative and makes me laugh every day! We're so lucky! We treasure every single trip together! ❤️
I’m so excited for this!! Your trip reports are my favorite, and we’ll be on the Fantasy in May. Was this a western itinerary?!
Glad you're here! Yes, Western but I warn you, we didn't really do anything in ports, we're kind of boring that way LOL!
Love her hair!

Poor baby, being left behind. But at least Boo is getting to spend quality time with uncle rather than at camp.

After reading your last trip report, we bought Apple Air Tags and now travel with them also. I would love to put one on my daughter's car keys but she has forbidden it. I wonder why...

What is "government cheese"?

Yea Kira! I teach psychology (college level) and even after 30+ years, I still think it is the most fascinating subject.

How does this work? Are you able to skip the check-in desk?

We still wear ours any time we are in public and cannot social distance. We have not had even a cold in our household since Covid hit so we assume the masks are helping protect us from many various germs.

Aren't her curls awesome??! I wish she could see how awesome they are! Yes, Boo is lucky to have her Uncle Ken, we know she is safe and well-cared for! We joke with Kira that once she has a purse and keys, we will need to put tags on those for her LOL!

debster812 has you covered down below with the cheese situation. ;)

She's thinking of becoming a psychologist, this is her first class so we shall see when she is done :p

Alamo has Skip the Counter, do check-in online and then just head to the row of the vehicle class you booked and pick what you want. I will never NOT do Alamo, it's so awesome!

Same! We always get colds every year but we haven't been sick since covid.
I'm here! Read it all yesterday but on my phone so I couldn't reply!
Love Kira's shirt!
Yay! :) Thanks, someone special gave it to her ❤️

I'll chime in on this. The Wahlberg's are local to a section of Boston and growing up they were fairly low income, and 'government cheese' is what was part of the offerings for families collecting welfare. Basically a GIANT block of either white or orange "American Cheese Food Product" (or singles excellent for grilled cheese or cheeseburgers). I guess it's funnier if you have context, and in true Disboards fashion, it's got to be 'regional' :rotfl::rotfl2:

Thanks for explaining that! I did watch every episode of Wahlburgers so I knew what it meant but glad I didn't have to explain it LOL!
Following along. Your TRs are always super entertaining to read and help pass the time until my next adventure!
Oh gosh, I'm glad in the end Robs knee was ok!! Ouch 😬 You got in a lot of rides for your first day at UO! That's awesome! And yay for extra pool time 😉👍❤️
March 24th, Part 1

We decided we needed to sleep in a little today and we had a few stops to make anyway so it worked out. Our first stop is one of our favourite places to eat in Orlando, Keke's! Well, it's mine and Rob's fave, Kira says it's good but not fabulous. :rolleyes2



Kira got an omelette...


Rob got his Florida Waffle...


And I got my usual, ham (not pictured because it comes on the side) and eggs with those delicious home fries. 😋


While we were eating, the skies opened up and it poured.


Once we were done, it was only spitting and we had an umbrella, so not a big deal. I popped in to Publix next door to grab a case of water and Diet Coke for our cruise and then we headed over to the Premium Outlets so Rob could look for shoes at Reebok. While he did that, Kira and I perused another store...


There wasn't much here that we liked. Kira got a tank top, the exact same one I purchased for myself in the Canada Pavilion in Epcot in 2020, but for more than twice the price. 😢

We did spy some DCL stuff from cruises that never happened.


I liked the scrapbook because it is from 2020 and it says "Sea you Next Year". Hahahaha, yup, that's exactly what happened. :lmao:


Once Rob procured a pair of weird, fancy new runners, we ended up in this pop culture-y store. Kira didn't even want to go in at first, I said, let's just go look, it looks like our kind of store. Well, she was super thankful I made her go because she fell in love with this Eeyore Loungefly! :p

She's a big Winnie the Pooh & friends fan and she's never wanted a bag like this before. She's like me, not a shopper and doesn't want much, so when she fawned over it, I knew she really wanted it. She was worried about the $100 USD price tag but I told her we would happily get it for her. She's such an awesome kid, she works hard at school, she does her chores at home and then helps me out with mine and Rob's sometimes and she never really asks for anything. I did ask her where she would use it, just so she thought it through since she doesn't like to carry anything around except her phone and she said it would come in handy on the cruise for sure. And it really did actually. She used it everywhere she went on the cruise, it held a mask, sanitizer, iphone battery pack and kleenex. She hasn't used it since the cruise but once she starts to carry a wallet and keys, I think she may use it more. Plus, you just know we are gonna be going on more cruises. ::yes::


Back to the hotel we went! I always forget to get a pic of this and it's handy to know the parking rates and how the parking works at UO hotels. Your key card works and you have in and out privileges. :thumbsup2


We chilled in the room for a bit, there was a storm brewing ❤️

By the way, if you travel, you need to buy these heavy duty magnets, they rock! I started using them on cruises years ago but they come in handy everywhere. There are just not enough hooks in any hotel! This one especially, I think there's ONE hook and it's in the bathroom! Oh and I bought that travel magnifying mirror for this trip and it totally ROCKED! These old eyes can't see fine details anymore and this sucker sticks on to most surfaces, has a light and is nice and portable. :thumbsup2



It poured for about an hour and by the time we left it was down to a light rain. We wore the cheap ponchos that I had brought with us just to stay dry and they totally worked.



Rob really wanted to eat at Toothsome's again but we knew it would be a long wait since we didn't have reservations. He stopped in, put our name down on the list and they said it would be about an hour wait so we headed over to our favourite coaster for another spin in the front row :cool1:



Once we made it to the front of the line, it had stopped raining. Boy, we totally lucked out with timing this trip. ::yes::

Rob wanted a quick selfie before heading back to Toothsome.



We got back to Toothsome and inquired about the wait time because this is what popped up on Rob's phone when he put our name down. o;O


We don't mind waiting but not for 2.5 hours! He said we were second on his waitlist and five minutes later, we were led upstairs, to the exact same table we had the night before LOL!

Rob had spied some of the treats and they were determined to have some dessert tonight. Spoiler alert, they never did! :p




Rob and Kira ordered their usual but I wanted something a little more substantial this time so I ordered the filet.




Rob said his was delicious, Kira said it was good but not as good as the night before and mine was okay. The cheesesteak rolls were better, IMHO.

Back to the park we went! The crowds had really died down at this point.



So, can you guess where we went? Three guesses... and the first two don't count ;)


Front NIGHT!!! 😍

Hagrid's was too busy and we were feeling the lack of sleep and 26K from yesterday so I suggested we go to Three Broomsticks and get some Butter Beer and chill and the head back to the hotel. My family was loving this plan ;)


Since it was cooler now, I suggested we finally try the hot butter beer. In previous years, they only served it during the cold winter months and we were only ever there in the summertime so we never got the chance. Kira got her cold butter beer, Rob got an apple pie and I got us a hot BB to share.

Rob and I don't like the cold one, it's way too sweet for us (I do love the topping though, that stuff is gold!) but Kira LOVES it. Well, turns out I love the hot stuff, Rob enjoyed it and Kira didn't care for it at all LOL! To me, the hot BB tastes like hot chocolate with butterscotch in it. It was burning hot though, it was hard to drink! I'm also not a fan of hot drinks, I really only drink water and Diet-Coke (only on vacation) so while I did love it, I didn't drink much of it. Rob enjoyed some but I think we only ended up finishing about half of it. I'm glad we finally got to try it though but for $8, I will stick to my water :p

I think they should offer a hot (maybe warm?) butter beer ice cream float! That would be the bomb! :worship:


Tired but happy :goodvibes Somebody please tell me what gives with those baby chairs in this place?? :rotfl2:


We hit up the Quan bathrooms on our way out where Rob noticed a little beetle buddy catching a ride LOL! We looked back on pics and he had been there for awhile, just after VC apparently. Guess he needed a lift to Seuss Landing :lmao:


We got to the water taxi and realized it would be 3 or 4 boats before we would get on so we decided to take the bus back, much quicker, even with a stop at Cabana Bay first.


And then more pool time, baby! :woohoo:


Tomorrow is our last Universal day. :sad1:
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Whew! Glad Rob was able to carry on after his knee incident. I am just recovering from my own knee issue so I am happy he was ok, especially right before a cruise!

And, I love Kira's Eeyore backpack! Very nice!
March 25th, Part 1

Another chill morning today. Rob was meeting up with someone for brunch so Kira and I just laid like broccoli until we were hungry. Actually, she laid like broccoli while I got a massive jump start to packing and organizing all of our crap for the cruise tomorrow. :p

Once our tummies started to rumble, we hatched a plan. We were both way too lazy to head over to CityWalk and we didn't want to eat at Aventura, so we decided to walk over to Cabana Bay and eat at the always dependable Bayliner Diner. I didn't feel like walking all the way down to the end of the block and then over the walkway, so we chose a different path, one less traveled. Actually, we've never gone this way so we're taking a new path. :goodvibes

That path begins at the pool, which, once again, is not crowded, despite it being a billion degrees already!


This is the walkway to Volcano Bay. You have to go through security but we didn't mind and we finally got to go through the tunnel under the road.




Once we came up the escalator, I told Kira to direct us. She was like "WHAT?! I don't know where to go" but I reassured her that she did and once she figured out where she was, she took us in the proper direction. :p

We've been here many a time. ::yes::


Look at the little baby palm!! Awwwwww ❤️


Our old stomping grounds. We've spent lots of time at this resort. We love it but I think our last trip in 2019 just ruined it for us. It was SO loud, SO crowded, SO many teens running wild! Walking around, we noticed things haven't changed. I was hoping that all of the teen groups would have been directed towards Endless Summer but they definitely were not. We saw massive groups of teens everywhere and more were arriving. I had heard that Disney was turning away these big groups at Pop Century and the All Stars and that Universal was welcoming them with open arms. Well, looks like that is true.


We headed over to Bayliner and just as we were approaching the Grill line, 8 teens got in the line ahead of us. With only one cook and one person taking orders, this took over 45 minutes for us to get our food and then they messed up my order and Kira's food was getting cold just sitting there while they tried to salvage it. She ended up eating all of her fries while we waited for them to fix my burger but they were unsalted so she didn't love them the way she normally does so I ended up giving her half of my hot, salted fries when we sat down.


Our food was good but our experience was not. By the time we walked over to the bus stop to head back to Aventura, we agreed that we much prefer Aventura now. 😬


We cheered ourselves up by checking our cruise countdown. :lmao:


Once Rob came back, we headed to the parks.



I didn't even know they had this here, pretty cool!


The parks were insane! And it was HOT! Definitely the hottest and busiest day we had.


Priority number one was butter beer ice cream!



Hey look, she let me take a photo this time! :laughing:


We ate it in Diagon Alley, of course!


Then it was time for Rip Ride! This was a pretty long line and I almost didn't make it. This line is all in the open air, some in the sun and about 20 minutes in, I started to feel unwell. 😦

I didn't have my fan to cool me down and there was no A/C. Thankfully, once we made it upstairs, there was a breeze and that got me through. We all used the secret menu and we all put in different codes and we all got weird songs that we didn't choose. :rotfl2:


Lots of Mardi Gras entertainers around.


Hogwarts Express had a 70-minute wait so we walked over to IOA, hydrated and stayed cool while we took a break from the insanity. We had a great view too!


Even Kira was enjoying my fan. :p


We did Velocicoaster in the front row and then had some dinner.


Today was Friday so Rob gave up his ribs and chicken for fish and chips with corn and potatoes and Kira and I split the other fish and chips.



We chatted about our plans while we ate. The crowds changed our original plans of doing all three wet rides because each of them were over 60 minutes long. None of us wanted to wait that long. Kira REALLY wanted to do the water rides so I suggested they wait until later because the lines on those drop as soon as the sun sets. They were also both set on getting one more BB ice cream before the Studios closed. 8-)

The only thing I was set on was getting my butt into the pool and hot tub one last time. I also found out that a co-worker of mine was staying at Aventura with her family so I parted ways with my family and headed back to the hotel.

Just as I headed out, I got a message from her that she was eating at Urban Pantry so I hopped on the water taxi and made my way over there. I found them tucked way over in the corner and we chatted for a bit. It's a shame we didn't get any pics because her son and I were wearing the same shirt. 🤣

It was a little more crowded tonight but I still managed to enjoy my last dip in this glorious pool.


Rob and Kira clearly got their second wind and accomplished quite a bit! And like the well-trained family of a trip report writer they are, they documented it all for you. :laughing:


Apparently, they got to ride this twice in a row because a Team Member loved his DD shirt so much. :p That's twice that's happened to him now, he always wears his two Dueling Dragons shirts now LOL!



They made it just in time for ice cream before it closed. Kira took a video of Rob speed-walking through Diagon Alley and sent it to me with a text that read "Nothing stands between Dad and his ice cream" :lmao: I've seen this speed-walk through DA before. :rolleyes: :P


Rob ended up trying Earl Grey Lavender because he was curious, he ended up loving it but Kira didn't but she enjoyed her BB, as usual.



They got two of the water rides done and the front seat of Velocicoaster too!



They closed down the last park and then headed back on the water taxi. I was back in the room by then and caught them walking back. :p


Next up, cruise day! :cool1:
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Love reading about the other side of this vacation destination. We’re so stuck on Disney instead.

Glad Rob’s knee didn’t cause too many issues and that you got a lot of pool time before the cruise.

We’re going to have to make a point of going to Keke’s this year. Love a good breakfast, especially dunkers! Lol
Ugh, sorry for the disappointing meal :( But the rest of your last day at Universal looked great. Here's a question: if we aren't potter fans and at least two of us hate roller coasters, is there much for us to do at UO? My dh really wants to go but I'm not sure. I'm so used to Universal Hollywood that I don't know about the Orlando one....
You may have already answered this question. Sorry if I missed it...

But, what kind of fan do you have? It looks nice and small and I am looking for one like it. Thanks in advance! :-)
Love reading about fellow Calgarians escaping winter!

We actually had great weather at home, so not much to escape this time. :lmao:

Following along. Your TRs are always super entertaining to read and help pass the time until my next adventure!

Awww, thanks, glad I could help you pass the time, I do the same thing ;)

Oh gosh, I'm glad in the end Robs knee was ok!! Ouch 😬 You got in a lot of rides for your first day at UO! That's awesome! And yay for extra pool time 😉👍❤️

Glad he was okay too, I was worried for a quick minute! We got a decent amount done, it's way less crowded at the end of August though :p

Exactly my thought! Haha


Whew! Glad Rob was able to carry on after his knee incident. I am just recovering from my own knee issue so I am happy he was ok, especially right before a cruise!

And, I love Kira's Eeyore backpack! Very nice!

Oh no! Hope you're doing okay!

A nice, chill day with some of everything ;) Rides, shopping, eating, pool. Perfect 👍

It was a great day, it really was ❤️

Love reading about the other side of this vacation destination. We’re so stuck on Disney instead.

Glad Rob’s knee didn’t cause too many issues and that you got a lot of pool time before the cruise.

We’re going to have to make a point of going to Keke’s this year. Love a good breakfast, especially dunkers! Lol

Well, Disney is more your speed but I think you would love some stuff at Universal too ;)

Keke's is a must if you're a breakfast lover. ;)

Ugh, sorry for the disappointing meal :( But the rest of your last day at Universal looked great. Here's a question: if we aren't potter fans and at least two of us hate roller coasters, is there much for us to do at UO? My dh really wants to go but I'm not sure. I'm so used to Universal Hollywood that I don't know about the Orlando one....

Well, let me say that UO is way better than UH, that's for sure! More to do, obviously, it's bigger. Harry Potter is definitely the draw but if you like water rides, rides with screens, I would say it's worth giving it a shot. They do have awesome coasters but they have some really great shows too...Bourne, Horror Make-Up Show, Animal Actors, Minions (it was way better when it was 3D), MIB, Transformers and Spidey, Kong, they are all worth doing at least once. Both the hotels are all amazing, better value than Disney hotels. If you can spring for HRH, RP or PB, they include Express Pass and it's worth it! Plus the dining at CityWalk is amazing! :thumbsup2
Yay!!!! Another infamous trippie from Timon!! :D :D

Okay, you totally convinced me to try Toothsome again! We've never liked it, but maybe we've ordered incorrectly. I literally just booked a ressie! Oh how I wish we could ride VelociCoaster together! My hubby can't ride it, so I always ride solo. It is truly as incredible as they say! I've never stayed at Aventura. I've toured it a few times though. We've tried to go to Bar 17 Bistro, but EVERY SINGLE TIME we've gone it has been closed for a private party! I'm wondering if we should stay sometime. Hmmm!

Loving your report already!, and your cruise hasn't even started yet! :D
Love your shirt! Rob and Kira got so much done that night. I feel I need a visit to Universal!
March 26th, Part 1

You guys!!! The smileys are back!!! :banana::banana::banana:

Okay, with the banana happy dance at the top of this chapter, not sure what else could top that?? :scratchin
Oh wait! We're going on a cruise today...that's pretty dang exciting!! :sail:

I love it when it's time to put the tags on your luggage! One of the best feelings in the world. :woohoo:


Rob went down to get fueled up while Kira and I finished getting ready and I packed up the last of our crap.


Oh my dog!!! I forgot to tell you about last night's Relay adventure!!! :upsidedow

One of the coolest features of this hotel is Relay. He's a little robot dude that roams around the hotel during the day. You can interact with him, ask him to tell you a joke, ask him a question, etc., but he also delivers certain stuff to rooms. I've seen him around quite a bit on my previous trips at this hotel and he is a hoot! :teeth: Last Fall when I was here with my buddy Jen, he seemed a little glitchy and it was hilarious watching him try to get into his elevator on the main floor. Oh man, I wish I had that on video because it was SO funny! Well, in the previous two days, we had tried to get Relay to send us up some stuff with no luck. Rob even called front desk to request him but he never came. :( So last night, while Kira was in the shower, after talking to my co-worker who told me she used the tablet to chat with guest services to get him to her room, I decided to surprise Kira by getting Relay to deliver something. The tablet chat feature was the right choice because he showed up with a bar of soap! Only problem is that Kira decided to take a 12 hour-long shower and Relay came within minutes of me requesting him, so she missed him! OOPS! :sad1:

She was super bummed so I decided to try again this morning. I waited until we were all ready and then I went back on the tablet and told them that my daughter had missed Relay's visit last night and that I would be super grateful if they could send him back up, just to say hi, before we left this morning. They graciously agreed and told us he would be right there. :cool1:

Rob decided to head over to the elevators to document his arrival and when he got to our door, he called our room phone, which Kira answered anxiously, and then she ran to meet him at the door.

She was pleasantly surprised that he had brought her a cake pop! :lovestruc



Rob caught the whole adorable visit on video, if you want to check it out...

After that excitement, it was now time to head to Port Canaveral :drive:


Ummm, Florida now has hills? :rolleyes: Kind of a weird place for a landfill, no?


It's been awhile since we took a cruise from Port Canaveral, it's so exciting when you can see your ship over that hill. :hyper:


Our Port Arrival Time was 10:45am and we arrived about 10 minutes early to drop off our luggage. A DCL cast member does come over to check your PAT and your QR code and puts a little piece of paper on your windshield, so you definitely couldn't arrive much sooner than your PAT.


Bags dropped, porter tipped, green paper on the windshield, we headed to the parking garage. It's an extra expense but I can't tell you how wonderfully convenient it is to park in that garage! No shuttles, no buses, no big hot tents to sit in! It was $136 for the week.


Once you pay for the parking, you follow the signs and cones into the garage where they scan your QR code on your Port Arrival form and then they give you your individual testing bags.


Then you pull into the first floor of the garage and they direct you to a spot. Someone from Inspire Diagnostics comes to your car and explains what to do. You have to write your name on a label and then they come around to each person and instruct you how to do the self-testing. Easy peasy! Once that is all collected, someone from DCL comes over and scans your QR code again and explains that you stay in your vehicle but head further into the garage to find a spot to park in and then wait for your testing results, which you receive on the Safe Passage website. This guy, Craig, is GOLD! He was so funny and personable.


We found a spot and parked and then Kira chilled in the back. :rotfl2:


I had zero bars and couldn't connect to the website but thankfully Rob was able to and 15 minutes later, we were all cleared! :cool1:

I was fully expecting for it to take longer because we were the very first cruise to use antigen tests instead of PCR tests and I know things don't always run smoothly on the first day but it was so fast!

All negative! :cool1:


We grabbed our carry-ons, donned our masks and then headed for the terminal entrance on level 3.


With our docs checked, we crossed the best bridge in Florida :love:


We stopped for a few pics of course!


Instead of going through security on level 3 like you used to, we went down the escalators and then into the main floor of the terminal where the check-in desks are now located. There's a Platinum line but we just went up to the first desk that was open, they weren't busy yet. After scanning our passports, it was time for security.


We met back up with Craig, where he cracked a few more jokes for us and then through the doors to scan our bags.



Kira and I made it through quickly but Rob was stopped.



They were re-scanning one of Rob's bags, it was taking quite a long time so I told Kira I would head upstairs so I could get video of them coming up the escalators.


I love this terminal! Even the floor is amazing with a gigantic map that shows Florida and the islands.




I took some pics while I waited for them and then started chatting with a CM. I asked her which desk to go to see if we can change our room and she said desk 15. A few minutes later with no family coming on the escalators yet, she suggested I leave them behind and head straight for the desk. I texted Kira to see what was going on. Apparently, there was a cable in Rob's bag that they wanted to check out but instead of just opening it up and checking it, they kept putting it through the x-ray machine. :rolleyes2 She said they were putting it through again so I told her I would head to desk 15 and she could meet me there.


I didn't want to upgrade us, I was just hoping to move to another area on the ship as the room that was assigned to us was directly under the gym and I had read reports that it could be loud. When I got up there, she told me that she could no longer move or upgrade anyone but that I should check with Guest Services when we board to see if they had something available for us. By then, Rob and Kira had finally arrived.

These are the best Mickey ears, in my opinion. :earboy2:


We headed outside to grab some pics. It had been almost five years since we cruised together on this ship and also out of this terminal.


While I was taking the above photo, a very kind fellow passenger offered to take a family pic for us. :goodvibes


Then I asked Rob to grab one of just Kira and I and while he was walking over to take the pic, Kira just looked at me, flashed me a big grin and gave me this great big hug. :hug:


Not sure what it was for but as a mother, you don't question these things, you just accept all of the hugs you get ::yes::


One last pic of this beautiful ship before heading back in.


Kira and I grabbed a seat while Rob went to grab some pressed pennies. Just as we sat down and opened up the DCL app to get connected, a guy across from us looked at Kira and said "You're Kira!"

LOL, I was a little freaked does this grown man know my daughter??? Then he said "You're Cass!" :rotfl:

He told us that he had recognized us from my trip reports. Just then, Rob came back and he said "And you're Rob!" hahahah, it was funny. It always amazes me when someone recognizes me from these trippies. Especially with masks on! :lmao:

If I remember correctly, Mike & Diana had just moved recently to Florida and were enjoying how easy it was to just jump on a cruise. We chatted a little while Kira and I were checking out activities and the like. Mike's not a DISer, he just reads so if you see this Mike....Hey guys! :wave2:

Rob was showing off his new pressed pennies. I didn't have the heart to tell him he already had these ones. :rolleyes1



Just a few minutes later, our boarding group 5 had been called! We wished Mike & Diana a good cruise and then headed through these glorious ears. :mickeyjum


Next up, the best (and totally embarrassing!) Disney Cruise welcome ever. :blush::blush::blush:
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March 26th, Part 1

You guys!!! The smileys are back!!! :banana::banana::banana:

Okay, with the banana happy dance at the top of this chapter, not sure what else could top that?? :scratchin
Oh wait! We're going on a cruise today...that's pretty dang exciting!! :sail:

I love it when it's time to put the tags on your luggage! One of the best feelings in the world. :woohoo:


Rob went down to get fueled up while Kira and I finished getting ready and I packed up the last of our crap.


Oh my dog!!! I forgot to tell you about last night's Relay adventure!!! :upsidedow

One of the coolest features of this hotel is Relay. He's a little robot dude that roams around the hotel during the day. You can interact with him, ask him to tell you a joke, ask him a question, etc., but he also delivers certain stuff to rooms. I've seen him around quite a bit on my previous trips at this hotel and he is a hoot! :teeth: Last Fall when I was here with my buddy Jen, he seemed a little glitchy and it was hilarious watching him try to get into his elevator on the main floor. Oh man, I wish I had that on video because it was SO funny! Well, in the previous two days, we had tried to get Relay to send us up some stuff with no luck. Rob even called front desk to request him but he never came. :( So last night, while Kira was in the shower, after talking to my co-worker who told me she used the tablet to chat with guest services to get him to her room, I decided to surprise Kira by getting Relay to deliver something. The tablet chat feature was the right choice because he showed up with a bar of soap! Only problem is that Kira decided to take a 12 hour-long shower and Relay came within minutes of me requesting him, so she missed him! OOPS! :sad1:

She was super bummed so I decided to try again this morning. I waited until we were all ready and then I went back on the tablet and told them that my daughter had missed Relay's visit last night and that I would be super grateful if they could send him back up, just to say hi, before we left this morning. They graciously agreed and told us he would be right there. :cool1:

Rob decided to head over to the elevators to document his arrival and when he got to our door, he called our room phone, which Kira answered anxiously, and then she ran to meet him at the door.

She was pleasantly surprised that he had brought her a cake pop! :lovestruc



Rob caught the whole adorable visit on video, if you want to check it out...

After that excitement, it was now time to head to Port Canaveral :drive:


Ummm, Florida now has hills? :rolleyes: Kind of a weird place for a landfill, no?


It's been awhile since we took a cruise from Port Canaveral, it's so exciting when you can see your ship over that hill. :hyper:


Our Port Arrival Time was 10:45am and we arrived about 10 minutes early to drop off our luggage. A DCL cast member does come over to check your PAT and your QR code and puts a little piece of paper on your windshield, so you definitely couldn't arrive much sooner than your PAT.


Bags dropped, porter tipped, green paper on the windshield, we headed to the parking garage. It's an extra expense but I can't tell you how wonderfully convenient it is to park in that garage! No shuttles, no buses, no big hot tents to sit in! It was $136 for the week.


Once you pay for the parking, you follow the signs and cones into the garage where they scan your QR code on your Port Arrival form and then they give you your individual testing bags.


Then you pull into the first floor of the garage and they direct you to a spot. Someone from Inspire Diagnostics comes to your car and explains what to do. You have to write your name on a label and then they come around to each person and instruct you how to do the self-testing. Easy peasy! Once that is all collected, someone from DCL comes over and scans your QR code again and explains that you stay in your vehicle but head further into the garage to find a spot to park in and then wait for your testing results, which you receive on the Safe Passage website. This guy, Craig, is GOLD! He was so funny and personable.


We found a spot and parked and then Kira chilled in the back. :rotfl2:


I had zero bars and couldn't connect to the website but thankfully Rob was able to and 15 minutes later, we were all cleared! :cool1:

I was fully expecting for it to take longer because we were the very first cruise to use antigen tests instead of PCR tests and I know things don't always run smoothly on the first day but it was so fast!


We grabbed our carry-ons, donned our masks and then headed for the terminal entrance on level 3.


With our docs checked, we crossed the best bridge in Florida :love:


We stopped for a few pics of course!


Instead of going through security on level 3 like you used to, we went down the escalators and then into the main floor of the terminal where the check-in desks are now located. There's a Platinum line but we just went up to the first desk that was open, they weren't busy yet. After scanning our passports, it was time for security.


We met back up with Craig, where he cracked a few more jokes for us and then through the doors to scan our bags.



Kira and I made it through quickly but Rob was stopped.



They were re-scanning one of Rob's bags, it was taking quite a long time so I told Kira I would head upstairs so I could get video of them coming up the escalators.


I love this terminal! Even the floor is amazing with a gigantic map that shows Florida and the islands.




I took some pics while I waited for them and then started chatting with a CM. I asked her which desk to go to see if we can change our room and she said desk 15. A few minutes later with no family coming on the escalators yet, she suggested I leave them behind and head straight for the desk. I texted Kira to see what was going on. Apparently, there was a cable in Rob's bag that they wanted to check out but instead of just opening it up and checking it, they kept putting it through the x-ray machine. :rolleyes2 She said they were putting it through again so I told her I would head to desk 15 and she could meet me there.


I didn't want to upgrade us, I was just hoping to move to another area on the ship as the room that was assigned to us was directly under the gym and I had read reports that it could be loud. When I got up there, she told me that she could no longer move or upgrade anyone but that I should check with Guest Services when we board to see if they had something available for us. By then, Rob and Kira had finally arrived.

These are the best Mickey ears, in my opinion. :earboy2:


We headed outside to grab some pics. It had been almost five years since we cruised together on this ship and also out of this terminal.


While I was taking the above photo, a very kind fellow passenger offered to take a family pic for us. :goodvibes


Then I asked Rob to grab one of just Kira and I and while he was walking over to take the pic, Kira just looked at me, flashed me a big grin and gave me this great big hug. :hug:


Not sure what it was for but as a mother, you don't question these things, you just accept all of the hugs you get ::yes::


One last pic of this beautiful ship before heading back in.


Kira and I grabbed a seat while Rob went to grab some pressed pennies. Just as we sat down and opened up the DCL app to get connected, a guy across from us looked at Kira and said "You're Kira!"

LOL, I was a little freaked does this grown man know my daughter??? Then he said "You're Cass!" :rotfl:

He told us that he had recognized us from my trip reports. Just then, Rob came back and he said "And you're Rob!" hahahah, it was funny. It always amazes me when someone recognizes me from these trippies. Especially with masks on! :lmao:

If I remember correctly, Mike & Diana had just moved recently to Florida and were enjoying how easy it was to just jump on a cruise. We chatted a little while Kira and I were checking out activities and the like. Mike's not a DISer, he just reads so if you see this Mike....Hey guys! :wave2:

Rob was showing off his new pressed pennies. I didn't have the heart to tell him he already had these ones. :rolleyes1



Just a few minutes later, our boarding group 5 had been called! We wished Mike & Diana a good cruise and then headed through these glorious ears. :mickeyjum


Next up, the best (and totally embarrassing!) Disney Cruise welcome ever. :blush::blush::blush:
Omg I have goosebumps
cannot wait to re -cruise been two years
and cass that hug also gave me goosebumps as you say you don’t question these things but geez do they give you a burst of hapiness

cannot wait to read the rest !


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