Catching Up w/Friends at DLR - June 2003 - Part 4


Jan 20, 2002
Saturday, June 7

We tried to sleep in today, but there was a lot of noise outside our room this morning. Keith had talked about letting me go over to the park on my own and he’d meet up with me when he was ready. By the time I’d finished checking e-mail and was ready to coordinate a time and place to meet, Keith said that he was going to be ready in about five minutes. I think he should have just let me go on my own so he could take his time, as he was dragging on this day! (Chris and Chandra would be meeting up with us later in the day, at the park.)

We spent the late morning in Tomorrowland. This was when I checked out the lagoon, to see if it looked like anything was happening there (nope!) We also checked out some of the merchandise at the little Autopia shop there. (I think, eventually, I’d like to have the fake Disney-ified road signs. I could have a great little theme here in my office since I already have a “casting applicant” sign I got once through the holiday gift exchange of my local Disney club.)

After reading so sometimes about the ability to talk to Stitch at Innoventions, I said I wanted to stop by. The wait was about 15 minutes, so I put my name in and Keith waited nearby while I played around at some of the kiosks. I tried to play the new Stitch game, but the controllers are much more complex than my old SNES! ; ) (I’ve been debating buying a new system…but it will depend on who makes the most interesting Disney titles. <g>) I also sent off some e-postcards. I think I like WDW’s options better because you can send pictures of yourself and some of them will let you type quite a bit on your “card.” (I found that you have to be careful not to fat finger the Virtual Resort cards because they’ll send themselves off before you’re ready!) It was fun to speak with Stitch once our turn came. I was amused when he asked who the tall unsmiling guy with me was. ; ) Then Keith was on the hook! (He actually is NOT a Stitch fan, but I didn’t dare tell Stitch that, or he would have misbehaved even more. <g>)

Soon it was time for lunch. We find that “Not the Casa” (AKA Rancho del Zocalo) is open erratically during off season, but Keith likes the place so we had to do lunch there with it actually being open for the day.

Despite my many trips to the park, I somehow have managed to miss Billy Hill and the Hillbillies. (And, even though I’ve made so many trips, I always have new experiences each time. : ) ) While waiting to be let inside, someone stopped because she had noticed our LP buttons. It ended up it was heartindl, accompanied by a local friend. We talked while in line and then sat at the same table up front for the show. She was especially jazzed at the time because she just got hired to work at the park! She’ll be taking tickets and said we’ll have to keep an eye out in the future to be sure to go through her line. : ) The conversation was fun, as was the Billy Hill show.

Later in the evening, it was time for the meet. Rebekah had told me that locals may have been scared off of attending due to not being sure how crowded the Resort would be due to soap weekend. I was glad that Dave made it, though. (heartindl came by briefly, but left before Chris and Chandra had arrived.)

When we were sure no one was going to come, we decided to make our way over to DCA. Chris and Keith got a ride in on California Screamin’ and then we caught the Electrical Parade.

Afterward, we got in with the mass exodus to Disneyland to catch “Believe…There’s Magic in the Stars.” I know that not all parents are this way, but please don’t use your stroller as a battering ram! (I’ll just say that we dealt with an episode of this…) The fireworks were great, as always, and Chris and Chandra did admit that there’s just more to it than MK’s nightly show. (DL has a big budget and blows it just on the weekends during off season. <g>)

Later on, we dropped by Coke Corner because Rod Miller was playing. Chris was delighted, this was like a celebrity sighting for him. : ) We’ve caught the tail end of performances before, but we’ve never had an experience like that night. It appeared that the “regulars” were in attendance as he was surrounded by people singing right along. We were even treated to a Russian dance by such a guest. (I had read about the folks that come to swing dance, but on this night I actually saw a good part of this crowd. It’s kind of cool that a very old Disney tradition of locals that come to listen to music and dance is still happening today.)

Unfortunately, the end came too soon and it was time to say goodbye to Dave, Chris, and Chandra. Chris and Chandra are planning to be back for the 50th, but I hope we’ll be seeing them in WDW sooner than that! : )

Sunday, June 8

With a meeting early Monday morning and a long drive ahead of us, Keith wanted to hit the road earlier than we typically do. I had just enough time to go on the Haunted Mansion. (I’m afraid that they needed to update their sign board as the queue was not anywhere near the 5 minutes listed!) On our way back to Main Street, we saw that Pirates was not open again. (On our Thursday visit, it was late in opening up.) Out of mere curiosity, I wanted to ask if it was simply set on a new schedule to open later or whether they’d been having technical glitches. The CM was a real ham and said that someone lost their (prosthetic) leg and they had to stop the attraction to look for it. ; ) (It really was a technical issue.) As we were standing there, Keith finally spotted the thing I’d read about, but never been able to spot…we were at just the right angle to see the sails up above the NOS buildings! Then we did our ritual of taking a Main Street vehicle to Town Square and then took one long last look back down at the castle.

Departing again…but at least I won’t be away for so long this time! Disneyland, I look forward to wishing you a happy 48th birthday next month. : )
Thank you so much for your detailed trip reports. I am partial to DL/DCA and love it when someone shares their vacation on the DISboards. Glad you and your friends had a good time and the "Hollywood Day" sounded really cool!:cool:

P.S. I post on LaughingPlace as Lulubelle2:) It's a great site.
Thanks, lulubelle. :)

BTW, since you said you're a fellow LP poster as well, the Chris referred to in my report is Chrisrails. (He posts mainly to WDW: General there.) I've have some great friendships that have carried over into "real life" from getting to know people on the boards. :)
<font color=navy>Hi JeniBarra,

Great trip report. I enjoyed reading each day's adventures. :)

I post occasionally as MaryJo on LP (usually the DL & DL Expansion pages), and I lurk a lot there. :wave:
Thanks, Mary Jo! I wonder how many folks around these parts are visitors to both the Disboards and LP. :)


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