CC's "I will run a 5K!" Journal-Comments Welcome


<font color=red>Warning: Boring!<br><font color=pu
Mar 21, 2009
My neighbor asked me to join her and her daughter for a 5K walk in early June. I think it's the first of the month. That gives me just under 3 months to prepare for it and boy am I going to need it. I can barely walk from the parking lot to my desk-about .15 miles- without being out of breath. I weighed in at the doctor's office on Friday at 180 lbs. According to WW, I'm just over 173. Either way I am not happy with how much I weigh or how I look. So, it's time to make a solid plan. The problem is I have no idea what one should look like. Every time I think I've come up with something, I fail at it. I started this goal of walking, biking, ellipticalling (?), etc. to Disney and back- 2500 miles- and I'm 450+ miles behind schedule. I'd have to have 20+ miles days from no until my deadline, which happens to be the day before I leave for WDW. So, what I am going to do? First things firts, I'm going to stop this pity party. Then, I'm going to make a plan and if I need to change my plan daily, than that is what I'm going to have to do.

So, for tomorrow: I know I won't be able to make it to the gym, so my goal for the day is to walk around the building during my lunch break tomorrow. My lunch is already packed and it's a healthy one. I have no idea what I'm going to have for breakfast though. As of now, I'm thinking an egg and an apple, plus 8 oz. of fat-free milk. I'll have some yogurt for snack during morning break. I need to pack a snack for after work too. I am terrible about doing this. Actually, I haven't done this once since I started my new job the Monday after Thanksgiving. I have tons of Slim-Fast snack bars at work. My goal for the week is to have one of those before I leave the office so that I can brush my teeth before I leave too. Then, I won't be tempted to eat anything because I'll have clean teeth. Here's to that trick working. ;)

Dinner is chicken noodle soup, I think.
Okay, let's see how this all translates into PointsPlus.
Breakfast: 4 (1 protein, 1 dairy, 1 fruit)
Snack: 3 (1 dairy)
Lunch: 5 (2 veggies, 1 protein, 1 dairy)
Snack: 3 (?-some protein?)
Dinner: 8? (1 protein, 1 grain, some veggies)
Total: 23/29

Ok, what else? A banana at dinner? I'm all set on protein and dairy. I could use some oil, but the thought of eating oil grosses me out. I think I'll add in some more veggies at dinner-broccoli maybe. That still doesn't increase my Points+ total, though. I suppose I could have a slice of Ezekial bread dipped in olive oil. That would bring me to 27/29. I'm not loving the idea of free fruit, so I'll call it a day at 27. Now, if I don't eat anything else, it'll be a successful day. Here's hoping...:goodvibes
Have a good day today, CC. I hope you get your walk in. And I think a 5k is a great goal.:goodvibes
Thanks Rose!

Yesterday and today were awful. I managed to compose myself enough so as not to be passive-aggressive. I don't know how though.

Tomorrow I'm going to Weight Watchers. I've decided to buy a new 3-month journal and start fresh. I'm going to begin my WW weeks on Thursday and see if that helps. I'm usually good at the beginning of the week and fall apart on Monday. Here's hoping...
I went to WW today and I'm not a happy camper. I weighed in 6+ higher than last week. That brings me to less than half a pound from 180 lbs. So, it's time to take action.

Here's the plan for tomorrow:
64+ oz. of water
Egg, apple, and milk for breakfast (4)
yogurt for snack (3)
chicken breast on a 3 pt roll for lunch (6)
Slim-Fast snack bar for snack (3)
not sure about dinner-not my decision (10 pts available)
frozen yogurt with strawberries for dessert (3)

I know I'm going to be hungry tomorrow, so I am planning accordingly. I'm hoping to not need as many snacks, but at the same time, I am not actually eating that much.

Here's hoping...


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