CC's Weight Loss Journey

Sometimes it just seems like life gets in the way of our journaling, doesn't it? Sounds like you have some great goals for getting everything going again - I bet you will get it all in because you have planned it all out! :thumbsup2

Hope you have a great week!
Well, tracking just hasn't happened yet today and I have no idea how much I ate. I know I ate more than I should have eaten. I am going to have a small dinner and get back into the swing of things tomorrow morning. I am going to the gym tonight and will aim to do Week 2 of the C25K.
CC, I am right there will you, off track.
Lets get back on track tomorrow. I like that thought of 2 workouts durring the week. I will have to give that a try.

Hey, maybe its the time change that has us messed up. Your in the midwest right? I know that I have been out of sorts the past few days.

Ok, Goal today, just exercise.
Goal tomorrow, exercise and track.

Have a great day!
CC, I am right there will you, off track.
Lets get back on track tomorrow. I like that thought of 2 workouts durring the week. I will have to give that a try.

Hey, maybe its the time change that has us messed up. Your in the midwest right? I know that I have been out of sorts the past few days.

Ok, Goal today, just exercise.
Goal tomorrow, exercise and track.

Have a great day!

Thanks! I love this idea!
CC, I am right there will you, off track.
Lets get back on track tomorrow. I like that thought of 2 workouts durring the week. I will have to give that a try.

Hey, maybe its the time change that has us messed up. Your in the midwest right? I know that I have been out of sorts the past few days.

Ok, Goal today, just exercise.
Goal tomorrow, exercise and track.

Have a great day!

Oh, and I live in New England.
I did better today, as of now, with regards to eating. I am happy about that. I have dance class tonight, but I did not get in a morning workout. I was up and ready when the alarm went off but then fell back to sleep. I was pretty tired at work today, so I'm guessing I didn't sleep well last night.

Will hopefully have more time to post more tomorrow!
I couldn't be trusted with yummy diet bars - in the past, I've plowed through a box of them! LOL I have to keep even some of those things out of the house

Great job on keeping moving, and getting to the gym at night when you skipped in the morning - woohoo

Glad you're enjoying the dance class...keeping things fun is a great way to keep moving - and great news on your loss...any loss is better than a gain!

You could be right about the water/bike ride...easy to feel nauseas when we're over dehydrated working out...hydrate, hydrate, hydrate my friend

Just saw you're on week 2 of c25k - go!!!! yeah!
Thanks Deb! I am really enjoying the C25K. Week 2 has been great.

Today was an ok day. I ate a lot and haven't got in any exercise. I am hoping I will wake up when the alarm goes off tomorrow morning and will exercise. I didn't have a great day emotionally and responded by eating. I also had a horrible headache, which I never have. I am hoping for a much better day tomorrow.

Off to catch up on some other journals...
Tomorrow, I "restart" my diet/exercise regiment. I got a 2-week membership to a local pool and plan to swim tomorrow afternoon after work. I am looking forward to mixing up my exercise a little bit.

Today started off as a great day and then turned into a miserable day. I'm actually surprised I haven't eaten any more than I have. Granted, I've had a lot to eat, but I suppose it could have be a lot worse.

I will get up tomorrow and weigh-in and then update my eTools. I will keep up with COW 11. I will get in lots of workouts. I will lose weight this week.

Sometimes for me when I think about having to workout and eat right I get all stress and I don't do either. So maybe for a few days/ week, just do one or the other, then when you feel you got the first one down, add the other.
for example, just do a week of working out everyday, then the next week add in eating better, this way you only have to focaus on one thing at a time.
I know that helps me when I get off track.

Good Luck to you!
How's the restart going? The swimming sounds like a good plan.
swimming, running....activity, check

how's the food portion going? hang in there, put the bad days behind you and just start fresh...each day is a new opportunity! I have days like that where i go...ugh, what am i thinking? so a new attitude and perspective always make it better...and hey, who says you have to start in the AM..if you're having a bad day -'s one meal, or one Dinner i'll have this under control
The "restart" is going great. Thanks for asking. I had a really OP day yesterday and am having a great day so far today. I am planning to get in my exercise today somehow, some way. My goal is to go to the pool today after lunch sometime. I stretched out cleaning up so I could get in a few extra steps. I am aiming for 10,000 steps today even though I rarely move that much for a weekend day. I am hoping to get in Cardio Levels 1 & 2 of the BL Jumstart Workout and some Wii Fit +. I may try a bike ride as well. Lunch and dinner will be pretty low in points so that is a plus.

Have a great day!
So far, so good for the day. I just ate some chocolate and when I felt the need to eat more, I brushed my teeth. Very proud of myself!

I have yet to get in any exercise today and I'm only at 3,000 steps.

Will post more later...
I'm disappointed to report that I didn't get any exercise in today. However, I otherwise had an OP day. I will have to get up tomorrow morning and exercise. I need to get to the pool. I am going near there tomorrow so it should be easy to fit into my schedule. Unfortunately, I didn't even make it 4,000 steps today. My goal for tomorrow is to increase that significantly. I would like to try a C25K workout outside tomorrow as well. I have a good idea of how many points I'll be eating tomorrow and some exercise is definitely in order. I'm exhausted so I'm off to bed.

Have a great day tomorrow!
It looks like today is going to be another non-exercise day as well. I didn't get out of bed until almost 10:30! I've planned my points and I should be fine. I'd love to get in a 20 min. or so walk, but I have so much to do that I have little expectation for that to happen. I am hoping for a better day with regards to exercising tomorrow. I have to go right near the pool tomorrow, so I will definitely be swimming. That'll be a great destress after my doctor's appt and before my next week on Tuesday morning.

Hopefully, I'll update again later. I'm off now.
one day at a step at a need to feel badly if you don't reach a certain number of proud of what you DID do - don't dwell on what you didn't do...okay :thumbsup2

Here's to a great week! Let's start with today....enjoy some movement, choose some healthy food, smile, laugh -- take it from there.
I have no idea where today went. I have a hunch it was gone before I got out of bed though. Oh well. I needed the sleep. I'll end up going over my points today, but I have plenty of my WPA, so I'm not worried. Still an overall OP day!

The one thing I did today that proved very successful is avoided chocolate. It is such a trigger food for me. I can see huge successes in my future if I continue to avoid it.

I am aiming for both a morning workout and an evening workout tomorrow. I'd like to wake up and do Cardio Levels 1 & 2 of the BL Jumpstart DVD followed by some Wii Fit+ time. I'll also probably take a peak at the scale and weigh myself using the balance board. I want to get 20 minutes of lap swimming in tomorrow night.

That's it for tonight. I still have to eat dinner and go to church. Dinner is fairly low in points, as long as I keep my portions under control.

Until tomorrow...
one day at a step at a need to feel badly if you don't reach a certain number of proud of what you DID do - don't dwell on what you didn't do...okay :thumbsup2

Here's to a great week! Let's start with today....enjoy some movement, choose some healthy food, smile, laugh -- take it from there.

Thanks Deb!


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