Celebrating My Inner Ninja WDW Style with Disney Friends!


DIS Veteran
Aug 7, 2012
Hey there readers!this trip includes many friends some of which didn't even know that they were tagging along or would be mentioned.This trip had its up and downs but when we were down we didn't down too long and it is for that reason that I am titling this TR after the song"My Inner Ninja" because many of the lyrics apply to this trip,also I'm hoping to get hubby to make a video with some of the pics and including the song, anytime I use a reference to the song it will be in
green like thisI will introduce people as they appear along the way.THe first day I wrote things as a diary sort of style so if I say "now I'm doing this" it means I was doing that at the time and not now in real time,okay let's get started.

Dear Disney Diary.....
Finally it's sorta trip day! Today I got up,did the dishes(so hubby wouldn't have to),walked my dog and got ready to go to Buffalo.( I didn't take any pics while with the fam because I wanted to be in the moment with them before parting ways for a few days.
Luckily there was no wait at the border so that was good.We drove to Walden Galleria Mall and had lunch at Bravo,BEST CHICKEN PARM EVER!!
I needed to buy some new unders so I went to do that and I also took Hailey to Pottery Barn Kids because I wanted to buy a travel seat for her 18 inch doll(you'll see that soon)If I wasn't going to Disney I could've very easily emptied my wallet in there!
When we got done at the mall we went to check in at The Quality Inn across from the Buffalo Airport,where we waited what seemed like half a lifetime for our room to be ready(or at least it felt that way)

(Hailey had found a red straw in the food area and said it was her doll's licorice)

She waited with my building managers daughters while I got us checked in ( I planned their trip for them and they were coming at the same time and staying at the same resort...good idea? or bad idea? )

Hailey and Kailey ,my managers 13 yr old


my building managers name is Jamie for future reference ,because it's easier to just call her by her name,you'll see a pic of her later though.Finally my room was ready (Jamie's was not yet) me n the fam went off to Walmart to buy some last minute items for the trip and then things got a little hairy between hubby and I so that wasn't fun.He and Riley dropped us back at the hotel n they left for home.Hailey and I went to McDonalds for dinner

she was so cute and kept saying that she loved me and that I was her fave and not to be sad because we would have fun together,kids are awesome!Just then my phone rang it was hubby calling from the border,in all my stress of the room taking forever n then arguing with him I had given him my passport and I had his YIKES!!!!This wasn't starting off well at all.He came back to get his passport and give me mine which was good because we got to make up before the trip,I felt better leaving with things on better terms.then we said our proper good byes (which grossed out the girls)and Jamie's younger daughter came to my room to hang out with Hailey and i while we watched this on tv.....

I noticed that somebunny was watching us through the window,creepy?Maybe but not when it's this cute!

So precious I want one!!please Mom can i Can I???

We caught the tail end of A Bug's Life too so i guess family was having a pixar day??I made arrangements for a 4 am shuttle to the airport n texted some Dis friends.I'm gonna cuddle up with Hailey after I set my alarm.then soon i'll be back to write more.

Okay well I tried very hard to sleep but just couldn't because someone was snoring(rolls eyes)

What?can you honestly tell me that you thought I would go to The Happiest place On Earth and not take my DisBff?ofcourse not!!! for those of you who don't know or have been hiding under a rock thats none other than oopsidaisy from THe Dis.so she came along too!I wish i could be in 2 places at once,watching the Incredibles must have rubbed off on her and brought out her own superpowers.we watched more tv and although we didn't have any popcorn we DID have Corn pops!!

so it was allright./SIZE]
I should not read your updates while at work! I seriously laughed out loud at the picture of Connie! :lmao: Luckily no one was near my office.

Other than the argument with DH (aren't husbands a pain sometimes?) it sounds like you had a wonderful first day.

I love the doll seat for Hailey's doll! What a great idea. One time when I was home visiting my Mom, I bought a really large bear (I collect bears too along with Pluto stuff but that's a story for another day). and I used bungy cords to make a homemade version of that carrier to get him home. :rotfl2:

I hope everything worked out ok with your building manager along. It should be interesting.

Can't wait to read more!
OMG the bit at the end with Oopsidaisy snoring :lmao: That had me seriously cracking up! Honestly this is a pretty good start as starts go (and sadly, I don't seem to be able to start a trip anywhere without fighting with my husband too - but I'm really glad you got to make up! The passport thing was actually good.:D) - especially your movie selections. I LOVE the Incredibles, I need to show it to my kids!

Yaaaaay I can't wait for the next installments! :D :cheer2:
I should not read your updates while at work! I seriously laughed out loud at the picture of Connie! :lmao: Luckily no one was near my office.

Other than the argument with DH (aren't husbands a pain sometimes?) it sounds like you had a wonderful first day.

I love the doll seat for Hailey's doll! What a great idea. One time when I was home visiting my Mom, I bought a really large bear (I collect bears too along with Pluto stuff but that's a story for another day). and I used bungy cords to make a homemade version of that carrier to get him home. :rotfl2:

I hope everything worked out ok with your building manager along. It should be interesting.

Can't wait to read more!

haha i can't wait to see her reaction to it!

OMG the bit at the end with Oopsidaisy snoring :lmao: That had me seriously cracking up! Honestly this is a pretty good start as starts go (and sadly, I don't seem to be able to start a trip anywhere without fighting with my husband too - but I'm really glad you got to make up! The passport thing was actually good.:D) - especially your movie selections. I LOVE the Incredibles, I need to show it to my kids!

Yaaaaay I can't wait for the next installments! :D :cheer2:

Oh your name will appear in this TR too!!
How the heck did I make it in at the BOTTOM of the page???? Okay, just marking my spot....gotta go back and read now...


I HEART you, Cheeky!!!! Cannot wait to read about our adventures...

And so sorry about the snoring. (Hope you didn't check the pillow...there may or may not have been a bit of drool involved... :rolleyes1)
Welcome back! I'm in!
thanks :) and welcome :)

How the heck did I make it in at the BOTTOM of the page???? Okay, just marking my spot....gotta go back and read now...


I HEART you, Cheeky!!!! Cannot wait to read about our adventures...

And so sorry about the snoring. (Hope you didn't check the pillow...there may or may not have been a bit of drool involved... :rolleyes1)

haha thats okay no complaints from me!
I'm in! Thanks for the heads up!

OMG to the passports. Good thing you got that figured out! :thumbsup2

Your daughter is adorable!
Before I continue on I wanted to share 2 mini stories with you all of things that I thought were funny.OKay so earlier that day when he had crossed the border n were on our way to the mall,hubby says to me "oh it's too bad you didn't get her a net so she could try to catch all the GEICOS,Omg I laughed so hard ,clearly somebody watches too much television!Then I informed him that geico is an insurance company and she wouldn't be needing any auto insurance on this trip! I don't know if it's as funny to you ,but it was to me.
Okay later in the night we were sitting in our hotel room and Hailey was checking things out,when she found a bible in the drawyer and she got all excited and started jumping up and down and flapping her arms,then she yells out "oh i love The Holy Bible"it was as if she had just found an entire drawyer of lollipops or something,I just wasn't expecting that n she had to tell me about how at school the other kids are bored n don't want to hear the stories but she sits straight up with her hands in her lap because she loves it so much.

our first night continues........ since we had oopsi in our room and weren't yet ready to fall asleep it made sense that the only right thing to do was to watch the country music countdown on tv,i mean she is a Nashatarian and all so it just fit.Here are some pics I took of my Boo before we hit the hay that night.

and as I took some time to journal the days events.......this happened

some unimportant facts I forgot to mention( because I forget everything)i texted a bunch of friends to let them know I had made it to "Murrica" and would see them soon.
and remember earlier whemn I said we had gone to walmart well,we also went to The Dollar Tree and bought Hailey an inflatable seahorse to play with in the pool at Disney.Hailey loves seahorses and her obsession with them is rather recent,it's unbelievable how much she knows about them too.thats the thing about children with special needs or learning disabilities is that they might have big delays in some areas while being very gifted in others and she is super intelligent when it comes to animals,she has taught me things that I never would've known if not for her.
Omg I swear I woke up every hour and then finally at 2:30 am(after not going to bed until 10:45)H and I got up and began getting ready, with the tv set to the Disney Channel of course.

Can you guress where we're going today?

here are the girls waiting in the lobby for the shuttle,thew one on the far right is Jamie's youngest daughter Tessa,her and Hailey have a love hate relationship,so we never know how they are going to be together.

oh and theres the travel seat I bought for Hailey's Disney Girl Doll "Julia" some of you may remember that she got her at The Grand Floridian tea party last SEptember.WE got to the airport and checked in with Southwest and were through security in no time,I think this might have been the fastest I've ever gone through that line ,but hey no complaints here I think thats great!

here's Hailey determined to stay awake so she could see exactly how we'd get there,because she needs to know incase she decides to buy a plane one day( her words precisely)

She told Julia to pay attention too!

here's Kailey showing her how to blow bubbles

and of course I had to make sure that we had a nice healthy breakfast while on the plane( why don't we have these in Canada? or at least not in Ontario,I neeeeeeeeeed more!!!!)

we had a nice relaxing flight,and I gotta see it's alot easier to fly with only one child,but I was missin my big girl already.

look at this view

Julia sat on the tray n watched too

Love your TR so far!! So glad you and your hubby made up - it seems it was meant to be that your passports got switched ;) Hailey is too adorable - I love seeing little girls who are still into dolls and Disney movies (they grow up way too fast these days!).
Okay later in the night we were sitting in our hotel room and Hailey was checking things out,when she found a bible in the drawyer and she got all excited and started jumping up and down and flapping her arms,then she yells out "oh i love The Holy Bible"it was as if she had just found an entire drawyer of lollipops or something,I just wasn't expecting that n she had to tell me about how at school the other kids are bored n don't want to hear the stories but she sits straight up with her hands in her lap because she loves it so much.

This is somehow so sweet. You never know what is going to catch a kids' interest! I love that she says she sits straight with her hands in her lap, lol. That's adorable. My daughter's much the same, she loves religion. She has a hard time focusing on things but with certain things she really tries, and bible stories are among those things.

Hailey is just more and more adorable. I can see how sweet she is in the pictures though maybe it's because I'm mentally associating her with my daughter by now. ;) They really sound like they have a lot in common :) I hope they can meet! (Oh and how much do I love her needing to pay attention in case she buys a plane someday? Makes perfect sense! Haha!)

Btw, one last thing: I love that dress Hailey's got on!
Love your TR so far!! So glad you and your hubby made up - it seems it was meant to be that your passports got switched ;) Hailey is too adorable - I love seeing little girls who are still into dolls and Disney movies (they grow up way too fast these days!).

Don't they??? :P My daughter is 7 and still very much into these things, and I encourage her staying that way, but she has a lot of friends with older siblings who are just so "over" this stuff. Boo. Stay your age, kids!
Love your TR so far!! So glad you and your hubby made up - it seems it was meant to be that your passports got switched ;) Hailey is too adorable - I love seeing little girls who are still into dolls and Disney movies (they grow up way too fast these days!).

thanks I'm glad to have you along :D you are so right! They do grow up way too fast,someone I know had a daughter that stopped playing with all toys by the time she went into first grade( I think it was more the mother pushing to grow up too much though) It's so sad.heck if I had it my way I'd freeze frame them as much as possible.oh and i think she's adorable too teehee.

This is somehow so sweet. You never know what is going to catch a kids' interest! I love that she says she sits straight with her hands in her lap, lol. That's adorable. My daughter's much the same, she loves religion. She has a hard time focusing on things but with certain things she really tries, and bible stories are among those things.

Hailey is just more and more adorable. I can see how sweet she is in the pictures though maybe it's because I'm mentally associating her with my daughter by now. ;) They really sound like they have a lot in common :) I hope they can meet! (Oh and how much do I love her needing to pay attention in case she buys a plane someday? Makes perfect sense! Haha!)

Btw, one last thing: I love that dress Hailey's got on!

i'm just impressed that there's anything at all that can make her sit still,because that doesn't happen very often at all.It does seem like they are alot alike and I'm sure it would be nice for them to meet n know that theres someone else at a similar age who really gets what they are thinking.She can buy all the planes she wants if she will just take me to Disney in them LOL.

oh and thanks my mom made that outfit for my oldest years ago(hailey had one then too but its way too small now cause it was only a size 4)


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