Central Italy (the Amalfi Coast & Tuscany): Bella Italia Meets Thread

We are also just returning from the 6/17 Central Italy adventure, with 5 days in Rome tacked on after the ABD. Had a great time. Our guides were Marco and Milca. I will try to do a trip report and post photos over the next couple of weeks.
We are also just returning from the 6/17 Central Italy adventure, with 5 days in Rome tacked on after the ABD. Had a great time. Our guides were Marco and Milca. I will try to do a trip report and post photos over the next couple of weeks.
Welcome back! Looking forward to your trip report!

Please post here if you would like to talk with anyone else who has signed up to travel to Central Italy (the Amalfi Coast and Tuscany) with ABD in 2012/2013.

You can also share information/ask questions about the Italy Amalfi Coast & Tuscany Bella Itialia ABD.

Please try and keep this thread on topic to discussion and questions about the Central Italy (Amalfi Coast & Tuscany) ABD. Off topic posts will be deleted or moved.


Roll Call:
Jun 10 – 17, 2012 - paddles & family
- pclaire & daughter
Jun 17 – 24, 2012 - RSM
Jul 4 – 11, 2012 - JokerCap, DH, DD 13 & DS 10
- Phil1019
Sep 29 - Oct 6, 2013 - Strawberry's mom&dad

WE have booked the ABD Bella Italia trip for July 7, 2013! It's Hubby, myself, & our son will be 10 at time of trip!
We're on the June 10th trip....and leaving for Europe in just a few days! :yay: This will be our first ABD. I chose this trip since it will be the first time for the kids to be in Europe. I've traveled a lot -esp in Europe, so I've always felt comfortable roughing it on my own...but with kids, I think the ABD touch will really make it fun.

We're doing a few pre-days in Paris and then a couple post-nights in Rome.

I've already signed us up for Scotland next year...so I think we're pretty hooked already on ABD. :)

How was your trip?!?
WE have booked the ABD Bella Italia trip for July 7, 2013! It's Hubby, myself, & our son will be 10 at time of trip!

Have fun CrazyZeus1. Our son was 9 yrs/11 months and he had a blast. I've posted photos in one of the threads so you can get a feel of the trip. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Hi - we went on the June 10th trip this year and had a great time. It was the first ABD for our family, and we're going to do the Scotland trip next summer because my kids just LOVED the trip, and really adored the adventure guides.

I haven't done a trip report, but wanted to share some thoughts/suggestions for those who are going on a future trip:

1. I wish we had booked 1-2 pre-nights in Sorrento. We did spend a few days in Paris to get over jet-lag and start our vaca, but I wish we had more time in Sorrento. Its beautiful, the hotel is amazing, and the food/people/landscape are great.

2. Do as much shopping as you can in Positano. We were told that Amalfi is a little less expensive, but Positano had amazing clothing shops and things you can't find anywhere else in Italy.

3. For those with younger kids (mine are just 7 and 9), I would suggest doing additional cities/sightseeing in Italy before the ABD (vs. after). I know everyone will have different thoughts on this, but for our family, we were really tired after the ABD trip. My kids found our 2 days in Rome (post-ABD) rather anti-climactic and wanted to leave. But they were fine when we did Paris at the beginning of the trip. So next year, we'll do our sightseeing first in the UK, and then leave right after our Scotland trip is over.

Those are the key things I can think of right now. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Overall, its a great trip, and it was a nice way to introduce Europe to my kids since the food is great, there is a nice balance of sightseeing and physical activities, and the guides were fabulous!
paddles said:
Hi - we went on the June 10th trip this year and had a great time. It was the first ABD for our family, and we're going to do the Scotland trip next summer because my kids just LOVED the trip, and really adored the adventure guides.

I haven't done a trip report, but wanted to share some thoughts/suggestions for those who are going on a future trip:

1. I wish we had booked 1-2 pre-nights in Sorrento. We did spend a few days in Paris to get over jet-lag and start our vaca, but I wish we had more time in Sorrento. Its beautiful, the hotel is amazing, and the food/people/landscape are great.

2. Do as much shopping as you can in Positano. We were told that Amalfi is a little less expensive, but Positano had amazing clothing shops and things you can't find anywhere else in Italy.

3. For those with younger kids (mine are just 7 and 9), I would suggest doing additional cities/sightseeing in Italy before the ABD (vs. after). I know everyone will have different thoughts on this, but for our family, we were really tired after the ABD trip. My kids found our 2 days in Rome (post-ABD) rather anti-climactic and wanted to leave. But they were fine when we did Paris at the beginning of the trip. So next year, we'll do our sightseeing first in the UK, and then leave right after our Scotland trip is over.

Those are the key things I can think of right now. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Overall, its a great trip, and it was a nice way to introduce Europe to my kids since the food is great, there is a nice balance of sightseeing and physical activities, and the guides were fabulous!

Thank you for those tips! This is the trip I really want to do next year, but DH and DD19 want Scotland or Ireland. Decisions, decisions! Lol

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Paddles: forgot to ask... What was the weather like on your trip? What did you wear? We will travel next year at a similar time. Thanks!

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Hi - we went on the June 10th trip this year and had a great time. It was the first ABD for our family, and we're going to do the Scotland trip next summer because my kids just LOVED the trip, and really adored the adventure guides.

I haven't done a trip report, but wanted to share some thoughts/suggestions for those who are going on a future trip:

1. I wish we had booked 1-2 pre-nights in Sorrento. We did spend a few days in Paris to get over jet-lag and start our vaca, but I wish we had more time in Sorrento. Its beautiful, the hotel is amazing, and the food/people/landscape are great.

2. Do as much shopping as you can in Positano. We were told that Amalfi is a little less expensive, but Positano had amazing clothing shops and things you can't find anywhere else in Italy.

3. For those with younger kids (mine are just 7 and 9), I would suggest doing additional cities/sightseeing in Italy before the ABD (vs. after). I know everyone will have different thoughts on this, but for our family, we were really tired after the ABD trip. My kids found our 2 days in Rome (post-ABD) rather anti-climactic and wanted to leave. But they were fine when we did Paris at the beginning of the trip. So next year, we'll do our sightseeing first in the UK, and then leave right after our Scotland trip is over.

Those are the key things I can think of right now. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Overall, its a great trip, and it was a nice way to introduce Europe to my kids since the food is great, there is a nice balance of sightseeing and physical activities, and the guides were fabulous!
I have to agree with you. I've found that I much prefer doing the extra traveling before the ABD, and just heading home afterwards. The times I didn't, I kept saying to myself "Where are the Adventure Guides? Why am I shlepping my own luggage?" ABD's are fabulous, but they can be a lot of go, go, go.

sayhello said:
I have to agree with you. I've found that I much prefer doing the extra traveling before the ABD, and just heading home afterwards. The times I didn't, I kept saying to myself "Where are the Adventure Guides? Why am I shlepping my own luggage?" ABD's are fabulous, but they can be a lot of go, go, go.


You have convinced me! Next ABD, we arrive a ah or two early! :-)

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Thank you all so much for your replies! We have planned to arrive in sorrento two days early to adjust, and I'm glad to hear we made the best choice!
Paddles: forgot to ask... What was the weather like on your trip? What did you wear? We will travel next year at a similar time. Thanks!

It was pretty warm when we went in eary June. We kept light sweaters for early mornings/late evenings, but we needed lots of sunscreen and water during the day. Italy in July/Aug will be sweltering, so you'll need to plan for that if you go later in the summer.
Just booked!

We are going Sept 28-Oct 5th 2014... So far away, so I am hoping to be able to read all of your trip reports!

So exited :)
We just got back from Bella Italia and it was THE BEST vacation we have ever taken!! I won't have time for a trip report, but would be happy to answer any questions you have regarding your upcoming trip!!


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