Chatterbox Thread-Cmon in and Jabber! Everyone is Welcome!

Last night Julie got her camera she had been saving for. Its a nikkon something really expensive.. Almost $800!! But its her money, and it was 18th birthday present.. From everyone. Shes been walking around taking pictures of everyone. and everything...:lmao: So silly.

Im ready for winter. Im tired of this muggy warm yucky crap. Im ready for the rain!!! Bring it on!!
B.... Check out you can make they have some cool different types of roses and stuff. and they have some neat free ptterns and such.
Posting LIVE from mall of America , gotta love free wifi thanks caribou.
Waiting for our lunch at Noodles , going to have Mac and cheese yum!
The mall is nice and quiet, not busy except for the moms strolling the kidlets and a few tourists. I love it when it's not so busy, been avoiding it until school started.. Because it's crazy crowd busy in august!
We plan to just stroll and enjoy the indoors.
Im making purses for my girls.. and a matching dress for Kaylee and a matching shirt for Jazz. Cuz she wont wear dresses...:lmao:

Crazy thing.. My MIL came over yesterday to pick up Alex and Kaylee and take them to the park! I was so thrilled!! Except Kaylee was sick so they couldnt go. But she had never done that before. Ever. She said the next time they had a half day she would come get them, and if was raining she would take them home and they could have ice cream. :love: Made me very happy!!! She has NEVER offered to come get them.
Posting LIVE from mall of America , gotta love free wifi thanks caribou.
Waiting for our lunch at Noodles , going to have Mac and cheese yum!
The mall is nice and quiet, not busy except for the moms strolling the kidlets and a few tourists. I love it when it's not so busy, been avoiding it until school started.. Because it's crazy crowd busy in august!
We plan to just stroll and enjoy the indoors.

Fun stuff!!!!
I'm trying to find a costume to run if for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in January. As much as I love Tink I don't want to wear a Tink costume because there will be TONS!

I think it's between these two:



Peter Pan would be easier to run in but I really like the Captain Hook one...
Cute! I love the peter pan one, but only because green looks good on me. The hat is stinking cute too! I agree, something other than tink would be best.

Awesome Megan, too bad Kaylee was sick :-( hopefully she will come again. My boys missed out on having a grandma in their day to day life. My mom is too far away and my dad is sickly needing her help. MIL got her nose out of joint when we said no spanking and suggested gift ideas. She says she was treated as " grandma in name only" ... Ahh no! That was your choice, not ours. Pisses me off, she said it right to our face and to my family at the grad party... Wanted to slug her right there, odd for me as I don't normally want to be violent... Lol

Lunch was awesome, hubby has tofu in his .. Crispy on the outside yum!
wow, i thought this channel died. haha.

:rotfl: "channel?" I did not know we were a TV series and or "spirit" world channel. :teeth:

What's up Albort? I still can't believe you aren't a CM anymore. I didn't have a chance to scare you by jumping out of Push or one of your ODV carts. :rotfl2:
I'm trying to find a costume to run if for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in January. As much as I love Tink I don't want to wear a Tink costume because there will be TONS!

I think it's between these two:



Peter Pan would be easier to run in but I really like the Captain Hook one...

Tinkerbell 4TW!! That one is really cool!
RuPaul was in my hip hop class last night. He was there on Sunday and he just started taking the class. I didn't recognize him but then again, I am terrible when it comes to recognizing celebs. :rotfl: He wasn't in drag and he is quite tall and buff. It was really cool but I was too shy to say hi. Next time I see him, hopefully I will be brave enough to just say hi. lol.
Got back @ 3:30 from an outdoor outing in Snoqualmie with the entire 6th grade class at DS's school. All the kids I drove back to school wanted a nap! Ahhh, the magic of the great outdoors! :rotfl:
B.... Check out you can make they have some cool different types of roses and stuff. and they have some neat free patterns and such.
Thanks, checking it out now. :)

Last night Julie got her camera she had been saving for. Its a nikkon something really expensive.. Shes been walking around taking pictures of everyone. and everything..

Im ready for winter.

Cool! Noah is taking photo as independent study. He took one and two last year, sadly they don't have a PSEO (post secondary options, go to college/tech while in high school) program for photography.. booo. :guilty:
We have a decent digital camera (not a fancy one though) and he uses the school's camera for non digital. He rolls his own film and processes pictures in their lab. Thankfully they only charge a set fee per semester ($50) , the other high school in the district makes you buy ALL the supplies :eek: He plans to go downtown this weekend to take some architectural shots.

As for that "W" word.. shhhhhhhhhhh that word is not allowed! :sad2:

I'm trying to get used to the idea of fall! We haven't reached peak yet for the fall leaves, they are just starting to change. Takes a little longer here in "the cities" than it does in northern MN. However it is crispy cool and windy outside, thought about taking a different coat or at least another layer. Typical MN weather, it's a fickle beast. It was a balmy warm Monday in the mid 70's, chilly dreary today.

wow, i thought this channel died. haha.

Hey Albert!

Did the mall thing today, walked into Hot Topic and dh spied a cute domo hat that he HAD to have.. It's white furry/fluffy with panda ears on top, domo is "inside" the panda. He also looked at all the piercing jewelry.. suddenly declared he was going to get his tongue pierced. "I always wanted to do it" uhh, always since when?? :confused3

Got a recommendation from a girl at the Lush store, she use to work there and had some pretty unique piercings done by the owner.

Got home (took the train/bus), got the car and drove into St Paul.

The owner is the piercer, very cool guy, very beautiful and clean shop. We had a nice chat, he has 3 day old twin girls (his first and last kids) still in the NICU but doing fine.. awwwwwwww. He is one of only two in the entire state that is certified/licensed by Association of Professional Piercers. He takes safety and hygiene VERY seriously, which made me feel a lot better about the whole idea.
He does all the really odd piercings that you see on TV. He even does the body hook hanging thing, he does it for other people a couple times a year and there were pics of him hanging. The idea of that totally creeps me out, but it's an interesting concept of finding this inner freedom, spirituality, one with the cosmos kinda thing.

Super smart guy and kudos to him for a shop that I felt totally at peace. It was like walking into an art museum with a health clinic, outrageous awesome art and antique pin ball machines. Beautiful reception area and several open stations for tattoo, private room for piercings.. because they even pierce there, they had pictures in the book. ::blush::

He gave hubby a discount since he is a teacher. :thumbsup2

Not too much swelling right now, we shall see how the next few days go.

Now we both want to go back and get new tattoos! :laughing:
(No piercings for me thanks!.. shudder...)
Morning ladies!

Sarah those costumes are adorable and I am sure you will look awesome in whichever one you pick. I like them both!!

Megan that is cool that your mom is offering to help with your kiddos. Speaking from experience I know it is so great to get a break. Course now I get one every other weekend but not by choice LOL. But I have to say that sometimes it IS nice just to have the house to myself and do my own thing. ;)

B sounds like a fun day at MOA. Wow your hubby is brave. That is one piercing I have always cringed out cuz it sounds so painful. Back in the day when I was actually "thin" I had my belly button pierced but it was a huge pain in the butt or should I say Navel LOL.

The stupid thing kept getting infected no matter how much I did what they said to keep it clean. And it always was getting caught on my pants or on the bed sheets or whatever. I finally just said to heck with it and took it out. I ended up getting pg with Katy too so it would have had to come out eventually anyway :)

Hope everyone has a great day today and talk soon. :)
Good morning, all! :)

A quick hello... I just paid a pile of bills :eek:, and now am off to get some lab work done, and then to the gym. I've been trying to get back to the gym ever since school started, and I believe I've gone ... once? Maybe twice. Partly due to a bunch of appointments I put off until school started, but also that I am much less motivated to go work out in the afternoon, it's much easier for me to go in the morning.

Anyway, hope you all have a great Friday, WOOHOO!!! :banana: <-- (Me working out)
Good Afternoon,

Bernice- I saw that panda Domo hat at Hot Topic. I was in the mall earlier this week and found some funny buttons there. I think the Domo Panda hat looked kinda small and I didn't get it. lol. They had a backpack version of it but it is too small.

Hooray for it being Friday! I am glad this week is just flying. It helps to keep busy and just have fun stuff to do. It makes the time fly so much better and it keeps things fun. :) I love my hip hop class. I went last night to a different location, same teacher. My teacher is going out of town next week so he had his friend there, who teaches at another place. He is going to sub next week so he was in class yesterday. I was dancing behind him and at one point, my teacher will split us into 2 groups so we all dance the routine. Well while I was waiting for my group to go, the sub gave me a thumbs up and said: "You did good!" I thought it was surprisingly cool since I've never met the guy. It just feels good to know that I am doing something right! :) I just want to improve and my teacher knows it. He said: "I can tell you really want to learn and you want to get better." :) So true!

Tonight I am going out with a bunch of girl friends for one of my friend's b-day. It should be really fun!

Hope you ladies have a good day. :smooth:


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