Check out this post I found on the Theme Parks and Strageties Board


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Dec 30, 2000
Welcomed Guest

From: Randolph, ma
Registered: 01-20-01
Posts: 30
I don't want to seem insensitive but....
What is the deal with people in wheelchairs getting to cut the line? Half the time when they get up to the ride they hop out of their chairs like Mary Lou Retton. Am I the only one that has a problem with this?

I think he needs some sensitivity training. Maybe we should enlighten him on what it's like to be wheelchair users.

Thank you Sue for your kind words. Also, I'm glad you put a link to the posting so others can express their feelings as well.

Your response as usual was done with taste and class!!!

Don't you wish all you had to worry about at WDW was if someone got on a ride before you? No seizures, overheating, or worry that something eaten will cause a bowel accident. WOW what a day that must be!
you guys said it all - i hope the author of that post gets back to read it.

I loved your offers of having him join you for a day. SueM - adding the links was genius. But Michigan - your post made me cry. God Bless us every one. Sometimes we forget just how damn tough it all really is.

Thank God we have WDW - and when we aren't around the clunkers, we can actually all be really happy for a change.

Anyway - I guess I may be overly tired, and better sign off. Good answers everyone!

Of course this is the sort of thing that I was worried about before I rented the ECV for my friend. We leave (I hope) Thursday!! & I hope it's the best trip ever!!! Thanks for all of your help and encouragement. :)
I am happy and very proud to be associated with such a group of thoughtful and eloquent people. The posts on this the thread in question have been thought provoking and showed people without disabilities a side of the world they don't understand.
Everyone has kept their cool and no one has even gotten close to the line (which is not easy some times). Thank you all.ü

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
I am also proud to be associated with such an elete group of people. I am overwhelmed by all the responses to that posting.

Michigan - your post touched the hearts of so many people including mine. I think it gave
non-handi people a complete perpective of what it's all about!!

My disease is slowly taking away the muscle strength in my legs. I'm constantly adapting both physically and mentally. This past year I've finally agreeded to use a manual wheelchair when I need it. That in itself was a 2 year process. Now that I have done it, it has made life alot easier!!! I don't know what took me so long.

I'm so grateful I have found a place where I can come to where people understand what I deal with. At first I thought this board would just help me figure out how to get around Disney. But, what I have found out is it's helping me get through everyday life!!!

Thank You everyone for enriching my life as well as the lives of others, reminding me to be thankful for what I have and not to let rude insensitive people get me down.

I hope I can give back to this forum as much as I have gotten out of it.

Christine (sncbird)

Trust me when I tell you, Christine, you have found a wonderful group of people here. When one is down, the others are up and vice versa.

If you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask!

Just a thought about this thread.

Not all disabilities/challenges can be seen with 'insensitives eyes', only those possessing sensitive hearts can.
he might feel bad or at least a little remorse, but I guess not. You try to think the best about people and that they just need to be more aware, he has posted again and not in a nice way. I think that everyone here opened the eyes of some people anyway.

'81CR, Poly
Let's kill him with kindness! He is in need of some. There must be a reason someone would be so insensitive(his words). He just doesn't get it.

I am no longer in the position to be in a wheelchair/EVC but keep coming back here because you all are so nice and I wanted to stay in touch. Please know that all walking people do not feel that way and you have touched the hearts of those of us with your kindness and understanding. It was such a relief when planning my trip last August that there was a board like this for a novice(person who hasn't been in wheelchair before). I could find out exactly what I could and couldn't do while at WDW in a wheelchair. I am very strong willed and wouldn't let a thing like a EVC stand in my way of having a good time. It just meant that I had to go about it in a different way. Bless everyone for their courage and showing me how to be independent. Hopefully, for the poster(Michael) he will never have to face this situation but if he ever does, I am sure he will think about his insensitive remarks. Remember what goes around comes around.
I can't believe Micheal responded the way he did!!!!

Welcomed Guest

From: Randolph, ma
Registered: 01-20-01
Posts: 38
Boy did I open a can of worms, and I didn't even mention all the bruises on my ankles from people in wheelchairs. Bring it on!!

I was hoping he would get something positive out of this. I guess there's no hope for some people.

All I can say is what comes around goes around!!!


[This message was edited by sncbird on 02-04-01 at 12:02 PM.]
Don't worry bfeller, we know that most people without a disability are nice (especially you). We just hope to run into the nice ones.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
Just a reminder. I know that this thread on the Theme Parks Board is hitting a lot of hot buttons. I appreciate everyone'ss responses to it. Let's try to keep it cool and keep away from anything that could be looked on as a personal attack. As long as it stays cool and informational (is that a word?), the Theme Parks Mods are willing to keep it open. We want people to hear what we have to say and not be getting sidetracked into anything else.
Write, edit, re-write, re-edit, post. That's what I've been doing.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
Hi folks. I'm not handicapped nor is anyone in my family. But I have had experiences in WDW about 10 years ago with a wheelchair. My wife at the time had a foot operation and had to use one. She didn't want to, but after 2 days with crutches she gave in to the pain and blisters and we rented one.

It was odd for us. Kids stared at her and adults avoided eye contact. At Seaworld, the woman at the rental counter actually had the nerve to ask me why I needed it. I was really offended.

We got on some stuff without waiting, but we would have much rather been able to walk. I don't need to tell you all that you miss little things like holding hands and talking quietly together without effort. It was a learning experience and maybe it's hard to really appreciate some of those things without experiencing them for yourself. I'm a litle embarrassed to admit that maybe I wasn't as sensitive to those things as I thought I was. It was harder then both of us imagined.

I think the originator of the thread was a little insensitive by his original post, and a lot insensitive with his follow up. You see people like that everywhere you go on the internet no matter what the topic. Almost every reply I've read has been mature and thought provoking. A credit to the visitors of these forums. ;)

thank you, islesnyi for your nice comments. The majority of people are nice, but it's the other few that make things difficult.¨

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


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