Childfree Disney fans?

Oooohhhh, JOBFREE, now that's something to strive for! If I had no pets, I'd definitely be petless, as I'd want them but just not have them.
We are childfree and LOVE LOVE DISNEY!!! We do have 3 cats though,,,,,,Maisy, Shady, and Sammy
Me and DH have no kids, just kitties. I love Disney, and I have converted DH. We go at least once a year.:D
Child Free with a disney impaired boy friend. He went once before he met me (Over a decade ago) and I can't get him back on the property!

Oh well! He just rolls his eyes when he hears where I am going, but he doesn't interfere!
:D Thanks for the info regarding empowered. I get it now.:D
DH & I are in our mid-30s and are childfree Disney lovers. DH doesn't quite understand my "obsession" but loves Disney and can't wait to go back.:D
LOL, WDWguru, I guess that makes me an OINKER!!! One income (which is not all that healthy!) no kids.
DINK's here.....

We are large toddlers and we are ok with that. lol I work in a pediatric office and we both have nieces and nephews, so there are plenty of children in our lives, but we just don't want any of our own.

We decided that we wanted to save the kid money for WDW vacations and motorcycles! We do have 4 cats & 4 Chihuahuas. We have plenty of responsiblity without adding kids to the mix. Maggie
Blissfully childfree with one spoiled rotten cat - who runs the house, of course - checking in! :)

When my best girlfriend's little girl was an infant, I was planning a wonderful Aunt Michelle & Kirsten trip for when she was 5 or 6-ish. Now that she's a toddler, I'm rethinking that plan! ;) (Still precious, but not nearly as chortling-chuckling-never-crying-wonderful as she used to be.)
Originally posted by WDWguru
Oooohhhh, JOBFREE, now that's something to strive for! If I had no pets, I'd definitely be petless, as I'd want them but just not have them.

Ah, yes, I look forward to retirement! <g> We would love to retire early and I think that it is possible since we're not funding college educations, etc.

I also agree about the "petless" comment. That's one thing I always knew I would have in my life. :)
I'm childless and husbandless however I live with my fiance and our two cats. He's only been to WDW once with his family and wasn't sure about it but I've convinced him to go back with me in Aug. I'll be sure to show him a good time.
Well I guess we would be SINKS. I am a housewife. My kids(2) are married with kids of there own(8 between the two of them, with one more on the way). I have to admit to being a 46 yr. old. kid when it comes to WDW. My husband indulges me. This will be our 4th trip when we go in July(our 30th Ann.). It will be just him and me. can't wait!:Pinkbounc
And we go to WDW every Nov. for 5-6 days. Last summer, we determined we would go somewhere else for a vacation after 6 years straight at Disney. DH caved in and called CRO when he saw a AKL special rate of $109 per night. He surprised me with the vacation, so I guess he loves it as much as me! Epcot is our favorite.. we love World Showcase. We feel it is a clean, safe, and always-new experience. This last trip we focused on parades and shows... something we had not experienced too much in past trips. There is always something new!

P.S. We have three very spoiled Humane Society mutts!
Child-free here but I do have a spoiled rotten cat also.
DH and I love the magic of Disney. We celebrated our honeymoon at the MK in 1974 when it was the only theme park . Our "kids" are now 21 and 23 and both love the magic also. They have taken trips to WDW without us, as we have without them. Those parents only trips are just so much fun. We spent a few days there in Dec at the Poly and WL and just taking in all the holiday magic. I've got the itch to plan another vaca. By the way-we took the kids on our Jan. 2002 trip and stayed at AKL. It was awesome!
This Oct will be our 4th trip in 5 yrs. No kids of our own, except each other :D We have taken niece and nephew one year and brother and SIL family another. This year just the two of us at BWV for 10 days.
We are new empty nesters here. Our one and only daughter started college this year and her school is quite far from home. Darn! She comes home on major breaks only. I think we have 'disneyed' her out. We made A LOT of trips to WDW due to a grandma that lives close by. That was our excuse and we are sticking by it. We went at least once a year since she was 2 and she had a few birthdays there. She is at the point of cringing when we even mention going to FL. So DH and I are loving evey minute of our time alone enjoying WDW.

But please don't tell her how much fun we are having. OK?
Another child free couple here... Our kids are two dogs...
My partner and I have been to WDW 6 times so far, and we are heading down there again in May, to celebrate our 8th Anniversary.. Can't come soon enough, sick of this snow....

We did bring down our 9 Yr old niece a few years ago, for her first visit, and that was fun.
And we are planning on bringing down our 7 Yr old nephew, for his first visit.
But since we are both WDW nuts(I'm obsessed), it's so nice to be able to just pick up and go, and do what ever we want, without having to worry about the kids...

Love kids, as long as they aren't


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