CJK's journey BACK to the real me!!!! Comments welcomed and encouraged!!


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2001
Hello fellow WISHers!

I'm so thrilled to have found this board. I am on day 16 of my healthy lifestyle and it feels great so far. Here's a little background.

Eight years ago, I lost a lot of weight for my wedding (about 60 pounds), and was a very low 130 pounds on my 5ft 8 frame. Dh actually thought I was too skinny. I maintained that weight for a few months, but gradually gained it all back (in about 5yrs). In order to maintain that low weight, I NEVER cheated and exercised 7 days a week. Today, I'm back to where I was 8yrs ago. :(

My new goal is to get to about 150lbs which I think I can maintain through regular exercise (though not 7 days a week), with a little cheating here and there. However, I need to lose about 40lbs to get there!

As of 16 days ago, I'm exericising 5 days a week (alternating interval training on treadmill and taebo), plus walks with dh whenever possible (including weekends). I'm not on a specific diet, rather, I'm watching portions and calorie/fat intake. I'm writing a food journal for now as well. On weekends, I ease up a bit and allow a few more calories, so as to prevent binging!

My reasons for wanting to lose weight are two-fold. The first, is so I can fit into my old clothes that are gathering dust! ;) The other, more important reason, is b/c we're hoping to try to conceive later this year, and I want my body to be as healthy and strong as it can be for that time.

So that's my story. My main problem is EMOTIONAL EATING so I think this board can provide the motivation that I need! Any comments/responses are very much appreciated! I look forward to getting to know all of you as we continue on this journey towards our healthier selves!!! :goodvibes
Today has been pretty good. I ate 1550 calories. I'm counting calories and measuring all food for the first few weeks of this new healthy lifestyle so as to get a feel for how large/small single servings are.
2 pieces wheat toast with 1tbsp & 1/2 of lite cream cheese
Big cup of tea with a little skim milk and sugar

1 cup of watermelon, chopped

Vegetable beef soup
1 cup of watermelon, chopped
chocolate fudgicle (110 calories)

4 cups of plain popcorn (100 calories)
10 almonds

2 small soft beef tacos
1 bowl of cherries (with pits - 52 calories)
1 rice krispie treat (90 calories)

Water intake: about 4 cups NEEDS WORK!! ;) Why can't water taste like coke?

30 minutes of Taebo in morning
5km walk at night.

Do a lot of you weigh yourself regularly? I still haven't brought myself to actually weigh myself. :rolleyes: I'm afraid that I'll be really, really upset and will self-sabotage. I have, however, taken my measurements and will check them once a week.

If I'm not involved in social events, I've done well with my eating. The problem arises when I'm out with friends. I HATE feeling deprived! This weekend/early next week will be full of social events that I'm really worried about. I need to find the balance between eating well, but still allowing for fun (ie. glass of wine with dinner, etc..).

Thanks for listening!! :wave:
It sounds like your staying on track :cool1: Keep it up :cheer2: :cheer2:
as far as weighing myself, I did it for the first time in a long time the other day. I really feel I need to be honest with myself about where I need to start but everyone has to do what feels comfortable for them.
Thanks for the well wishes!!!

What a difference a day makes in attitude! Today marked the first day of feeling frustrated. I guess it's unrealistic to see much change in 2.5 weeks, but it's frustrating just the same. I tried on a pair of pants that I had hoped would be a little big now, but not so. They may not be quite as tight, but they definitely still fit (tight at the waist even). I'm wondering if I should reduce my carbs more? The thing is, I LOVE carbs. As you notice in my food for the day, carbs are a major part of my routine.

While my attitude wasn't so great today, I still did okay. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill (alternating walking with running). Dh is sick today, so I was taking care of him today as well. No walk tonight I don't think. I had about 5 cups of water today. I need to work on that, but it's hard when you constantly have to go to the bathroom!! Here's my food journal.

2 toast with 1tbsp lite p. butter
tea with skim milk & little sugar

1 cup of cherries (with pits)
1 cup watermelon, chopped

Lean Cuisine
1/2 cup frozen yogurt

4 cups of plain popcorn
10 almonds

85g whole wheat spaghetti
1/2 cup pasta sauce
3/4 cup peas
2 cups of cherries (with pits)
= 1556 calories

I'm supposed to check measurements tomorrow, but I admit to feeling nervous since I still don't see much/any difference in my clothes. Why is it so much easier to GAIN weight??? :rolleyes:
Hey CJK, I'm new to this board also, and as they say, misery loves company. Don't let yourself get too frustrated. You've committed yourself to making healthy lifestyle changes, and we all know that doen't happen overnight. I'ts a gradual process. All those little changes will make a big difference in the end. Focus on your positive choices and give yourself a reward for becoming more healthy. Keep us posted!

It sounds to me like you're on the right track! Keep up what you're doing and you will definitely see results! Don't forget...slow and steady is the way to go!

I know it really stinks to do that first weigh in, but I would encourage you to do it. It's much more rewarding to know where you started, once that number starts going down. I wish I would have measured myself when I started b/c I would love to know how many inches I've lost. But it's too late for that now.

Good luck, keep on journaling....we're here for you!! :wave:
Thanks so much for your comments and encouragement! It helps so much!! My attitude hasn't been so great recently for some reason. I haven't faltered in food or exercise, but I'm struggling with frustration!

Kimwim8, you're absolutely right about the scale. I sort of wish I weighed myself 3 weeks ago, so I'd know EXACTLY how much weight I've lost. I'm just so scared!!! It sounds silly, since it's only a number. But, it has been traumatic for me in the past. I remember when I was 23, I weighed myself and was STUNNED to see 176 (that was after I lost a fair bit of weight too). I know I'm way over that right now, so that's the frightening thing. I'm going to really try to do it though.... Thanks for the encouragement. I'll let you know when I get brave enough..... :blush:

Today was a pretty good day. I did 30 minutes of Taebo and 15 minutes on the treadmill (alternating brisk walk with running). I drank 5 cups of water today, and am working on my 6th right now! I still need to get that up a bit, but I get tired of going to the bathroom all the time!
June 29, 2006
2 bread 260
p.butter 1tbsp1/2 120
tea 50

1 cup watermelon 50

lean cuisine 170
froz. yogurt 100

popcorn, 4cups, 100
10 almonds 50

peas 3/4 cup 100
chic w/ rice 400
2 cups cherries 104
= 1504

I'm trying to be particularly good this week because we're going to a pool party this weekend (BATHING SUIT SEASON!!! Eek!) and then I'm hosting a friend reunion of sorts on Tuesday (and alcohol and non-healthy food will be in abundance). My plan is to still eat the food, but in smaller portions. I'll have one or two glasses of wine - not 4. ;) Any good vibes you can send me, would be great. Social gatherings are my weak points, but I love my friends and don't want to give it up either. I did think about just telling my friends that I'm trying to lose weight, but I'd rather not make a big thing of it. I did that the LAST time I lost weight, and don't really want to go down that road again.....

It really helps to keep this journal and get all of these feelings out. Oh, I forgot to write my good news! I lost 2 inches since last week (1/2 inch on thigh, 1/2 inch on hips and 1 inch in waist). It's a baby step, but I want to celebrate THAT success. Now, if I could just get onto that scale....;) Thanks for listening!!
Its been a funny day. I didn't do any strenuous exercise today, but I did go on two walks - one in the morning, and one in the evening.

Our house had a revolving door of visitors today which usually jeopardizes my eating plan, but I *think* it went okay. I did have a lemon spritzer with just a splash of wine, but that still only amounted to 100 calories. We had a frozen pizza for dinner (it is a fairly low-fat kind, but pizza nontheless), and I had 3 pieces (amounting to 450 calories). Still, I only had 1450 calories all day, but it feels like I've cheated! My husband thinks I'm nuts, and really, he may be right! :crazy:

Tomorrow will be a big test at the pool party. Then, next week will be difficult all week long basically with many dinners/lunches to contend with. But, I'm trying to just focus on one day at a time. Have a great long weekend. Happy Canada Day (tomorrow) and Happy 4th of July on Tuesday!! :wave:
Wow two walks that's great :cheer2: .Isn't it funny how eating pizza even if it is just a few slices, it still feels like cheating. Keep up the good work :thumbsup2
CJK. your food looks great! Lots of high water content fruit is excellent! (I'm a total slacker on fruit) :thumbsup2

Pick a day...get on the scale...you need a starting point so that you can celebrate your successes! I know its hard, but we are gonna harrass you til you do (of course you dont have to tell us what it is, just yourself)

I also like the ticker things....lots of people comment on mine, which encourages me. Good Luck!

Thanks for the encouragement! I really do think about this journal and all of you fellow WISH'ers and it does help me keep going. Linda, thanks for keeping on me about the scale...........I know I HAVE to do it. I'm hoping next week........

Happy Canada day!! Not only did we have a great time at the pool party with all our friends, I didn't even blow my calories for the day AND I even exercised!!! Go figure! The ladies all gathered in the shallow end of the pool to chat for a good 15 minutes, and I decided to tread water in the deep water while chatting. What a fun and simple way to burn extra calories! Then, dh came home after fireworks and went for a 40 minute walk. The old me would have opened some chips and watched TV, but wow! What a great day!! I hope I can keep this momentum going next week with all the food. Eek!! Thanks for listening!
Ugh! I think I may be coming down with dh's cold that I tried soooooooooo hard to avoid! We're having a major dinner party on Tuesday, so tomorrow I was planning on doing a lot of the prep cooking and cleaning. Maybe not now! Dh better sleep with one eye open tonight! ;)

Today went well. I had the usual whole grain toast and peanut butter for breakfast, salmon sandwich on whole wheat, for lunch watermelon, rice krispie treat, grilled chicken sandwich for dinner. No veggies today though, so I must fix that tomorrow. I had about 6 cups of water though, so that's progress. I almost didn't walk tonight, but figured I'd better do it since I'm participating in the July exercise challenge. It ended up being a 60 minute walk (5.5km). It's not strenuous exercise, but I still got my heart pumping. Fingers crossed I don't get sick for tomorrow.......my vacuum is calling my name! Night all!
Good job getting that walk in even when you didnt want to, and 60 mins is excellent. Keep up the good work! :goodvibes
Today was a day of ups and downs. The food was "okay", but not terrific. A chicken breast on a whole grain bun, with a few strips of bbq'd sweet potato amounted to 600 calories. Even when I'm eating healthy, I still get surprised at all the calories in it. But, I still managed to keep my calorie count low for the day.

I only went for a 20 minute walk today. Too much cleaning and cooking to feel enough energy for an intense workout. I hope I can do taebo tomorrow morning if time allows. Upward and onward!
Hi, CJK! I was reading your journal and we have quite a bit in common! I too am trying to lose weight before trying to concieve early next year. My goal weight is 150 and I have been doing intervals walking and jogging. I just recently started attending a tae bo class and am really enjoying it! We are both just portion & calorie watching rather than doing a specific diet.

Nice to meet you! Good Luck! You have gotten off to a Great start! :cheer2: Your foods look good! You have been getting in a lot of fruits which is something that I struggle with. You are doing a Great job w/ your exercise also! :cheer2:

Have you weighed yet? I think you have to bite the bullet and do it. However, don't weigh too often. I know that I am becoming healthier w/ better eating and way more exercise than in the past, but the weight can be slow to come off. That is good though, they say if you lose slowly you are more likely to keep it off. Keep that in mind. I think your 2 inch loss was Awesome!! :cheer2: That is some Definite Progress!!

Have a Wonderful week! :sunny:
Hi Foxfiregrrl! :wave:

It sure sounds like we do have quite a bit in common! Are you sure we weren't separated at birth? Let me guess - your favourite colour is purple too? ;)

I haven't weighed myself yet. :sad2: I had planned on doing so tomorrow, but I don't think I will. The last couple of days we've been having a lot of company and done a lot of visiting, so I've definitely been eating food that I wouldn't have normally. It's not that I actually WANTED the food, it's that we were visiting friends who happened to bring out chocolate cake and pecan pie. Eek! I did have very small pieces, but still, they were high in calories and fat which definitely will stall my weightloss for this week. I hope to stay on track for the rest of the week, and weigh myself next week.....

My water consumption was practically non-existent these last couple days too and I've had some alcohol. I didn't exactly blow it (still had small portions), but I certainly didn't do as well as I've been doing the last 3 weeks. I should be happy that I didn't just throw caution to the wind and eat whatever I wanted (as I would have done before....), but I'm still disappointed in myself. I will try not to let it get me down though and start anew tomorrow!

All the best with your weightloss endeavours too. I hope we can definitely help each other with motivation. It's nice to meet someone with similar goals and methods. Good luck!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Today was good in terms of food, water consumption and exercise, but boy, the obstacles just kept on coming. I woke up with a terrible headache that I still have right now. Today was also the day to check my measurements. Intellectually, I know that it's unrealistic to expect much in just one week, but I was disappointed to find little change (just half an inch). I had to deal with angry clients and I was so tired all day, that even putting my lean cuisine in the microwave for lunch was a chore!

Do any of you feel "angry" for not being able to eat whatever you want? I'm embarassed to admit that I felt that way today. I went for a walk tonight to get away from food and I'm feeling better now. I hope this silly anger doesn't rear its ugly head again! Despite my negative self-talk, I'm still determined to continue.

Hope everyone is doing well - one day at a time! :goodvibes
HI CJK. Welcome to WISH. You are off to a fantastic start with eating right and exercising. I am also using portion control & fat intake as my main path along with exercise. I have also tried to add more protein (but then the fat content goes up :crazy: ) Socializing is such a toughie. We have had continuous sets of houseguests since 6/15 and I have gotten completely off track. I love having everyone visit, but I am also looking forward to being more in control of my day, eating and exercise wise.

The water thing really does seem to make a difference, and the bathroom breaks do seem to even out after a week or so. :rotfl2: Before houseguests arrived I was consistently taking in 100oz/ day and not even really trying. Now I am trying to work my way back up again - and starting the whole bathroom thing again too - sigh - but it is worth it. Think of it as flushing all the bad stuff out, and filling you up with 0 cal instead of with other stuff.

Get on the Scale. So what if you haven't been very good this week. This is your baseline weight and you will only go down from here. It is very satisfying to see the numbers go down, but first you need to see where they start. I have the opposite problem. I have to keep from getting on the scale everyday. I want to see instant results. :blush: Actually, it does help motivate me to be good during the weekend, etc, if I see I have lost weight before the weekend starts. :teeth: It is good that you are taking measurements. That really is a better indicator of how your body is improving.
Thanks so much for your comments CACruisin'! Thanks for the hope about the frequent restroom breaks with all of this water consumption!! :teeth: In the meantime, I figure I'm getting a little more exercise with all the added trips to the restroom! :rotfl: Best wishes as you get back on the healthy living wagon. I agree that all that socializing gets tough!

You're also right about the scale!!! Many of you have told me to do it, but I just can't seem to make myself do it. When I noticed only a half inch loss this week in inches, my mood really plumetted. It took some major work to bring my mood back up. This is definitely an area that needs work. Rest assured, I WILL get on that scale....

Today was a good day. I had company this afternoon, but still managed to have a low cal. drink and a fruit platter to munch on. I did a 45 min. work-out on the treadmill and a 35min. evening walk. Water consumption was about 6 cups. Still needs to improve, but to think that a few short weeks ago I was drinking NONE, it's still progress.

This weekend should be pretty good foodwise (no company coming!), so I want to take advantage of that since next week and weekend will be danger zones again. Summer is great for exercise due to great weather, but lousy for food because of all the social gatherings!!! Have a great weekend! :wave:
Great job getting exercise in and sticking with the fruit platter with your company! :thumbsup2 Yes, the exercise from all the extra potty breaks is the silver lining :rotfl2: . Good job getting 6 cups of H2O. I fill a 64 oz pitcher every morning and keep refilling a big cup. It helps me keep track of what I have drunk. I hear you on the socializing. Very smart to take advantage of a no-company weekend when you can.


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