Class of 2022- High School Parents

Still have lots to fret over there for our senior. Well, most just pictures. We still haven't scheduled any, and still haven't ordered any announcements. We really don't need very many announcements, mostly just want for a keepsake and very close family, but need a good picture for it. May end up doing senior pictures in the summer.....Would feel better if we could just get it all done. I will try and figure out announcements this weekend .
prom was last weekend .LOTS to do with that, but DD had a great time with friends.
She's picked a college, and scheduled orientation. Only 2 hours from here, but kind of a rough drive w mountains, or what I consider mountains. (Lookout Mtn, TN. ) I know not much for most, but being originally from South Louisiana, just used to flat land. Very happy for her choice, and hope she likes it there. Waiting to hear on housing, and hoping she'll get paired with a friend from here...well hope that'll work. not sure what kind of roommate DD will be, based on how she keeps her room now....
hope everyone's kids (and the parents) are doing well and making it through.
Still have lots to fret over there for our senior. Well, most just pictures. We still haven't scheduled any, and still haven't ordered any announcements. We really don't need very many announcements, mostly just want for a keepsake and very close family, but need a good picture for it. May end up doing senior pictures in the summer.....Would feel better if we could just get it all done. I will try and figure out announcements this weekend .
prom was last weekend .LOTS to do with that, but DD had a great time with friends.
She's picked a college, and scheduled orientation. Only 2 hours from here, but kind of a rough drive w mountains, or what I consider mountains. (Lookout Mtn, TN. ) I know not much for most, but being originally from South Louisiana, just used to flat land. Very happy for her choice, and hope she likes it there. Waiting to hear on housing, and hoping she'll get paired with a friend from here...well hope that'll work. not sure what kind of roommate DD will be, based on how she keeps her room now....
hope everyone's kids (and the parents) are doing well and making it through.

Don't get me started on senior pictures. I hired a local photographer who charged me a fortune and all I got were unusable glamour shots! I couldn't say much because it's a small town and everyone knows everyone and I don't want to be seen as a karen. I just let it slide but I paid so much for those damn pictures. She offered to come to my house and take some more but I just don't want to deal with her and neither does my daughter.
My DS has it down to final choices. Anyone have any opinions on Univ of Denver or Miami Ohio for a business major. We've visited Miami twice and he loved it. We have not visited Denver but are going this weekend for a last minute trip before he has to decide on Sunday. I visited Boulder and some of the ski resorts about 20 years ago but otherwise have never been to Denver so I have no idea what to expect. Anyone with any insight on the city? Its about 27 hours from home! Miami will be 13 hours which at least we can drive if we need to.
My DS has it down to final choices. Anyone have any opinions on Univ of Denver or Miami Ohio for a business major.
I have no info about Denver but my son is a junior Econ and Finance double-major at Miami Ohio. He has had a very good experience (despite COVID). If you have specific questions, I'll do my best to answer.
My DS has it down to final choices. Anyone have any opinions on Univ of Denver or Miami Ohio for a business major. We've visited Miami twice and he loved it. We have not visited Denver but are going this weekend for a last minute trip before he has to decide on Sunday. I visited Boulder and some of the ski resorts about 20 years ago but otherwise have never been to Denver so I have no idea what to expect. Anyone with any insight on the city? Its about 27 hours from home! Miami will be 13 hours which at least we can drive if we need to.

You should ask on College Confidential. There's people on there who will be able to provide good suggestions & advice.
When do your kids have their graduation?

My DD’s is Wednesday night, May 25th.
She just found out that she is one of two student speakers at commencement. Very exciting! We’re only allowed 4 tickets, so sadly we all can’t go, so it’s me, DH and the 2 grandmas. The poor grandpas have to stay home :sad1:
Friday Night, May 27. Yes, Friday of Memorial Day Weekend. But that's good as DS has his State Soccer tournament starting Saturday.
My DS has it down to final choices. Anyone have any opinions on Univ of Denver or Miami Ohio for a business major. We've visited Miami twice and he loved it. We have not visited Denver but are going this weekend for a last minute trip before he has to decide on Sunday. I visited Boulder and some of the ski resorts about 20 years ago but otherwise have never been to Denver so I have no idea what to expect. Anyone with any insight on the city? Its about 27 hours from home! Miami will be 13 hours which at least we can drive if we need to.

My older son looked at both schools (but as an engineering student).

Miami is a fantastic business school. And obviously a really nice campus. Kind of remote, as I'm sure you saw.

DU is also a beautiful campus and in a great location. It's just outside of downtown, somewhat of a suburban setting. There's a light rail station right on campus so you can be in downtown Denver in like 5-10 minutes. Don't know anything about their business school, though.
My DS has it down to final choices. Anyone have any opinions on Univ of Denver or Miami Ohio for a business major. We've visited Miami twice and he loved it. We have not visited Denver but are going this weekend for a last minute trip before he has to decide on Sunday. I visited Boulder and some of the ski resorts about 20 years ago but otherwise have never been to Denver so I have no idea what to expect. Anyone with any insight on the city? Its about 27 hours from home! Miami will be 13 hours which at least we can drive if we need to.
In my opinion, there are a few factors to consider when you're down to the wire and picking which college to attend in the fall:

  • affordability for your family's budget
  • travel expenses if it's a long distance from home / ease of getting to an airport to fly home
  • Does your kid feel that he/she would feel at home living there for 4 yr?
  • any differences in the majors between the campuses he/she is condering
So I looked up Univ of Denver on Naviance (I have a high schooler as well). 45% of its students live on campus. 32% minority, 61% students from out of state.

Miami Univ-Ohio: 47% live on campus, 29% minority (I list that here because for some families, this is a deciding factor), 37% students from out of state.

Miami Univ-Ohio has a reputation for having a very strong Greek life participation. For example, Naviance reports that it has 29 fraternities & 21 sororities, compared to Univ of Denver, which has 9 fraternities & 5 sororities. I have no opinions on this 1 way or the other, but based on the data, I would assume it's fair to say that the campus social life at Miami-Ohio is very heavily Greek life influenced. If your kid is interested in joining Greek life, then Miami-Ohio would be a good choice compared to Univ. of, it's closer to home and maybe easier for you to get to.
When do your kids have their graduation?

My DD’s is Wednesday night, May 25th.
She just found out that she is one of two student speakers at commencement. Very exciting! We’re only allowed 4 tickets, so sadly we all can’t go, so it’s me, DH and the 2 grandmas. The poor grandpas have to stay home :sad1:
Congrats to your daughter! Our school is taking submissions for student speakers for graduation, but my daughter isn't interested in applying. I hope it's a great experience for her.

The high school graduation is Sunday, 5/22. It's in a college basketball stadium so attendance is not limited (no tickets required). She also has a "completion ceremony" for the program she's taking at the career center. That's on Saturday 5/21 in a high school stadium (not our high school though). Families are limited to 4 tickets for that.
When do your kids have their graduation?

My DD’s is Wednesday night, May 25th.
She just found out that she is one of two student speakers at commencement. Very exciting! We’re only allowed 4 tickets, so sadly we all can’t go, so it’s me, DH and the 2 grandmas. The poor grandpas have to stay home :sad1:
Friday, June 10th. Ours is outdoors at the football field, so unlimited seating - at least we haven’t heard differently.
In my opinion, there are a few factors to consider when you're down to the wire and picking which college to attend in the fall:

  • affordability for your family's budget
  • travel expenses if it's a long distance from home / ease of getting to an airport to fly home
  • Does your kid feel that he/she would feel at home living there for 4 yr?
  • any differences in the majors between the campuses he/she is condering
So I looked up Univ of Denver on Naviance (I have a high schooler as well). 45% of its students live on campus. 32% minority, 61% students from out of state.

Miami Univ-Ohio: 47% live on campus, 29% minority (I list that here because for some families, this is a deciding factor), 37% students from out of state.

Miami Univ-Ohio has a reputation for having a very strong Greek life participation. For example, Naviance reports that it has 29 fraternities & 21 sororities, compared to Univ of Denver, which has 9 fraternities & 5 sororities. I have no opinions on this 1 way or the other, but based on the data, I would assume it's fair to say that the campus social life at Miami-Ohio is very heavily Greek life influenced. If your kid is interested in joining Greek life, then Miami-Ohio would be a good choice compared to Univ. of, it's closer to home and maybe easier for you to get to.
Thanks for this. Those are many of the things we've been considering as he's narrowed down his list. I think at this point it's probably just going to come down to a gut feeling once he sees Denver. At least I hope it will, otherwise we night be flipping a coin Sunday night!

I have no info about Denver but my son is a junior Econ and Finance double-major at Miami Ohio. He has had a very good experience (despite COVID). If you have specific questions, I'll do my best to answer.
Could you let me know how your son has liked his classes? Challenging? Lots of work? Also, has your son had any issues with getting classes that he wants? Are you OOS? If so, has your son had any difficulty meeting people? Son is a bit concerned that lots of kids will already have friend groups when they arrive. WE have visited twice and he loves the campus and the town.
Could you let me know how your son has liked his classes? Challenging? Lots of work? Also, has your son had any issues with getting classes that he wants? Are you OOS? If so, has your son had any difficulty meeting people? Son is a bit concerned that lots of kids will already have friend groups when they arrive. WE have visited twice and he loves the campus and the town.
He has really enjoyed his classes. I think he has liked all of his professors except one. He got an internship over winter break sophomore year and felt like he was well prepared. (None of the partners at the firm had ever had an intern from MiamiOH and they were very impressed.)

We are from in-state, but my son didn't have any problem meeting people. His freshman year roommate was from his high school (planned), and they will have roomed together all four years. But otherwise, he doesn't hang out with any of the kids he knew from high school. A lot of kids from his school went to Miami, but not a lot of his close friends. Even his roommate was a kid he knew and thought would make a decent roommate, but not a close friend. He met the rest of his friends either in his freshman year dorm corridor... or in the business "first year integrated core" classes. (They group the kids into cohorts for 4 classes freshman year -- each group takes those 4 classes together -- and the end-of-semester project kind of wraps up everything they learned into one client-based project... so those kids spend a lot of time together.)

My son has not had any trouble getting the classes he wants/needs... but... I have heard that complaint from some others. Some things I think have helped him.
1) He came into Miami with 32 AP credits. Unless you're part of a special group (athlete, honors, etc.) scheduling priority is determined by your number of completed credit hours. Since he had so many credits coming in, he has scheduled near the beginning of group of same-year kids.
2) He has been willing to take classes at "off times." He's had his share of early-morning and late-evening classes... because those were the ones that had seats. I think some kids want all of their classes to be between 10am and 3pm and don't schedule the ones at off times, then complain that they couldn't get the classes they wanted/needed. But -- one thing that seems to be unique at Miami -- *many* classes are offered M/W or Tu/Thur. Aside from his first semester, I don't think he's ever had Friday classes. Three day weekend every week!
3) You need to be flexible. Sometimes there's more than one class that will fulfill a requirement. Or, you pick the one from the list you "want" then find out it's not being offered the semester that you want to take it. Take the class that's offered, even if it isn't your first choice. (i.e, for his Creative Arts requirement, he wanted to take History of Rock and Roll, but it's not offered every semester and is very popular. He couldn't get a seat, so he took Jazz Appreciation instead. Not his first choice, but it fulfilled the requirement just as well as his first-choice class would have. )
He has really enjoyed his classes. I think he has liked all of his professors except one. He got an internship over winter break sophomore year and felt like he was well prepared. (None of the partners at the firm had ever had an intern from MiamiOH and they were very impressed.)

We are from in-state, but my son didn't have any problem meeting people. His freshman year roommate was from his high school (planned), and they will have roomed together all four years. But otherwise, he doesn't hang out with any of the kids he knew from high school. A lot of kids from his school went to Miami, but not a lot of his close friends. Even his roommate was a kid he knew and thought would make a decent roommate, but not a close friend. He met the rest of his friends either in his freshman year dorm corridor... or in the business "first year integrated core" classes. (They group the kids into cohorts for 4 classes freshman year -- each group takes those 4 classes together -- and the end-of-semester project kind of wraps up everything they learned into one client-based project... so those kids spend a lot of time together.)

My son has not had any trouble getting the classes he wants/needs... but... I have heard that complaint from some others. Some things I think have helped him.
1) He came into Miami with 32 AP credits. Unless you're part of a special group (athlete, honors, etc.) scheduling priority is determined by your number of completed credit hours. Since he had so many credits coming in, he has scheduled near the beginning of group of same-year kids.
2) He has been willing to take classes at "off times." He's had his share of early-morning and late-evening classes... because those were the ones that had seats. I think some kids want all of their classes to be between 10am and 3pm and don't schedule the ones at off times, then complain that they couldn't get the classes they wanted/needed. But -- one thing that seems to be unique at Miami -- *many* classes are offered M/W or Tu/Thur. Aside from his first semester, I don't think he's ever had Friday classes. Three day weekend every week!

Thanks so much! Super helpful. We visited Denver this weekend and my son was sold. He confirmed last night. It was such a tough choice. One of his best friends is going to Miami so I’m sure he’ll be visiting. I’ll pass along your tips to him.
As senior year winds down, here’s is where my daughter is at: 10 days until prom, 21 school days left, just over 4 weeks until graduation, all of her local scholarship applications have been submitted, tuition and room deposits were submitted long ago, classes have been selected and scheduled for this fall, roommate has been selected, just started her summer job at the local golf course. As a mom, my feelings are mixed.. on the one hand I am glad to get her out of high school (admin and teacher drama that never ends) and she is beyond excited to start a new chapter in her life quite far away from home! On the other hand, sad because it’s over. Seriously, don’t blink. ❤️
What are you all giving your children for graduation gifts? I’m leaning toward a really nice watch, because my son likes them, but I’m still looking for ideas.
What are you all giving your children for graduation gifts? I’m leaning toward a really nice watch, because my son likes them, but I’m still looking for ideas.

I'm getting my daughter a pearl necklace and ring. If I had a son I might consider a really nice, engraved pocket knife.
What are you all giving your children for graduation gifts? I’m leaning toward a really nice watch, because my son likes them, but I’m still looking for ideas.
A laptop that is being custom built for her major requirements (aerospace engineer).


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