Class of 2022- High School Parents

@ design_mom Oh wow! What a coincidence! My daughter is also interested in pathway to PA school. She has 5 direct entry programs on her list and a few back ups in case she doesn’t get admitted into those. We have been researching on and off since last year. It’s getting so close now.

Would you be willing to send me info? This is a relatively new addition to my daughter's list of interests. Or, at least, she only recently vocalized it to me. I think she was kind of envisioning doing a BSN for undergrad school, then either going directly to PA school, or maybe working for a few years as a nurse before going. But I'm not sure that a nursing degree with give the right prerequisites that PA schools will be looking for. (All the info I see says "you can have any undergraduate degree as long as you meet the prerequisites" but I don't know which undergrad degrees are the ones that will give you what you need! But, it appears that nursing will NOT give you those pre-reqs. Anyway, I think she's going to have to decide between nursing and path-to-PA sooner rather than later (which is a little sad, but what can you do?)
Would you be willing to send me info? This is a relatively new addition to my daughter's list of interests. Or, at least, she only recently vocalized it to me. I think she was kind of envisioning doing a BSN for undergrad school, then either going directly to PA school, or maybe working for a few years as a nurse before going. But I'm not sure that a nursing degree with give the right prerequisites that PA schools will be looking for. (All the info I see says "you can have any undergraduate degree as long as you meet the prerequisites" but I don't know which undergrad degrees are the ones that will give you what you need! But, it appears that nursing will NOT give you those pre-reqs. Anyway, I think she's going to have to decide between nursing and path-to-PA sooner rather than later (which is a little sad, but what can you do?)
Yes of course. I will send you a PM with a link to all the direct entry programs. You guys can research those and see which one makes most sense. My daughter has reached out via social media to some of the students going in to the programs and they gladly provided more information.
I agree with you that this is a lot to think about for them. She has been going back and forth about a BSN and then PA school or just direct entry.
If I am not mistaken Nursing Major is very common to follow up with PA school. I will try and find more info on that.
Hi all! We are plugging along here and things are somewhat getting back to "normal."
Our son has been busy with school (still in person 75%, though has the option of full), swim (has had a couple travel meets to NC), and will be lifeguarding again this summer (hence, recertification class and orientation). He took both the ACT and SAT in April. Crossing fingers those scores are okay.
We did one local, in person college tour and I was really impressed. We were allowed in several buildings, though it was the end of exam time and some kids were already packed up and gone.
He has a spreadsheet going to compare colleges and swim programs. In some ways this narrows his choices, yet complicates and throws the net much farther in my opinion. He is still looking at the physical therapy route, so has a few options for undergrad major.
Is anyone here from the VA area? There are a few colleges/universities there with swim programs and I'm not all that familiar with that area.
Good luck everyone! Hope to see more posts and updates.
Bumping this in case other parents with 2022 graduates want to keep this thread going. We have scheduled campus tours in July - 5 schools picked by my daughter. Pretty exciting.

Still have to take the ACT / SAT .

Where is everyone else at in the college process?
Hey, hey!
@mefordis Good luck with tours! Keep us posted.
We are pretty much in the same spot as my last post....he's taken the SAT & ACT; we have toured a couple more schools (luckily, with fewer restrictions and allowed in buildings). There are still some on the list and we need to makes plans to explore.
I'd love to hear from some others.
Bumping this in case other parents with 2022 graduates want to keep this thread going. We have scheduled campus tours in July - 5 schools picked by my daughter. Pretty exciting.

Still have to take the ACT / SAT .

Where is everyone else at in the college process?
DD is almost done narrowing down her choices. We’ll set up some school tours for late summer in the next few weeks. She isn’t taking the ACT/SAT as none of the schools she’s applying to require them.
DD is almost done narrowing down her choices. We’ll set up some school tours for late summer in the next few weeks. She isn’t taking the ACT/SAT as none of the schools she’s applying to require them.

I'm seeing quite a few colleges are not requiring them, which is surprising since things have opened up quite a bit and it's pretty easy to find a testing site now.
I'm seeing quite a few colleges are not requiring them, which is surprising since things have opened up quite a bit and it's pretty easy to find a testing site now.
The CSU/UC (California) systems had already decided to get rid of them prior to Covid. I think it just sped it along. They say eventually they’ll come out with their own test (UC anyway), but my two older ones will both go in without it required.
Still can't get DS to even create, much less narrow down a possible college list.

^^ Same here. I've been dragging her around to tour some of the state colleges but she still isn't 100% sure what she wants to study -- something healthcare. Maybe nursing. Maybe not. Nursing seems to be in one college while pre-whatever (pre-med, pre-PT, pre-PA, pre-pharmacy, etc.) seem to be in other colleges, so you kind of need to have something in mind when you apply. Especially for those with direct-admit programs.
My DS has been back and forth on what to do after high school. He has an idea for college, and we toured a place that he really liked. But, he seems to be on the fence about whether or not that is really what he wants to do. I get it, he's feeling like he has to have his whole life plotted out... But, we had a talk with him recently, reminded him that DH didn't make it through college the first time, for the same reasons. DH wasn't ready for college at that age. He went back when he was 26 years old, not long after we started dating. Honestly, it's kind of unusual for an 18 year old kid to know what they want to do and stick to it. How many people change their major? How many drop out?

College is a very expensive investment these days. If DS is not ready, I'm ok with that. He can get some real world experience first. DH and I will be there for him when/if he decides to go in the future.

But, we shall see, he may change his mind a thousand times in the next few months. I will encourage him to apply to the school that he likes, so it's there if he decides he wants to go. But I won't be down on him if he chooses not to.
We toured one of DD’s top choices yesterday. She is very excited and can absolutely see herself going there. I am trying to keep her grounded since at the end of the day we still have to wait and see if she gets in and what the final numbers will be. Actually having a tour guide was completely different from all of the virtual info sessions she had been doing this whole time, So I think that contributed to her excitement. I think we will do 2 more in person visits to other choices and that’s it. This is exhausting 🙃

I brought DS14 on the tour with us for him to start getting a feel for colleges and sizes. He really enjoyed the tour as well.
We toured one of DD’s top choices yesterday. She is very excited and can absolutely see herself going there. I am trying to keep her grounded since at the end of the day we still have to wait and see if she gets in and what the final numbers will be. Actually having a tour guide was completely different from all of the virtual info sessions she had been doing this whole time, So I think that contributed to her excitement. I think we will do 2 more in person visits to other choices and that’s it. This is exhausting 🙃

I brought DS14 on the tour with us for him to start getting a feel for colleges and sizes. He really enjoyed the tour as well.
That’s great to hear! I think my DD14 (freshman) enjoyed our tours more than my senior. 😆🤷🏻‍♀️
Agree- the process is definitely exhausting!
Hello! My DD and only child is class of 22 in Maine. She wants to go to school for astronautical engineering. She loves math and science and really excels at school.. we are patiently awaiting her AP scores for Physics, Calculus, and US History. Her SAT scores were not as good as she hoped for, 1210. She also is a 2-sport athlete playing golf and basketball. She was hoping to play either in college but all of the covid restrictions last year made her junior year a big old nothing burger 😣. Anyways, she would be happy to just be a student as opposed to a student-athlete. Last November we ventured south on a college trip. We looked at Georgia Tech, UCF, Embry Riddle, and Florida Tech (it was gross — we didn’t even get out of the car). Her first choice is ER, which really is perfect for her bc it’s not a large school nor is it in a huge city and she really wants to be in Florida. We don’t think she has the SAT scores for Georgia Tech, so not sure if she will apply there. She liked UCF and will apply there. She will also apply to UMaine as a safety even though she would have to go with a chemical engineering degree. She really does not want to be in Maine. She may also apply to the University of Alabama bc they are heavily pursuing her (more than just the standard emails). But we haven’t visited so we would have to do a quick trip down to check it out before she makes final decisions. So that is where we are as of now. Its fun reading everyone’s stories, thanks for sharing!
Joining in here. Son is graduating HS in 2022 and we are starting the college search. However, I feel like I am doing more work than he is! I know he is nervous about it all but I am so stressed out with him just not putting any effort into it! He is a good student with a decent GPA and good ACT score, but just seems to have no interest in searching for schools. We are visiting 4 this week, but that is because I set them up.

ETA - he has applied and been accepted to Montana State, but we are in MN and the out of state tuition is insane. As far as I can tell their merit based scholarships are not that great either. But he wants to study geology and what better place to do it, right? He is also applying at 3 other schools in MT as well as several in MN and WI (where we can get in-state tuition).

His is our oldest, so the first to go off to school and all off this is so overwhelming!
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Joining in here. Son is graduating HS in 2022 and we are starting the college search. However, I feel like I am doing more work than he is! I know he is nervous about it all but I am so stressed out with him just not putting any effort into it! He is a good student with a decent GPA and good ACT score, but just seems to have no interest in searching for schools. We are visiting 4 this week, but that is because I set them up.

ETA - he has applied and been accepted to Montana State, but we are in MN and the out of state tuition is insane. As far as I can tell their merit based scholarships are not that great either. But he wants to study geology and what better place to do it, right? He is also applying at 3 other schools in MT as well as several in MN and WI (where we can get in-state tuition).

His is our oldest, so the first to go off to school and all off this is so overwhelming!

I agree. It's overwhelming. My youngest is the one who is graduating May '22. I have one older child who is going into her junior year of college. She was easy compared to this one. My son has "pie in the sky" ideas, without a pathway to the pie. lol. His ideas are all over the place. It's going to be a process.

Over the weekend, I sat down with him to explain how degrees stack. He didn't know the difference between associates, bachelors, masters, etc. I swear, our local school system is horrible. they push these kids to know their career track so young, but neglect to explain the basics.
Joining in here. Son is graduating HS in 2022 and we are starting the college search. However, I feel like I am doing more work than he is! I know he is nervous about it all but I am so stressed out with him just not putting any effort into it! He is a good student with a decent GPA and good ACT score, but just seems to have no interest in searching for schools. We are visiting 4 this week, but that is because I set them up.

ETA - he has applied and been accepted to Montana State, but we are in MN and the out of state tuition is insane. As far as I can tell their merit based scholarships are not that great either. But he wants to study geology and what better place to do it, right? He is also applying at 3 other schools in MT as well as several in MN and WI (where we can get in-state tuition).

His is our oldest, so the first to go off to school and all off this is so overwhelming!

Is he applying to UW Madison? Great school and great town!
Finishing our college tour. It has been a lot of fun! Five nights left. So far we have visited:

UCF (no, too small)
U of Florida (wasn't feeling it)
Florida State (yes, will apply)
Tulane (yes, will apply)
University of Louisiana (not for her)

Next up:
University of Texas, Dallas
Hi. Just saw this thread, while researching for an upcoming trip (first trip to WDW in 8 years). I have twins that are members of the class of 2022. If I can join in.

Anyhow. On the college front, we are planning for them to do the local community college the first two years, then transfer to a four year university.

One (Makayla) has her eye on a double major - Marine Biology and Zoology. Right now her top 4 year university choice is A&M Corpus Christi. I need to plan a trip down there at some point, to see the campus. She would love to go to school in Florida, but I don't see me swinging out of state tuition.

The other (Madison) is undecided. She also wants to do some kind of science - but hasn't narrowed it down from space, animal or plants yet.

Their current extracurriculars are orchestra & horses. Makayla plays the cello and has retired (horses age) from horse speed events. Madison plays the violin & still does western horse speed events.
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