CNBC on Chapek & Iger’s falling out

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Having DVDs of the movies and Disney Treasures means I can cancel Disney+, stop going to theme parks, turn off ESPN and ABC. It is clear that TWDC has moved away from my demographic, so they can pursue others. Hope it works for them. Watched "The Old Mill" on a video site just this week, love that animation.
Can't help but wonder what all this kerfuffle will do to the relationship between TWDC and Florida legislature? What happens when Reedy Creek needs some investment for capital improvements, or the Florida DOT reconstruction of the I-4 exits?
Having DVDs of the movies and Disney Treasures means I can cancel Disney+, stop going to theme parks, turn off ESPN and ABC. It is clear that TWDC has moved away from my demographic, so they can pursue others. Hope it works for them. Watched "The Old Mill" on a video site just this week, love that animation.
Can't help but wonder what all this kerfuffle will do to the relationship between TWDC and Florida legislature? What happens when Reedy Creek needs some investment for capital improvements, or the Florida DOT reconstruction of the I-4 exits?
Speaking of Reedy Creek...

Iger is the reason all this is happening and Chapek is taking the fall. Iger is a the very model of a corporate threshing machine. He has lost many many billions of Disney money buying up everything while making himself a total of a 9 figure salary, he started the nickel and diming and he was 100% behind an evil communist regime as long as he could build his Shanghai resort and make movies for the most populous country on the planet kissing up to them while next door they were operating concentration camps. Then he talks about right and wrong and diversity and inclusion while he laughs at everybody while skipping to the bank. Anybody who has anything good to say about Iger while he has stripped the company of any integrity doesn't know what they are talking about.
The glue from his toupee has been absorbed by his brain and he hired a bunch of loons who feel eliminating Ladies and Gentlemen is a step forward. Yeah like over a cliff.
He has lost many many billions of Disney money buying up everything
Not a huge fan of any of the recent CEO's but how do you come to the conclusion that Iger lost the company billions - no matter how you slice it, he brought in $183B in shareholder value during his tenure: But the place where Iger tops Eisner is arguably what matters most to investors: sheer wealth created. Since Iger was running a much bigger company, under his management Disney's market value soared $183 billion to $231.4 billion. The sheer shareholder wealth gained under Iger is 300% greater than under Eisner.
he was 100% behind an evil communist regime as long as he could build his Shanghai resort and make movies for the most populous country on the planet kissing up to them while next door they were operating concentration camps.
I think that all US companies have fallen into the China trap - they all felt they would be doing their shareholders a disservice by ignoring 1B possible customers. As for Disney and SDL, the planning for that goes back probably 20 years. Back then no one knew for sure about the concentration camps and there was a real feeling that China was opening up at that time combined with a hope that free and democratic HK would rub off on the mainland. Taken in context, it's not all that egregious but as usual, our advisories were playing the long game, something the US and it's companies don't do anymore.
I wonder what Staggs is doing now and if he'd be interested in the job.

If I were a betting man I'd say the board (more than probably with Chapek's knowledge) has decided that Chapek will be handsomely compensated for at this point being a sort of human shield to all the ammunition coming at Disney from every angle AND my bet would be Tom Staggs "reunites" with Iger and the old guard to move Disney into a "new era". I also think he brings Kevin Meyer back as they both work so closely together. I think Disney is willing to let themselves burn down at this point so as to rise from the ashes...kind of like a purging. But with all the craziness ramping up I don't see that happening until the crap hits the fan which could be sooner than we think at this point. Let's see if anything comes of this Reedy Creek revoke talk.
My last post seems to have been eliminated. Or at least I don't see it. I'm surprised I wasn't thrown off the site for not supporting the whole lgbtqiapnrxj agenda which doesn't deserve to be discussed except to be mocked at every opportunity.
And the kicker is I'm a member but I despise what it has become and appalled that Disney has embraced it like a fever stricken cult.
No one:
Literally no one:
You: hating on LGBT+ ppl is fun, I'm so hardcore and special.

Please go be desperate for attention elsewhere.
If I were a betting man I'd say the board (more than probably with Chapek's knowledge) has decided that Chapek will be handsomely compensated for at this point being a sort of human shield to all the ammunition coming at Disney from every angle AND my bet would be Tom Staggs "reunites" with Iger and the old guard to move Disney into a "new era". I also think he brings Kevin Meyer back as they both work so closely together. I think Disney is willing to let themselves burn down at this point so as to rise from the ashes...kind of like a purging. But with all the craziness ramping up I don't see that happening until the crap hits the fan which could be sooner than we think at this point. Let's see if anything comes of this Reedy Creek revoke talk.
I personally don't see Iger coming back. While they are getting some bad press, the parks are packed and money is coming in. It's all that matters. Only the hardcores seem to be upset at the new Disney.
I personally don't see Iger coming back. While they are getting some bad press, the parks are packed and money is coming in. It's all that matters. Only the hardcores seem to be upset at the new Disney.

Because the non hardcores have yet to go and experience all the issues.

Don't forget most people are just going back now for the first time. When they see how much they spent and how little they got for it they will just stop going in the future.

Die hards have already experienced the new struggles.
I personally don't see Iger coming back. While they are getting some bad press, the parks are packed and money is coming in. It's all that matters. Only the hardcores seem to be upset at the new Disney.
Go peruse Trip Advisor reviews. Disney is getting pummeled. As word travels and people feel burned this hey day Disney is experiencing at the moment will be short-lived in my opinion.

I do agree I think Iger is done, but I would love to see a regime change soon.
Go peruse Trip Advisor reviews. Disney is getting pummeled. As word travels and people feel burned this hey day Disney is experiencing at the moment will be short-lived in my opinion.

I do agree I think Iger is done, but I would love to see a regime change soon.
Word of mouth will kill them. People coming home and talking about their magical trip inspired friends and family to also take trips to Disney. That has turned 180 degrees. Now people come home complaining about how little they got for the cost. This will not only not inspire others to take trips but will also result in cancellations by people feeling the cost just isn't worth it. Coupled with the rate of inflation (which has people looking at the cost of everything) this will have a very negative effect going forward. Don't let today's crowds fool you. Hopefully,
they find a new buyer for the parks before it's too late...
Word of mouth will kill them. People coming home and talking about their magical trip inspired friends and family to also take trips to Disney. That has turned 180 degrees. Now people come home complaining about how little they got for the cost. This will not only not inspire others to take trips but will also result in cancellations by people feeling the cost just isn't worth it. Coupled with the rate of inflation (which has people looking at the cost of everything) this will have a very negative effect going forward. Don't let today's crowds fool you. Hopefully,
they find a new buyer for the parks before it's too late...

I used to be as pro-WDW as possible, now when people bring it up I can't even bring myself to put in a good word. It's gotten too expensive for a lesser experience and I don't care anymore.
Word of mouth will kill them. People coming home and talking about their magical trip inspired friends and family to also take trips to Disney. That has turned 180 degrees. Now people come home complaining about how little they got for the cost. This will not only not inspire others to take trips but will also result in cancellations by people feeling the cost just isn't worth it. Coupled with the rate of inflation (which has people looking at the cost of everything) this will have a very negative effect going forward. Don't let today's crowds fool you. Hopefully,
they find a new buyer for the parks before it's too late...
As some one who didn't grow up on going to the parks I don't have the attachment many of you here do. I went a few times as a kid but my family never got that attachment. Part of me think it's looks good on Disney with what's happening. As a person who loves all amusement/theme parks, I like that people who only went to Disney are finally giving some of these other parks a chance.
Go peruse Trip Advisor reviews.
I long ago gave up on that site. Its become nothing but a place to complain about silly things or grossly inflated positive reviews.
I long ago gave up on that site. Its become nothing but a place to complain about silly things or grossly inflated positive reviews.
Trip Advisor is an art....the truth lives somewhere in the 2-3-4 star reviews..... I tend to ignore 1 and 5's.
As some one who didn't grow up on going to the parks I don't have the attachment many of you here do. I went a few times as a kid but my family never got that attachment. Part of me think it's looks good on Disney with what's happening. As a person who loves all amusement/theme parks, I like that people who only went to Disney are finally giving some of these other parks a chance.

I'm still not going to other parks. ;P We did southern Spain in the fall, going to Paris and Bordeaux in May, maybe southern Italy this coming fall.
My single parent RN daughter has a 5 year old who my wife watches when she is on one of her many crazy shifts. Does my 5 year grandson care about gender, nope. All he cares about is the next Paw Patrol episode and hoping Chase can save the day (again). I try to keep everything in perspective. I do think that with what Florida considering changing the Reedy Creek legislation, that this will send shivers up the spine of all Disney executives. Of all the mistakes Chapek has made, this is by far the worst possible scenrio. It is not a slam dunk that he will be retained in Feb anymore.
I long ago gave up on that site. Its become nothing but a place to complain about silly things or grossly inflated positive reviews.
That may be true, but that is where a lot of people go to see those reviews. They have not always been bad reviews.
I personally don't see Iger coming back. While they are getting some bad press, the parks are packed and money is coming in. It's all that matters. Only the hardcores seem to be upset at the new Disney.
No sorry my post was misunderstood I meant I think Chapek takes all the crap (of which he has created much) and then gets replaced by Staggs. Iger will still be on board that’s what I meant by reunite. By bringing back the old president of parks they bring back some “normalcy” and “old guard” that people are missing so much. And I think Kevin Mayer comes back with him as well. My bad I misspelled his name in my earlier post.

And for what it’s worth I am NOT a fan of Iger either. He had his strong points and he was much better than Chapek who is completely lost but Iger is the one that put many of the wheels in motion that Chapek is currently spinning.
No sorry my post was misunderstood I meant I think Chapek takes all the crap (of which he has created much) and then gets replaced by Staggs. Iger will still be on board that’s what I meant by reunite. By bringing back the old president of parks they bring back some “normalcy” and “old guard” that people are missing so much. And I think Kevin Mayer comes back with him as well. My bad I misspelled his name in my earlier post.

And for what it’s worth I am NOT a fan of Iger either. He had his strong points and he was much better than Chapek who is completely lost but Iger is the one that put many of the wheels in motion that Chapek is currently spinning.
Your last point is why I don't think it matters who is in charge cause a lot of the changes that have happened are things they have always wanted to do.
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