Coffee on the Verandah -The Last Slide, Recap & Souvies 5/29 - Link to Aulani TR 5/31

Oh I love the PLAN!!! Seeing it all together is great!!

I have to say, it ended up being a very good plan! Not a lot I'd do differently.

Unless of course funds and time were unlimited. :rotfl2:

May I request permeation to come on board?

Permeation, and permission, granted!

:welcome: thrilled to have you here.

Yikes! My head is spinning just trying to wrap my mind around all you went through to get to the end result of your trip!

LOL, you mean that isn't normal?

I understand your pain having to plan everything around a soccer schedule, except it's baseball in this house. Gives me a big headache :headache:

It can be very frustrating to be sure. It's actually nice that she is now at an age to feel comfortable missing things if it makes sense and voicing her opinion. I'm not sure if we will be able to pull another one off before she graduates HS. I hope so but know she wants another cruise, there is a possible huge family WDW trip and I'm not sure how we fit both in over the next 2 years and work around school and soccer.

I'm going to have to go back and read your TR from your Alaska cruise, that's one I really want to take!

Do it! It was incredible, we would recommend it in a heartbeat to anyone, absolutely loved it. Feel free to PM me with any questions.

Joining! Your trip sounds great! I can't wait to hear about your exploration of AKL. :goodvibes

:welcome:! We absolutely loved AKV. It was our first time staying there and definitely will not be our last!

I'm here...and not really late!:dance3:

not late at all my spoon sister!

:welcome: I'm so happy you are here.
Nice trip down memory lane, complete with great pictures. The E's look so cute in that first picture.

They look so LITTLE! They barely remember anything from that trip, which while expected is a little sad.

And Taylor - Wow - good for him. I'm sure its much more fun for him than a family vacation.

Oh definitely! He is gone almost 3 weeks! That kid is dialed in to the music scene, he's got some crazy things booked all over. He is paying for most of it but his grandparents kicked in for the the afterparty concert and aunt and uncle for something else. While I do wish all that hard earned money from his job went partially to school expenses, I can't really begrudge the experience.

Just saw this pm and wanted to pop on to say hi and I will be here! :wave: I am so behind and haven't been on the Dis much at all since we got home a few weeks ago. But I'm really looking forward to this report. :goodvibes

Hi Tina! :welcome: I am looking forward to hearing about your trip too, and seeing you live in just a couple of months!

What's Taylor up to in London?

I went to the Opening Ceremony it was brilliant.

Really just travel and music scene. He's got a lot of connections in the industry so is hitting some pretty cool concerts, doing the cultural tour scene and meeting up with some other students he knows that are traveling. He will actually be connecting with his Aunt and Uncle in Scotland for a bit of it (they don't live there but were vacationing there, sounds like a fluke that it worked out) so will basically be in London, Paris and Scotland at least last I heard. He's gone for 3 weeks though and having done that kind of trip myself, he could end up taking off somewhere else on a whim, who knows!

Following over from the cruise board. You are off to a great start :thumbsup2

Hi and :welcome: so happy to have you here.

:cool1:I'm Here!!! Great start. I still cannot fathom how you keep it all together. I would be a nervous wreck with all that planning.

Hi Erika! :welcome:

You'd manage just fine I'm sure and who says I keep it all together? My family was rather appalled at me a couple of times when I didn't know the answer to something.

Ok maybe more than a couple of times!

:thumbsup2Way to go Taylor!!! I bet he is having a ball. Wouldn't you love to be that age again!

:surfweb:Can't wait to read more.

Oh I would, what a wonderful experience! I did it after college graduation (albeit for about 3x as long lol), I think it might have been cooler mid school as you wouldn't have that "get a real job" thing weighing you down. Something to be said for living out of a backpack.
I wanna join in on the fun too! :hyper:

While I, myself, don't have a blended family, I do work for a divorce/custody/family law attorney so I can sympathize with you on the hassles of planning any sort of trip. It sounds like all of your hard work panned out in the end.:thumbsup2
good back story, it simplies it for me instead of being way lost on your pretr. lol

:welcome: Dan!

funny how my babbling on and on and overexplaining the convoluted overthinking I do, can do that to folks! I'll try to work on it. No promises though! Although since it's after the fact, less overthinking and explaining one would hope.

and awesome that he got to go to the closing ceremony, that i bet was pretty cool.

Well it wasn't the actual closing ceremony, it was some kind of after party concert but it still looked quite cool! He doesn't get back till after labor day so for now we are living on FB updates. :rotfl:

i was really hoping chicago would have gotten 2016, i was pumped to go to some game.s

I had mixed feeling about that one. Weather wise, Chicago would be BRUTAL at that time of year and I can say that since I lived there for a decade. I do think London did a brilliant job of it and really hope we get something in the US in my lifetime that I can go to! Vancouver would have seemed easy from Seattle but getting tickets was harder than you'd think for US citizens. Still, we really wish we'd tried harder.

I am glad Chicago did NOT get the games! :)

We did see the construction ramifications in Vancouver, not to mention all the politics. Both of which are well, not Chicago's strong suit. LOL!

I love the "lessons learned" from your previous trips. I agree with all of them, and they're great reminders.

The trick is to remember them when planning the next one! They did pay off I have to say. Much as I missed the parks it was a really great trip and "just right" as Goldie would say. And interestingly enough (not to give too much away) made for one truly perfect park day as a result. Best ever. By everyone's account. Guess simpler can be better.

joining in!

A cruisemate is here! YAY!


Can I just say...without giving anything away(though there will be pictures later lol) , we loved Jeff's FE gift, it was pretty darn cool to see something for just him :)

Hi! Joining in!:goodvibes Love your TR's!! I was so happy to see you started a new one!:thumbsup2 (I promise to do a better job keeping up with this one!!;))
Great start!:) Can't wait to hear more!!!

Hi Angie! It is so great to "see" you! :welcome:
party pooper just cause you work there. lol


Like anyone WANTS that kind of major construction to deal with. Chi-town has enough commuting challenges as it is. I didn't look into that much when the proposed it, I would be curious to see what venues and locations they had in mind though.

Financially it can make or break a town.

Love the intro and back story! I am looking forward to reading about your trip.

Hi and :welcome:!

:welcome: so happy you can join us!

Hi Cynthia! :wave2:

Hi Mark! So happy you are here


All caught up and ready to hear the rest of the story!

Lots to tell that's for darn sure, including a secret mission or two. :goodvibes

Joining in! Can't wait to hear about your trip! :cool1:

Hi!!! :welcome:
Just looking hinting for an update.:rolleyes1 :rotfl:


I'm ALMOST done uploading everything. Whew! 2 cameras, (actually 3 but I don't think K ever used hers, she kept stealing Jeff's phone instead), and 2 iphones. Had to download all 4, then upload to photobucket. And edit, delete, sort as I went. I did not realize (just got our phones in Dec/Feb respectively) that the iphone won't show you the orientation properly within the phone itself. So for example, I can take a picture and it looks normal to me, I go to upload it and it's actually upside down! On my camera I can change the rotation on the camera itself but everything else is post upload. I still need to go through and rotate/flip anything that is off from Jeff's camera and phone. It was an insane amount of pictures. Complicated by the fact that apparently Jeff can't figure out how to do his himself so I had to do the airshow as well.

Which had something like 31 videos. That of course need compression and to be sent to other folks etc. LOL! He was cracking me up. I don't think I've ever gotten everything uploaded so fast before but the man was breathing down my neck.

I hope to finish the rotation process (much better to do now than to go do updates and realize things are off and have to stop, mid writing) tomorrow night and then get the next chapter up.

I wanna join in on the fun too! :hyper:

YAY! Lisa's here! :welcome:

While I, myself, don't have a blended family, I do work for a divorce/custody/family law attorney so I can sympathize with you on the hassles of planning any sort of trip. It sounds like all of your hard work panned out in the end.:thumbsup2

I come from a blended family, as does Jeff. Good, happy and functional blended families. That have had their issues and we've seen how things have played out, both good and bad. I do think it helps. It helps us with boundaries, what do to, what not to do and what the "right" role for each of us is. Mine is different than Jeff's. His kids don't need a mom, they have a great one. Though we might be very different people with big differences in life philosophy, she is an involved caring parent who only wants the best for them. I am well aware of how bad things can be and while I may occasionally get frustrated if his ex complains about him as she really doesn't know how bad things can be I do get that it's her reality and I try to respect that. I do get very frustrated when she tries to steal his time and figure my job is to support him getting as much of it as possible, making that part easy and working around the known constraints without fueling any fires. That can be hard if it does seem she is actively undermining his time. Which does happen but thankfully FAR less than it used to. She and I will never be close (and that would freak Jeff out anyway), but we've never had issues with each other either and it works for us. At this point it's mutual respect and I think the kids, especially Kendall, get that and it helps.

Honestly the biggest challenge we probably have has more to do with the fact that you have 2 planners (us) and a total non planner, procrastinator. That never works terribly well and frustrates us to no end. Key is to not let it get to us as it won't change a darn thing. My side might be easier as the boys dad is not involved at all but for the kids I think it ultimately is much worse as they do see that not all divorced dad's ditch their kids. While I can minimize that as much as possible by avoiding any bad mouthing, kids do see what is going on and draw their own conclusions. Jeff is their dad, the only one they've ever really known and in all the ways that count. Much as my stepmom is to me. :goodvibes
:welcome: Dan!

funny how my babbling on and on and overexplaining the convoluted overthinking I do, can do that to folks! I'll try to work on it. No promises though! Although since it's after the fact, less overthinking and explaining one would hope.
yep i get lost easy, so i appreciate the simplifications of it.

Well it wasn't the actual closing ceremony, it was some kind of after party concert but it still looked quite cool! He doesn't get back till after labor day so for now we are living on FB updates. :rotfl:

I had mixed feeling about that one. Weather wise, Chicago would be BRUTAL at that time of year and I can say that since I lived there for a decade. I do think London did a brilliant job of it and really hope we get something in the US in my lifetime that I can go to! Vancouver would have seemed easy from Seattle but getting tickets was harder than you'd think for US citizens. Still, we really wish we'd tried harder.
yeah the weather is hit or miss...we are having great weather now.
that would have been neat to get some tickets to winter stuff.


Like anyone WANTS that kind of major construction to deal with. Chi-town has enough commuting challenges as it is. I didn't look into that much when the proposed it, I would be curious to see what venues and locations they had in mind though.

Financially it can make or break a town.
actually there plan seemed pretty solid.

there were not many things they would have to build besides the olympic stadium.

they had the bulls stadium for bball, and UIC for other rounds...with the size of the mccormic place they were going to have like 9+ events there. a little redue of lincoln park for some rowing along the beachfront/water area...alof of other events were going to take place in things that were already established use solider field for soccer etc...

but ohh well, i have heard rumors. that they are going for 2024 so we will see.
yep i get lost easy, so i appreciate the simplifications of it.

I do too!

yeah the weather is hit or miss...we are having great weather now.
that would have been neat to get some tickets to winter stuff.

By the time we were able to buy there wasn't that much we wanted but we still should have gone to at least one event. Oh well. We did go up before the olympics and bought a bunch of merch so we could pretend we were there, visited the athletes village and then saw the rings at whistler after the olympics. Not quite the same though.

actually there plan seemed pretty solid.

there were not many things they would have to build besides the olympic stadium.

they had the bulls stadium for bball, and UIC for other rounds...with the size of the mccormic place they were going to have like 9+ events there. a little redue of lincoln park for some rowing along the beachfront/water area...alof of other events were going to take place in things that were already established use solider field for soccer etc...

but ohh well, i have heard rumors. that they are going for 2024 so we will see.

That's a lot awfully close together though, traffic would have been insane! I forgot about McCormick, wouldn't have even though of it to be honest. Trade show deja vu, that makes my feet hurt just thinking about that place.

2024 huh, cool!
Wow, that's a to of work for pics. Did Jeff just want it all off his phone because I know Michael would? :laughing:
I am back from Phx and have only got thru your first page far, the pictures are awesome! Each of you look fabulous and I especially love your top in the first picture on the deck of the ship!
rentayenta said:
Wow, that's a to of work for pics. Did Jeff just want it all off his phone because I know Michael would? :laughing:

Well they aren't actually off but I did teach him how to bulk delete lol. He can choose what he wants to keep! He wanted them uploaded into photobucket mostly and didn't want to store them on his laptop as its out of space and almost dead. As is mine and neither of us want our stuff on the kids computer so,,,I saved everything directly to our storage drive and uploaded from there. Wouldn't have been so bad except the iPhone will let you take shots upside down and you don't realize it till you get them on a hard drive and view then. Plus he had 31 videos from the airshow! Nut job lol.

I still have to fix his phone photo orientation and double check I got them all. Maybe tomorrow on the update, depends on the heat. Supposed to be a heat advisory so we may be dining at the lake and staying out of the house until the bugs drive us home.
Great start! I mean, a TR that has coffee in the title? I'm in! Loved the back story and getting to know about your family.
Great backstory!! :goodvibes I especially loved seeing the e's so young, such adorable little guys.

I have a hard enough time just making a trip work for my family, I can't imagine having to juggle step kids and their schedules. Not an easy task, but certainly one you're up to. :thumbsup2
You being from a blended family has prepared you well in knowing the in's and out's of how to make this all work.

My hat is off to you my dear.
Been looking forward to your trip report, since reading the pre trip report!! Looking forward to more!!
I am back from Phx and have only got thru your first page far, the pictures are awesome! Each of you look fabulous and I especially love your top in the first picture on the deck of the ship!

You clearly brought the sun back with you! Could it be more gorgeous today? Next 2 are supposed to be scorchers though. What a change from last summer huh.

Welcome home! And :welcome: to the TR. :goodvibes

Thanks on the top, it was a mothers day present from Evan...except Jeff really picked it out and gave it to Evan to give me, which usually bugs Evan except he liked it to. I was told when I opened it that it would be great on the cruise so kind of had to bring it! I do like it a lot...but it was a little warm for the bahamas :rotfl: which Jeff seemed to realize as I dressed and commented that he hoped I wouldn't be too warm. Which was funny as when I opened it he mentioned how it can get chilly on deck. Uh...that was in Alaska. LOL! Inside though it was ok for most of the night.

Great start! I mean, a TR that has coffee in the title? I'm in! Loved the back story and getting to know about your family.

:welcome: Thrilled to have you here.

Great backstory!! :goodvibes I especially loved seeing the e's so young, such adorable little guys.

They are so little in those pics it cracks me up, just babies!

Here's a real baby though


Eric wasn't so sure


and my favorites



I have a hard enough time just making a trip work for my family, I can't imagine having to juggle step kids and their schedules. Not an easy task, but certainly one you're up to. :thumbsup2
You being from a blended family has prepared you well in knowing the in's and out's of how to make this all work.

My hat is off to you my dear.

Thanks Millie, I think all families have their challenges and we all muddle along and do our best, it's about all you can do!

Been looking forward to your trip report, since reading the pre trip report!! Looking forward to more!!

Aw thanks and :welcome:


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