Confessions of a reluctant runner, a DL 1/2 & PHM PTR. 7/5 race recaps and final thoughts

So much running Well done!

It's funny, miles wise if you look at it is really hasn't been but when I write it out it sure seems like it. LOL!

YAY for 1 day. Have fun and make sure you come back with tons of pictures.

YAY is right! I packed last night and did my nails and feel so much more organized now. Tomorrow morning will be nutty before the flight so I'm glad those are handled.
Holy cow, that's a lot of running! Good to know you aren't planning on running this weekend. I won't feel so bad about being a slug. :)

(When I was opening the link from the email notification, all I saw was Camel Toe and I about snorted my tea!)

Jill in CO
Holy cow, that's a lot of running! Good to know you aren't planning on running this weekend. I won't feel so bad about being a slug. :)

(When I was opening the link from the email notification, all I saw was Camel Toe and I about snorted my tea!)

Jill in CO


Did I type that somewhere?

OMG I just snorted my coffee reading this

Ah, I realized it was in the runner texting. It is pretty funny!

It sounds like more than it is really, literally since the half I think I've run 3 times total? Should be twice that. Which really isn't ideal for having another half in 10 days but I will live. The hiking doesn't' count but it is moving at least.
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After that I hoped would be a good weekend of training runs in the shoes I'd bought to replace the ones that blew out at PHM. They seemed do do ok at the 5k which was encouraging.
You know... for all the trouble you have with shoes, maybe you should let Evan pick out your next pair. He seems to have good taste in comfortable footwear. :thumbsup2

I also got to see Kendall while I was there! As luck would have it, it was during her spring break and she was there with her grandparents on her mom's side. They have a place there and were celebrating her grandfather's 80th. They were nice enough to let me steal her for a lunch!
Nice! I'm glad you at least had a little bit of time to spend together!

We also got our outfits for Bay to Breakers!
Love the shirts.

And yet, it would appear that by tattoing myself with 2 different pace charts and sticking with a pacer for almost half the race, I was able to shave almost 4 minutes off of my PHM time and PR!

We had kind of an amazing experience with another runner at the beer garden. She was a mom who had been through a very public traumatic experience locally and was using the race to help her get through it and make peace/move on in a positive way. Another mom in the same situation had ditched her, was supposed to run and meet her after and over the time she waited it became clear this person hadn't run and was actually at some bar nearby. Two ways of dealing with tragedy. We chatted for quite a while about my running journey and hopefully encouraged her to keep going. It was an experience that will stay with both of us for quite a while.
I'm glad you had a chance to possibly help someone out. Hopefully it gave her a positive experience to reflect on and move forward.

There will be large quantities of cupcakes at every aid station
I'm in!!!!!!

There will be actual Blerchs in fat-suits chasing you throughout the race.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: This race sounds awesome.

I am planning to do half on Mothers Day, Jeff and Eric will do the 5K and then Jeff and I head to SF for Bay to Breakers. In the meantime...I am headed to DL on Thursday for Alison's Birthday Party!
Busy times coming up! Have fun at the party and good luck on your runs!

But I'll leave you with this, because it cracks me up.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Can you even post that on the DIS? I mean I guess you can, because you did, but ... :eek: :rotfl:
You know... for all the trouble you have with shoes, maybe you should let Evan pick out your next pair. He seems to have good taste in comfortable footwear. :thumbsup2

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: This race sounds awesome.

It got glowing reviews last year, sounded like a total, utter blast. There are COUCHES at the water stations! Put your feet up photo op! Ann and I have discussed maybe volunteering at the Saturday event but that is going to be out for me for sure. My schedule just got complicated by the fact that there is a work event the W-F in Vegas, one in Hawaii on Friday and then another in Hawaii later that following week.

I have 3 options.

1. Have a co worker do the Hawaii event on the Friday
2. Take a red eye friday am to Hawaii, do the event and stay for the week and miss the race
3. Take a red eye friday am to Hawaii, do the event, then come back to Seattle sat am, then head back to Hawaii on Tuesday for the next event.

Actually now that I type it, as crazy as #3 sounds, given that the company would save 3 hotel may work out the same cost wise, even save the company a bit of cash. By leaving friday I'll either have to pack up our stuff early at the Vegas event, which would be ok, I've been there on the Friday before and really won't miss much or if someone else joins me, they can pack it up on Friday.

Hmmmn. I think I am going to do door #3. I REALLY don't want to miss the race! And my co worker is really my new admin and would be horribly out of her element at the event, I want to keep her so don't want to put her in that position.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Can you even post that on the DIS? I mean I guess you can, because you did, but ... :eek: :rotfl:

Now I'm kicking myself for only taking a screen shot of the top 10 and want to see what the other 5 are!
Love those t-shirts.

Shouldn't you be relaxing and having breakfast in bed on Mother's Day?
Mother's Day will be a fun day :) You guys racing and mom and I flying down to our cruise :hyper:

Sounds like a bunch of fun events, and more in the future :)

Fabulous that you got to see Kendall! I love your black/white dress!

Bummer about more shoe woes :(

The pics in the desert are just too cool.
Love those t-shirts.

Shouldn't you be relaxing and having breakfast in bed on Mother's Day?

Well, breakfast in bed kind of grosses me out. Eating in bed in general does. So that's never been appealing. I've slept in, in the past and they've made me breakfast, we've gone for early hikes, all kinds of things. At the end of the day it's supposed to be whatever I want to do and for whatever weird reason this is what I wanted to do. Of course I had assumed there was as group gathering in the evening and now it's at church so I can't go but honestly, this is what I want to do and since no one seems upset about it, all is well. We will go watch the HS musical (Mary Poppins, Evan is doing lights) in the afternoon with my folks so that will be lovely and then Jeff and the boys will make me whatever I want for dinner. It should be a lovely day. The only kind of bummer is I really want to visit the mimosa garden after the race ...but we will have Eric and he won't be able to get in. So we will see how that pans out but doing a race with him on mothers day, even if it's a different distance, is neat.

Love the T-shirts!!

Aren't they fun?

Mother's Day will be a fun day :) You guys racing and mom and I flying down to our cruise :hyper:

Sounds like a bunch of fun events, and more in the future :)

You will have so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fabulous that you got to see Kendall! I love your black/white dress!

Thanks! I like that dress. Actually considered it for Alison's birthday dinner but I wear it so much for work lately, it feels like work!

Bummer about more shoe woes :(

I am SO over it, I really don't understand why it has to be so hard. Still having issues. Really the issue is my feet, not the shoes but UGH.

The pics in the desert are just too cool.

It is gorgeous. I was disgusted by a lot of the statistics our guide gave us though on the water waste in the valley for the golf courses and resorts. Only TWO of the resorts recycle/reclaim their water. It made me ill. In general I have never been a Palm Springs fan but this trip I really enjoyed it a lot more than in the past.
Wow you have been and will be a busy girl. I, unfortunately am probably a Blerch.

I like the idea of Evan picking out your shoes! :rotfl2:
Didn't even realize you had done an update - not sure HOW long ago..... :faint:

I know I already congratulated you on the 1/2 PR. That's awesome! I admire you for continuing to stay so dedicated.

I love the BTB outfit. So cute. The skirt is adorable. Very nice.

Let's see - what else - boo to the continued shoe woes. That is just crazy. I am having some other woes - mostly my knee. I think arthritis and then I sort of twisted it walking up my cellar stairs. Now I am running in two ankle braces and a knee brace. It doesn't hurt to run flat, I just can't walk up steps. And it's a little uncomfortable on the bike. So, needless to say - I am taking it easy. I am running more days at 3 - 4.5 miles and trying to bike one weekend day, but I don't think I'll be doing any long runs again until I train for the PHM. We shall see.

Cute picture of you with Kendall. Looks like she's very happy and has enjoyed her first year at school.
Option #3 sounds like the go to me.

Option 3 it is. I booked part of it.

Wow you have been and will be a busy girl. I, unfortunately am probably a Blerch.

I like the idea of Evan picking out your shoes! :rotfl2:

Evan would probably pick out my whole outfit if he cold!

My race on Sunday was somewhat Blerch like...too much vacation...not enough running...among other issues

Didn't even realize you had done an update - not sure HOW long ago..... :faint:

I know I already congratulated you on the 1/2 PR. That's awesome! I admire you for continuing to stay so dedicated.

Well the dedication is suspect. I felt undertrained for my Mothers Day half and had other issues. I need to get my act back in gear. Of course having the foot issues resolved and traveling a lot less will help with that I hope!

Yeah, I need to close this one down here shortly.

I love the BTB outfit. So cute. The skirt is adorable. Very nice.

Let's see - what else - boo to the continued shoe woes. That is just crazy. I am having some other woes - mostly my knee. I think arthritis and then I sort of twisted it walking up my cellar stairs. Now I am running in two ankle braces and a knee brace. It doesn't hurt to run flat, I just can't walk up steps. And it's a little uncomfortable on the bike. So, needless to say - I am taking it easy. I am running more days at 3 - 4.5 miles and trying to bike one weekend day, but I don't think I'll be doing any long runs again until I train for the PHM. We shall see.

Cute picture of you with Kendall. Looks like she's very happy and has enjoyed her first year at school.

Oh yikes! Have you had it all looked at by a PT or sports doc?? No need to do longer runs until then, I wouldn't worry about it. That's why Jeff won't do a half. My ITB flared up BIG time at Sunday's half. Wasn't the main issue (bad sugar high fueling...5 miles of ick) but oh, it wasn't fun. I need to go back to a more structured PT program for a while I think. Have a massage tomorrow (bad race but got a free massage coupon!) and then plan to start PT up in earnest again in June. I also need a break from the long races. 3 halves in 90 days was probably more than I should have bit off with everything else travel wise. But it's done and despite the craptastic race on Mothers Day, I did qualify for Half Fanatics so that is kind of fun. Still would like a better POT for Avengers though...but there is NO way that will happen at B2B. Should be a fun weekend though!

I have good/bad news on the shoe front. Good news is I have finally seem to have gotten the lacing right so I'm not having pressure point and numbness issues. Soles seem to be holding up MUCH better than the last pair and they feel good to run in. Bad is the ITB (shoes, too much mileage/undertraing/overuse?) and I am still getting blood blisters on both feet. Silver lining is they aren't as bad as they have been in other shoes. And maybe that is as good as it can get. I do have an alternate shoe arriving tomorrow to test out. Not returning the ones I have though, at least not yet.
Oh yikes! Have you had it all looked at by a PT or sports doc?? No need to do longer runs until then, I wouldn't worry about it. That's why Jeff won't do a half. My ITB flared up BIG time at Sunday's half. Wasn't the main issue (bad sugar high fueling...5 miles of ick) but oh, it wasn't fun. I need to go back to a more structured PT program for a while I think. Have a massage tomorrow (bad race but got a free massage coupon!) and then plan to start PT up in earnest again in June. I also need a break from the long races. 3 halves in 90 days was probably more than I should have bit off with everything else travel wise. But it's done and despite the craptastic race on Mothers Day, I did qualify for Half Fanatics so that is kind of fun. Still would like a better POT for Avengers though...but there is NO way that will happen at B2B. Should be a fun weekend though!

No. I've just been trying to take care of it myself and keep a light brace on it. It's actually hugely better yesterday and today. I can walk up stairs with little to no pain and my last bike ride and run went well. I'm off tomorrow so I'd like to take a 5 mile run tomorrow and see how it feels.

I think B2B is going to be SO cool. Was it hard to get in? Was it a lottery? I have some friends that just did the Broad Street Run in Philly two weekends ago. Strictly a lottery and it caps at 40,000. They advertise it as the largest 10 mile race in the country.

Boo to the ick. Sorry that happened. You were totally on a roll but maybe your body is just telling you to take a little break. Yay for qualifying for Half Fanatics. That's cool.

I have good/bad news on the shoe front. Good news is I have finally seem to have gotten the lacing right so I'm not having pressure point and numbness issues. Soles seem to be holding up MUCH better than the last pair and they feel good to run in. Bad is the ITB (shoes, too much mileage/undertraing/overuse?) and I am still getting blood blisters on both feet. Silver lining is they aren't as bad as they have been in other shoes. And maybe that is as good as it can get. I do have an alternate shoe arriving tomorrow to test out. Not returning the ones I have though, at least not yet.

Well that all sounds positive. Well, all except for the blood blister part. I hope the alternate shoe works out for you as well.
No. I've just been trying to take care of it myself and keep a light brace on it. It's actually hugely better yesterday and today. I can walk up stairs with little to no pain and my last bike ride and run went well. I'm off tomorrow so I'd like to take a 5 mile run tomorrow and see how it feels

That's good, just don't overdo it! On that note I need to go do some leg lifts right now and roll out my ITB! LOL

I think B2B is going to be SO cool. Was it hard to get in? Was it a lottery? I have some friends that just did the Broad Street Run in Philly two weekends ago. Strictly a lottery and it caps at 40,000. They advertise it as the largest 10 mile race in the country.

No, it wasn't hard to get in. I don't know if there is a cap. One year they had 110,000 people! No clue how many this year, last year it was in the 30K range I think. It should be interesting. You self assign yourself to a will be very interesting to see how big the corrals are! Still, we aren't running it for time. It should be a blast! I just hope I don't freeze after. It should be about 52 for ther race, perfect. But 55 at the end. Without a jacket I will get cold! It's a point to point and no gear check.

Boo to the ick. Sorry that happened. You were totally on a roll but maybe your body is just telling you to take a little break. Yay for qualifying for Half Fanatics. That's cool.

Maybe. I think a lot of things added up but the biggest factor was that the fuel just did not sit well at all. It was definitely a sugar rush. Not a bonk, not dehydration but all kinds of sugar ick. Which makes the tummy feel a bit icky but also gives me a major head rush that is hard to run through. I've run through it many times but never had it last 5 miles before!

Well that all sounds positive. Well, all except for the blood blister part. I hope the alternate shoe works out for you as well.

Yeah, I'm over those but I don't know that I get the option to be over them, seems like something I have to figure out how to minimize as best as possible and tolerate otherwise. They have been far far worse. Hopefully running this weekend and B2B won't kill them. Might mess with my outfit plans fora date night sunday night lol!
Yeah, I'm over those but I don't know that I get the option to be over them, seems like something I have to figure out how to minimize as best as possible and tolerate otherwise. They have been far far worse. Hopefully running this weekend and B2B won't kill them. Might mess with my outfit plans fora date night sunday night lol!

Oh NO! Not THAT! :rotfl2::rotfl::rotfl2: No cute little shoes?????
Oh NO! Not THAT! :rotfl2::rotfl::rotfl2: No cute little shoes?????

I think I've become immune to them to a degree. Massage therapist (new one, got a coupon at the race so it wasn't a total loss) was like...OW!


At least they are on the inside of the foot so really, looking top down, they aren't as noticeable as some other running feet things can be. It could be worse!

I would dearly love to get rid of them forever though. Considering trying a different sock (again) but that makes me nervous. Last attempt was disastrous.
Just popping in to be sure I didn't miss an update while I was gone. I hope you had a great Mother's Day.
Caught up and even though the race sounds it was not your best, hopefully a wonderful Mother's day for you.

Sorry you still have the show woes. I may need to bend your ear about Palm Spring. Heading there in Oct for a work trip and might actually have some time to look around. :laughing:


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