constant throat pain with no cold


Jan 7, 2014
I have had pain in my throat for about a month with no cold symptoms. It isn't sore in my throat it is more the muscles around the throat. Feels almost like when you get hit in the throat but doesn't go away. This just strange and waiting until I see the doctor. Anyone ever had this before? Thanks
I have had pain in my throat for about a month with no cold symptoms. It isn't sore in my throat it is more the muscles around the throat. Feels almost like when you get hit in the throat but doesn't go away. This just strange and waiting until I see the doctor. Anyone ever had this before? Thanks

Can't say I've ever had anything like that, but maybe request an ultrasound?
No, can't say I have either.. Can you push up an appointment? do you feel tired?
I am thinking possible thyroid? but then I am a little thyroid paranoid lately, due to my issues..

I am no Dr..
Could it be mumps? That sounds like maybe swollen glands. I don't know if mumps shows up like chipmunk with everyone. Just my first thought.
I have had my vaccination for the mumps and think it would come out quicker than a month. I was thinking thyroid also but now sure but thyroid problems do run in my family but I don't have any of the symptoms they have. It hurts all the time. It seriously feels like I was hit in the middle of my throat. My appointment is Friday morning so we will see. I have not had much luck with my doctor in the past. I do get tired in the afternoon but I can't sleep when I go to bed which makes me tired when I get up. The pain is enough that I have been taking something for the pain at night.


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