Countdown to the Clown! A September PTR - Updated 9/13 - TR LINK

I'm here too.

I love that your plan things and wing it on things. I do the same thing and use the same terminology of winging it. It drives my Mom crazy sometimes, but she has finally gotten use to it. But you just can't plan everything, at least I can't.

I'm just sittting here now and waiting for more updates. :)
YAY! Another TR! Always love reading yours!

Hope you came home with bags full of good stuff on your shopping trip!!
Woo-Hoo a new trip to plan! I love your title of CVO - I think I will start calling myself that for our family.

I hope you had fun shopping today.
I'm here Brook! Can't wait to hear all about your plans.

I seriously got chills at the sight of the hidious clown with his eyes glowing - yikes!!

I plan to do a real update today; however, Joe just asked me - and I quote:

Joe: "Do you need any clothes for the trip?"

I stared at him.

Me: "I can always use clothes."

Joe: "I want to go shopping."


As if I weren't jealous enough that you have a Disney loving husband, now you have to throw this in there too??!! Totally not fair, not fair at all.............
HEY Brook!! I'm here!! Sundays are really hard to get on at all, and of course, you had to go and get this party rolling yesterday!! 3 PAGES??!! OK, back in a bit...
OK, that clown is just creepy. You do know our dates overlap EXACTLY from the 2-9th!! (I'll be there until the 13th, though) We could do more than one meet....??? :goodvibes
Have fun shopping!!!

We did! But, we are EXHAUSTED!

That hubby of yours is a keeper! :thumbsup2 Can't wait to see what you come home with! :)

I agree!!

I got a couple things, but Joe got a bunch of stuff!

I'm Here Too!!!:thumbsup2

New clothes for vacation is always awesome. Makes it feel like a vacation doesn't it?:)


Yay! :welcome:

I love any excuse to get new clothes. :rolleyes1 But vacation IS a very good one!

You know we're gonna need pics of all the goodies you get today, right?

I dream of hearing those words come out of my husband's mouth. " I want to go shopping."

I'm determined this trip to not feel guilty while he sits on a bench outside World of Disney. I keep telling myself him sitting on a bench outside of WoD is better than him being at work! :rotfl: I will get my shop on this trip. Oh yes I will!

I will share pics of the things I got that are trip related - a couple tops! I haven't taken the pics yet, so not tonight, but soon - in the "clothing" update. :goodvibes

Joe likes to shop at Disney, I'm usually the one the gets frazzled at WoD, it's SO BIG! But you are very right, Mr. I can sit on a bench outside and that is sooooo much better than being at work. Perhaps he can enjoy himself a Goofy's treat (or the like) while he waits!

Hooray for retainign the DVC!!! :dance3:Just hopped over from you Dec. trip report (which I enjoyed!). I think we are on the same Diz schedule, I was there last Dec. and my next trip is BWI, Sept. You have such a lovely family and Henry (Cutie Pie) looked like he ate up the attention from Grammy and Poppa in Dec. Subbing for PTR and hopefully a TR when you get back!

Are we just missing each other? What are your dates? I see in your ticker you are going to the Night of Joy event, I wish we were! Joe doesn't get enough vacation time and we have to manage it - more in a future update.

September is such a great month to go! It's got nice weather and loooooow crowds. :thumbsup2

And yes, Henry did eat up all that attention from his Grammy and Poppa! He asks often if they will be joining us on this trip too. :goodvibes

There will be a TR when we get back! I really enjoy writing them and sharing it all with everyone.

Hi Brook! I can't believe you are on page 3 already!!! :thumbsup2 I loved finishing up your last TR, you made me laugh with your story about Joe on the phone saying New Orleans.... :rotfl:
So this is exciting that you are headed to the creepy clown! :laughing: He is rather weird, we have always thought he was a bit disturbing... but the Boardwalk Villas are worth it! That whole area is fun and full of entertainment. I hope you like it as much as we do! It's so nice to walk back to the villas through the international gateway, very peaceful. :cloud9:

:yay: Thanks for joining me over here! The clown is a little odd. He doesn't freak me out actually, but I just find it strange they picked a clown - and a BIG one at that, with glowing eyes, when sooooo many people have clown fears. :laughing: The resort looks AMAZING. I don't know a lot about it, but starting to get a "feel" for it as much as I can without being there. I think Henry is going to have a blast in that pool - and with the entertainment on the Boardwalk. The villas look beautiful!
Jumping on board of course! I too can't wait to see your pictures of Boardwalk, both day and night pictures. I am sorry there have been so many problems with the sale of your house...hopefully it will all work out now. I know you guys are really enjoying NYC and can see that in all of your pictures from there.

Looking forward to reading about your plans for the trip and then reading the TR. Hope you had fun shopping today! I always love reading about your bag decisions.

Thanks for joining in over here! I'm really looking forward to exploring and enjoying the Boardwalk. There are tons of details I have never seen there!

I am really hoping everything with the house goes through - it looks hopeful this time....! And yes, we are loving NYC! It still hits me about once a week that we live here and aren't just visiting. :laughing:

We had a great time shopping, but are just exhausted. It was a long day.

Page 3 and I'm just joining in! Can't wait to read more. :goodvibes


:welcome: Thank you for reading!!

I'm in! That clown slide is like the creepiest thing ever. Don't think I'd want a room overlooking it. The clown might come to your room at night with it's evil glowing eyes and eat you! :eek:

:lmao::lmao::lmao: I don't have a clown fear, but many people do - I'm surprised they have one THAT BIG! We actually kinda want a clown view....:scared: :laughing:

Joining in. popcorn::

I can't wait to hear how the shopping trip went! popcorn::

:welcome: The shopping went well - I'll post pics of the trip related things I got. Joe got a TON!

I'm Here! :yay:

Yay! Thank you for joining up!

I'm here too.

I love that your plan things and wing it on things. I do the same thing and use the same terminology of winging it. It drives my Mom crazy sometimes, but she has finally gotten use to it. But you just can't plan everything, at least I can't.

I'm just sittting here now and waiting for more updates. :)

:welcome: Thank you for reading over here!

It drives Joe nuts when I plan too much - it seems we have a lot of ADRs this trip, so I was nervous about that, but he is gung-ho on all of them. It does create a nice balance with some loose ends, lets the magic happen and we seem to find ourselves enjoying little things more instead of running here and there from ride to ride.

YAY! Another TR! Always love reading yours!

Hope you came home with bags full of good stuff on your shopping trip!!

Thank you!!! :goodvibes They are fun to write! I see a pretty AKL ticker in your siggy!!!

We did get some great stuff! I'll have pictures in the upcoming "clothing" installment.

Woo-Hoo a new trip to plan! I love your title of CVO - I think I will start calling myself that for our family.

I hope you had fun shopping today.

I got that CVO from my old co-worker, he calls his wife that, I laughed so hard when he told me! They are Disney people too, and she's a big time planner!

I'm here Brook! Can't wait to hear all about your plans.

I seriously got chills at the sight of the hidious clown with his eyes glowing - yikes!!

As if I weren't jealous enough that you have a Disney loving husband, now you have to throw this in there too??!! Totally not fair, not fair at all.............

:laughing: He is a bit weird with the glowing eyes, isn't he? I was shocked when I saw that picture!!

I have a keeper of a hubby! ::yes:: But, he usually only wants to shop when he wants something - which he did today. He wanted a few new work shirts. Then we got him pants. And t-shirts. And shorts!

HEY Brook!! I'm here!! Sundays are really hard to get on at all, and of course, you had to go and get this party rolling yesterday!! 3 PAGES??!! OK, back in a bit...

:welcome: Glad you found me! Sorry about the Sunday thing! But it's okay, we have barely started, you are just "fashionably late" ;)
Joining in. Congrats on your NYC move!

Thank you! We are just loving it here. Our neighborhood is fantastic!

OK, that clown is just creepy. You do know our dates overlap EXACTLY from the 2-9th!! (I'll be there until the 13th, though) We could do more than one meet....??? :goodvibes

Yes! I would love it!! I don't want to crash your solo time, or your girls time, but I'd love to meet all 3 of you lovely ladies as well!

(and Joe said to me today, completely out of the blue "I think we should do the DC thing." I have asked him like 282782 times and he has never there we go - I think we are coming to that too! Woot!)

I'm here! :yay: I'm excited to hear your plans- now to go back to read!

:welcome: :banana:
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOSH!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!


That brings our total to like 17!!
You are going to love the Boardwalk! :cool1: It is such a beautiful resort. We stayed there in 2004, we rented points, and I think it was the only thing about our trip that DH actually liked!! :lmao:

I'll have to see if I can dig up some pics of our view. We were overlooking the quiet pool, which was really nice. The worst part about it was the long walk from the lobby, but it was super convenient to walk the back way to DHS! And the rooms are decorated so bright and nice.

I have to admit though, the clown really creeps me out! :rotfl:
Before the big decision to go full-force in attempting to sell the house, we had a lovely September trip booked during the middle of the month. It was to be a glorious 10 days in Disney at the BWV, with a Boardwalk view. One day we would leave property to visit the Kennedy Space Center and see the final shuttle launch on September 16.

But all that went out the window when we knew we would have to sell the DVC. We NEEDED that money that went toward it monthly.

So when Joe got the new job and he told me to “Book it!” my first question was “For when?”

We wanted September. We like September. Low crowds. Plus, doesn’t “September” just sound like it should have cooler weather than “August”? :rolleyes:

But! Henry turns 3 on September 1 and we would have to pay for him, a ticket plus he will be charged for at any buffets. That’s a hefty chunk of change. :headache:

However, due to our previous trip being during New Year’s Eve and being heavy on the DVC points we are left with fewer for this year (and we don’t want to borrow), plus Joe only has a certain amount of vacation days left this year for work and we have a few more trips planned (a wedding in St. Lucia :yay: and holidays back to Minnesota). So we had to take advantage of the long weekend over Labor Day holiday and bite the bullet.

Then we realized we will be buying Annual Passes anyway, so might as well get his now! I have to say, I love having an Annual Pass. ::yes:: It means another trip will happen in less than a year (hopefully more than one!). It’s a very good feeling. And I'm hoping they extend the AP holder discount at the stores! Has anyone heard anything on that?

September 3-9 was selected for our trip. That would give us a decent Disney trip + enough vacation days for the other trips we have coming in November and December.


One evening I threw out the idea of Henry and I leaving the day before Joe. He didn’t have much of a response.

So I worked out a plan. Knowing Joe is not too keen on AK, and is very keen on relaxation days I thought Henry and I could go to AK on the 2nd and then we could work in one more “no plans” day. With the addition of there being an AK PM EMH during our trip that we could attend for riding Everest, I knew this plan would be a hit with Joe.

And it was. :dance3:

Thankfully with a quick call to Member Services they had the room available, and we were booked.

So there you have it! Henry and I will be arriving at the BWV on September 2nd in the afternoon and Joe will fly in on September 3rd in the late evening. We all fly home on September 9th in the early evening. We got great flight times and a great rate!

Up next: Family traditions.
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOSH!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!


That brings our total to like 17!!

I almost stopped him on the street when he said it! He was in a way generous mood today, didn't care about price tags on the clothing - didn't care how much dinner costs, wants to go to DC...! I'm VERY excited! I think we are going to have a blast! I have to figure out the logistics of hotel/rides/food, etc. But I am 99% certain we are IN!!!!!!!

Who all is coming?

You are going to love the Boardwalk! :cool1: It is such a beautiful resort. We stayed there in 2004, we rented points, and I think it was the only thing about our trip that DH actually liked!! :lmao:

I'll have to see if I can dig up some pics of our view. We were overlooking the quiet pool, which was really nice. The worst part about it was the long walk from the lobby, but it was super convenient to walk the back way to DHS! And the rooms are decorated so bright and nice.

I have to admit though, the clown really creeps me out! :rotfl:

:rotfl: I've heard so many great reviews about the Boardwalk! I'm excited to stay there! It's been Joe's "dream" resort since our first trip. I'm glad we got in!

I would LOVE to see your pictures of it! If you can find them, please post them! I've heard about the long hallways, but we are New Yorkers now, we are used to walking. ;) I don't think it will phase us too much - and the advantages will outweigh that one disadvantage. We hope to visit Epcot and DHS more than once, in the evening just to catch a ride or a show. It will be soooo nice!

The clown is weird...he doesn't scare me, but it's just WEIRD. I'm excited to go down the water slide though and be puked out his mouth. :laughing:
I almost stopped him on the street when he said it! He was in a way generous mood today, didn't care about price tags on the clothing - didn't care how much dinner costs, wants to go to DC...! I'm VERY excited! I think we are going to have a blast! I have to figure out the logistics of hotel/rides/food, etc. But I am 99% certain we are IN!!!!!!!

Who all is coming?

First things first.... Does Henry have an early bed time?? IF not, how about hopping over to DHS on the 2nd after AK, for F! with me?? Just throwing that out there.

Let's see--- so far.... TrayRene and Rosie, Glennbo and Judy, Sis and I, JenBear and Bubba, Jenb1023 and 2 friends, My_Pal_Pluto (Rob) and a friend, Denise and her 2 daughters, you and Joe and Henry, and MAYBE the Capells? That's 19 by my count. I am stoked beyond words!!! That's for lunch. It will be a more intimate bunch of us for dinner- need to get the final count on that.
Every time I read about how you were able to keep DVC, I get happy for you all over again! :goodvibes

I think it is a lovely idea to arrive a day early and do Animal Kingdom -- I just don't understand how Joe can't like that park, though. :eek: Of course, this is coming from the woman whose own husband doesn't like the Magic Kingdom! :lmao:

A wedding in St. Lucia??? How fun will that be!?!? :thumbsup2
(and Joe said to me today, completely out of the blue "I think we should do the DC thing." I have asked him like 282782 times and he has never there we go - I think we are coming to that too! Woot!)


And very creative on thinking that you and Henry could go down a day early. :thumbsup2
Let's see then..............Today is Aug. that means in one month, you and Henry will be at Disney World! (and Joe will be there the next day!) YAY!

I know you are so excited---Can't wait to hear some more details.


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