[Creative, EYE CATCHING title for a Trip Report] Including Pics. -- Eighth Update!!!


DIS Veteran
Jul 5, 2003
There's two things that's been stalling me from making this trip report.

1 -- I can't figure out a funny, imaginable title for this thread to save my life. I scroll down the page of this forum and wonder how everyone came up with the amazing titles. Is it their experiences over the years and they have formed some sort of inside joke about their trips? Is it their wonderful, artistic skills? Or am I just having writers' block? Well, whatever it maybe, I've never had this hard of a time before. I want it to be eye-catching, and un-predictable... If only If only I could think of something! Anyhoo, I didn't want to start out this thing on a bad note, so I stalled, and stalled. But it's coming closer and I must admit to myself that I can't think of anything. But dare I say never, maybe once I start it something will come to me.

2 -- I want this thread to be filled of people having a good time and on the edge of their seat waiting for my next installment. When I was younger, I always wanted to be a writer, and I really thought I could become one. But lately, I've just had other career choices in mind... This last week I've been jonesing to write something. I don't know why, but I've been wanting a group of people to rely on my wonderful writing skills for their entertainment. Maybe it's the new Harry Potter book recently released that's getting my writers' wheels spinning? Or maybe it's that child abuse paper I wrote for english last week? Whatever the cause, I've been wanting to create a peice of writing, so fabulous, and wonderfly entertaining that it blew peoples' minds. I've read DOZENS of trip and dining reports over the last few months in anticipation of my upcoming trip. Each one, read like it had been written by a proffesional author! Smooth, flowing sentences. Funny, sarcastic jokes sprinkled amid the well lined paragraphs. I've got to give some of you DISers props for wonderful skills! Each report engrossed me until I got to the very last page, when then, and only then did I realize it had to come to an end, and I was overcome with sadness. Until of course, I scrolled down and found the next beautiful put together report, of course, starting the whole cycle over again. But now's the time for the point. I was scared that I'd be left out of this writers' "group", I was terrified that after making this trip report, and starting out with a mind of possibilities about what this could become, I'd be dissapointed by only 2 or 3 pity replies. Come on though, who am I kidding, I'm no Shakespeare. I'm no Homer. I just really want this to be a fun experience for all of you reading.

NOW, before I lose all of your minds, I will get to the trippy part. There are three people in my family. Yes, three and only three. I am in fact, an only child. We're all different in our own quirky ways, but normally, we meld together nicely. Introducing...my bunch!

Let's start out with the most spazzy, of the bunch. Moi. I am a mere 15 years old, but with a lot of experience under my belt. NOW, before you stop reading and go on to some other trip report not designed by a teenager, I must tell you. I'm a fully functional [most of the time] Disney lover. If you take a look at my post account you'll see that I am truly a DISer as well. I am in the process of organizing a MNSSHP meet that's going rathar well I must say. So, if you would, please stick with this desperate teenager in her search for acceptance among all you trip reading adults. In the short 15 years I've been breathing, my life has been packed with excitement. [Okay, can you sense my sarcasm there? ;) ] No, really, my life as been pretty normal accept from the fact I am homeschooled [since March] and I have a job for the Department of Human Resources. Oh no, you didn't read wrong, I actually do have an office job. Although it mainly just consists of filing and other things, it is a pretty big deal if I do say so myself.

So enough with me, lets move on to my joyous parents. They consist of a mother, and a father. They're both pretty traditional, hard working 9-5 type of people. My dad can't figure out the DIS for the life of him, but my mother is an often lurker [MrsPiglet]. My mom, a Disney lover from the time she popped out, used to visit Disneyland a lot in her childhood. But my father barely had any touches of the Disney magic in his entire life. Sad really, yes I know. :sad1: My mom, growing up as a Disney kid, is a stubborn, but organized planner. She does change things very often, but I'm trying to subdue that part of her brain. I can't even count how many times the two of us has changed our ADR's and park plans.

Speaking of ADR's and park plans, they're coming up next. So please, my dears, stick with me in my journey, and maybe we'll all just come up with a name for this thread. =] I hope to hear from some of you readers.

-- Jenny. <3

EDIT: I've decided to back track for my next post and talk about former trips of my families. :)
I love reading trip reports from a young person's perspective. You're off to a great start and your writing skills are amazing, love the way it flows. :) Can't wait to hear some more.
Great job, Jenny.
Can't wait to hear more.
Dont forget to mention me. ;)

Anyways, GREAT job! Your an amazing writer, and you know it.
Jenny you writing is so beautiful and you arer only 15 years old. God I wish I could write like that. You definetly have a career ahead of you. I am looking forward to the next enstallment of the trip report from you. Great job.
In 2000, I was a mere 8 years old, and had never before really heard of this place called Walt Disney World. Sure, I had visited Disneyland ONCE when I was one or two, but I couldn't remember, so it absolutely didn't count. BUT, my life since then was not completely without the magic, my family had a huge TV box filled with Disney movies of all sorts. From Cinderella, to The Jungle Book, to Sleeping Beauty..ALL the classics. I had, until then, floated through life unaware of great things happening down in Florida. That is, until my mother popped in one of those wonderful WDW planning tapes. I sat their completely in awe of EVERYTHING, nevertheless, I told my mother we HAD to visit this peice of heaven. I was sold, and so was she. So we went to planning, and of course I was one of those children who just loved to plan out our days schedules and read menus off the internet. I was a planning fool! :)

And after those months and months of hard work, the day finally arrived. Oh boy was I psyched out. The trip just excited my newly found love for all things Disney travel. It was wonderful, everything just two times better than I had expected. Let's just say my first World trip will remain in my mind until the day they bury me in my coffin. It was as magical, as magic can get.

I won't elaborate much further because all the details might bore you, and I definitely don't want to do that.

Coming soon to a post near you: "Has it changed since last year, Mommy?"
Thank you Jenny for writing this trip report. Now I don't have to.

Wow, I knew you was a good writer, but you are out doing yourself this time. I want to hear more about your first trip to the world. You have time, since our trip isn't till September. Remember, I love you and I will remember that first trip too. The second trip was special.

Ok I want more!!!
Thank you Jenny for writing this trip report. Now I don't have to.

Wow, I knew you was a good writer, but you are out doing yourself this time. I want to hear more about your first trip to the world. You have time, since our trip isn't till September. Remember, I love you and I will remember that first trip too. The second trip was special.

Ok I want more!!!
Awe, thanks Mom. =]

I'll update either sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.
Jenny, this pre trip report makes me want to go to Disney.
It's really good. Keep it up. I want to read more.


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