CSE-- Pg. 74 SATAN'S HAMMER, Ch.18, pg.160 "Goodnight Sweetheart" epilogue

WOw, been a Disser for almost 3 years and you still don't have 10 posts? I'm flattered. [/QUOTE]

I could claim to be highly selective, but I am really just bad at technology and reading is about all I can manage.
:worship:YaY!!! A new Nebo trip report!!!:cool1: Thanks for putting the link on facebook, Smidgy!:thumbsup2 Hopefully I can keep up this time.:rolleyes1

I can't wait to read more. I am with Diane....I'd have been leaving early for the airport too. I am always worried about missing the flight. Plus, who in their right (Disney) mind can sleep the night before a Disney trip anyway??? Certainly not me! It stinks that you hurt your back...so much for not needing the vikes.:scared1: Now to wait for the next installment.....:goodvibes

Hi Mom, welcome back. I still can't believe I didn't save them, how stupid can you be?

Yeah, you don't want to p!ss off a Pope. Particularly not pious people who prefer not to be persecuted. Perhaps.

So, was the title a really stupid idea? Please tell me you've heard the phrase, "hope springs eternal".

Couldn't we do BBQ instead? I haven't had good BBQ in a long time.

I do so enjoy skewering a Nebo once in a while.

if you don't stop I'm gonna tell mom on you.

Up is down, down is up. Nope. You just can't mess with the immutable laws of nature.

:lmao: Ha Ha hahahahaha! Oh, sorry. You were serious?

Um , well,, uh, no. Like that morning at CBR when i was waltzing with the butterflies and making sand angels, nobody really believed any of that, did they?

Nebo from the Black lagoon? You said that? :sad2: Did you not learn anything from the Nebo Spike incident? Smidgy still has nightmares about that. I'm going to give you a free pass... this time.

Or maybe I won't...

Whoops, forgot who I'm dealing with!
Ok, how much?

Might as well get it out of the way early. Saves on the anticipation.

I remember last report, car trouble, hurricanes, tornados, yellow jackets,,, all this wasn't enough ,,,they still wanted real blood, which took until almost the very last day to supply for them.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that didn't happen.

I guess you'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out if we exploded or not.

Hmmmm.... interesting. I'm curious to see how that all worked out.

I hate even thinking about it, I feel so stupid.

Huh. I just refer to DW as "the Boss".

Does she sing "Born, in the Yukon Territory?


great smiley

Are,,,, you,,,, out,,,, of,,,, your,,,, mind????

I didn't want them to be a big part of the trip this time, not thinking that things could get worse than they normally are.

:sad2: And just last night, I go to take the garbage out. I lean over to grab a bag... I didn't even get there yet!! And, well, you know.

Oh, that twinge. You feel it and you think, "Oh, it's okay. Just a twinge. I'm fine. Really. If I ignore it, it'll be okay."

You too? Sorry to hear it, I'm doing a lot better now, though.

Congrats! Now that you've put it in writing, you'll be subject to full body cavity searches from now on!

One can only hope

No? Odd.

I must be stupid,, I'm having trouble following the plot line of this smiley.

Because she won't notice when you tell her to carry the bags out to the cab.

I always do, this won't be out of the ordinary at all.

We'll see how it compares. Looking forward to it! :goodvibes

I'm lookiing forward to your part two of your boat ride.

HI Nebo! Glad to see you back at the keyboard to share your adventure. :cool1:

Oh, and you REALLY should try a TENS!! BEST PAIN-RELIEF E V E R!!! :goodvibes Seriously good juju, makes it all feel better! :cloud9:


Hi Cindy, sorry we didn't get ot meet up.

Let the 76th Hunger Games begin!
Helo Nebo Its just great that you are back writing again and in fine fettle if I may say so. This is the first time for me to catch one of your reports from the verry begining I am looking forward to the many different senario"s from the best trip writer on the disboard
A new Nebo trip report! Good, now I have something to read in between Laura's updates. I'm so happy. (It doesn't take much.) My DH also travels with a full complement of Vicodin so I understand your pain. I always have a few in my aspirin bottle in case he loses all his somewhere and I"m always worried someone will go through the bottle and ask me to produce a prescription at the exact time he disappears into the bathroom or something. Some of us feel guilty all the time even when we're not doing anything worng. (Parochial school, Lutheran rather than Catholic in my case lol)
Anybody else keep getting kicked off Dis?

NO Nebo! I DID want a spinal block so I could kick back and enjoy the experience without the inconvinence of pain getting in the way. I highly recommend them!
Helo Nebo Its just great that you are back writing again and in fine fettle if I may say so. This is the first time for me to catch one of your reports from the verry begining I am looking forward to the many different senario"s from the best trip writer on the disboard

Whoa, all the way from Scotland! I wonder how long it took your post to get all the way to my computer?
As for the best remark, I think if you substiture "weirdest" for best, we might be on to something, although Pkondz is in the photo finish.
Ok, it says you posted 2 times, I want to know, was I your first, and then you posted somewhere after me?
Yeah, ok, who was it, where did yhou post first?
No, wait, I don't want to know, especially with a name like that, you're probably a guy!

A new Nebo trip report! Good, now I have something to read in between Laura's updates. I'm so happy. (It doesn't take much.) My DH also travels with a full complement of Vicodin so I understand your pain. I always have a few in my aspirin bottle in case he loses all his somewhere and I"m always worried someone will go through the bottle and ask me to produce a prescription at the exact time he disappears into the bathroom or something. Some of us feel guilty all the time even when we're not doing anything worng. (Parochial school, Lutheran rather than Catholic in my case lol)

Applejacks, Your not alone;
I was confirmed at a Lutheran Church where the pastor scared the crap out of me.
And that would be, Nebo Lutheran Church, where I got my name from.

Anybody else keep getting kicked off Dis?

NO Nebo! I DID want a spinal block so I could kick back and enjoy the experience without the inconvinence of pain getting in the way. I highly recommend them!

I did find it a bit disconcerting though, when I tried to move my legs after an epidural, and couldn't.
"Ok, you can give me back my legs now." Please?
Hi Janet, think we've got it in us for one more round?:

Absolutely ::yes::

Hey what happened with your trip,,,, you know, Universal, first Cbr , then Pop,,,, I think Royal Pacific,,,, did you go? I thiought that was this fall,,,,, give! I don't see it in your ticker. No, wait,,, that was in May wasn't it? How did it go?

:sad: We had to cancel. Remember your car troubles???? Took my van in for inspection, it wasn't pretty. Although $250 I can blame on the dear DH, he lost the key :mad:

We decided that we are going to try and save to do a Southern Cali, DLR trip instead. It may take us a couple of years, but I "think" I can hold out.
Oh drat, I'm late to the party. Blame too much school, too much work, lack of sleep, reading Ponzi's TR..... Looking forward to another great Nebo TR. I put my 2 cents in with the earlier posters - TENS units are great IF (big IF) your issue is muscle pain. If you've got arthritis brewing in that lower back TENS won't help. Aren't I a ray of sunshine? They don't call me Nurse Ratchet for nothin!
Hooray, a new trip report! I am totally on board for this, guessing it's going to be a bumpy ride (not enough Vicodin, oh my :eek:)
Absolutely ::yes::

:sad: We had to cancel. Remember your car troubles???? Took my van in for inspection, it wasn't pretty. Although $250 I can blame on the dear DH, he lost the key :mad:

We decided that we are going to try and save to do a Southern Cali, DLR trip instead. It may take us a couple of years, but I "think" I can hold out.

Wow, i'm really sorry to hear that, we've never been to DL either, but that seems like a drastic switch for you t put off that long.

Oh drat, I'm late to the party. Blame too much school, too much work, lack of sleep, reading Ponzi's TR..... Looking forward to another great Nebo TR. I put my 2 cents in with the earlier posters - TENS units are great IF (big IF) your issue is muscle pain. If you've got arthritis brewing in that lower back TENS won't help. Aren't I a ray of sunshine? They don't call me Nurse Ratchet for nothin!

Hi Mom, great to have you back.
As far as the back goes, I think it's a disc thing when it starts,, tehn it siezes up the muscles.

Great username,:rotfl: Say it real fast.

Still no update:surfweb:

Ok,,, I now know I'm really stupid,,,, I've said it fast for ten minutes,,,,, nothing. I think you're just messin with me.

However,,,, new update tomorrow night!
Thanks for that Double D, I really look forward to being with kids again.

So I must tell you that one of my closest, best friends in the world has called me Double D for years, I mean for at least 21 years. It made me smile when I saw the nickname, so cool Nebo, really cool. :cool2:

You can imagine with my name, and it being my real on the birth certificate name, that there have been some really funny nicknames like D2 E4, so many that I can't remember them all. It was a terrific name in kindergarten though, as I only had to master writing two letters, just repeating them a few times! ;)

Nebo, we are off to the World on Saturday! We are leaving immediately after attending a birthday party that there is no way we can miss. By immediately, I mean the car will be packed and we will hop on the interstate. I'm really, really hoping we get to see Illuminations on Saturday night.

We originally were only planning to stay for a long weekend but we decided to "pull a Nebo and Smidgy" and go ahead and stay for the week! The kids don't know yet, we are going to tell them after DS gets out of school for the summer on Friday. They talk about Disney all the time so they are going to be stoked. I know DH and DS are going to really enjoy Star Wars Weekend!

Hopefully BTMRR will open this coming week! Say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed for us. I'm going to pay attention particularly to what DS really enjoys as I believe he and Jackson are close in age and it might give you some "must do" tips with him, not that you probably need any, but it never hurts to get a kid's perspective.

I am going to take my lap top, so I may have time to pop in from the World from time to time as well.

Thanks for that Double D, I really look forward to being with kids again.

So I must tell you that one of my closest, best friends in the world has called me Double D for years, I mean for at least 21 years. It made me smile when I saw the nickname, so cool Nebo, really cool. :cool2:

You can imagine with my name, and it being my real on the birth certificate name, that there have been some really funny nicknames like D2 E4, so many that I can't remember them all. It was a terrific name in kindergarten though, as I only had to master writing two letters, just repeating them a few times! ;)

Aw, c'mere you big lug,,,:hug:

Hooray, a new trip report! I am totally on board for this, guessing it's going to be a bumpy ride (not enough Vicodin, oh my :eek:)

Melk! Once more, unto the breach?
great to see you again, but I still hate saying your user name,,,, where did that come from? and no, "Got Melk?" is not an answer.
Nebo, we are off to the World on Saturday! We are leaving immediately after attending a birthday party that there is no way we can miss. By immediately, I mean the car will be packed and we will hop on the interstate. I'm really, really hoping we get to see Illuminations on Saturday night.

We originally were only planning to stay for a long weekend but we decided to "pull a Nebo and Smidgy" and go ahead and stay for the week! The kids don't know yet, we are going to tell them after DS gets out of school for the summer on Friday. They talk about Disney all the time so they are going to be stoked. I know DH and DS are going to really enjoy Star Wars Weekend!

Hopefully BTMRR will open this coming week! Say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed for us. I'm going to pay attention particularly to what DS really enjoys as I believe he and Jackson are close in age and it might give you some "must do" tips with him, not that you probably need any, but it never hurts to get a kid's perspective.

I am going to take my lap top, so I may have time to pop in from the World from time to time as well.


"Mommy, Buzz is trying to convince me that I'm losing my marbles, I already responded to this post,,, I'm sure of it,,
Oh, wait,,,, that was over on Ponzi's thread, wasn't it?

oy vey,,,, I'm too old for this!

Have a great, safe, fun trip Dee Dee we'll talk later when you too can say,,,,"hi,, still trying to catch up,,,,,":rotfl:
Wait,,,, where are you staying?

shoot, she's gone isn't she, dang,, I never think of these things fast enough.
I can't believe, that all these people that post and contribute, know how to type!

Why would you,,, do you do it for a living?

Especially guys, I grew up an Ironworker's son, but I could tell even though he didn't want me to be an ironworker,,, he was kind of glad that I became a machinist.

No, machinists don't need to type.
They usually need to know their "type blood".
If you're a machinist,,, you are going to bleed.

Funny thing with me, when I was 13 and a freshie at high school,,, In the first semester, I got talked into taking typing,,,, you know,,,, remember the old Wurlitzers?


but for those lousy 8 classes or so,,, it kinda stuck with me, and even though I still make a ton of mistakes,,, I only look at the screen,,, unless I'm typing in numbers,,,,or tyring to find the dreaded exclamation mark.!!!!

Why is that way up in the NW Netherlands, anyway?
Shoot, swap the ampersand and the exclamation mark, right now!

Ok, white guy with guitar won again, big surprise, so I' guess I'm done here.

However,,,I have most of the next chapter written,,,
and I LIKE it!

join me, tomorrow, won't you?
So, was the title a really stupid idea? Please tell me you've heard the phrase, "hope springs eternal".

Of course I've heard the phrase... I actually say it a lot. No really! Of course it's in a snarky way, but it still counts. I thought it was clever title... You'll have noticed that nothing came to my mind for my TR.

Oh, well. :confused3

Um , well,, uh, no. Like that morning at CBR when i was waltzing with the butterflies and making sand angels, nobody really believed any of that, did they?

You mean you lied to us? < leaves and slams door >

Whoops, forgot who I'm dealing with!
Ok, how much?

Ha! That's easy. If/when we meet, you buy the first round.

I guess you'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out if we exploded or not.

Ooooh. Cliffhanger. Cool.

I hate even thinking about it, I feel so stupid.

oh. oh.

Does she sing "Born, in the Yukon Territory?

:lmao: No, she's into today's music.... I'm not.

You too? Sorry to hear it, I'm doing a lot better now, though.

Actually it wasn't too bad.... until I got home from work, grabbed my laptop and hopped on the bed. WRONG MOVE!

Still not as bad as it has been in the past... I can still move... carefully.

I always do, this won't be out of the ordinary at all.

Ah Nebo. Always the gentleman.
Funny thing with me, when I was 13 and a freshie at high school,,, In the first semester, I got talked into taking typing,,,, you know,,,, remember the old Wurlitzers?

Same here. Grade 10 I believe.
f f f f f f f f f f j j j j j j j j j d d d d d d d k k k k k k k ad infinitum...

or tyring to find the dreaded exclamation mark.!!!!

Why is that way up in the NW Netherlands, anyway?

Because! If it wasn't up there! We'd always use it! All the time!!!! All! The! Time!

However,,,I have most of the next chapter written,,,
and I LIKE it!

join me, tomorrow, won't you?

D'oh! I haven't even started my next one yet. Gotta get busy!
Same here. Grade 10 I believe.
f f f f f f f f f f j j j j j j j j j d d d d d d d k k k k k k k ad infinitum...

Because! If it wasn't up there! We'd always use it! All the time!!!! All! The! Time!


Yeah, you,,,, are,,,, right,,,,especially with teens,,,
ranks ritht up there with,,,"Awesome!"
Yeah, you,,,, are,,,, right,,,,especially with teens,,,
ranks ritht up there with,,,"Awesome!"

Makes you wonder what they'd say if something really awesome happened.


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