cseca wedding PJ... SBP/AAP/Italy West 4/28/08... Hi again!


<font color=darkorchid>My legs are wimpy but my wi
Jul 5, 2000
After a couple months of agonizing over our ceremony and reception choices our coordinator called us to say that she's received our signed contract and we'll be hearing from our planner soon!!! :dance3: :yay: :cheer2:

I'm not sure how good I'll be in updating this post but I'll try... :goodvibes

Here are what we've determined so far:
Ceremony: SBP 5pm
Reception: American Adventure Parlor 6:00~8:30
DP: Italy west 8:30~9:30/10pm

Hair and Make Up: Beaute Speciale
Photographer: Root photography (thanks to Lurkyloo... :) )

We haven't figured out our videographer or officiant yet.

I emailed Carollyn allen through their website but I haven't received any response yet. It's a little discouraging.


I think I've posted our story in several posts already, answering to people's questions. But I'll try to summarize it quickly here.

How we met
When I just started my new job I had to go to the IT dept to get my ID and password set up. I've seen him then and thought he was cute... but we were both involved and I didn't think twice about it. Every now I then I had to work with people in his dept and about 4 years later we became friends... Both our relationships dissolved and we decided to hang out. A little more than a year later we officially are together (since we work in the same company we didn't really want to annouce it... :laughing: ). We've been together ever since. We are very different in temperament but I think that's why we match. He is mostly calm and I am mostly frantic... :rotfl: I worry about the littlest things and he is so laidback it's funny. Since he's a puter geek he has very little romantic bones in his body (see proposal story below and you'll find out)...
But he makes me laugh, hold my hands when I'm sick, sits with me through all the chick flicks I want to see and goes with me to all my disney trips... hehe...overall a sweetiepie.

How did he propose?
Oh lordy... this one is a doozy...
We've been talking about getting an engagement ring for awhile. I knew it was coming but man... did he surprise me. We were getting ready to go on our disney world/disney cruise vacation. I was rushing to get ready and figured that I have just enough time to have a quick shower. After I was done, hair dripping wet... still running around like crazy... he stopped me and gave me a hug. Of course at that point I said very nicely "What are you doing? We have to get ready! We're leaving in 15 mins.... AAAAA!!!" (ok something like that).
The he proceeded to say "I have something for you..." walked into his room and came out with a little blue box... Guess what my response was?... "Now? ... You're doing this now?... " :rotfl:
Then he explained that he didn't want to bring the nicely wrapped box into the airport because he was afraid they'll make him open it at the security check... :laughing: And he was not going to put it in the baggage claim because he is not going to lose it.... I was still in in shock and had to ask what he wanted me to do... (yeah... real einstein here...). He said I have to open it. Once I open it he popped the question. Of course I said yes.
BUT I told him that he will have to ask me again sometime during our vacation. He did really good the second time around. He asked me at the Cinderella's wishing well after fireworks. There were SO many people during the fireworks but the well area was so empty. I've been to WDW over 20 times and have never seen the place isn't that weird? I thought that was a sign... that we have "our" place instead of a place that I've been to many times.

Planning? Now I have to plan?... d'oh!!!
Ok, my family is far far away. And his is not very involved. So planning this thing is a very daunting experience. We knew we wanted to do WDW because my family will fly from far away and I wasn't going to make them come to where I live (I live in the boonies... really).
Telling my family was easy, his wasn't.
My family could afford to come alto it took a bit of coaxing to get my nieces and nephews out of school. His family is not very excited to have to fly and spend all that $. Even now they still haven't told us whether they're coming or not. But that's ok. I've come to the realization that if they didn't want to join us then it's their loss. We will still have fun and celebrate with the friends and families who loves us.
After adding the approx # of people we decided on approx 30 people.
I thought that was pretty good. Considering 80% will be my family... :lmao:
I talked to DFTW and they gave me the choices.
Which we've narrowed down to the above list!

That's all for now...
I'll update some more tomorrow with how I picked out the dress, tiara, shoes, hotels :-)scared1: ) etc...

Hope I didn't bore you gals and guys to tears... :hug:
Can't wait to hear more!

As for the proposal story, making sure your DF does it the "right way" must be a common theme... my BFF got proposed to in early December, but it was in her kitchen and she said yes, but he'd have to do it again. So, about a month later on a trip to Disneyland with her family (and me) he snuck down and proposed to her in front of her entire family in Club 33 at Disneyland. :love:
Thanks lov2b and MeowGoddes.. :)
I'm working on the next installment hehe...

Can't wait to hear more!

As for the proposal story, making sure your DF does it the "right way" must be a common theme... my BFF got proposed to in early December, but it was in her kitchen and she said yes, but he'd have to do it again. So, about a month later on a trip to Disneyland with her family (and me) he snuck down and proposed to her in front of her entire family in Club 33 at Disneyland. :love:

LOL!!! THat's great!! I thought I was the only one... :laughing:
Yay another PJ! I am so hoping that I will be able to start one in the next few months.
The planning, the dress, the shoes… oh my…
So, here’s what I have so far…
Since my family is so far away I had to send them a mini invite.
Nothing fancy. But I still have to decide on my real invites… ARGH!

The dress
Well, my friend graciously offered to help me look for dresses. I went to at least 6 stores and at some point everything starting to blur together… After talking to my sister, we decided to meet over Christmas and look for dresses (during our family vacation).
That ended up being a bit of a disaster… fortunately everything came through at the end and I found a dress!!!! We shopped in Hong Kong so luckily all the dress was sized to my height… LOL!!! The bad thing is that people there apparently are size -4 to 0… because everything I tried on ended up having a giant 8 inch gap between the zipper and I know I’m not skinny but I wasn’t huge… I felt like dumbo trying on those dresses… LOL!!!
Somehow God must’ve been listening because the second to last dress the helper picked out fits me perfectly. I mean the length (ok, I have to wear 4” heels), the bodice, the whole thing… Nothing needs to be altered and I felt like a princess in it…
That was the first dress which I felt was “IT”… I never thought I would have that feeling because after trying on 30 dresses and nothing I kinda felt depressed.

But we found the dress and took it home… one less thing to worry about.



The rings
For our wedding rings we decided that we could pick separately.
So during this Christmas trip I went shopping with my mom and got a beautiful celebration ring to match my engagement ring.
I know both of them are pretty simple and normal (nothing special) but I thought they look beautiful together. I’m a simple kinda gal… so these are perfect.

The tiara
My sister was so nice… the minute I saw her she took out her tiara… The one she wore at her wedding and she said I could wear it if I want to. I was thrilled!!! One less thing to buy and worry about… She’s such a sweetie. She’s going to by my MOH, I hope she finds a nice dress for the wedding. I still have no clue what color she’s picking… haha…


The shoes
I had bought a pair of silver shoes during my trip home. It’s a 4” silver sandals with circular rhinestones on the front. It’s beautiful and comfortable, but I haven’t had any chance to wear them yet. I thought this will be the perfect occasion to bust them out :rotflol:


OK, I think that’s all the update I have for now.
Still have no officiant or steamer yet…

What do you gals think?
Everything looks great so far! I can't wait to hear more about your big day :)
Everything looks great so far! I can't wait to hear more about your big day :)

Thank you!!!
Our site visit, menu tasting & planning session are on the 25th.
I've already set up my trial make up & hair plus Nathan is going to do a quick engagement session that day also... It'll be a very long day!!

Now I'm trying to figure out what the stuff to send them for the planning session... hmmm....

Thank you!!!
Our site visit, menu tasting & planning session are on the 25th.
I've already set up my trial make up & hair plus Nathan is going to do a quick engagement session that day also... It'll be a very long day!!

Now I'm trying to figure out what the stuff to send them for the planning session... hmmm....


The 25th sounds like a fun day! You'll love the tasting and planning session. They were both a lot of fun :)
The 25th sounds like a fun day! You'll love the tasting and planning session. They were both a lot of fun :)

Oooohh M&M126, I just realized your wedding is about 2.5 weeks before ours... don't forget to let us know how it went... :)
We have the same DP location. I hope you like yours...
Oooohh M&M126, I just realized your wedding is about 2.5 weeks before ours... don't forget to let us know how it went... :)
We have the same DP location. I hope you like yours...

I'll definitely let everyone know how it goes. I feel like time is flying now. I have 3 months as of today to get everything done! Yikes. I'm actually meeting with my planner again next week b/c I'm freaking out a little. I just need some reassurance. Haha :)

The DP will be great at the Italy location. I've seen a ton of them set up there and it always looks so nice. :goodvibes
I'll definitely let everyone know how it goes. I feel like time is flying now. I have 3 months as of today to get everything done! Yikes. I'm actually meeting with my planner again next week b/c I'm freaking out a little. I just need some reassurance. Haha :)

The DP will be great at the Italy location. I've seen a ton of them set up there and it always looks so nice. :goodvibes

I know what you mean... but everything looks like they're done... I don't think there's anything for you to freak out too much about... ;)
I know what you mean... but everything looks like they're done... I don't think there's anything for you to freak out too much about... ;)

You're right :) Most things are planned and I need to leave it at that! But silly me is always wanting to change things so really I bring the stress on myself. Haha. OH well.
Hey M&M!!!
We have the same planner… :)
Carol… I saw from another post that you like her… I’m so glad…
Hey M&M!!!
We have the same planner… :)
Carol… I saw from another post that you like her… I’m so glad…

Woohoo! Congrats! She is great. She is wonderful to work with and very sweet. Plus since my sister also had her several years ago, I know that she will make your wedding day run very smoothly!
I can't make up what colors I want so I patch up several colors that I thought look cute together. So I think our wedding is not going to be all 2 colors... LOL!!!

The main color will be the brown and green but I will put some touches of the other colors in there too to make it more springy... :laughing:

what do you think?

I'm not sure which type of centerpieces I really like. So I have some pics from other sites that I pick out for the planning session. I'd like to put some asian touch in the wedding, hence the bamboo... :)



maybe instead of yellow I'll do green and brown for this one below:

definitely changing the pink ribbon to maybe a green for the steamer:




That's all I have for centerpieces... I don't want to spend a lot of $ on them but I do want the tables to look pretty.

I'm also thinking of doing the Roman Table I think they're called?
It's the large circle in the room kinda table.
But I'm not sure if my family will like that...

something like this:

Woohoo! Congrats! She is great. She is wonderful to work with and very sweet. Plus since my sister also had her several years ago, I know that she will make your wedding day run very smoothly!

Thank goodness...
I was on pins and needles this week waiting for THE call from my planner.
I'm glad that's done, now I can focus on the planning session :headache:

any advice for the planning session? :)
Thank goodness...
I was on pins and needles this week waiting for THE call from my planner.
I'm glad that's done, now I can focus on the planning session :headache:

any advice for the planning session? :)

I brought pictures of things that I liked that I could give to Carol and Rose (if you're doing your flowers with Disney). I think it helped for them to be able to keep those pictures for reference. Come with a ton of ideas and ask a LOT of questions. Carol is super patient and very knowledgeable. Savor the day b/c really it is the majority of your planning all at one time!

Oh and if you're bringing others dont let them eat all the cake!! I was busy talking to the planner and I looked over and my mom, niece and fiance were chowing down. Save some for me ;) Hahahaha

I'll actually be at the wedding pavilion the 18th so I'll miss you by a week!

PS I LOVE your color ideas! I think all the centerpieces you showed are so beautiful and simple. I love that.


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