Curious, RADPers?


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Mar 12, 2002
I used to read the RADP a lot (rec.arts.disney et al.). I have enjoyed reading this board more, seems so Troll free compared to that neck of the woods. How many folks here also do the RADP?
I was an active member on RADP from fall of 1996-fall 1999. It wasn't trolls that did me in, but DVC's good friend *bicker* :D

For as much posting over there as I used to do, my claim to fame was staying in the Yellowstone Suite at WL and posting pictures.
I do RADP. But I don't post much. Unless bicker goes totally off the deep end that is. Then I drop a line or two.

I'm quite the opposite of Hopemax. I like bicker there. He's... ah... well... let's say entertaining. WRONG, but entertaining!! And remember, we have him on our debate board too. I wonder why he hasn't wandered over here?
I was pretty active on RADP from '98 thru '01 (including the Paul T. years) but as others have stated, the trolling, flame wars, off-topic posts and "beat it to death" threads (like GayDay and the Breakfast Club) have driven me away for the most part. I still monitor the discussions on RADP, but it's much nicer here so this is where I spend most of my time. Plus, as a DVC member, I get a lot more useful info on the DVC discussion and rent/trade boards.
I also post on RADP. The reason it is usually so Troll free is due to way newsgroups work. Your average High-school kid does not want to put the time into posting over there when it's so much easier to attack a place like this.

I don't mind topics beat to death. You people have to understand that not everybody joins the group at the same time you did. They do not read every post. So when the topic becomes intresting to them , they ask question. I don't mind it at all. Some of you people that claim topics should not be discussed becasue they have been "beat to death" would not make good teachers. What woiuld you tell your new students? "Sorry we talked about the Civil War last year that topic as been beat to death. Find one of my students from last year and ask them" Which is tatamount to what your doing when you tell them that the topic has been beat to death and to lookup old threads.

Sometimes I like RADP much better than here. I'm a huge Disney fan but I don't let it affect my judgement on topics about Disney like a number of the people here do. A number of people here are so protective of all things Disney. I like the off-the-cuff post that RADP allows. Sometimes it's the only way to get your true feelings and thoughts across. Another Benifit of RADP no moderators, who say one thing but then are allowed to do the same thing that you were just repremanded for. :confused:
The reason it is usually so Troll free is due to way newsgroups work. Your average High-school kid does not want to put the time into posting over there when it's so much easier to attack a place like this.
I don't agree that RADP is "troll free", but the problem is not trolls attacking RADP. The problem is cross-posts which affect a number of groups sometimes at random.
I still monitor RADP but rarely post anymore. It's difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, even with a good newsreader.
I like the off-the-cuff post that RADP allows. Sometimes it's the only way to get your true feelings and thoughts across.
... and sometimes it's just a poster being very rude.
My first post to the rec.arts.disney (before the vote to split the group into the sub-groups) was in 1993. Back then, I was a little overwhelmed by the volume of posts, but I've learned that with usenet you skim, scan, and filter, and it isn't much of a big deal.

If I feel like looking at some disney information and have a little time, I might scan radp, I might look on this board, I might look at another web page, depending how the mood strikes.
I'm probably more of a lurker or occasional visitor to all the sites.
I think that radp can be one of the best sources of information out there - things like cross postings and spam don't really bother me because I can scan it out pretty quickly. I also like that there isn't a commercial tie-in or sponser or moderator, so the discussion is open - the flip-side of course, is that it isn't always on-topic. I just ignore what I don't want to. I really like this board, but I prefer radp to many of the other boards because it seems a little less silly and newbie a lot of the time, if you know what I mean - this particular board also is on a higher level most of the time so it is probably my most regular stop. There is a lot of junk out there that I'm not interested in and don't have the time for on both radp and the boards, but for a catch up on general things radp is easier for a fast skim than going through the layers web page bulletin board. I can scan through a few days worth of threads on the bulletin boards in a few minutes, and I have enough of a familiarity with the usual suspects to know if I want to pay any attention.

If I'm interested in a specific piece of information or about comments on a given topic I may look at several places though or in a more direct search.

I guess Europa would put you in the "you people" category since you prefer the DIS to radp. I hope you're not a teacher!

Actually I am a sort of teacher, but for biology on the graduate-postgraduate level! I like these boards so much better because of their organization. Not just separating the wheat from the chaff, cause chaff is excellent roughage, but it separates the rice grown in bogs, from the wheat to make bread, from the rye to make booze. You know where to look. Need to know discounts, check the resort board; need to know the new rides, check attractions; wanna hear the dirt, well that is here too (and amazingly knowledgeable).

Originally posted by HorizonsFan

I don't agree that RADP is "troll free", but the problem is not trolls attacking RADP. The problem is cross-posts which affect a number of groups sometimes at random.
I still monitor RADP but rarely post anymore. It's difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, even with a good newsreader.
... and sometimes it's just a poster being very rude.

NO not Troll Free...but I really don't like the term either. People tend to lable others with that the first time they challenge another poster or ask a question that they know is going to rub people the wrong way. Which to me is just that person’s feelings or mood coming across. Now if that is all that the person post then maybe that term does apply. Those people tend to get bored with it very fast and leave.

That is why I like RADP you can be rude if the mood strikes you. I've seen a lot of people post on the DIS that they come here to "get away from the real world and they don't want to be attacked". Which is fine. It does not really bother me as I will continue to defend my position. Plus I know that no matter what they say it can’t hurt me.

I hope that most people understood the Teacher remark. I compare people who read and complain about post being beaten to death to people that watch a TV show or listen to a radio station they hate and call in and complain about it. Remember you always have the choice to turn it off, or in this case not to read the post.
I do lurk their from time to time but find this site alot more enjoyable.
And bicker is as equally wrong on that site as he is here!!!
I'm a huge Disney fan but I don't let it affect my judgement on topics about Disney like a number of the people here do. A number of people here are so protective of all things Disney.

Or maybe, just maybe, "those people" just have different opinions that were actually formed intelligently?
Originally posted by raidermatt

Or maybe, just maybe, "those people" just have different opinions that were actually formed intelligently?

...and I've done it again. :( There must not have been any EE post on the boards today. :( Should I take that as an insult? I hope you didn't take what I said as one. It's just a difference on views...but I would never say those that are protectors of all things Disney, don't form intelligent opinions.
Originally posted by thedscoop
Undisputed Facts:

I cannot think of one single poster on these boards who thinks Disney has done EVERYTHING RIGHT or has defended all things Disney has recently done.

Nor can I think of a single poster on these board who think Disney has done EVERYTHING WRONG or has criticized all things Disney has recently done.

It's just not that black and white on either side. We will all be able to communicate much more efficiently around here if we all were to recognize the above two facts and eliminate the related rhetoric.

Of course not but I don't read every post by every person. I can only go on what I read from the person. Based on what I've seen there are people who defend every decesion by Disney. Now I have no idea if they seceretly hate the fact that EE is gone or really hated ABC's choice of programming last week. So I will stipulate that It's not a 100% in either direction.
I've RAD-peed, but lost interest.

I loved the Trip Reports about GayDays from NYCBoy. I even saw the show he wrote off-Broadway.

I also liked Zosmom's trip reports, but ever since she moved to Orlando, she doesn't write them anymore.

Maybe I'll wander over there later.
I have never been to RADP, but I did dabble in the Newsgroups back in the internet Dark ages of 93-95. Usenet is completely run by trolls and I found it impossible to have a reasonable conversation. Thus I never even bothered with RADP.


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