Dairy Farmers Wife IS going to Disney in March/April!

Fabulous intros! Claire is adorable!

Yippeee for CRT!!!! I hope everything works out for your trip!
Thanks everyone for joining.
Still plugging away at this week. I've been working on a slide show for Paige's grad party. ....Let's jsut say if you do one for you kids ever...start scanning pictures months ahead of time, in stead of weeks. I am so tired of doing it. And now I am finally putting them in with music, but that still is REALLY time consuming. I know I'm at least half way done or more, but I got alot to do yet. UGH! :worship:
What program are you using for the slide show? I have a Mom's Group and every year we get together in CT for a "Gathering". I have the song picked out but have no idea where to begin with it all!
Hi Jen, I'm in too. I loved following your TR and am already enjoying this one. I love the farm pics too! That's great you got your ADR for CRT! I am looking forward to reading more updates! :wizard:
Joining in! You have a beautiful family! :worship: on being dairy farmers - I came from a family with a long farming tradition and ran to the suburbs as fast as my feet could take me. That is some HARD work!

Speaking of hard work, I agree on the slideshow bit. Just put one together for my seventh graders for the last day of school. That was only 300 digital pics, and it still took hours. Can't imagine having to scan them all. Guess I should get started on my dd's graduation slideshow now... she'll be a freshman this year. ;)

Looking forward to reading more about your trip as you plan it!
What program are you using for the slide show? I have a Mom's Group and every year we get together in CT for a "Gathering". I have the song picked out but have no idea where to begin with it all!

I am using Windows movie maker. It's not fancy and has very simple options, but it will do. My friend bought some fancy program for like $100 to her DD's. But I couldn't justify the money for that.
I'm a little mad at it right now though. For some reason the page froze up. and I have alot of it saved, but not the last part I have worked on. I think I'm gonna have to rebbot, and probably loose the last song and all the pictures I put with it. And it was a long song. LOL!

Hi Jen, I'm in too. I loved following your TR and am already enjoying this one. I love the farm pics too! That's great you got your ADR for CRT! I am looking forward to reading more updates! :wizard:

Thanks for joining. I hope I can keep you attention with this.
Farming can be a drag. But I have lived in the city and do prefer country life. As long as I am not the one doing all the hard work. LOL!

Joining in! You have a beautiful family! :worship: on being dairy farmers - I came from a family with a long farming tradition and ran to the suburbs as fast as my feet could take me. That is some HARD work!

Speaking of hard work, I agree on the slideshow bit. Just put one together for my seventh graders for the last day of school. That was only 300 digital pics, and it still took hours. Can't imagine having to scan them all. Guess I should get started on my dd's graduation slideshow now... she'll be a freshman this year. ;)

Looking forward to reading more about your trip as you plan it!

Yes, this thing is becoming a pain. I wanted to make it about 40 minutes so I wouldn't have to attend to it much. Well I'm at 50 minutes now, and still a little more to go. LOL!
So a little about us!
When I got married, I was at one of my skinniest points. I am working on trying to get back there. LOL! I don't think I ever will. It's so hard and I've actually put on a few pounds over the holidays that don't want to come off again. But I will keep at it for the rest of my life, I suppose.


I feel your pain!!! I have a whole lot more to lose than you, though. Personally, I don't think you need to lose anything--you look great in that picture with your daughter.
Thanks. I am up abput 10-15 lbs from last trip though. Which really wants to make me kick myself. I need to get at least 10 off soon. My shorts are just a tad too tight this summer.
I'm back! But not in full force yet.
The recital went pretty well, though I forgot Claire's hair peice and had to call Skip to go back home and get it. It was the 1st time he has ever left ontime for anything. LOL!~ So he got there just in the nick of time, and I literally ran back to Claire clipped it on her head and ran back to my seat. Skip had to park, so he came stroling in at about song 3 with is mom, and my Aunt and Uncle were following in behind him. We watched Claire (song 5) and then all of us but Skip, left to get ready for the party. Skip said he took a nap till intermission, then roamed the halls and went back in for the Finale to watch her. All went well.
The party was nice and things went pretty smoothly with that. I got home at 11:30 that night after helping cleaning up.
Sunday we went out to brunch for Paige's 18th birthday/Fathers day. I took a nice nap on Sunday and then started in on the dishes that needed to be done and sorted to give back to people who had helped make food. Monday, I cleaned most of my house and mowed grass. Today the plan is to finish the house while Claire is at a play date.

For those of you who followed my TR, you know that Skip had a hip replacement last Oct. Well it didn't go as great as we had hoped. He's been experienceing alot of pain, and was told last winter that the peice was basically too big that they put in and a muscle is pulling, but he should try to ignor it. :scared1: He has , but some days semm alot worse than others. This past week has been really bad....so bad that he has gone back to walking with a cane. Which means REALLY bad. He has a Dr.s appointment today again. I am insisting on going with him to hear what the Dr says, but he says he doesn't need me. But I said I'm just gonna sit there and give the Dr the "evil" stare till something is done.
But another down side to this is, that Skip may need another surgery. So I'm not sure where that will leave us for a trip in Dec. Which really bums me out, but I do want him healthy again. So we'll see how that goes. I do know though, the way he is right now, he wouldn't be able to walk or keep up if we go, so something needs to be done.
So if he gets surgery (and if he does, he most likely will push it back to Oct again) he probably won't be completely healed by Dec, but by March he should be. If we don't go then, I'll explode! LOL!
I guess we just have to wait and see what happens today.
Whew! Aren't you glad that you were able to reach Skip so he could grab Claire's hair piece. Sorry, but I had to laugh when you said Skip fell asleep. You know how John lkes to take his power naps whenever he has a minute or two.

Glad to hear that the party went well. I know that it's always stressful getting everything set up and ready. But, when it all falls together beautifully, it's well worth it.

I hate to hear that Skip is still suffering with his hip. I would have gone to the doctor with him too. Let us know what the doctor tells ya'll.

Hopefully, a trip to Disney will soon become a reality. As always, I'm keeping everything I've got crossed for you.
We just got back from the Dr's. Nothing much to report as of yet. But I am a little irritated with him. First of all, he sounds like he smoked too much dope back in the day. He had that beach bum/surfer kind of tone. He kept saying the x-ray looks textbook perfect and he has no idea why Skip is in pain. He could cut a dragging tendon, but Skips leg is so weak (again he doesn't know why) that he doesn't think that would be wise. Skip ask if could be a pinched nerve and he said could be, he's not a nuerologist, so he doesn't know. :rolleyes1 Skip asked if maybe he never needed a replacement in the first place, maybe it was something else, and the Dr says could be, since the hip replacement hasn't releived the pain. He is sending him for a MRI, which should be scheduled for tomorrow sometime. But then, has him coming back in 3 weeks. I told Skip if you haven't heard anything on Friday, keep calling and get in sooner, and he said that was his plan too. :wizard:
Basically if nothing comes back on the MRI, then the only option is to go in and replace the replacement.
I was very unimpressed with the visit.
Uggggh! I hate it when you go to the doctor looking for answers and all they say is "could be". Gosh darn 'em! I sure hope that ya'll find an answer to Skip's pain very soon.
Hi! Subbing!! We are going in December as well!! We just got CRT for breakfast. Congrats on your ADR! I know it is hard to get :goodvibes Your children are beautiful---looking forward to following along!
Good luck with the MRI! I wouldn't be impressed with the doctors answers either. I hope you get some real answers after the MRI and that Skip won't need another surgery.
Back to Introductions...

As I said, I have 3 children.


Michael is my oldest. He is 21.


I don't have alot of recent pictures of Michael, because he doesn't allow me to take any. :confused3

I had Michael a few weeks before I turned 20, so I have been a mother for more than half my life!
Michael likes Disney, but can't afford to go (Michael is not very ambitious in the working world), and he and Skip do not get along very well. So much so that Michael moved to my parents house a few years ago. So there is no way that Skip would "pay" Michael's way to come with us. Plus the little nasty remarks to each other would drive me batty. Some day, if I ever win the lottery, I will take Michael if he wants to go, but I think even then we would tire of each other fast. He has his own way of doing things, and I am usually always wrong. LOL!
That being said, I think Michael and I could have a great time at the World because he would probably like to stay late, and on some days go for rope drop.
Michael has been to WDW twice as a child, once in 1997 and once in 1999. We also did Universal on those 2 trips. I'll post a few pics from way back then later on.

So this is Michael, so when I mention him, you kind of have an idea who I'm talking about. :)
I'm going so slow. I am trying to get my flower beds weeded and then that dang grass keeps needing mowing. But since things are so up in the air with Skips hip, it's hard to try and plan when I know there is no way we can go till we find out what plan of action needs to be taken with him. But I'll keep at it. ;)
I'm going so slow. I am trying to get my flower beds weeded and then that dang grass keeps needing mowing. But since things are so up in the air with Skips hip, it's hard to try and plan when I know there is no way we can go till we find out what plan of action needs to be taken with him. But I'll keep at it. ;)

I hope it all works out for Skip! Is there any possability of a mother daughter trip if he can't go?
I would love that. But I don't think Skip would agree. Or if he did, there would probably be alot of complaining from him, the kind that is not full complaining, but little subtle hints that he's regretting the decision. LOL!
just found your pre-trip report - hope you get to go this year or maybe next March if your DH feels better - looking forward to hearing more - your trip report from last year was the first one I read on the boards and I loved it! My DH is also not that enthusiastic about going to Disney, but does enjoy it once we get there - problem is just getting him there! Waiting to hear more!


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