Danielle & Chris: 11-11-11 WP/ADH/DP Wedding PJ/TR - Complete *(1 Year Anniversary)

My gorgeous Danielle!! Just wanted to say that I am all caught up with your TR - I have been a bit out of the loop with peoples's TR's recently. Your reception was beautiful and the photos with the mice, priceless!!!
Also just so you know, I voted for your wonderful cake in the awards - how could I not!!!
Much love to you my sweet friend!!
I voted for you!

Thank you for the support, Andrea!

My gorgeous Danielle!! Just wanted to say that I am all caught up with your TR - I have been a bit out of the loop with peoples's TR's recently. Your reception was beautiful and the photos with the mice, priceless!!!
Also just so you know, I voted for your wonderful cake in the awards - how could I not!!!
Much love to you my sweet friend!!

Thanks, Joanne! You are such a dear, kind friend!!! :hug:
Dessert Party

We all crammed onto two busses and were on our way to backstage Epcot! The ride over was quiet, until we hit the back of the park and then everyone was excited to share what attraction they could spy. We were greeted by a cast member with a light wand, who escorted us through part of the World Showcase and over to France. Chris and I were at the front of the line, so we got a great first look of the dessert party space and the spread.



Chocolate Eclaires

Cream Puffs

Fruit Tarts



After all of our guests had trickled into the space, it was time to make up a plate! All of the desserts were delicious, and I'm pretty sure our friends and family went back for seconds and even thirds.

Packed around the dessert table

We all tried to mingle with each other, but it ended up being SO cold out, that no one wanted to move. :( It was so cold, that Disney served hot chocolate with our snacks, when we didn't even have it on our menu. It had dipped down to a record low for that time of year and was hovering in the lower 40's! I was so surprised that our dessert party had not been moved indoors. (I mean, even some heat lamps would have been a nice gesture…) I just really felt bad for our guests who were wearing skimpy sundresses. On top of it all, IllumiNations had been pushed back to 10:00 pm that evening, so we were outside waiting for the show for over an hour!

While we waited for the show, Disney Photo went around and got some great pictures of our popsicle-guests. :)

Some college friends

Family friends with my parents

My friends from Germany




The groomsmen shared their jackets with the bridesmaids

A beautiful family photo, haha!

To be continued…
The desserts look yummy!!

Words can't explain how cold it felt that night. It was intense!
FINALLY the dessert party!
-I would like some cream puffs and some cheesecake in my tummy now. Could you make that happen, please?
-GAH! I am sorry it was so cold. That bites.
-Awww your guest wearing the Man Jacket looks adorable.
-Ummmmssss where are my fireworks at, woman?!
The desserts look yummy!!

Words can't explain how cold it felt that night. It was intense!

It was so miserably cold. I can still picture it, brrrr!

FINALLY the dessert party!
-I would like some cream puffs and some cheesecake in my tummy now. Could you make that happen, please?
-GAH! I am sorry it was so cold. That bites.
-Awww your guest wearing the Man Jacket looks adorable.
-Ummmmssss where are my fireworks at, woman?!

•Let's go back to Disney and get cream puffs!
•I'm posting the fireworks in like 10 seconds!!!
Friends & Fireworks

About half of our bridal party decided to sit with us until IllumiNations. (This half being the drunk half… :lmao: ) They were acting so goofy, but it was so much fun.

Brendan being showered with a Holy light

The groomsman in the back looks like he's going to kiss my sister-in-law!


There's at least this 1 nice picture…


Failed high-five

There we go…they got it!

Eventually, the hour had lapsed and it was time for Chris and I to go up to the railing to take pictures with the fireworks. Luckily, we had both seen the show before, so missing most of it wasn't a big deal.




And kiss and hold...hold...hold...

We took a few pictures and then were told we could turn around and watch part of the show. Of course, it's the lull in the show where the earth is floating out, so it wasn't that entertaining. I just happened to glance down at the level below us and there I spied the wonderful, Deena! We exchanged a little wave and she mouthed, 'you look beautiful' to me. She's just the sweetest. I was so excited to see a DISbride friend! :) Then IllumiNations started to pick back up again, so we took some more pictures.


The world is blowing up!


Fireworks finale

The show ended and we were all ready to get back on that bus! We were whisked backstage and loaded up. The bus was very silent now, a few people even dozed off--It had been a long day.

We finally arrived back at the Grand Floridian, but found out that our bus wasn't making anymore stops, so some of our guests that were staying at Caribbean Beach and All-Star Movies had to go transfer to Downtown Disney. I felt so bad, but I said goodbye / goodnight to all of them and went back to the room as fast as I could. I was cold, tired, and wanted to take my dress off and wash my face.

To be continued...
'And They Lived Happily Ever After'

I power walked through the lobby as fast as I could, passing an occasional on-property guest. The resort was nice and quiet, our building even more so. It was that intense peace where you can picture everyone around you sound asleep. It was great for reminiscing about the wonderful day we had just experienced. It was so surreal, it was hard for either of us to comprehend it was all over. We made it back to our room and walked into a few surprises.

Elizabeth and the Disney Floral team left us a nice little arrangement and congratulated us


We also had a wedding present delivered to our room

Cute set up from Mousekeeping

Swan towels

I coached Chris on how to undo the buttons on my dress and then I was finally out of the beast! I found a few flower petals from our toss, smashed and stuck to my stomach, which was funny. I washed off my makeup and took out half of the bobby pins from my hair. Chris then hopped in the shower and I looked through the messages that were left in our guestbook and on Facebook. We crawled into bed and turned on the television, hoping that the looping Disney info would help lull us to sleep. We had a busy day planned in just a few hours, (drinking around the world!). We went to bed in awe thinking about our fairytale-come-true.

And They Lived Happily Ever After.

To be continued…
Yayyy! You listened to me.
-LOL! Everyone is so sloshy. One of your groomsmen kind of looks like he is wearing a diaper on his head.
-Your fireworks pictures are beautifulll. I love them. Who was your photographer?
-It sounds like you had a wonderful ending to your day. I am, however, very sad that I no longer get to read about it!
Oh, I want dessert now LOL.

Love the fireworks pics.

Your wrap goes nicely with your colours, do you mind telling me where you got it?

Your DP looks fabulous! Sorry it was so cold. It is one of the things I am worried about for mine. We left WDW the day before and were glad to get out before the cold came.

I love your pashmina!!! It is really lovely. It seems to be both silver and blue at the same time, depending on the photo. Would you mind sharing where you got it? Thanks!

I am so sad that your wedding day is over. I have enjoyed every minute, as I am sure you, Chris and your guests did too. Looking forward to the rest of your trip though.
So you finally updated your damn TR, I see!! ;)
-All of your desserts look so yummy. I need them in my tummy right now!!
-Everybody does look really cold! We went down there the weekend after your wedding, and I almost froze! lol
-I love the FWs pics! They look great!
-Love the pics of everyone sitting with yall. And I kind of think the groomsman may be blowing in her ear instead of giving her a kiss! lol
-Very sweet set-up by Mousekeeping! And a very lovely gift from floral.
-Can't wait for "drinking around the world" with that group of yours!!! haha
Danielle, your DP looks fab!! I would never know from the pictures that it was freezing! I love your wrap/pashmina, it looks so pretty with the colors! And clearly someone was planning ahead! ;)
It looks like you and your guests had a really fun time!!

Such pretty flowers delivered, and I am such a sucker for towel animals! Love the decorations! :goodvibes
Yayyy! You listened to me.
-LOL! Everyone is so sloshy. One of your groomsmen kind of looks like he is wearing a diaper on his head.
-Your fireworks pictures are beautifulll. I love them. Who was your photographer?
-It sounds like you had a wonderful ending to your day. I am, however, very sad that I no longer get to read about it!

•Teehee, I did listen to you! :)
•HA, it does look like a diaper...it was really his pocket square...Those things are big!

Oh, I want dessert now LOL.

Love the fireworks pics.

Your wrap goes nicely with your colours, do you mind telling me where you got it?

•Thanks! It was my mother-in-law's shawl, which she got from NY. Sorry I can't relay more useful information.


Your DP looks fabulous! Sorry it was so cold. It is one of the things I am worried about for mine. We left WDW the day before and were glad to get out before the cold came.

I love your pashmina!!! It is really lovely. It seems to be both silver and blue at the same time, depending on the photo. Would you mind sharing where you got it? Thanks!

I am so sad that your wedding day is over. I have enjoyed every minute, as I am sure you, Chris and your guests did too. Looking forward to the rest of your trip though.

•Thanks, it was all so much fun!
•The pashmina is my mother-in-law's, which came from one of those carts in New York City. Sorry that's not too useful!
•I appreciate you following along on our journey! There's still a couple days to write about. :)

So you finally updated your damn TR, I see!! ;)
-All of your desserts look so yummy. I need them in my tummy right now!!
-Everybody does look really cold! We went down there the weekend after your wedding, and I almost froze! lol
-I love the FWs pics! They look great!
-Love the pics of everyone sitting with yall. And I kind of think the groomsman may be blowing in her ear instead of giving her a kiss! lol
-Very sweet set-up by Mousekeeping! And a very lovely gift from floral.
-Can't wait for "drinking around the world" with that group of yours!!! haha

•I DID! I know I shouldn't throw in excuses but, I was sick and my parents came to visit, so I didn't have much time to write. ;)
•It was so cold! Gahh!
•Hahah, I don't quite know what he is doing...
•Be careful of what you wish for! DATW with my group is scary, lol!

Danielle, your DP looks fab!! I would never know from the pictures that it was freezing! I love your wrap/pashmina, it looks so pretty with the colors! And clearly someone was planning ahead! ;)
It looks like you and your guests had a really fun time!!

Such pretty flowers delivered, and I am such a sucker for towel animals! Love the decorations! :goodvibes

•Thanks! We hide the cold well, I guess, haha.
•And my mother-in-law was the one that was prepared--She brought the shawl along! :)
•I love the towel animals too! I always take pictures... :laughing:
Danielle, Im all caught up and SO in love with your wedding! It was so beautiful, as were you! I fall in love with your dress everytime I see it!! :thumbsup2 Pretty sure Ive gone back a few times to relive your wedding, lol!! :rotfl2:
Your dessert party looks delicious! I can't believe it was THAT cold!!!! But at least your guests still had a good time and it's nice of Disney to have served hot chocolate! Your petal search made me laugh! I get that sometimes...but with food...in particular popcorn...not my finest moments lol
I watched your video on Facebook with my mom and we both agree that you guys are the cutest couple!
I can't wait to read more!
Danielle, Im all caught up and SO in love with your wedding! It was so beautiful, as were you! I fall in love with your dress everytime I see it!! :thumbsup2 Pretty sure Ive gone back a few times to relive your wedding, lol!! :rotfl2:

•I'm so happy you are back, Sarah! :hug:
•Thanks for reading through and for the compliments!

Your dessert party looks delicious! I can't believe it was THAT cold!!!! But at least your guests still had a good time and it's nice of Disney to have served hot chocolate! Your petal search made me laugh! I get that sometimes...but with food...in particular popcorn...not my finest moments lol
I watched your video on Facebook with my mom and we both agree that you guys are the cutest couple!
I can't wait to read more!

•Uggh, it was so cold! But that didn't stop us! :laughing:
•YES! I know exactly what you mean with popcorn! Every time I go to the movies with my girlfriends we end up seeing who can catch the most.
•Awww, thanks! That's so sweet.
Drinking Around the World

We woke up feeling pretty rested which was surprising, since we were out so long and late the day before! We got dressed and then called our friends to tell them we were heading to Epcot. We met up with Paul and Katie in the lobby of the Grand Floridian and hopped on the monorail. (This was my first time staying at a monorail resort, so I couldn't get over how cool and convenient the ride over to Epcot was.)

Me and Katie

Chris and Paul making a funny face...

We got to the park, went through the line, and waited for the rest of our group. Once all of our friends arrived, we ran over to get Soarin' to get fast passes and then ran back to ride Test Track since World Showcase wasn't open yet. We decided to just walk in line for Test Track because it was only a 30 minute wait. We asked another bystander if they'd take a group picture of us.:

Note the pirate hoop earring made an appearance-it's hanging off Brendan's shirt!

In the back of my mind, I had already picked out which rides I wanted to sit next to with which friends. I knew I wanted to ride next to my new brother, Paul on Test Track because he's SO funny. We split our group up into two separate cars and had a great ride. Sure enough, Paul made me laugh the whole time. He can throw this great high-pitched and lisp-y voice, so while on the ride, he was screaming, "Oh my gawd, We're gonna crash!" in that tone and I laughed until I cried.

"Oh my gawd, We're gonna crash!"

We walked out of the ride, picked up a couple more stragglers that were joining our group, and then headed to World Showcase to get some food and drinks! This happened to be the last weekend of the Food & Wine Festival, so the crowd level was already pretty packed.

We began to salivate as we walked past all the extra kiosks full of goodies. My first stop was Poland to get some pierogies and try the Belvedere Strawberry Balsamic Chiller. Both were delicious and perfect for breakfast! :laughing: A few friends hopped in line to get some pierogies, but the rest were saving room for turkey legs and beer. So, we headed on down to America to fulfill their request.

Turkey legs, unite!

After we all got some food and drinks into our bellies, we decided to backtrack to Norway and go on Chris's favorite ride, Malestrom. Everyone was getting so pumped for the ride, I think it shows in the pictures. :lmao: I have the most attractive friends…




We ended up getting a whole boat to ourselves, which was awesome! And then Chris shouted out our traditional, "I vant to go to Norvay!" saying as loud as he could, which made our group even more rowdy.

Our boat sailing away to Norvay!

The group didn't understand the ride one bit, but they loved it. The boys started to demand more booze, so we went down to Mexico to get some margaritas. We drank them as fast as we could so we could hop on the Three Caballeros ride, but first, another group picture!:

Blane looks like he is groping the newlywed! Scandalous…

We got another boat to ourselves and sailed away with Donald, Jose, and Panchito.

Mike bought a sombrero

So ridiculous...


The group didn't really express any feedback for the Gran Fiesta Tour, so I think they just enjoyed the time to sit down and cool off.

We then headed back over to Soarin' to use our fast passes. I made sure I sat next to Jackie because she loves anything to do with flying and I knew this would be a hoot. Every time our chairs moved she let out a shriek of excitement and would grab onto my arm. It was hysterical.

Then we decided to walk onto Living with the Land since it was right there. A couple more friends met up with us and joined us for the ride. One of our groomsmen asked how many more boat rides we had to go on and I just laughed.


From here, our group decided to split up. Half wanted to go back to World Showcase and drink around the world some more, while the other half wanted to go on more rides. (I was in the riding category, so those are the pictures you are going to get, haha.) We planned to meet back up at Germany a little after 5:00 for our Biergarten reservation.

My little group headed to ride Nemo, which us girls have ridden before and enjoy immensely. Can't say the boys liked it, though…

What kind of ride is this?!

But we love Nemo!

We wandered around the aquarium for a bit, took a breather, and then headed over to Spaceship Earth. This was another ride that I wanted to ride with Paul, because I knew he'd mess up "our future".

Me with my new brother

Our future!

Me & Paul

Jackie & Katie

Cory & himself

We waited around forever for our pictures to come up on the screen so by the time I got these pics, we had to leave to get to our dinner reservation. But that was alright, we were all starting to get hungry!

To be continued…
-See, I thought the monorail ride was super INCONVENIENT! I hated having to switch monorails. I’d rather take a bus. Actually, I’d rather walk the three minutes from the Beach Club. (I am spoiled.)
-You all are sooo cute.
-OH MY GOSH I LOVE PIEROGIES SO HARD! Sometimes, I think about the ones from food and wine and salivate. Legit. Okay, fun fact about me: when I was little, I couldn’t say pierogie, so I called them padoggies. My whole family just calls them “doggies” now.
-Ah yes, the spirit of Narwayyy.
-LOL at the groping picture!
-I’m glad you sat next to me on Soarin’.
-You look like you had so much fun!!! ☺
I just wanted to say thank you so much for your detailed posts on your Disney wedding. My fiance and I have been going back and forth on whether we can afford a Disney wedding and it drives me nuts that we can't see what things look like on the sample pricing they send you in the beginning so it's basically like guessing in the dark on what things will look like for those prices. With the detailed pricing and pictures you posted, I have been able to make my decision and move forward, of course, we can't book until April since our date is in April 2013. It looks like you're guests had a great time and your wedding was absolutely gorgeous. Thanks so much again for the inspiration and details.


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