DaveInTN’s March 2010 Trip Report – The Quest for Ms. White (NOW COMPLETE)


I'm Not The Castle Guy
Jan 20, 2008
Sadly, we arrived home on Sunday night and are right back into “real life”. Pretty tough after an awesome 8 night stay at the Fort. But, you have to go home eventually, so we did. And besides getting back to work and schooling the girls, we have taken a bit of time to organize pictures from the trip and I started giving thought to a trip report. And so, here we go.

I should first point out that we had just been to the Fort for 11 nights not even 4 months ago. Yes, we spoiled ourselves a bit by purchasing AP’s before the last trip, with the idea of getting in 3 trips in a year and then taking some time off. Our November trip was great, and we also planned a March trip (just completed) and a third trip in October. But, life sometimes doesn’t play out as planned and the October trip, or any future trips for some time, will likely not happen. I won’t bore you with the details, but we are in the process of pursuing the adoption of a little girl from Russia. She is 4 years old and has Down’s Syndrome. We hope the adoption is finalized sometime this fall, and Christy and I will be making two trips to Russia during the process. So, our free time and money won’t be heading Disney’s way any time soon. And knowing that, we made sure we enjoyed this trip as much as possible.

Here are some of the headlines I’ll try to cover in this report:

• We Are Getting Good At This
• Break Out The Hushpuppies and Sweet Tea
• The Contents of Your Stomach Are Closer Than They Appear
• Who Knew She Was Such a Sweetheart?
• It Kind of Defeats The Purpose

For those of you that suffered through my last trip report, you know the terrible pain and anguish that was inflicted on me and my family by the fairest of them all, the elusive little b*%tch, Snow White…aka Ms. White. If you haven’t read the sad tale, I’ve linked the Nov 2009 trip report in my signature below. Read at your own risk. But let me assure you, she knew what she was doing. Not only was she elusive, she openly mocked me in one of her public appearances, as you can clearly see in this photo from November.


In any case, I vowed then that this trip would be different, that I would successfully meet Ms. White. Not only that, I vowed to get a picture of myself with the elusive little princess on my arm for all the world to see.

Was I successful?? Ummm, we’ll get to that later…
What a blessing to be able to adopt. You are very lucky.

Great Report so far...can't wait to read the rest.
Oh MAN! I HATE getting into a trip report on the first post. Subsequent installments never come fast enough! I loved the first four seasons of 24 because by time I picked up the series they were all on DVD and I watched them in quick succession. I'm about to give it up having to wait week by week... it's agony! So type fast, Dave!

Yippee!!! A new trip report! Congrats on the adoption. I am sure that she will be a wonderful addition to your family that trumps any ol' trip to the Fort. Besides, you can just dream of the day that you can take her as well.

Prior to our last trip to the Fort, we started every trip down the same way. We’d pack the motorhome the day before leaving, and then head out around 5:00 am. Of course, nobody slept well before those departures, and I would typically finally fall asleep just about the time my alarm would go off. So, I was driving ALL day with little sleep. Not good. But on our last trip, on a whim, we decided to hit the road late afternoon a day early and get a few hours under our belts. It worked so well, we planned this trip that way. We hit the road around 4:30 pm on Thursday afternoon with a crock pot of chili keeping warm securely in the sink, and the kids settled in for a long trip.


We stopped in a rest area near Chattanooga (long story, but I decided to take the Georgia route instead of the Alabama route) to eat our dinner, and then continued on to a campground just north of Atlanta. Everyone slept a little better than they would have at home because the anticipation of leaving was already gone.

The next day was just as I like it when on the road…uneventful. We slept in a bit to avoid rush hour in Atlanta, and breezed through downtown Atlanta with zero issues. Ran into some construction delays around Tifton, but nothing terrible. Traffic was not heavy at all.


We pulled into the Fort around 6:00 that evening, feeling not too bad at all. Overall, we had remembered to pack everything, our timing for the drive worked out well, and the trip went off without a hitch. And considering we had opted to not pull our car this time, the “without a hitch” pun was intentional. Check in was easy…I had checked in online a few days earlier, and there was an open lane waiting for us. And, I had also faxed a request for the 500 loop, and also asked for a site backing up to the canal if possible, in honor of Frank. Not only did the site assigners come through, they gave us what, without a doubt, is the best site for us we have ever had at the Fort! It was HUGE!




After setting up camp, we walked over to Trails End and ordered a Giddy Up and Go. Found an empty picnic table on the side porch, and chowed down. I LOVE that meal! Fried chicken, fries, macaroni and cheese, biscuits and I also ordered some cole slaw. We had enough left over chicken to make a second meal out of it a couple days later. Good eats, and after sitting on the porch soaking up the ambience, we were fully in Fort mode!

Coming up....we head to the Magic Kingdom!
Sounds like you got off to a great start! Congrats on your upcoming adoption- what a lucky little girl to have Disney in her future! If you don't mind me asking...I noticed your Itasca. We are considering a 32 ft Itasca Sunstar (32K floorplan). How do you like the Itasca, and what model do you have?

Looking forward to your trip report!

Sounds like you got off to a great start! Congrats on your upcoming adoption- what a lucky little girl to have Disney in her future! If you don't mind me asking...I noticed your Itasca. We are considering a 32 ft Itasca Sunstar (32K floorplan). How do you like the Itasca, and what model do you have?

Looking forward to your trip report!

Hi Liesel - thanks for checking in to the report. As for the Itasca, we have a 2007 Sunova 35J. Have had it over 3 years now and can't complain at all. We love the floorplan (bunks), and the quality seems really good to me. Plus, Winnebago is typically pretty good to deal with if you have issues, and they are relatively stable as far as RV manufacturers go.
You started your trip report!!! :goodvibes :cool1:

Had to come over because I don't wanna miss out on the Ms. White adventures! :lmao:

Great start, what a fun first installment! Thanks for the photos of the site - Ft. Wilderness looks amazing - we need to drive over there and check it out a little more this summer!

Can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup2
Great start, what a fun first installment! Thanks for the photos of the site - Ft. Wilderness looks amazing - we need to drive over there and check it out a little more this summer!
Thanks Karin! Good to see you stopping by. We don't get too many Europeans here on the camping boards...so pull up a chair and enjoy the campfire. And if you do get to check out Fort Wilderness sometime, be sure to look up one of us Fort Fiends. We'll have a drink ready for you. :drinking1
I'm so happy that your sweet family is being blessed with another precious girl.:cheer2:

Now look here, I'm tired of the teasing with the TR. I'll echo Shan...type fast, Dave!
Dave ! Congrats on the adoption, :thumbsup2 ,,what a lucky little girl,:thumbsup2.

I sure do hope that "Break Out The Hushpuppies and Sweet Tea" has something to do with fishing or eat'n fish :confused3
Many congrats on the adoption in your future.. I am sure that before you realize it you will be getting ready to take your new little princess princess: on her first trip to the Fort.

I am looking forward to updates on the trip report :thumbsup2
Thank you everyone for all the kind words on our adoption. We are very excited, although a bit scared too! And I do hope it won't be long and she will be acclimated into her new life and we'll be taking her to the Fort!
Dave, I have a new and profound respect for you! Wow, how awesome is it that you are adopting that wonderful little girl! i have always laughed at you.... errrr I mean your posts, but now I know there is substance behind the humor! ;):lmao:

Oh yeah, love the TR as well. Way to go!
Snow White come out come out where ever you are.:rotfl:
Can't wait to

We seen Ms. White in Epcot on three different occasions and her line was closing each time we tried to get in it. I thought of your other TR each time it happened. :lmao:
Congrats on your upcoming adoption. My wife and I know how exciting and worrisome it can be, we have adopted 3. No matter how stressful the process you will be surprised how quickly you forget all the tough stuff....it is sooooo worth it!!

On another note, I have been a longtime lurker and must say your trip reports are awesome!



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