Dax's Journal

hey dax, that great big steak sounds like a wonderful reward for when you make it to 270. and how great that it's on plan! i know it's not usually a good idea to use food as a reward, but i think this one works for you, since it really is on plan, and the reason you don't have it often is because of monetary reasons. so good for you :)

keep up the great work :bounce:
Well guys, been gone a few days but I am back!!! I have a meeting in Paducah, KY tommorrow and I am going to hop on the old scale and if I am 275 I will grab my supervisor and have him make a record of it. I really think I will be. Anyway, I have till April 20th but I am way ready to get the monkey off of my back.

I do have to add however that this weight restriction is probably the thing that may have saved my health...Because staying gainfully employed is high on my list of activities if you know what i am saying! haha

Got to play basketball Monday night, it is amazing what 50+ lbs. off your body will do for your quickness and agility.

Atkins is still going well. I know that Atkins is not for everyone but I don't even feel as if I am on a "diet". I literally do not want for food, I am able to sufficiently satisfy my hunger, do not feel deprived it is really one of the best things I have ever done!

Well I'll get back on tommorrow and give you guys the news...good or bad. But hey even the bad news could only be that I am a pound or two over.

P.S. I got a new 20 lb. emblem today!!!!!

"Wish" me luck!

As always,

Woohoo! That 20 lb clippie sure looks great! I'm sure you're going to be at your mark of 275 and then you can say that you did it! You accomplished your main goal but you've accomplished so much more! You're on the road to becoming healthy again!
good luck with your weigh in!! i hope that you've made it, but like you said, even if not yet, you've still lost so much already, and you'll be there before you know it!

and that new 20 pound clippie looks fabulous on you :smooth:

have a great day :sunny:
Well folks, I can't talk long, but grrrreeeeaaaaatttt news!!!!! I hit the 275 mark!!

So it looks like I will stay employed. Now on to the next goal of 270 so that I have some fudge room for climbing school. I don't know if I told you , but we have to weigh with our climbing boots on so I need to get a little clearance from the 275 mark.

I have inlaws over so I gotta go, but I will get back on later and give you all the juicy details!As always ,

Congrats, Dax! You are doing so well! And, since you have until April 20th, you have plenty of room to play with and get to 270 and below! Keep up the great work! Take care of you! :sunny:
Oh my gosh! I have just been through a horrible nightmare.

I somehow contracted several computer viruses and my computer was kaput for the last 2 days. I couldn't get it to do anything. I finally had to put the recovery CD in and reinstall everything. I appear to be able to function again! I starting having withdrawals from the board!

Well I gotta run and reinstall the world so talk to you later!

Oh man... I'm so sorry to hear about your PC! Viruses suck! I do need to update my virus notifications, now that you mention it!

Hope you can get everything up and running again.
Well I am finally back in the swing again with my computer.

The diet is going pretty well. I have only cheated once since Dec. 20, 2003. Total weight loss is now 56!

I had 24 hour callout duty last week and it really stunk! I have had weeks where I may only receive 1 or 2 calls after hours for the week, not this week....I got like 30 calls of which about 15 were after midnight. Anyway the extra pay is worth some aggravation.

Well, I got to play basketball last Monday, only problem was that DW had me moving my computer room from 2nd floor to basement in anticipation of the new baby in June. I bet I climbed both sets of stairs 50 times. I know what most of you are thinking...great workout! It was except for the fact that my knee swelled and got sore, I was not my typical McDonald's All American self...(yes I am grinning). Any way it is now Sunday and I think the knee is feeling better, I have been icing it every night. I have been able to push through the discomfort and get my hours walk in. Every day the pain seemed to lessen and now there is no discomfort.

I have stuck to Atkins faithfully, even at my birthday dinner with my family at Ryan's in Murray, KY. (I know we need more restaurants in Western KY). I had the all you can eat bar featuring sirloin steak off the grill. It was nice, I was able to stick to steak, sausages, broiled chicken, broccoli and cheese and green beans. Be honest, what is wrong with that diet?!?!?!?

Oh, I just turned 33 (In case you were wondering).

Also, DW rewarded me making the 275 mark with a huge ribeye steak (she is so great!).

As always,


Dax, your life sounds like a slice of heaven these days!! Let's see, you made your 275 goal, you're sporting a very cool 20 pound clippie, you're thrilled with the food you're eating, you're expecting a new addition to the family in June, your wife rewards you with steak!!! Does it get any better???? :sunny:

You sound so upbeat and positive! I'm sure you'll be at 270 in no time at all. Then you can go to climbing school and get that out of the way. You should be very proud of you!!!! ::yes::

I hope you have a wonderful week, Dax!!! :sunny:

56 pounds gone forever!!!! That's like a 6 year old! Hahaha You are doing so great! Keep up the good work!

All that extra work isn't so bad. Think of all the money you can save to put towards buying new clothes!! :)

Hope you guys have a great week. You have alot to celebrate for this year's birthday! We're rootin for ya down here on the bayou!

Hope that knee heals up nicely!
Hi Dax! :wave:

I just read through your journal. Positively amazing job! I guess there's not much better motivation than unemployment, is there? Couple that with a new baby, and you were destined for success.

Congratulations on your accomplishments! You're an inspiration! ::yes::

~Angela :wave2:
Well well....

I got down to 272 lbs (58 total and 39 since Dec. 20, 2003 for those of you keeping score at home lol) and I decided to reward myself with a one meal celebration....Chinese buffet! I have to say it was good, but I could not even eat a tremendous amount because of a couple of reasons...One, I kept thinking "I'll have to lose this weight again" and two my darn stomach had shrunk and I couldn't stuff myself...oh well it was good!

Back on Atkins tonight. I do have to play basketball tonight so hopefully I can work off the extra carbs.

Thanks for the encouragement Sams! I enjoyed reading your posts...I'll check in on them regularly now.

Desiree: Thanks for the encouragement on the knee...tonight is the big test!!

Doe: Good to hear from you again! Thanks for the upbeat note!

Till then...


Hi Dax-

Thanks for posting to my journal. Funny thing, yours was one of the ones I read when I was trying to figure out what this was all about (oh and get the nerve to post myself!)

I see you are now down to the "plus boots" weight. Way to go! I can't imagine what pressure that must have been, but you came thru like a champ!

Keep up the great work and I look forward to more good news!
Hi Dax!
I just got through reading your journal and you are doing a great job!::yes:: I am a former athlete too (gymnast) who had 100 pounds sneak up on me after my two DDs were born. I finally decided in January that enough was enough and I have been exercising since.

You are doing a great job! You have a new 20lb. clippie:cool1: , you have met your weight goal, you are exercising, and you and your DW are expecting a baby in June. CONGRATULATIONS!!:jumping1: You should be proud of all that you have accomplished!::yes::

Keep on keeping on, Dax! You are doing a great job!!!


P.S. Hope that knee starts feeling better soon....
hey dax, i haven't been by in a while, and i've just gotten a chance to get caught up with your journal :bounce:

you are down to 272! :bounce: congratulations! keep that weight coming off! glad you enjoyed your chinese buffet! it really is hard to eat a lot since you've trained your body so well to eat less and differently. this is a very good thing :Pinkbounc

hope you have a great day :sunny:
Ok.....you guys have made me say it.........I cheated this evening!!!!!!!!

My dw and ds and I went to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus and my dw sent me for popcorn for ds and I ate some. I have to admit it...it was terrible. I am really bummed that I cheated and the food was so bad. I should at least eat something great.

Oh well, back on Mr. Atkins diet tommorrow.

I all seriousness, I actually had a pretty good day. My intake foe today was:

B: 4 boiled eggs and water
L: Hardees Atkins chicken sandwich (no bread of course
S: Same as lunch
S + 2hours: Lousy popcorn.

Not all bad huh?

Well the cheating is out of my system, I figured I was owed it after the last 3 1/2 months of nearly no cheats at all (except for once or twice)

So, the moral to the story...we are human and if you are gonna cheat....make it something good!!:teeth:


Amen there! :) At least it wasn't good so you didn't gorge on it! Hey and we're only human, it's ok to cheat every once in a blue moon!

Did ya'll have fun at the circus? Clowns creep me out! :eek: Have a good rest of the week! :wave2:

hey dax, i definitely agree that if you're gonna cheat, make it a good one! seems silly to waste a cheat on something you really aren't going ot enjoy! but live and learn i guess :tongue:

the rest of your day looked absolutely fine, i'm sure that little bit of popcorn won't affect you too bad. good for you for getting right back on plan. hope you had fun at the circus! :bounce:


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