DD just diagnosed this summer with ADHD


"Once Upon A Time Their Was An Enchanted Castle"
Sep 9, 2005
My daughter recently went thru much testing this past summer. She was having much difficulty in school this past year and in previous years of daycare. The pediatrician recommended some extensive testing including psychological, physical and neurological testing.

It was a tough decision as to whether to put her on the medication or not. Her father and I are separated but we still make all the medical decisions together. He was completely opposed to everything because there couldn't be anything wrong with Daddy's little girl. After much research and talks we decidedd to put her on the meds once a day for school.

I have had numerous conferences with her teacher, school psychologist and learning specialist. She has come a long way at school this past year. Her teacher said she is doing so much better. We didn't start her till she was in school for a month so her teacher could see how she was in her social and learning environment. She is so proud of being able to actually sit and focus and actually get her seat work completed. Not only is she completely her assignments but she is doing very well with her grades.

I guess the problem is when I talk to other parents about her problems, they look at me like I have three heads. And why would I put her on these medications. Granted she is on the lowest dose possible since she is only six but I feel like horribloe mom some days. I know it isn't may fault and there is only so much I can do to help her learn to control her behavior.

Somedays I just get upset and feel alone because he isn't very supportive to me about her. I have tried finding local support groups but when ever I find a place they all seem to have the same problem not enough interest. I am not the kind of parent looking for the quick fix...I am not sure what I want but there has to be someone else in our Dis community that has the same problems and can offer some advice. Sorry it was so long and thanks for listening.
Hi Missymagic,

I completely understand what you're going through!

In February, my oldest DS's (9, 3rd grade) teacher asked for a conference. She had tried everything to help him but still couldn't figure out, in her words, "Why the smartest kid in my class is making lousy grades." We'd heard it before, from his second grade teacher, but then I found out his entire 2nd grade class was out of control, so I blamed it on the teacher. But I couldn't do that this time. ADD runs in my family, so we bit the bullet and had him tested. The results were positive - he has ADD (he didn't have the hyperactivity component with it). DH and I went back and forth on whether we should medicate him or not, but after a lengthy discussion with the pediatrician we decided to try it.

What a difference it has made! This year, he can sit through an entire day. He can pay attention when he needs to, and can run around when he wants to. He can make it through a 30-minute piano class without getting up and walking around (something unheard of before the meds). And he is now making straight A's.

While going through the testing process with him, we began to realize that many of the symptoms were also appearing in our youngest DS (6). The doctor who tested our oldest told us the younger child was borderline for testing, but given our family history it would be a good idea to have him tested as well. When the results came in, we were NOT surprised to learn he had ADHD. He is also on medication, but a different kind from his brother (older DS is on Concerta, younger DS is on Adderall).

The decision whether to medicate or not is a personal one, so don't let yourself feel bad about it. What your DD has is a medical condition, no different really than needing glasses. You probably wouldn't think twice about getting glasses for her if she needed them, right?

Did her father meet with the pediatrician with you? If not, I highly recommend it. My DH was completely against any type of medication for the boys, but once he met with our Dr. and asked all of his questions, he agreed to give it a try. And once he saw the results, he stopped questioning our decision.

I will say that the medication is only part of the answer when it comes to ADD. We've made a few behavioral changes at home, but I'm sure there are many DISers out there with tons of additional suggestions. I'm looking forward to reading them!
My DD, now 9, had the same problems. Fist grade was a nightmare. The school psychologist said she had anger issues, not ADHD. Second grade she was not improving at all. We talked with her teacher who believed she had ADHD, as I did. Her doctor started her on the lowest dosage of meds, and the change was AMAZING! We are talking about a child who could not read to reading everything in sight! We have had to make dosage changes, and are working on some behaviorial therapy (not all of them work, our friends have tried many different options for their son). Above all, try to have a good routine set down for her. Routine is key- it helps with organization. Sleep and diet are important factors as well- I make sure my DD has a good breakfast every morning, and enough liquids during the day. Some people think sleep problems and dehydration contribute to the focusing issues. I empathize with you, but know you will do what's best for your DD! :grouphug:
I am a parent of a child with ADHD and if people cannot relate, it is frustrating. The disabilities board is a great resource and outlet, you will find people who know exactly what you are going through.
I also can totally relate. My ds7 had an evaluation over the summer and was diagnosed with ADHD and a nonverbal learning disability. He is in first grade now, and things are going really well because his teacher taught special ed for five years and she totally knows how to handle him. We are trying classroom accomodations for now and have not put him on meds, but if that's what he needs I won't hesitate to do it. If a child was diagnosed with diabetes no one would question putting him/her on insulin, so why the stigma about ADD meds? This is a neurological disorder and can really be a struggle for the whole family. It's tough when our friends/family can't give us the support we need.
My son 11 was diagnosed in April. He was put on concerta..He says it doesn't make him feel any better,but his teacher does see some difference..He also feels very angry on it, and my boy is not an angry kid. He goes to the doctor tomorrow and I am hoping for something to change.
My fellow Disers always come thru and make me feel better. She is on the lowest dosage and it has been one mnth today. She is on Metadate CD 10 mg. It is an 8 hr time release. So by the time she comes home from school she is kinda wearinf off but lasts long enough to get homework done.

Ex-DH would only agree to medicate duting the school day. He will not allow me to give it to her on weekends or discuss dosage or medication adjustment with pediatrician to be on it for longer times.

So far we don't really see to many side effects. No problems eating or sleeping. The only time I see a change is maybe 5-6ish she gets really honory or crying mode. So I try to make that time for her special time. She loves to help me make dinner and she is very clingy. It has gotten to the pint a coupke times that I made her go to her room to lay down and just relax. But after this one hour she is fine the rest of the night.

Her teacher has been so supportive and working with us as well. We started with a behavorial psychologist and she wasn't relating to him. So I found a womjan that came highly recommend...doesnt share in BlueCross network but it is a price worth paying if she can help her and us to deal with the emotions and behavorial adjustments. She is on a pretty good schedule as far as routine. School year helps for that.

Thanks again everyone.
Well,they have upped DS Concerta to 54mgs...I don't know if I am happy about this. He isalready cranky enough and so they go and up it?
I wonder why they upped it??? I did a little reading here, which I am sure you already did: http://pediatrics.about.com/cs/adhd/a/concerta.htm but it does not describe the grumpy issue....on another one that I read it said if a patient was abusing it, it could cause issues......but that is not the case this is a child.. Another thing I read is that they have to go to the nurses' office to get their pill and do not like being separated or called out of class for that....maybe that is upsetting to him if that is how they do it at his school..

It is so difficult when are children are not doing well and are upset.....Not sure what I would do, but I would be following it just as you are and making notes of when he is most grumpy in relation to when he took the pill...

Mackey Mouse said:
I wonder why they upped it??? I did a little reading here, which I am sure you already did: http://pediatrics.about.com/cs/adhd/a/concerta.htm but it does not describe the grumpy issue....on another one that I read it said if a patient was abusing it, it could cause issues......but that is not the case this is a child.. Another thing I read is that they have to go to the nurses' office to get their pill and do not like being separated or called out of class for that....maybe that is upsetting to him if that is how they do it at his school..

It is so difficult when are children are not doing well and are upset.....Not sure what I would do, but I would be following it just as you are and making notes of when he is most grumpy in relation to when he took the pill...

He takes one pill in the AM before school.Just one a day..He can't sleep very well and the doc thinks that may be the problem..My son is a soda sneaker and the doc thinks caffeine may be an issue...I want to see how he feels today after his first day on the new dose
My 11 year old also has ADHD and was moved from plain Ritalin to the time-released Concerta this year. Caffeine helps with ADHD , and hyperactive kids often have sleep issues.

However, I have also noticed my son having trouble with anger. I thought it was just preadolescence, but now I wonder. It did start with the new pill. I thought Concerta was just time-released Ritalin. I'll have to research.
missymagic said:
My daughter recently went thru much testing this past summer. She was having much difficulty in school this past year and in previous years of daycare. The pediatrician recommended some extensive testing including psychological, physical and neurological testing.

It was a tough decision as to whether to put her on the medication or not. Her father and I are separated but we still make all the medical decisions together. He was completely opposed to everything because there couldn't be anything wrong with Daddy's little girl. After much research and talks we decidedd to put her on the meds once a day for school.

I have had numerous conferences with her teacher, school psychologist and learning specialist. She has come a long way at school this past year. Her teacher said she is doing so much better. We didn't start her till she was in school for a month so her teacher could see how she was in her social and learning environment. She is so proud of being able to actually sit and focus and actually get her seat work completed. Not only is she completely her assignments but she is doing very well with her grades.

I guess the problem is when I talk to other parents about her problems, they look at me like I have three heads. And why would I put her on these medications. Granted she is on the lowest dose possible since she is only six but I feel like horribloe mom some days. I know it isn't may fault and there is only so much I can do to help her learn to control her behavior.

Somedays I just get upset and feel alone because he isn't very supportive to me about her. I have tried finding local support groups but when ever I find a place they all seem to have the same problem not enough interest. I am not the kind of parent looking for the quick fix...I am not sure what I want but there has to be someone else in our Dis community that has the same problems and can offer some advice. Sorry it was so long and thanks for listening.

You know if your daughter had any other type of problem no one would look at you funny. I am sure if she were diabetic no one would think twice about you putting her on insulin or metformin or a treatment for that.
Good luck and I hope she continues to do well and you find the support that you need.
Can you tell me what made you decide to have your child tested? Were there signs that became apparent or was it recommended by your child's teacher or physician?
justjulie said:
Can you tell me what made you decide to have your child tested? Were there signs that became apparent or was it recommended by your child's teacher or physician?

My daughter had failure to thrive with an unknown cause when she was 1 year old she also suffered from severe anemia with an unknown cause. She became developmently delayed because of the problem she has been tested and receiving therapies since she was 14 months old. My daughter has ADD not ADHD and they found it in her testing to see if she needs services through special ed. She has been receiving services all through school but it seem that the ADD just showed up with this last testing. She has joked for the last couple of years that she thinks she should have been blonde because she is so forgetful and now we know that it is the ADD.


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