DDA Chapter 12

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You know, if you make the price low enough and get it, you are right -- it would be worth it! And if you don't a ridiculously low price, then you have more control of the reservation! I think that sounds like a decent plan!

Elizabeth - we have some similar personality types... we are both "judgers" and I just cannot see you relinqiushing control of those flights! No matter how much money you save! I know I couldn't. :sad2:

I am going to continue to ponder the situation.
If we had an early flight on Thursday then getting to the airport would be an issue because DH will be working. If we have a late flight coming home then it will be an issue because DH's flight arrives about 5 PM. Obviously we could take a cab both ways, but that negates some of the savings. I am going to wait a few months and see what happens. SW and Airtran don't even have their August schedules published yet. Of course SW is wonky because it is a completely different airport coming out of Dallas, so we could end up with a car at each airport. :rolleyes: I am just trying to look at all of the options to see if I can come up with something other than paying $842 for 2 tickets.
That's terrific! :thumbsup2 At least you have the last night you need with cash in case the waitlist doesn't work out.
The waitlist is kind of squirrelly now. I guess I can *kind of* see why they do it this way, but they should leave it up to the members how they want to structure it. If you are OK with having a hole in the middle of your stay then why do they care? And in your case where the hole is at the end of your stay then it really gets irritating. It would be nice for them to add consecutive nights as they come up.
yeah for the new sink.

Thanks for the link to Chanon's photos she looks beautiful. I love the little baby bride on the cake. I wonder if she is trying to say something?
Elin, you've put me in a rotten mood! :rotfl: Instead of giving me a fix, your trip report made me SO homesick! :sad:

Really though, it was great! :teeth:
Me too! Your trip sounded spectacular. I want a trip like that!

I like Bob's hawaiian shirt analysis.

The pictures of the CR through the palm trees were beautiful.
Has anybody ever tried to name their own price for airline tickets on Princeline? The biggest pitfall I can see is that DS and I might end up flying out of Dallas really late and essentially lose our first day. So I would almost have to bid to fly out on Thursday and spend one night at Pop before DH arrives Friday AM. Coming home I am sure we would get stuck with the dark o'clock AM flight, but if we can get it dirt cheap it might be worth it. What do you all think? If I do it the tickets we end up with are absolute - no changes, no cancellation, no transfers, no nothing.
No, that scares me. Not knowing which flight or times that they put you on...I don't like that. I'm not flexible that way. I want to fly out early in the AM and return in the PM. I'll pay extra for that security.
Elin & Tammi is there maybe a DDA meet in the works for next Oct.? :teeth:

I got a phone call around 11pm last night from Chanon :) Her Uncle is adding pictures to the webshot site. No pictures from the wedding yet, but there are some from the rehearsal & the reception. Chanon & Bob look so happy, her gown is beautiful(& she is as well!), & the cake! Oh my goodness I love it & the cake topper is just to cute! Ok have a look yourself lol

Nothing formal, but we could start something! ;) And this will be strictly GIRLS week/weekend for me! :snooty:

Thanks for the link.
No, that scares me. Not knowing which flight or times that they put you on...I don't like that. I'm not flexible that way. I want to fly out early in the AM and return in the PM. I'll pay extra for that security.

This is how I feel, Tammi, you hit the nail on the head!
DS was about 5.5, but he had teeth before he turned 6 mos. old. The earlier they get teeth, the sooner they fall out.
Not necessarily. Nicholas got his first tooth at 4 months and he was 6.5 when he lost his first. Alyssa is pretty close to the same thing.
Tammi and I are talking about dinner Saturday night, not certain why you are asking about next October! Did we say something misleading? Possibly!

Thanks for the link again and the heads up on the new photos. Too cute!
I think she was referring to what I said about wanting to do the F&WF with you, and then you giving your dates for your BB.
No, that scares me. Not knowing which flight or times that they put you on...I don't like that. I'm not flexible that way. I want to fly out early in the AM and return in the PM. I'll pay extra for that security.

That's why DS and I would go on Thursday and stay at Pop that night. Then we wouldn't lose our whole day Friday if we ended up on a late flight. The logistics would be far less important if I add an extra day. But by the time we add in a night at Pop plus possible cab fare at home it might not be that much of a savings in the end. :confused3
No, that scares me. Not knowing which flight or times that they put you on...I don't like that. I'm not flexible that way. I want to fly out early in the AM and return in the PM. I'll pay extra for that security.
Im the same way--i cant give up that control

Jen how is the game?

The Cowboys are obliterating the Bengals, as was expected! ;)
Somehow i thought you woudl be watching!
And i saw the giants pretty much killed the seahawks---lets hope that happens when im there too!
I managed to go through all of DS's T-shirts that he wears around the house. I pulled out the ones that were getting small and sent them to Goodwill. DH gathered up all of the stuff and dropped it off.

I will donate the uniform shirts to the school. I will have to take them to the elementary, though, because the kids at the middle school are too big for those shirts! They keep e-mailing that they need donations for the uniform closet, but the shirts I have to donate are not "appropriate sizes" for middle schoolers. :rolleyes: Looks like the middle school is out of luck!
Somehow i thought you woudl be watching!
And i saw the giants pretty much killed the seahawks---lets hope that happens when im there too!

Eh, it's on in the background while I'm trying to get stuff done. The Bengals don't really intrigue me... :rolleyes:
All this talk of teething is such a great segway for my outlet....

it SUUUUUUUUUUUCKS! Avery started with symptoms already about 2 weeks ago, and now Elise has joined her. I thought I still had a while! :sad:
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