DDA Chapter 4


Check out this link...:scared: I always bring lysol wipes but I am also bringing plastic cups this time too...

Well, I will have to add a few things to my packing from now on :eek:

Thank goodness we will not have to worry about coffee cups since we are staying at pop. Not sure how the cup situation is on the ship. If glasses, we will just request plastic, or I will pack a tupperware glass of mine.
Thanks for the update Deb. I am so jealous of them!!!

Vicki - it is so sweet of you to spend your vacation getting the lithographs, especially if it is not easy! If you are running into difficulty, please don't put yourself out for me. Enjoy the time with your family!!!

Glad vicki is having a good time!
I really like the ticker I have now. Stephanie put on my computer at work the big ole ticker that I love. I can add any trip and it gives down to the seconds. Just wish I could get it on my home computer!!!
We are here... in Hartford, CT. The roads started to get bad and when we called to check on availability at any hotel in the Brookline area we found they were all booked. We don't have to check out of here until 11:00 and they have breakfast from 7-10. We all decided to take our time in the morning and see what is out there when we wake up. Thanks for all the good wishes. So far, so good!

Enjoy your day and safe travels home.

Robyn sorry for your loss
Jen cute names
Bernadette love the pics

Thanks Jennifer.

Tonight, we celebrated my step-father-in-law's birthday at a local wings place. Technically, he's only 17, though he looks 68. :teeth:

I think tomorrow I'm going to take Alyssa out for a little shopping (Girl's Club, as she calls it :goodvibes ). I want to hit the Payless BOGO sale before it ends Monday.

All of Kevin's new computer finally arrived (Dell sent it in four boxes throughout the week), so I know he'll be anxious to get that going this weekend.

This upcoming week is a busy one, so I hope we just take it easy. :thumbsup2

Girl's club sounds so much fun! Alyssa will certainly like having 2 brothers when she is older as it will warrant a lot of special time with mom or dad.

Thanks for the heads up on the Payless BOGO, I need to get there today.

Beth - I hope you get to feeling better! :wizard: :wizard:

Jennifer - I love the names. :love: My middle name is Elise (named after my grandmother, whose name was Elsie), and we've already decided that if we're blessed with a daughter, she will be named Madeleine Elise. :goodvibes That's what Jonathan chooses to call me a lot as well. You did a great job on the craft project, too. :thumbsup2

Bernadette - enjoyed the pics! Lizzy has really grown up, and I agree, your DH looks a bit happier in each one. ;) Glad Emma is looking forward to May, and ready to tackle HM! :thumbsup2

Tammi - sorry xDH2B is still being a pain in the tushy. :hug: Is there a light at the end of that tunnel?

Chanon - loved the gift for Bob's b-day - sounds like that is a perfect choice for him. I now only have 5 boxes of GS cookies left. :rolleyes1

Robyn - I was so sorry to hear about your great-aunt. :hug: Glad you're enjoying your visit with Joe, as well as that new vacuum.

Elin - glad you guys made it safely thus far!

Janet - hope Garrett gets to feeling better. :wizard:

Thanks, Lindsay. I think it funny, my aunt's name was Elsie. And I love your middle name.
Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

We are getting ready to go out and meet my brother and his family for lunch and to spend some time in the area.

Tia - Kathrin's apartment is on Addington Road, off Winthrop Road. She is high above Washington Square. I swear the girl is trying to walk the final 70 pounds I want to lose off of me this weekend!!
Well, I will have to add a few things to my packing from now on :eek:

Thank goodness we will not have to worry about coffee cups since we are staying at pop. Not sure how the cup situation is on the ship. If glasses, we will just request plastic, or I will pack a tupperware glass of mine.

I think Pop/ All Stars has plastic cups in the room. From my knowledge the Moderates and Deluxe have glass. But I could be mistaken, maybe a more recent guest could give you a correct answer.

On DCL they do have glasses, but I remember on more then one occasion them taking them out of the room and replacing them with paper wrapped glasses. Actually I remember handing them to our room steward and he gave us paper wrapped glasses off his cart and putting the used glasses on a separate rack on one occasion. I do not imagine them wrapping them in paper unless they clean them.:confused3 :confused3 I actually asked my brother and he confirmed my memory almost exactly like I remembered.

I do not think they were replaced daily, but I am sure you could ask for them to be replaced more often if you are using them.

Although I do not remember using those glasses often, as most often I had a paper cup from the deck 9 drink station, or a glass from somewhere else on the ship.

From my experience Disney cruise takes cleanliness seriously. Hence the wipes and gel at every food location. Or if there is high incidence of illness in the world like winter time they will not let guests take their own food off the buffets, Cast Members will serve food from the buffets. Or they have temporarily discontinued pin trading to prevent spread of illness.
Robyn - I was sorry to read about your great aunt.

Thanks Elin.

It was almost too easy this week. The biggest point earner this time was sleep...one of my favorite things. Actually, it's not easy getting 8 hours a night with a night owl DD and early working DH so I had to work on that one. I even gave myself a manicure and pedicure for another part. It seems to have been a good thing cause I haven't bitten my nails all week and I can actually see a teeny tiny bit of white growing out on the ends. Maybe I can look/be healthier and have some nails as well!

Congrats Tia!

im sorry robyn!

Thanks Jen.

I'm awake. :teeth: Just waiting for 6:40am to roll around for the offical printing of the Southwest Boarding Pass.

ETA: The clock is about 10 minutes slow for me.

I know I missed you but have a great time and I hope you come home richer.

Robyn, I missed that your great aunt had passed. Your family (and her husband) will be in my prayers! :hug:

Thanks Jennifer.

Thanks. Yes, but I just hope it's not a train, headed straight for ME! :rotfl2:

At least you have some humor in regards to the situation. :wizard:

Good morning. :)

Happy March! Spring is almost here! :woohoo:

Thanks goodness! I am sick of winter.

Good morning!

Happy March everyone!

Now I can offically say "We are going on a Disney cruise next month!"

pirate: :cool2: :cool1: :dance3: :cheer2: :woohoo:


Thanks! Sorry I forgot to mention the check yesterday. It was too much!

No it wasn't, with shipping and the cds/dvds plus the time. Thanks again!!

Hi Kids, I have been reading a bit off and on all week. But I find myself a tad in the dumps (no big deal this shall change I am sure).

Mark left Tue at O'dark thirty and we have been go go go all week. I am on the hunt for a for costume items for Ellie and between drive all over town this week and net surfing I am beat. I can't seem to find what I want at all.
Than I was told the other night that the outifit I found al Walmsart for Elliw wont work for her Hollywood gig. Ok, fine, I can deal with that she did look a little hufflumpish in it. BUT Sunday she performs the song at a fundraiser for one of the other kids going and I HAVE NO outfit. So I have charged up my credit card looking for the perfect outfit to get us through two events (next week a fundraiser for Cancer) and none of the crap looks good on her.
THE GIRL HAS A bit of a belly and a juicy fruit Bu+t on her. :lmao: Poor thing is shaped like me and she is stuck with it. And it wont change much until she hits her teens. :sad2: Oh well.

I have even been to every thirft store in town looking for black boots and crap.
pirate: :sad2:

If I can get throught these next two performances I will be able to work on her Hollywood clothing with no problem.

PD to you all.

I hope everything falls into place for you. :wizard: Emma is so very hard to shop for, nothing and I mean nothing fits her the right way.

I am in such a funk today. I really just want to sleep which is my typical getting depressed MO. We are so sick of winter and snow. It'll be July before it all melts at this point. The good news is that the foot we had expected ended up being only 3 inches :thumbsup2 I need to get my butt in gear as I need to we AT work in an hour. I'm not looking forward to going as I am in the back room (usually big parties) and there is only a 12 and 8 planned in there. We work 2 waitstaff in that room and pool tips and I greatly dislike the girl that I am scheduled with. Now mind you I can get along with about anyone, but she is just a negative constantly complaining person. I can't wait for tonight to be over with.

We are debating whether to take the boys skiing tomorrow or not. It is supposed to be highs around 30 degrees and windy. I would wait another week, but we need to tap the trees very soon and I don't know when another opportunity will arise.

:wizard: that your mood improves.
Good morning, DDA!

Chanon - have a great trip!

Deb - glad to hear last night wasn't as bad as you feared. You should make yourself a drink more often. ;) Thanks for the update on Vicki - I would so rather be where they are right now!!!!

Tia - sorry to hear you had a rough night. :hug: I hope a nap is in your future! I have nothing to offer re: your baseball plans, but that sounds like fun for you!

Elin - glad you guys made it. Good luck with the walking today!

Elizabeth - have fun with the laundry. I hope the poster doesn't take as long as you think!
I think Pop/ All Stars has plastic cups in the room. From my knowledge the Moderates and Deluxe have glass. But I could be mistaken, maybe a more recent guest could give you a correct answer.

On DCL they do have glasses, but I remember on more then one occasion them taking them out of the room and replacing them with paper wrapped glasses. Actually I remember handing them to our room steward and he gave us paper wrapped glasses off his cart and putting the used glasses on a separate rack on one occasion. I do not imagine them wrapping them in paper unless they clean them.:confused3 :confused3 I actually asked my brother and he confirmed my memory almost exactly like I remembered.

I do not think they were replaced daily, but I am sure you could ask for them to be replaced more often if you are using them.

Although I do not remember using those glasses often, as most often I had a paper cup from the deck 9 drink station, or a glass from somewhere else on the ship.

From my experience Disney cruise takes cleanliness seriously. Hence the wipes and gel at every food location. Or if there is high incidence of illness in the world like winter time they will not let guests take their own food off the buffets, Cast Members will serve food from the buffets. Or they have temporarily discontinued pin trading to prevent spread of illness.

Thanks Becky :goodvibes
Well, the fun didn't stop around here this morning! At about 6:15, the smoke detector in my bedroom began going off! :scared1: I leap out of bed, grab my dog (who is shaking like a leaf), and begin running around the house to see if there's smoke. Nothing, no other detectors are going off, plus the one in my bedroom stops. I go and pull one of the cars out of the garage and get up in the attic to check up there, since that is right over our bedroom. Nothing - no smells of any kind. Smoke detector starts going off again inside the house - we replaced all the detectors in the fall, brand new batteries, etc. I ended up dragging the extension ladder into the house, getting it down, and changing the battery out. That seems to have done the trick. I thought I might have heard it go off again when I was back in the garage putting everything back in place, but if it did, it hasn't gone off since, and that was almost 4 hours ago. Obviously, my house isn't burning down. :rolleyes: If it goes off again, I'm calling the fire dept. and they can come tell me what's going on!

I think I've had enough "life lessons" for the week! :sad2:

And with that, I need to get back to cleaning my house! I should have just stayed up after all my fun this morning, but I did go back to sleep for a couple of hours, and that has put me behind!

Have a great Sunday, DDA! :flower3:
It looks like I'm all alone here right now, I learned how to do a new background on photoshop so here's a design I came up with it. DH will never wear this one, :lmao:


I love it!!

Lindsay - You could be the type of parent who believes that your child's projects should be THEIR responsibility. I haven't mastered that one, but maybe if you start early you could do it! :rotfl2:

Janet - The last time we had tacos they came out too spicy! :scared: They hurt my stomach. DS noticed it too, but he was afraid to say anything because DH would say he was making excuses to get out of eating. I finally said something to DH this week and he had also noticed they were spicy. So at least we ALL agree! :rotfl: DH is making a pork loin for tonight.

Or you could hope that your kid is stubborn enough to not want your help- Emma wanted so bad to be in the school's variety show but refused to let me help her with her audition. She didn't make it and I think she has learned that maybe she should have let me help her.

Well we went shopping today and I bought Hairspray and the soundtrack. :banana: :banana: :banana:

We love that soundtrack, the girls sing it at the top of their lungs when we are in the van.

so i decided today, march 1 was my deadline to start exercising and getting in shape..i start kickboxing classes next week..tonight my friend let me borrow a billy blanks dvd..i did 30 min of it...was tough but i think ill be okay--at least i hope! but i was proud of myself for doing it!

Sounds fun!! You can do it!! Joe says that I need to do Boxing on the Wii and I should be able to lose some weight. He also says it's great for getting your frustrations outs.

So I survived the test but do not think I did a good job. It was three questions but each question had 5-7 other questions you had to answer as part of the main question. I basically ran out of time and I did not even get to reread all of my answers. My test responses was about 6- 7 pages single spaced typed, but I do not feel I effectively answered the questions. I can only do better next time.

I went to Applebee's for dinner. At this location the outside door leads to a small room about 4x 4 feet and then the door into the restaurant. When we got there some kid was sitting on the floor right inside the door to the restaurant and a bunch of people were around him. Some lady was standing right at the door in the small room watching but not going in. There was plenty of room to go in behind him but she just stood there. Eventually somebody told her to go in and she said she felt it was rude to walk behind him even though she opened the door to let others out. It was only a small little space and then the door outside. They had an ambulance come so I am not sure what happened to him. I hope he was alright.

I'm sure you did better than you think you did.

Glad your doggie had a good day, I have a cat that is 12 years old, I thought he was sick the other day and I was just about in tears, I love that raggedy old cat.

I remember helping with more than one project, all this talk about Taco's- we went to try a new Mexican restaurant today but left when we got a closer look. The food looked fine but it turned out to be counter service and I was in the mood to be waited on, so we ended up at High Cotten, a new bar and grill, I had the grilled chicken ceasar salad, I'm still trying to be good.

I'm still losing, slowly but surely, so I guess I'll have to take it.

You can do it!!!!

We went to Red Lobster for dinner tonight. YUMMY!

Oooh, that sounds wonderful. I haven't been there in forever.

It wasn't bad during the morning, but was really getting bust as we were leaving in early afternoon. It was a pretty good day except for the hour or so of overcast skies that left it pretty chilly after I left my jacket in the car.

Glad you had a nice day.

Well, I think the 3 little ones having a sleepover in my living room are going to outlast me at this rate (Kristi got desparate for a babysitter so we are having a sleepover here tonight). Of course, I'm the one who walked 5 miles at the zoo today. I'm not sure what we did differently as we usually log 3-3.5miles on a trip, but topped 5 today.

My girls are at my cousins. She has twin dd's who are 14 and took home with them from the party yesterday- Her niece, 5, Emma,8, Molly,3, my niece,8, and my other cousin's dd,8. You and her get extra points in my book.

Great start. Chris and I are starting on Monday. 90 day plan. He wants to lose 30 lbs and I want to lose 15 lbs. It would be easier if we could do something outside besides shoveling :rolleyes:

Slow and steady wins the race :thumbsup2

I survived and she behaved herself. Of course I did have 1 drink after work :rolleyes1 I haven't had a drink since summer. Boy did that one sneak up on me. Chris says I should have a drink more often :flower3:

That may be viral. I broke out my inhaler one day last week and I haven't needed it in years (I can't believe that I still have it).

You and Chris can do it!! I am glad last night went better than you expected.

Well one of my best friends from high school came over tonight and we just sat around and talked..it was a nice relaxing night!
I think im headed to bed--tomorrow is going to be a lowkey day--im looking forward to it!
Your night sounded a lot of fun. I love getting together with my girlfriend's from HS.

Man, that was a night! Someone had me up almost every hour starting at 1 and ending with the total give up point of 6. It was Terra once, Connor once, Chase twice, Kassie once and the stupid blowup bed with its squeaking several times. I'm so calling Kristi and letting her know that the overnight portion will now cost her one caffine-laden beverage when she's headed this way.

Now to decide whether I'm making it to church. It was the plan, but I'm thinking a nap and getting the kitchen cleaned up before Mom gets home from camp may be the best idea. We'll see what the caffine does to help.

Gotta go dress the kids for church. Catch you later!

I think you deserve a nice long nap!

Deb - Thanks for the update! I'm glad Vicki & family are having a good time!:goodvibes

I've got my first load of jeans in the dryer, and DS's mattress pad is in the wash. Once I get his bed back together I'll start on ours. I should have done ours first, because as soon as DH gets home he will get IN our bed. :rolleyes: I guess I will have to put a different set of sheets on our bed instead of leaving the bed naked until those sheets are finished. Then I will try Robyn's trick of shoving the clean sheets into a pillow case and tossing them into the closet. :rotfl2:

This Greece poster is going to take until midnight. :headache: I swear DS can not comprehend and follow verbal directions.

It's the best thing. I only wish I could do that with all my laundry. :rotfl:

I think Pop/ All Stars has plastic cups in the room. From my knowledge the Moderates and Deluxe have glass. But I could be mistaken, maybe a more recent guest could give you a correct answer.

On DCL they do have glasses, but I remember on more then one occasion them taking them out of the room and replacing them with paper wrapped glasses. Actually I remember handing them to our room steward and he gave us paper wrapped glasses off his cart and putting the used glasses on a separate rack on one occasion. I do not imagine them wrapping them in paper unless they clean them.:confused3 :confused3 I actually asked my brother and he confirmed my memory almost exactly like I remembered.

I do not think they were replaced daily, but I am sure you could ask for them to be replaced more often if you are using them.

Although I do not remember using those glasses often, as most often I had a paper cup from the deck 9 drink station, or a glass from somewhere else on the ship.

From my experience Disney cruise takes cleanliness seriously. Hence the wipes and gel at every food location. Or if there is high incidence of illness in the world like winter time they will not let guests take their own food off the buffets, Cast Members will serve food from the buffets. Or they have temporarily discontinued pin trading to prevent spread of illness.

Pop had individual wrapped plastic cups in the room.
I hope that detector doesn't go off again!! You certainly need a break.

Well, the fun didn't stop around here this morning! At about 6:15, the smoke detector in my bedroom began going off! :scared1: I leap out of bed, grab my dog (who is shaking like a leaf), and begin running around the house to see if there's smoke. Nothing, no other detectors are going off, plus the one in my bedroom stops. I go and pull one of the cars out of the garage and get up in the attic to check up there, since that is right over our bedroom. Nothing - no smells of any kind. Smoke detector starts going off again inside the house - we replaced all the detectors in the fall, brand new batteries, etc. I ended up dragging the extension ladder into the house, getting it down, and changing the battery out. That seems to have done the trick. I thought I might have heard it go off again when I was back in the garage putting everything back in place, but if it did, it hasn't gone off since, and that was almost 4 hours ago. Obviously, my house isn't burning down. :rolleyes: If it goes off again, I'm calling the fire dept. and they can come tell me what's going on!

I think I've had enough "life lessons" for the week! :sad2:

And with that, I need to get back to cleaning my house! I should have just stayed up after all my fun this morning, but I did go back to sleep for a couple of hours, and that has put me behind!

Have a great Sunday, DDA! :flower3:
Well, the fun didn't stop around here this morning! At about 6:15, the smoke detector in my bedroom began going off! :scared1: I leap out of bed, grab my dog (who is shaking like a leaf), and begin running around the house to see if there's smoke. Nothing, no other detectors are going off, plus the one in my bedroom stops. I go and pull one of the cars out of the garage and get up in the attic to check up there, since that is right over our bedroom. Nothing - no smells of any kind. Smoke detector starts going off again inside the house - we replaced all the detectors in the fall, brand new batteries, etc. I ended up dragging the extension ladder into the house, getting it down, and changing the battery out. That seems to have done the trick. I thought I might have heard it go off again when I was back in the garage putting everything back in place, but if it did, it hasn't gone off since, and that was almost 4 hours ago. Obviously, my house isn't burning down. :rolleyes: If it goes off again, I'm calling the fire dept. and they can come tell me what's going on!

I think I've had enough "life lessons" for the week! :sad2:

And with that, I need to get back to cleaning my house! I should have just stayed up after all my fun this morning, but I did go back to sleep for a couple of hours, and that has put me behind!

Have a great Sunday, DDA! :flower3:
Lindsay you take smoke detectors so much more seriously than I do! Mine will go off in the middle of the night, I get up, check things out, don't see fire or smell smoke, take the battery out and go back to bed. Sad thing is I had them going off several times one night and the kids slept through it all, right outside their doors! :sad2:

I'm glad it turned out to be nothing, but it sure put you through a lot of aggravation.
My cousin sent me this link in regards to kids and fire alarms- Very scary.


Lindsay you take smoke detectors so much more seriously than I do! Mine will go off in the middle of the night, I get up, check things out, don't see fire or smell smoke, take the battery out and go back to bed. Sad thing is I had them going off several times one night and the kids slept through it all, right outside their doors! :sad2:

I'm glad it turned out to be nothing, but it sure put you through a lot of aggravation.
Lindsay you take smoke detectors so much more seriously than I do! Mine will go off in the middle of the night, I get up, check things out, don't see fire or smell smoke, take the battery out and go back to bed. Sad thing is I had them going off several times one night and the kids slept through it all, right outside their doors! :sad2:

I'm glad it turned out to be nothing, but it sure put you through a lot of aggravation.

I'm a little on edge this week, since I'm the only adult here. :goodvibes Of course, I called Jonathan and woke him up so he woudln't miss out on all the fun! :rotfl:

One of my biggest fears in life is a house fire. We have often had our detectors begin "chirping" like they do when the battery gets low (which always seems to happen in the middle of the night :rolleyes: ). Our dog always hears them first too, and they absolutely send her over the edge. This was the full-on alarm, though, which I've never had happen. All seems to be well, though. :confused3 I'm glad it's a weekend, or I would have had a hard time leaving my dog behind to go to work this morning!

We've been meaning to get smoke and carbon monoxide sensors added to our home alarm system, and if nothing else, this was a good reminder that we need to get off our butts and do so!
Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

We are getting ready to go out and meet my brother and his family for lunch and to spend some time in the area.

Tia - Kathrin's apartment is on Addington Road, off Winthrop Road. She is high above Washington Square. I swear the girl is trying to walk the final 70 pounds I want to lose off of me this weekend!!

Have fun today, Elin!!

Well, the fun didn't stop around here this morning! At about 6:15, the smoke detector in my bedroom began going off! :scared1: I leap out of bed, grab my dog (who is shaking like a leaf), and begin running around the house to see if there's smoke. Nothing, no other detectors are going off, plus the one in my bedroom stops. I go and pull one of the cars out of the garage and get up in the attic to check up there, since that is right over our bedroom. Nothing - no smells of any kind. Smoke detector starts going off again inside the house - we replaced all the detectors in the fall, brand new batteries, etc. I ended up dragging the extension ladder into the house, getting it down, and changing the battery out. That seems to have done the trick. I thought I might have heard it go off again when I was back in the garage putting everything back in place, but if it did, it hasn't gone off since, and that was almost 4 hours ago. Obviously, my house isn't burning down. :rolleyes: If it goes off again, I'm calling the fire dept. and they can come tell me what's going on!

I think I've had enough "life lessons" for the week! :sad2:

And with that, I need to get back to cleaning my house! I should have just stayed up after all my fun this morning, but I did go back to sleep for a couple of hours, and that has put me behind!

Have a great Sunday, DDA! :flower3:

Too much excitement for me! :eek: I hope the rest of your day is boring!

Tia - I hope your plans for Chicago work out! :wizard:

Robyn - DS would be happy for me to do ALL of his projects for him. He doesn't even like to help.:rolleyes: He did make a flag out of craft foam, and he made a little fisherman for the boat. We still need to go to Joann Fabrics and look for some grapes or olives or something. They sent a bunch of coupons that weren't valid until today so we didn't go yesterday. We looked at Party City and there was NOTHING that we could have used, so hopefully we'll find more stuff today!
Lindsay you take smoke detectors so much more seriously than I do! Mine will go off in the middle of the night, I get up, check things out, don't see fire or smell smoke, take the battery out and go back to bed. Sad thing is I had them going off several times one night and the kids slept through it all, right outside their doors! :sad2:

I'm glad it turned out to be nothing, but it sure put you through a lot of aggravation.

Oops. Meant to quote the link. Anyway...
I have heard that kids will sleep through smoke detectors and that those voice alarms are MUCH more effective. I have never tried to set off our smoke detector when DS was sleeping - don't know if it would wake him or not. :confused3
I'm a little on edge this week, since I'm the only adult here. :goodvibes Of course, I called Jonathan and woke him up so he woudln't miss out on all the fun! :rotfl:

One of my biggest fears in life is a house fire. We have often had our detectors begin "chirping" like they do when the battery gets low (which always seems to happen in the middle of the night :rolleyes: ). Our dog always hears them first too, and they absolutely send her over the edge. This was the full-on alarm, though, which I've never had happen. All seems to be well, though. :confused3 I'm glad it's a weekend, or I would have had a hard time leaving my dog behind to go to work this morning!

We've been meaning to get smoke and carbon monoxide sensors added to our home alarm system, and if nothing else, this was a good reminder that we need to get off our butts and do so!

I agree, nothing scares me more than the thought of a house fire. My grandparents lived through 2 of them when they were in an apartment complex- in 2 different units. I was very young but it scared me to death.

Have fun today, Elin!!

Too much excitement for me! :eek: I hope the rest of your day is boring!

Tia - I hope your plans for Chicago work out! :wizard:

Robyn - DS would be happy for me to do ALL of his projects for him. He doesn't even like to help.:rolleyes: He did make a flag out of craft foam, and he made a little fisherman for the boat. We still need to go to Joann Fabrics and look for some grapes or olives or something. They sent a bunch of coupons that weren't valid until today so we didn't go yesterday. We looked at Party City and there was NOTHING that we could have used, so hopefully we'll find more stuff today!

I hope it all comes together for you both! :wizard:

That's amazing. Thanks Robyn.

It was very eye opening. At first I thought how could kids sleep through that but I guess they can.


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