dealing with greif


Earning My Ears
Sep 4, 2008
I've been searching for anyone to talk to about dealing with the loss of my fiance, but its been difficult for me to find support.
Its been almost two years since my fiance drowned, we were together 6 years and he was only 33. In the past year I have moved to a new city, got a new job, and only recently bought a house with a new boyfriend. Now it seems all this change has brought the grief back to the surface again, and i'm feeling intense guilt for moving on, I can't stop crying and couldn't even go to work today. I'm not happy and feel like selling everything and moving back home again, though I know this will not make the grief go away. I guess I need reassurance that moving on with another person is not a bad thing...has anyone else gone through this?
First welcome to the Dis and you have come to the right board.. I know there are many posters who will have advice for you. I am thinking here you grieved for his loss, you cannot bring him back, and have moved on with your life.. I think that is what we are suppose to do and hopefully you can do so without feeling guilt.

I wonder if maybe it might be the time to talk to someone professionally about how you are feeling. It might help.

Take care and please know that other posters may post with ideas and suggestions....we do try to help each other.
That's the thing about grief. You can't get over, you get through it. It sounds like you feel guilty for moving on, and you shouldn't. I am not a counselor (and I don't play on on TV), but your fiance would want you to be happy. He would want you to move on.

I lost my dad in January. Sometimes the grief hits so hard. I don't think that will ever stop when you have lost someone that you love. I try to remember that my dad is happy and painfree now, and that takes off some of the edge.

I had a car accident several years ago and I had a hard time coping with it. There's an online community called and it helped me with the coping. I actually found it on here because somebody posted it in a thread.

Take care of yourself.


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