Debt Dumpers - 2014

Congratulations!!!:cool1: I still have hopes and dreams of getting all my cc bills paid off. I think if I quit buying food, I'll get there a lot faster. :lmao: Good idea on planning the Christmas budget. I'm prone to WAAAAAAY overspending when I see good gifts. I think this year, people are going to get a heartfelt, handmade "I'm glad you know me, I love you" card. ;)
Do it!!! I told DH the only thing I want for Christmas is for my car to be detailed. It's a mess because we spend so much time in it. I think along with the debt comes clutter, they typically go hand in hand. We are getting a plan in place for retirement so we are purging debt and stuff. I would much rather have a card and some cookies over clothes and knick knacks! Eta: I hear you about the food! I tell the kids all the time, "if I didn't have to feed them, we'd be rich!"
Nothing new paid off for us, been working on saving money for our cruise. We did the final what are we going to spend were budget last night and it was confirmed to me yet again that math is not my strong suit. Was quite happy though that our final amount we have planned is 40 dollars less than what we have saved, not much but under is under right? I'm so excited leave In 4 days!bthis is our first real vacation, ever. What I'm even more excited about is it's completely paid for in cash, no credit!!!
For quick dinner that can be made ahead:
I used "Don't Panic, Dinner is in the freezer" cookbook to get started-the recipes are already multiplied out if you want to make ahead and freeze. Even better if you can get a couple other people in with you so you can warehouse shop in quantity.
Don't be afraid to do this. Seriously.

A few years ago my sister had breast cancer. After the chemo, surgery/reconstruction, complications, and still trying to work when she could she was exhausted. She told all of us in advance she was baking cookies for everyone instead of shopping for gifts.
She's very into home made food (even makes her own whipped cream instead of the usual press-on-the-nozzle kind, lol) so I knew they'd be yummy. Well, she outdid herself. She made all these different shapes: Santa, reindeer, Christmas trees, etc and did an awesome job decorating them with different color frosting including blue eyes for Santa and a red nose for Rudolph. She had a professional cake decorating kit and has a lot of artistic talent so that helps. Each family got a tin full of cookies and we enjoyed it as much as any store bought gift. Now every year we look forward to her cookies. :cool1:
As for me, I still draw stick people so I give store-bought gifts. :rotfl:

I hope your sister is doing better. :hug: I usually make Christmas mice and a chocolate peanut drop cookie I call "reindeer poo" that I give out to people. I may just make a lot more and give out to everyone ... except the diabetics. ;) And I hear you on the stick people, I can't draw stick-men with a ruler.

Do it!!! I told DH the only thing I want for Christmas is for my car to be detailed. It's a mess because we spend so much time in it. I think along with the debt comes clutter, they typically go hand in hand. We are getting a plan in place for retirement so we are purging debt and stuff. I would much rather have a card and some cookies over clothes and knick knacks! Eta: I hear you about the food! I tell the kids all the time, "if I didn't have to feed them, we'd be rich!"

Lol. I can imagine. It seems sometimes like I live in my car rather than my house. I'm driving back and forth between jobs so much. I'm looking forward to retirement, and I still have 18 years to go. Well, 17 3/4 actually, but I'm not counting that closely yet. :rotfl2:

My biggest problem with food is I almost have too much. I try to keep a fully stocked pantry, but then I don't eat it before it goes bad, so I wind up throwing away food. And that is really a waste. :(

My girls, though, (my 2 dogs) actually eat better than I do, but I can't skimp on their food. One of them is allergic to just about everything, so I have to get her grain-free, limited ingredient, premium food. Which, while expensive is about 1/5 of the cost of monthly vet visits. :thumbsup2
My girls, though, (my 2 dogs) actually eat better than I do, but I can't skimp on their food. One of them is allergic to just about everything, so I have to get her grain-free, limited ingredient, premium food. Which, while expensive is about 1/5 of the cost of monthly vet visits. :thumbsup2

oh man tell me about it. one of my cats is allergic to everything so he is on the super-special food. I think I have willful amnesia about how much it costs, I'm surprised by the bill every time I go to the vet to pick up another case!:sad:

but like you said, cheaper than all of those vet visits we were doing before.
oh man tell me about it. one of my cats is allergic to everything so he is on the super-special food. I think I have willful amnesia about how much it costs, I'm surprised by the bill every time I go to the vet to pick up another case!:sad:

but like you said, cheaper than all of those vet visits we were doing before.

The best food I've found for my dog is the Blue Buffalo Freedom or Basics grain free. It may work for your cat, and is generally less expensive than the prescription foods sold through the vet offices. Just offering a possibility, I'm sure you and your vet can compare and decide.
Making slow progress here. Last month, we paid off a small medical bill and an auto repair bill and this month I will have an old tuition bill paid in full. Next month is our last payment to the IRS for this year's taxes (hadn't planned to owe anything so was a surprise, but not a total shock with DH not working consistently last year) and a small credit card. It will probably be another year or two until we are debt free, but the snowball has started to roll and I am finally seeing some progress.
Making slow progress here. Last month, we paid off a small medical bill and an auto repair bill and this month I will have an old tuition bill paid in full. Next month is our last payment to the IRS for this year's taxes (hadn't planned to owe anything so was a surprise, but not a total shock with DH not working consistently last year) and a small credit card. It will probably be another year or two until we are debt free, but the snowball has started to roll and I am finally seeing some progress.

Sounds like you are making great progress!!!! That is a lot to have paid off! It makes everything a little clearer once you start to see zero balances. Way to go!!
Congratulations!!!:cool1: I still have hopes and dreams of getting all my cc bills paid off. I think if I quit buying food, I'll get there a lot faster. :lmao: Good idea on planning the Christmas budget. I'm prone to WAAAAAAY overspending when I see good gifts. I think this year, people are going to get a heartfelt, handmade "I'm glad you know me, I love you" card. ;)

I was just talking about Christmas gifts today and I think our whole family is just going to stop exchanging gifts. We all have been hit with Murphy, my car just keeps sucking in the money! Had to replace washer and dryer this year, just replaced the roof on one of my outdoor sheds, parents have both had some pricey work on their cars. Now maybe if Murphy leaves then we will do something small. Plus my mom retired in April and I left my full time job and went to one that's only 7 months.
On a different note, what did you decide about the ex?
I was just talking about Christmas gifts today and I think our whole family is just going to stop exchanging gifts. We all have been hit with Murphy, my car just keeps sucking in the money! Had to replace washer and dryer this year, just replaced the roof on one of my outdoor sheds, parents have both had some pricey work on their cars. Now maybe if Murphy leaves then we will do something small. Plus my mom retired in April and I left my full time job and went to one that's only 7 months.
On a different note, what did you decide about the ex?

:hug: Sounds like you've had a pretty rough year. Murphy is most definitely not on my Christmas card list!1

On the other note ... I forget exactly where I left off in the continuing drama, but had talked with the ex about what would be required for him to move back. (Had to have a job already lined up or money to support himself while looking for a job; must pay his full share of the monthly bills; needing him to get on the same page concerning paying off the cc's that I racked up supporting him, etc.) I was feeling pretty good about the conversation. When it ended, he had agreed to stay where he was, find a job and save up, continue applying online for local jobs, and would come back around the end of Oct.

3 days after the conversation, he showed up on the doorstep with a "here I am, aren't you happy" attitude. I was not pleased. He's still unemployed, still not (really) contributing to the house bills. (In fairness, he is doing most of the house/yard work, but the only thing he has taken over that I wasn't doing already - and usually better - is mowing the yard.)

I probably need to find a way to tell him that he needs to leave. My own thinking on the matter was that this would be his "third strike" so to speak. He's now been back almost 2 weeks, and doesn't have a job yet (though that's not surprising, jobs are scarce here and most of them he can't get because of the way he left when he was working there before), he is looking and applying, but it is just hitting him this week that I was serious about not being able to afford him staying. I quit buying food, drinks, and cigarettes. I personally figure that it is a healthier choice for me anyway, and I do have a pantry fairly full of food to last for quite a while, but no caffeine or nicotine has really been hitting him quite hard.

The biggest challenge I see to telling him to leave is that at this point he literally has no where to go, and no way to get there. And (though it may be considered a weakness) I don't want to kick him out to live on the street. But, it is quickly approaching not being an option. I've been talking to an old roommate that my ex drove off, and he has said that he would consider moving back if the ex is gone. And this roommate pays his bills (though, he can't pay 1/2 of all the bills. He's on a fixed income he can pay about 1/3 of the house bills).

So, I'm kind of in this inbetween area of "the ex is trying, just not currently meeting the requirements. But IF he does, he'll be able to pay more than the former roommate who is able to pay right now, but not a full 1/2. Which would put me in the position to VERY slowly make headway, eventually."

I'm kind of thinking currently, continue talking to the other roommate, and if he makes a committment to move in when the ex is gone, that'll be my sign to kick the ex out, provided the ex has not found a job by then and is contributing at least as much as the old/new roommate.

I don't know if I'm too nice, or just really trying to avoid confrontation.
I'm torn about paying off my car again. Pay it off next month and free up $300 a month which will give me a larger cushion monthly or save $$ and scrimp by for 4 months.

I've slowed down my shopping for my new apartment. I cancelled my dining set so I still need one of those but not something I need day 1. It's just DS and I so we can survive with my card table again until I find what I really want. Still need a lot and want a lot more but at least I have slowed my pace and can say I'm better off. I really want a new bedding set but I might wait until Black Friday.

Any advice about the car? If I paid it off id have $416 left for the month after paying ALL my bills, the movers (including tip), and paying rent due Nov. 1. In November my bills would drop by $300 which would leave me with about $1,000 a month to live off of. This amount doesn't include any of my bonuses or extra pay checks. If I don't pay it off I'd have about $1100 saved plus what I have in the bank, but I'd still have a car payment for 4 more months. Please help! I keep going in circles. Should I split it down the middle? Pay $600 extra (2 payments) and save $500?
I'm torn about paying off my car again. Pay it off next month and free up $300 a month which will give me a larger cushion monthly or save $$ and scrimp by for 4 months.

I've slowed down my shopping for my new apartment. I cancelled my dining set so I still need one of those but not something I need day 1. It's just DS and I so we can survive with my card table again until I find what I really want. Still need a lot and want a lot more but at least I have slowed my pace and can say I'm better off. I really want a new bedding set but I might wait until Black Friday.

Any advice about the car? If I paid it off id have $416 left for the month after paying ALL my bills, the movers (including tip), and paying rent due Nov. 1. In November my bills would drop by $300 which would leave me with about $1,000 a month to live off of. This amount doesn't include any of my bonuses or extra pay checks. If I don't pay it off I'd have about $1100 saved plus what I have in the bank, but I'd still have a car payment for 4 more months. Please help! I keep going in circles. Should I split it down the middle? Pay $600 extra (2 payments) and save $500?

As long as you are comfortable on the $416 for that month (is it enough for gas/food, etc?) If so, then I would pay the car off. Be done with it. Then it is freeing up $300 per month
:hug: Sounds like you've had a pretty rough year. Murphy is most definitely not on my Christmas card list!1 On the other note ... I forget exactly where I left off in the continuing drama, but had talked with the ex about what would be required for him to move back. (Had to have a job already lined up or money to support himself while looking for a job; must pay his full share of the monthly bills; needing him to get on the same page concerning paying off the cc's that I racked up supporting him, etc.) I was feeling pretty good about the conversation. When it ended, he had agreed to stay where he was, find a job and save up, continue applying online for local jobs, and would come back around the end of Oct. 3 days after the conversation, he showed up on the doorstep with a "here I am, aren't you happy" attitude. I was not pleased. He's still unemployed, still not (really) contributing to the house bills. (In fairness, he is doing most of the house/yard work, but the only thing he has taken over that I wasn't doing already - and usually better - is mowing the yard.) I probably need to find a way to tell him that he needs to leave. My own thinking on the matter was that this would be his "third strike" so to speak. He's now been back almost 2 weeks, and doesn't have a job yet (though that's not surprising, jobs are scarce here and most of them he can't get because of the way he left when he was working there before), he is looking and applying, but it is just hitting him this week that I was serious about not being able to afford him staying. I quit buying food, drinks, and cigarettes. I personally figure that it is a healthier choice for me anyway, and I do have a pantry fairly full of food to last for quite a while, but no caffeine or nicotine has really been hitting him quite hard. The biggest challenge I see to telling him to leave is that at this point he literally has no where to go, and no way to get there. And (though it may be considered a weakness) I don't want to kick him out to live on the street. But, it is quickly approaching not being an option. I've been talking to an old roommate that my ex drove off, and he has said that he would consider moving back if the ex is gone. And this roommate pays his bills (though, he can't pay 1/2 of all the bills. He's on a fixed income he can pay about 1/3 of the house bills). So, I'm kind of in this inbetween area of "the ex is trying, just not currently meeting the requirements. But IF he does, he'll be able to pay more than the former roommate who is able to pay right now, but not a full 1/2. Which would put me in the position to VERY slowly make headway, eventually." I'm kind of thinking currently, continue talking to the other roommate, and if he makes a committment to move in when the ex is gone, that'll be my sign to kick the ex out, provided the ex has not found a job by then and is contributing at least as much as the old/new roommate. I don't know if I'm too nice, or just really trying to avoid confrontation.

Only you can decide what's best for you. Just remember you have to take care of yourself first though. And what would happen if you were unable to work? Would he just up and leave? I'm thinking yes. Just make sure to take care of yourself first! Your number 1.
Only you can decide what's best for you. Just remember you have to take care of yourself first though. And what would happen if you were unable to work? Would he just up and leave? I'm thinking yes. Just make sure to take care of yourself first! Your number 1.

Thanks. I know it will have to be me deciding. Just not sure what is best. I do see potential, but I also know that potential is over-rated. I'm pretty sure that if I were unable to work, he'd take care of me - he'd just depend on my disability insurance / retirement / etc. to foot the bill.

I know I've vented about my ex quite a bit, but he does have some really good qualities. They just don't shine like they could.

And yeah, I am taking care of me more now. I made arrangements with my district manager to only work my 2nd job 3 weekends a month, and I have quit buying most of the extravagances. There are still a few things I should probably cut out, but I know me, and I tend to splurge more often and for more amounts when dealing with strict austerity. I'm keeping my limited vices to insure against total melt-down.
Hey everyone, so I've decided that even though I'm starting a little late for 2014, I just can't wait for 2015 to get here to get my finances in check. I have about $4500 in credit card debt and only $1200 in my savings account. It's time to start paying more than the minimum balances and stop using the credit cards, which unfortunately means less Disney trips, but could mean getting out of my apartment and into a house of my own a lot sooner! Good luck to all!
Hey everyone, so I've decided that even though I'm starting a little late for 2014, I just can't wait for 2015 to get here to get my finances in check. I have about $4500 in credit card debt and only $1200 in my savings account. It's time to start paying more than the minimum balances and stop using the credit cards, which unfortunately means less Disney trips, but could mean getting out of my apartment and into a house of my own a lot sooner! Good luck to all!

Hey good for you for starting now. That way by 2015 you will have way less debt. :yay:
Hey everyone, so I've decided that even though I'm starting a little late for 2014, I just can't wait for 2015 to get here to get my finances in check. I have about $4500 in credit card debt and only $1200 in my savings account. It's time to start paying more than the minimum balances and stop using the credit cards, which unfortunately means less Disney trips, but could mean getting out of my apartment and into a house of my own a lot sooner! Good luck to all!

Welcome!!! :hug: Never too early to start dumping the debt. :thumbsup2

Hey good for you for starting now. That way by 2015 you will have way less debt. :yay:

So, Murphy is still hanging around me :headache: My dad was going to put the new parts on my car but instead he said he preferred to take it to a mechanic. Good thing - because there were more issues and if he had started I would've had to have it towed. So, instead of saving all the money by buying the parts - it was used for the new repairs (this total was to the tune of $600 :headache: ) But, knock on wood car is doing okay now.
Hopefully Murphy has headed out and will be going to visit someone else!!
So, Murphy is still hanging around me :headache: My dad was going to put the new parts on my car but instead he said he preferred to take it to a mechanic. Good thing - because there were more issues and if he had started I would've had to have it towed. So, instead of saving all the money by buying the parts - it was used for the new repairs (this total was to the tune of $600 :headache: ) But, knock on wood car is doing okay now.
Hopefully Murphy has headed out and will be going to visit someone else!!

:hug: Murphy can't stay forever!! Here's to hoping he's gone for a while at least.
Hey everyone, so I've decided that even though I'm starting a little late for 2014, I just can't wait for 2015 to get here to get my finances in check. I have about $4500 in credit card debt and only $1200 in my savings account. It's time to start paying more than the minimum balances and stop using the credit cards, which unfortunately means less Disney trips, but could mean getting out of my apartment and into a house of my own a lot sooner! Good luck to all!

You're already better off than me! My savings is non-existent outside of a 401K. After the holidays, I really need to get on top of that!


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