Dec 18-23rd Day 4(2nd day at parks)


I love Fast passes.. always have and always will..
Aug 21, 2005
Characters – Me-29 , DS- 3 ½, Sister – 27, Niece – 7, Father- 50s
Wednesday 21nd 2005
11+ rides
2 shows
1 parade
- Would have had more time if hadn’t waited for Monster’s Inc.-

I set our alarm for 6:00am this day to get to the maingate at 7:30. DS and I did great, we ate a big breakfast at the hotel (Embassy Suites Anaheim South). It was a good breakfast, and the hotel is very nice. We got on the first shuttle at 7am. Got to the maingate, after renting a stroller, about 7:15am. We were third in line and had 45min to wait…… a little too long for DS, as I didn’t have many munchies, would have been easier if I had had more snacks I think. Got to Buzz before it opened, but just wanted a fastpass. NOTE: they don’t open the fastpasses till the ride opens , so we had to wait. We waited (5min or less) then got a fastpass, and went to Peterpan (10min wait). We then rode Buzz with a fastpass and got another fastpass (I think).. Somehow I thought we got Space MT ones but not sure I can’t remember if we rode Buzz 2 times this day or just once). Anyway. It was then about 9:00 so we went over to DCA, and were 2nd in line at about 9:15 or so, they opened the gates at 9:30am (It was fun to see the opening ceremonies). I went right past Soarin, because I had DS, and was at this point in my trip just focusing on us, or I would have checked about FP’s for it. We waited till they dropped the 10am rope at GRR, it was a good place to wait, we watched the rafts, etc. If I could do it again I would have taken the 2nd shuttle from the hotel, and then stayed at DL till about 9:15, that way my DS wouldn’t have been waiting so long. This day was shaping up to be bright and hot and DS wanted sunglasses, thank goodness I was a good researcher, I knew we could get one at the Dinosaur ;). When they dropped the rope, DS and I grabbed two fastpasses. Poor DS wanted the tickets the whole trip. Anyway, we then headed right to Scream’n which I wanted to ride later. (At this point my Father, Sister and Niece were shopping for shoes, or grocery shopping.. can we say POOR PLANNING?) Anyway One thing I didn’t know was that there was a short cut to Scream’n so needlessly I walked all the way around. I got two fastpasses, for it, then took DS on the Sunwheel with the cars that were stationary.. BORING. He didn’t even realize it was a ride at all so I used the time to eat a snack and put Sunblock on our fair skin! Then we walked onto the Golden Zepher (excellent for a hot day, the air was definitely refreshing). No one was in line and we could have gone again but DS didn’t want to. So we didn’t, instead we went off and got sunglasses! Then got fastpasses for Mullholland Maddness, and then had to buy sunglassses for my other son who was at home this trip.
We then left that area and went to Bug’s land which I thought I wouldn’t get to yet, but since the other adults in my party weren’t there I figured we might as well do this now. So we did a few of the rides, we missed the ladybug one and I think one other. Then we booked over to Playhouse Disney ( I got turned around), but we made it for the 11:30am show. Poor DS thought we were going to have to watch TV, and was freaking, once he realized it was a “show” he was ok. We then saw Bear in the Big Blue House, JoJo Circus, and Stanley, and WINNIE THE POOH!. After that he was calmed down, and we got our stroller again and got him an ice cream, which was a good choice! As we then were going to go get fastpasses for Tower of Terror, and got a phone call from my Sister, Father and Niece that they were entering the park. Trouble was I wanted to get into the 12:35 show of Aladdin, and there were no preferred seating left.. this was about 11:50 or so. So instead of risking getting a FP and missing the show. My DS munched on his ice cream and we waited for the show, and I called my sister telling her she couldn’t make it in time (if they could have ran they would have but my father’s feet were hurting bad as his diabetes effects them). The Show was awesome, thought the walk up the stairs to the balcony were killer while carrying 25+lbs! I had decided NOT to take a break this day as yesterday DS was too hyped to mellow enough for a nap. After the show we (DS &I) headed to ToT for a fastpass, and got a call from my family who were just around the corner. My niece and Sister then road ToT (20min wait), while I decided I would ride it later with a fastpass. My Dad DS and I went to the restroom and heard that Monster’s Inc. was doing soft openings. We did Crush first so that Sister and niece could join us at Monster’s. Crush was great, but DS wasn’t enthralled, and just wanted to ride rides. We then got in line at Monsters, and got right to the front when it shut down, we waited about an hour, till my Father, Sister and niece gave up. I waited another 15min, because the only thing I had left planned was the parade…… but they said that they had to call in the programmers and they weren’t there yet. So we left. I was bummed. I was ready to ride ToT, but had to waste time till I got in touch with my Father to watch DS. So DS and I went into the Animation building, we liked Ursula’s Grotto the best of the Sorcerer’s area. The others were a bit above his head. We then saw Mickey, Sleeping Beauty, and Woody on the way into the area as we were leaving. Since DS is so shy seeing them was enough. They did a little song/show outside the theater. My Sister, Niece and Father saw it also. I think they were watching the Muppets… not sure. Sister, Niece and I then rode ToT, while my Father headed over to Bug’s Land, where my DS fell asleep before he could ride the rides we missed. After Tot (which rocks! Hehe!) I headed back to find my Father and DS, and Sister and Niece watched Crush. I couldn’t find them for a bit as they were not where they said they would be, but we met up and I sat on a bench by Golden Dreams while he got us some food Chicken nachos and a margarita. YUMMY. It was excellent food. Since we were now at the end instead of the beginning of the parade it didn’t come till about 6pm instead of the 5:15 listed. I was bummed about that. I had wanted to watch it in front of Bug’s land. Oh well. My niece got to participate in it twice, once and Bug’s land, then past the parade, and did the Block Party Bash with us. My DS did wake up for it but wasn’t too excited till I carried him around to see everyone. My niece on the otherhand danced her heart out and got to dance in front of everyone both times. We got video of it, very cute!
After the parade we cut across to Paradise Pier, for niece and I to ride Scream’n, It was a perfect wooden roller coaster, I couldn’t have asked for better. Niece wanted to ride it again, but I wanted to be sure to ride Mullholland Maddness and GRR. So we all headed over to Mullholland and Niece and I rode it while Father and Sister watched DS (they had ridden this one earlier but missed out on Scream’n). Then my sister and niece road the Orange Stinger, while DS and I played in the ship, and Father rested his feet on a bench. Very cute little rest/play area. We then rambled over to GRR, where it was shut down, due to lack of water. I was upset, but we shopped a bit in the store, when we came out I saw people going in, and it was open! So Father and I (with my poncho over my shorts and tee shirt) rode it twice in a row, we didn’t even have to get off. Then we all went our separate ways. If I had had time (or if DS wasn’t to tired ;) I would have tried to ride Monster’s Inc. and got a seat for the Electrical Parade, but he was fading and I still wanted to shop for Potato head parts, so we went and did that.
We got back fairly early so went swimming, Niece and Father joined us a bit later. Then DS and I went up to our room took baths and got tucked in about 9:30pm or so.
NOTE: read up on HOW fastpasses work, Most everyone I ran into didn’t know how they worked.


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