Denise's Happy, Healthy,Healing Journal-Posts welcome

Denise, I am sure they understand about those days you need off. Stuff happens! I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about your trip! Have a great day.:)
Just popping in briefly to let you know that I'm still reading your journals and will try to catch up tomorrow. The job is going well. Everyone seems to think that I'm doing great even though I'm very nervous and apprehensive. I'm working 4 days a week right now with Wed. off.

We had a lovely time at the wedding with our family. It was nice to be able to have fun and then just go back to the hotel room and crash.

I'll check in again tomorrow when I have more time. Have a terrific Tuesday!
I had to get up at 3am cause I strained my back and I'm having trouble sleeping. I have no idea what I did other than the fact that I am sitting at a desk for long periods of time again. Maybe that has something to do with it. I'll take an Aleve shortly-that should help.

I have some good news to share-my DD is expecting her first baby in November. She had an ultrasound yesterday, and everything looks good. We're all very happy for them! This will be the first grandchild on both sides of the family. I just had to shop yesterday and buy her a maternity top and some little sleepers cause we plan to visit with them over the weekend. This is so exciting!

More later-I can't sit any longer.
Congrats, 'GRANDMA'!! How exciting!! Hope your back starts feeling better soon!
Denise, that is WONDERFUL news that you have a grandbaby on the way! What a wonderful time for your whole family. Keep us updated on mom and grandbaby!

I hope your back is better, its funny how a change in daily routine can make such a difference in our bodies.

Your post brought some happy memories back to me. I remember so well 15 years ago when I had found out ds was on the way. I think I was all of five weeks pregnant and my mom brought me over a sleeper for him and a maternity top for me! She always said being a grandma was the best thing in the whole world, so I know this is the beginning of a wonderful era for you and your dh!:goodvibes
Thanks Amy and Julie! This is a very happy and exciting time for our family. We drove out there Friday night and slept over. We got to see the first baby pictures (ultrasound) and spend some time with DD and DSIL. We went to lunch, then Sean had to go to work so we took Lauren shopping. We ran into Chocolate World in Hershey and bought some candy for my new co-workers (yes, I can be a suck-up) then to the Hershey outlets and went to my favorite store. I always go to the Easy Spirit outlet cause I'm so hard to fit (6W) and I can always find some nice shoes there. Then we went to our new favorite place, the Carter's outlet. We bought couple of little items for DD. Its so nice to be shopping for a baby.

My back was doing much better, but when I started to get out of bed this morning, I threw my legs over the side of the bed too quickly and the pain shot thru again, and now I'm hurting just like before. Ugh! I hope the Aleve kicks in soon.

This week I plan to get back to the pool and do some water therapy, so that should help my all-around well being. The challenge is to get back into the habit now that I'm working again.

DH went into work at 3 am, so he'll probably leave at 10, so I'm going to clean up the kitchen and make breakfast.

Have a nice week everyone!
Isn't shopping for babies fun? I love shopping for my DNieces 4 girls!

I have a new journal...don't know how to link. "Now is the time....." or something like that.
Denise, I love it that your new favorite store is the Carters Outlet! What a great time for the whole family. :goodvibes

So sorry your back is hurting again, I hope its feeling better.

I hope you are having a great week at your new job!!
So, a week and a half have gone by without me posting. That stupid job is getting in the way of my Dis time. All kidding aside, its going very well for now and my days pass quickly and having Wed's off is great. I'm a little worried that as time progresses and more is expected of me,I might not be able to keep up. The job requires memorization of the product numbers, and I'm just not good at that. Does anyone have any idea how I can build my memory skills???? I think my advanced age is a factor with this problem. LOL!

I went back to the pool last week and feel good about that. Since I work till 3:30, if I go straight from work, I can still be home by 5. My back is feeling better, thank goodness! I suppose I'm getting used to sitting for prolonged periods of time.

I'm meeting my 2 unemployed friends for lunch today. They were let go in the second round, so its now 4 months of being out of work for them. I haven't seen them in about 6 weeks, so lunch should be nice, and we're celebrating one of their birthdays today.

I have to run to BJ's tonight cause the cupboard is bare. I have to do much better with packing my lunches and be more creative and healthy. I'm pleased to say that I don't eat ice cream every day, even though the temptation is there. We do have the all fruit bars which is a better choice when it comes to frozen treats.

If I don't check in again before Easter, have a really nice holiday!!!

I've been neglectful in being thankful, so here goes...Today I am thankful for a day off and spending time with friends-both cyber and in-person!
Denise, I hope you enjoyed your lunch today! It sounds like you are really getting into a routine with your new job. That is great you are back in the pool, and that you can get it in and still be home at a reasonable time.

No advice on memorizing numbers! I am pretty good with that but don't know how since I can't add them, I can just memorize phone numbers etc!
I thought I'd check in quickly before going to work. Everything is going well, I just don't have as much free time as before. We had a nice day on Sat. and drove down to the shore and had a yummy lunch at one of our favorite spots. We headed over to Harrah's after that just to check out their new pool and shopping area, which was beautiful.

Tomorrow is my day off and I get to go to my rad. oncologist for my 6-month check up. It's hard to believe that 6 months have flown by. I plan to have a D-Day tomorrow and do some fun things for me. I do need to clean the bathroom too, LOL, cause there's no getting away from the household stuff.

Have to run now. I'm still keeping up with your journals, and WISH everyone well. Have a terrific Tuesday!
Good morning! I'm going to try and post more regularly because it really does help my motivation and state of mind. I canceled my WW Online again cause I just wasn't utilizing the journal, etc. enough. Its a really great site and for roughly $17.00 a month, well worth the price, but only if you use it. I'm back to pen and paper, points slider, and a renewed determination. I have a bunch of new summer clothes waiting for me when I lose about 10 pounds. I also know that the only way my knees will feel better is to remove a substantial amount of weight.

On that note, does anyone have an extra Week 9 handout from the Turn Around program or any program for that matter? Perhaps someone could make me a copy...its the only week that I'm missing. TIA!!!!!!!

I have to make myself a list of everything that I need to do today. I've got all these errands spinning around in my mind, so after my Dr. appt., I have to attack them. I'm grateful to have this day off mid-week so I can do my running and also spend time on Denise stuff.

The job is going well. Each week, I'm learning to do more and more. I'm still learning my way around the computer system and finding different options to use. I just hope this all works out cause I do like it there, and the day passes very quickly. I'm so thankful that I found a job, and also that DH is getting a bunch of overtime right now, so we're keeping on track.

I have to buy my DIL's birthday gift today. There's a store in a nearby town that sells the "Life is Good" line of clothes, etc., so I'm going to shop there since she really likes those things. That should be fun!

Must run and get ready for the appt. Its kind of weird how these appts. don't even bother me anymore. I've had so many exams that now its kind of like having my blood pressure taken. That is strange.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Denise, good for you for not letting the doctor's appt's stress you out. A good attitude is probably the best thing you can do for your body! So keep feeling positive!:goodvibes

I'll try to remember to get you a week 9 booklet when I go to WW this week. It will be the new program (Momentum) if that's okay. When I get it, I"ll pm you and you can tell me where to send it!

I am right there with you, 10 pounds off and I have a lot of nice clothes to wear! So lets stay motivated and into our closet clothes together!

Thinking of you at the doctor (well your long done now) and also how is your dd feeling? Dreaded morning sickness yet (hope not)?!

Oh, I so envy you being able to drive to the shore!
Hi Denise,

I picked you up a Week 9 booklet today at WW, its all about walking and one of the more helpful ones. Hope that's what you needed!

PM me where you want it sent. I hope you're not near the fires.

Happy Weekend!:flower3:
Happy Weekend!!!

My Dr. appt. went well. Everything looks and feels normal. We discussed my getting another CT scan of the pelvis and abdomen in August, so I'm planning to do that, then follow-up with him. I'm on a 3-mo. schedule with Gyn/Onc. and 6 months with Rad/Onc. I have a Pap and complete internal every 3 months. I just need to be diligent with my appts. because re-occurrence usually happens within the first 2 years. I feel good and have peace of mind and I'm very thankful that I am a survivor!

We spent last evening with family and friends celebrating Dil's BD. We went to a family-style Italian place (need I say more?), then back to her Mom and Dad's for dessert and gifts. As my sig. says, Breathe in, breathe out, move on. I'm a big Jimmy Buffet fan. His music helped me get thru my treatments in a beachy state of mind. Anyway, today is a new day and a new start.

My DD is doing well. She never had any morning sickness, just a loss of appetite early on. She's being monitored carefully cause her blood pressure is high, but she has a great team of doctors and HC professionals that are taking care of her. She had a glucose tolerance test because of some family history of diabetes, and will see a nutritionist to discuss a healthy eating plan. She's very determined to do everything that her docs tell her. Lauren is a bit of a worrier by nature so she'll listen to their advice.

The weather here in NJ has been weird. We were having a chilly spring with quite a bit of rain, and now the temp was 90 yesterday and for the next few days. My dh hung my hammock in the trees yesterday, so I took my book and myself outside to read, and it was almost too hot to be comfortable.

Amy, I'm going to hang those shorts that are 10 pounds too small in a place where I'll see them all the time just as a reminder of the wardrobe that I'll have when the weight comes off. Memorial Day will be here before we know it, so that's my goal, to have them fit comfortably by that time.

Time to get something accomplished around the house. Cleaned the bathroom thoroughly yesterday and hung a new sh. curtain, so I need to tackle another room today.

Have a super Sunday!
Glad your appts went well. Stay current on them! My DSis reached her 5 yr milestone this month. YEAH!!!

Sounds like your DD is determined to do everything right for this pregnancy. So exciting!

have a GREAT weekend!
Julie, that is awesome news for your sister. I know that I'll be celebrating when I reach 5 years. But it the meantime, I'm celebrating a 4.4 lb. weight loss this week! I was retaining some fluid, cause my shoes were feeling snug. Not sure what that was all about but I'm glad its gone. I gave myself a smiley face in my WW journal for staying in my points range and I give myself a little heart when I exercise. I know it sounds juvenile, but those stickers are a reward for a job well done. I really would like to have another good week with staying on track, and since today was on target, I'm off to a good start.

I was on the National Body Challenge website, and I read that muscle burns 75% more calories than fat. Isn't that a great reason to get to the gym? I went to the pool yesterday and plan to go again on Friday. I also blew the dust off my hand weights and need to get working on my arm flab. I don't want to scare anyone when I wear my sleeveless tops. LOL!

Went to Macy's today with a 25% off friends and family coupon. I browsed the clearance racks for some bargains and found a few things for me and DD. I bought her a couple of full cut tops which aren't maternity, but will be good for when her clothes start getting a little tight, and should last well into the pregnancy.

Have a good Thursday everyone!
Hi Denise. You had a good week! I mean an all clear from the Doctor (so happy for you :goodvibes), a 4 pound loss (AWESOME!:cool1:) and all you can eat Italian, does it get any better? Oh yeah, you shopped too! Seriously, I am so glad you got that good report from the doctor. You are doing everything right and thank God, you are here, healthy and enjoying this special time with your daughter. When is Lauren due? Have a super weekend, great job getting to the pool!
Denise, thank you for my lime green Mickey ribbons! That is so sweet of you, we put them on our Disney back packs, they are ready for WDW! Dd was absolutely thrilled!

Hope you are having a good week and that you had a nice Mother's Day. Just think, next Mother's Day, you'll be a grandma!

Have a great week.:goodvibes


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