Designing an Equitable Allocation System

crisi said:
The problem is that not everyone cares about the same thing.

I think the number of categories would have to be limited. As in my post above I think the "location" category would have to be limited to 3 per resort, or maybe 4 for a large resort like OKW.

So you'd have:

S vs NS
HA vs nonHA

Assign these.

Allocate the other rooms as "room ready." Room ready is clearly not guaranteed. That's stated everywhere in DVC literature. (So plan trips accordingly -- maybe book the night before so it'll be yours when you get there.) Leave a few open for rooms that have been trashed and are unusable.

OneMoreTry said:
I think the number of categories would have to be limited. As in my post above I think the "location" category would have to be limited to 3 per resort, or maybe 4 for a large resort like OKW.

So you'd have:

S vs NS
HA vs nonHA

Assign these.

Allocate the other rooms as "room ready." Room ready is clearly not guaranteed. That's stated everywhere in DVC literature. (So plan trips accordingly -- maybe book the night before so it'll be yours when you get there.) Leave a few open for rooms that have been trashed and are unusable.

This suggestion has merit, in my eyes! I guess I think 'location' should be a non-guarnateed one too if things are at 100% capacity.
tjkraz said:
some troublesome folks even suggest that the current system may be the best, most versatile of all.

For Disney it's a lose-lose proposition. Some hate the current system. And if they implemented changes, many would hate the new system. In the end, I suspect their best defense is that printed piece of paper we all signed that says nothing is guaranteed. At least Disney / DVC / DVD can use the "I toldja so" defense.

Does that mean the current system is the best that could exist? No. But if members can't even universally agree on a system that is better, I can't imagine DVC choosing to walk that plank.

What is the current system? I checked into BWV early in the day and my preassigned room is not available until after 5pm and then it is still occupied!
I check into OKW late in the day and I'm told I can pick from certain rooms none which meet any of my requests.
So which is the current system room ready or preassigned?
Nanajo1 said:
What is the current system? I checked into BWV early in the day and my preassigned room is not available until after 5pm and then it is still occupied!
I check into OKW late in the day and I'm told I can pick from certain rooms none which meet any of my requests.
So which is the current system room ready or preassigned?
That is the big question! I don't think anyone really knows. Even MS and the CMs at the resorts haved a hard time admitting what it is!
When Doc's original thread kicked off this topic there were numerous sympathetic posts about how his situation was awful and should not happen to a home resort owner who books at 11 months. It's funny how quickly opinions change to the old "DCV knows best montra" :rolleyes: Afterall, who are we to make suggestions for improvement...just pay your dues and shut-up?? :confused3

Member dissatisfaction and suggestions have (in part) brought about some positive changes (AP pass discount, 5 in a 1-BR) impacting the majority of DVC members. :earsboy:

It would be nice to see the official request policy issued to members in a DVC communication, clubhouse, vacation magic, etc.
Seems like we're really making this complicated. If you make a resevation at a non DVC resort, for instance Animal kingdom and ask for a specific room type lets say savanna veiw. At the time of the reservation they tell you if it's available or not, no matter what time you check in you get what you paid for. The problem is when people make multiple requests. As far as smoking prefrence they should give make it so you get a non smoking unless you request smoking, seems any more there are a lot more non-smokers.
I guess when I said to assign a room at time of reservation I should have said Room type.. If it's not available you know before hand and have the option to stay somwhere else or take what they have... I would never change rooms during my stay unless something happened to my room. None of the rooms I've been in are that bad. Just using SSR for example the rooms with the best view are farthest from the main pool area. The newer section has nice views of the grounds you just don't see DD from your balcony. As with most on this board I have spent a lot of time at DW stayed in a lot of different resorts and have never been unsatisfied. I like SSR the most thats Why I increased my points, again...
fishermouse said:
Seems like we're really making this complicated. If you make a resevation at a non DVC resort, for instance Animal kingdom and ask for a specific room type lets say savanna veiw. At the time of the reservation they tell you if it's available or not, no matter what time you check in you get what you paid for. The problem is when people make multiple requests. As far as smoking prefrence they should give make it so you get a non smoking unless you request smoking, seems any more there are a lot more non-smokers.
I guess when I said to assign a room at time of reservation I should have said Room type.. If it's not available you know before hand and have the option to stay somwhere else or take what they have... I would never change rooms during my stay unless something happened to my room. None of the rooms I've been in are that bad. Just using SSR for example the rooms with the best view are farthest from the main pool area. The newer section has nice views of the grounds you just don't see DD from your balcony. As with most on this board I have spent a lot of time at DW stayed in a lot of different resorts and have never been unsatisfied. I like SSR the most thats Why I increased my points, again...

Your analogy is not EXACTLY true. We reserved AKL Savanna view, non-smoking for cash a couple years ago. Our flight got delayed, and we got in very late. The only room available was a HA. We took it, and it was fine, but definitely a dissapointment.
Tiggeriffic said:
Personally, I think that it should be medical requests first, and then everything
else based on the date of the reservation. I also believe that some people
request way too much and believe that they have to have the PERFECT room
or their vacation will be ruined.

One thing that everyone has to remember about DVC - meeting requests
is much harder because there is no requirement for you to reserve a week.
Also, DVC has to try to optimize the occupancy for everyone. So, unlike
other timeshares which could actually let you reserve a certain room, DVC
can't do that because they don't know if it will be occupied or not.

Pretty much how I feel, except only one request per room(or one medical and one non-medical).
Johnnie Fedora said:
It would be nice to see the official request policy issued to members in a DVC communication, clubhouse, vacation magic, etc.
Johnnie, I thought they did that last year or so on the website and in a vacation magic issue..(I can't remember off the top of my head) but it said something to the effect that the time to make requests was when you were making the reservation and not to call the resort directly in the days leading up to your arrival (which apparenty was happening quite a bit).
The problem is at least 2 fold, possibly 3,
First-Disney not sticking to a policy..we clearly have examples of BWV not using room ready, even though that is what Disney "officially" says they are are asking for headaches to claim one thing and deliver another.
Second-unreasonable member expectations and disneys willingness to acquiesce to these people.
OneMoreTry and Diane,

By location, what do you mean. i.e. the locations at BWV (standard view/BW View/preferred view) or perhaps the "communities" at SSR? Or maybe "bay side, woods side" at VWL. Or are you talking about "high floor" vs. "low floor" or "close to elevators"

The first I can see doing - particularly at the larger resorts. To "zone" OKW and let you choose a zone shouldn't be a big deal. The second I need to be convinced is logistically sound.

Thanks for taking the time to post. I can't agree here with your ranking system. Someone staying on cash is every bit as entitled to a good room as a DVC Member. Everyone should be taken care of when possible. I've stated this before and to me it is the only way to stop the complaining and member dissatisfaction. First, all resorts need to use the Room Ready system and adhere to the basic principles with out exception. When a guest arrives the CM checking guests in offers said guest a choice of the rooms available at that time. That is all the rooms shown as available anyway. Giving guests the idea that they are picking a room will satisfy many more people IMO. No requests should be taken when a reservation is made unless medical in nature such as NS or HA, period. This "early bird gets the worm" paranoia is just that, paranoia. The only rooms a guests can get is what is available at the moment of check in. If they want to chance it and come back later and see what is available that is there choice. There should be no requesting anyhting and getting it later. Really luck would dictate what room you get. Later arrivers might get that just cleaned room with the perfect location for them. Second, no exceptions should evr be made to the policies. If we all know the rules there woulkd be less to question. Lying and being given the run around is not good business. This , I suspect has led to many unhappy guests. Just explain the policies of room ready and try to help the guests. Is this system perfect, no, but what is. At least we would all know what to expect. I for one would welcome any room after traveling to get to WDW. Thanks for taking the time to post. Your ideas are interesting and food for thought. This is purely my 2 cents and the way I'd run things.

crisi said:
OneMoreTry and Diane,

By location, what do you mean. i.e. the locations at BWV (standard view/BW View/preferred view) or perhaps the "communities" at SSR? Or maybe "bay side, woods side" at VWL. Or are you talking about "high floor" vs. "low floor" or "close to elevators"

The first I can see doing - particularly at the larger resorts. To "zone" OKW and let you choose a zone shouldn't be a big deal. The second I need to be convinced is logistically sound.
While I think that would be a nice idea for a lot of people, I just don't see location at any one resort being that big a deal. I guess it just isn't for me.
sjdisneywedding said:
actually sorry but you are the one who did not read MY post.
I contend that you're mistaken, but I have lost interest in pursuing the discussion further with you.
crisi said:
What if my only request is "room ready."
That's a great point, and could be a more significant medical-need issue, if you're traveling with someone who has one of several medical conditions.
Johnnie Fedora said:
When Doc's original thread kicked off this topic there were numerous sympathetic posts about how his situation was awful and should not happen to a home resort owner who books at 11 months. It's funny how quickly opinions change to the old "DCV knows best montra" :rolleyes:
I think it is a mistake to translate compassion into agreement, especially with respect to any specific remedial change. AFAIC, it is a "darned shame" if someone who booked 11 months prior doesn't get their preference, but that's the extent of it, without lots of additional, validated information presented. I would find any alternative unacceptable without definitive proof that the alternative would cause no negative consequences for other members, unless those consequences were fully detailed so we could weigh whether those consequences are more grave than the unfortunate situation the alternative was trying to address.
childsplay said:
First-Disney not sticking to a policy..we clearly have examples of BWV not using room ready, even though that is what Disney "officially" says they are are asking for headaches to claim one thing and deliver another.
Second-unreasonable member expectations and disneys willingness to acquiesce to these people.
How much do you want to bet that the First is often caused by the Second? :Pinkbounc
Originally Posted by childsplay
First-Disney not sticking to a policy..we clearly have examples of BWV not using room ready, even though that is what Disney "officially" says they are are asking for headaches to claim one thing and deliver another.
Second-unreasonable member expectations and disneys willingness to acquiesce to these people.

bicker said:
How much do you want to bet that the First is often caused by the Second? :Pinkbounc

BINGO!! We have a whinner!! I mean winner!! (Who spoke of the whinners..)
Daitcher said:
...(snip)....First, all resorts need to use the Room Ready system and adhere to the basic principles with out exception. When a guest arrives the CM checking guests in offers said guest a choice of the rooms available at that time. That is all the rooms shown as available anyway. Giving guests the idea that they are picking a room will satisfy many more people IMO. No requests should be taken when a reservation is made unless medical in nature such as NS or HA, period. This "early bird gets the worm" paranoia is just that, paranoia. The only rooms a guests can get is what is available at the moment of check in. If they want to chance it and come back later and see what is available that is there choice. There should be no requesting anyhting and getting it later. Really luck would dictate what room you get. Later arrivers might get that just cleaned room with the perfect location for them. Second, no exceptions should evr be made to the policies. If we all know the rules there woulkd be less to question. Lying and being given the run around is not good business. This , I suspect has led to many unhappy guests. Just explain the policies of room ready and try to help the guests. Is this system perfect, no, but what is. At least we would all know what to expect. I for one would welcome any room after traveling to get to WDW. Thanks for taking the time to post. Your ideas are interesting and food for thought. This is purely my 2 cents and the way I'd run things.

So let's say when I check in there are no clean rooms available. This is not uncommon at the BWV (and probably just as common at the other small DVC resorts). The BWV is often filled to (or very near) capacity. Then what? Do I get to pick from any room that will be available later (how is that fair) or do I have to keep coming back? If I have to come back, there are going to be long lines at the front desk and lots and lots of unhappy people to say nothing of the crabby CMs. I don't think you will be running things very long, LOL.

Now if I were the Supreme Leader, I'd just ban the internet. Ta Daaaa! Problem solved. (You can't be doing magic if everyone knows how all the tricks are done)! :teeth:

Seriously, this is a very complex subject. It is not simple, much as we'd all like it to be. I've read all the posts more than once and from what I can tell, we can't even agree what the issue is - :)

Best wishes -
tjkraz said:
Interesting thoughts, but I think you're a little off-base in your reasoning. The only time that Disney profits on a cash reservation is when a member has used his/her points to trade-out of the 7 DVC resorts. Disney converts those points to cash rooms which are rented to the general public, and pockets the proceeds.

Any other time, proceeds from cash bookings are returned to members. It's listed in the annual budget as "breakage" income.

The primary reason for the higher point weekends is to balance demand. If the point schedule was flat, weekends would be booked solid rather quickly by members within driving distance of WDW who want to stay over a long weekend. Many seem to think that the weekends currently do cost too much in comparison to the weekdays, but that's a debate for another thread. ;)
Neither of these situations benefit Disney directly. The proceeds from traded points (DCL, etc) and from breakage, go back to the members to offset fees. Disney does get a percentage for the management and if they rent any points they own, they would get the full profit.

TCPluto, the system has never been hard and fast and never been in writing other than requests are not guaranteed. And it keeps changing so no reason not to try to get it to change for the better of the majority and for the situation that creates cheaper maintenance. But I'd agree that many people would like to selfishly change DVC just for their situations, i.e. occupancy overages and the sleep 6 in a 1 BR configuration discussion.

TCPluto said:
Well said.

While not possible to make everyone happy every time/all the time, I think they have settled in to a system that offers the most satisfaction for the highest number of guests.
I don't believe that's true. I think the current system is one that is easiest for DVC to administer in the short term and it will be costly in terms of satisfaction numbers and sales in the long run.

sjdisneywedding said:
you'd never know if the reward was potentailly greater because you never even gave it a chance.

Im glad history is not made up of people who just said "thats the way it is, it works, so lets not waste any money, time or energy trying to make it any better
I don't know the FF system well enough to know, but most floating timeshares do not guarantee units or views unless you own that view. And even the ones that do could change tomorrow, the Embassy on Kauai did that just recently. But like DVC, many systems offer positives and negatives. DVC is one of the better systems. One thing you'll find is that DVC members tend to be different than regular timeshare owners. Heck, some don't even think they own a timeshare. Many are not particularly interested in hearing how other timeshares do things. And heaven forbid you suggest changing something they see as sacred like requests or minimum stays or home resort priorities as examples.


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