Diabetic children - need WDW nutritional info


Oct 14, 2003
I posted this on the restaurant board, without much success. Anyhow, in Oct., 2004, my family will be taking our first family vacation ever and we are going to WDW. The kids will be 12, 8 and 7. The two youngest have Type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent). They just started a new, great protocol that allows them to eat on a more flexible schedule and with a lot more variety. This protocol requires that they count the carbs in their meal (can be almost whatever they want), then cover their carbs with a calculated amount of insulin using their insulin pens. Local fast food places (McD, BK) all have nutritional info available for all of their food items, including a carbohydrate count.
Do any of the restaurants in WDW offer a nutritional breakdown of their dishes?
I hope someone knows about this too. Our 21 yo has type I too which he developed at 6. Until late last spring he used N and R insulins. We made the switch to Humalog and Lantus, too. It is great to not have nighttime lows...I'm sleeping much better and most importantly he is!:D At home counting the carbs is easy. But on our summer trip to WDW I really had a tough time. I tried to adjust for all the extra exercise and guess at the carbs. For all those years, I had done fairly well at "eyeballing" portions if I didn't have an accurate count of grams/portion....which is what we were taught to do when he developed diabetes. It did not work at WDW nor at our traditional week in N. Wisconsin. For some reason, it seems harder to balance the extra exercise with the extra carbs.

We go again next month and I'm going to have to figure something out. We have a new doctor in our endr.'s practice and she was no help!:confused:

The flexibility is great though isn't it. Before he had to eat 7 times a day and now we're down to 4! I still keep him on a pretty regular schedule...long habits are hard to break. But it is so nice to let him sleep in an extra half hour if he's really tired and I no longer start to panic if a meal at a restaurant is delayed.

Here's lots of pixie dust for a great first family vacation. What a wonderful place to start!
Here's the phone number for the WDW Executive Chef's Office: (407) 824-5967
They deal with all the menus at WDW (from full service to food carts) and should be able to help with your questions if anyone can.
Thanks Sue, I'll try that number.
Get yourself a small book that has carb counts and carry it with you. Most of it is easily figured out. Don't trust that you will get the correct information unless you see it in print. I have had Disney goof and fortunately I knew the product and that it was deadly for me. Some castmembers are very accommodating but others are plain lazy and don't care.

If you want something awesome from a chef that really cares go to Boma with reservations and contact them early about it. The chef there has made me some exquiste dishing without the use of sugar using Splenda as a substitute. ( can't do aspartame) Now this is Disney Magic at it's best.

BCV I hate to say this but unless your son has other problems it is time to let go and let him handle his diabetes himself. I know it is scary but you aren't going to always be there for him. If diabetes is the only problem do both of you a favor and let go.
Originally posted by Talking Hands

BCV I hate to say this but unless your son has other problems it is time to let go and let him handle his diabetes himself. I know it is scary but you aren't going to always be there for him. If diabetes is the only problem do both of you a favor and let go.

Lisa, thanks for the well meaning device delivered gently.:D My son has Down's Syndrome and unfortunately is essentially aphasic so he can't even tell me his symptons. He does sometimes tap on his id bracelet if he's feeling low...but not always. So caring for his diabetes himself isn't in the cards.

I have looked for a small carb book but haven't found one yet. I also have some info for counting all exchanges but it is too much to carry around but more importantly doesn't really match up with some of the dishes we order. Hamburger buns I can calculate. Those gigantic steak fries...I guess!

Still haven't called the executive chef...a little under 4 weeks to go so I should get going.

BTW Lisa a few months ago there was a thread about Diet Rite and I mentioned that my son....same one...avoided diet coke. You told me it probably gave him a headache and I think you were right. On our trip this summer when he would have a diet coke in a restaurant, sure enough an hour or so later he would be pointing at his head! Do you ever take Diet Rite into the restaurants? He doesn't like ice tea and I hate for him to be stuck with only water.
Thanks everyone, for the responses and the telephone number.

BCV23, I know lots of people who get aspartame headaches. My diabetic children do not, but I still like to limit the amount of nutrasweet they take in every day.
You might look into carrying the bottled Crystal Light with you. The pre-bottled is sweetened with Splenda, even though the mix you make yourself is sweetened with aspartame. It comes in about four different flavors, and I'm sure your son would enjoy this much more than just drinking water.
Also, have you looked into getting the new glucowatch for him? I don't see how they are helpful in MOST cases, but it would be fantastic in your case. An alarm would go off when your son drops below a certain number - great for those who either cannot identify their lows or for those who cannot verbalize them. This would allow you to treat his low before he was actually symptomatic.
My youngest was diagnosed first, as an infant (14-months). The watch did not exist then, but it sure would have been a God-send, especially for those 2:00 a.m. seizures from being too low.

I didn't know that they had perfected the watch!:confused: I'll ask next time he has an appointment. Do you know anyone who has used one? Thanks for the heads up. Those 2-3 am lows were the pits weren't they? He hasn't had one since we switched insulins.

Thanks for the tip on bottled Crystal Light too. He REALLY loves Diet Rite though and when it came out in others flavors a few years ago he wanted no part of that!
Our friend was offered one by their endo - their daughter was going on the pump and the endo suggested the watch. He said it was approved, but that some insurance companies were not covering them unless there was a letter of need from the physician. Our friend's daughter did not qualify for coverage. It is my understanding that, those being approved at this point, are people like your son who cannot communicate their lows to others or cannot help themselves if they feel symptomatic.

The only Diet Rite we can buy here (BR, LA) is the cola. My kids would really enjoy the flavored ones.

Are there any sugar-free (or carb-free) treats available at the parks? Now that they are on the pen, they can eat the treats with sugar IF they are willing to take a shot with it. They don't mind doing this some of the time, but a no-worry-shot-free treat would be nice every now and then. Sugar-free popsicles? Icee?

They are already looking forward to the giant turkey legs!!
Here's some suggestions for finding carb count books:
* Atkin's diet websites
* Curves (Women's excercise place) website or facilities
* The DIS WISH Board

The two diets are big on counting carbs, so I'm sure they have books available. I know that a lot of people on the WISH Board are doing Atkin's diets, so they might be helpful about where to find the best books. Someone I know who was on the Atkin's diet had downloaded a file from the internet to her Palm organizer.
Wow, Sue, you amaze me on how quick you are with helpful info. thanks!

As far as sugarfree or carb free snacks in the parks, I've never noticed any other than popcorn. However I understand that the sitdown restaurants will prepare sugar free desserts with enough notice. Luckily our son never cared much for sweets even before he developed diabetes so we've never done much in the way of sugar free treats. He does like lowfat ice cream cups as well as that Diet Rite. I haven't even noticed if the different flavored Diet Rites are still available around here BTW.

One snack that might work is popcorn which you can get at MK near the train station. When he was on R & N and had to have so many snacks the fresh fruit carts were nice. They have those at all the parks. I always carried fruit, too and actually still do.

BTW do your two have an injection with even a small snack of carbs? Our nurse pract. told me he could have up to 15 grams without an extra injection. Have you had similar advice?
They each get a 15 carb snack at bedtime without the pen (but they do have their Lantus shot then). One is on a 1 unit per 30 gram ratio, and the other is on a 1 unit per 12 gram ratio. Their pens can dose a 0.5 unit with the 15 gram snack. I hate to see them choose a shot for just a 15 gram snack, so IF they insist on a shot-requiring snack, I go ahead and let them have more than one, or a higher carb snack, then cover it with the right amount of insulin.
BCV, I take the Diet Rite Cola with me to the parks all the time. I never have a problem with them giving me a glass of ice for it when I explain I drink it for medical reasons. Cola is the only flavor I have found in the cans. The other flavors are only in the 2 liter bottles.

I found some sugar free candy with Splenda in the candy shop in MGM. It is next to the villians shop. Also in the restaurant there is sugar free cheesecake made with aspartame.
Also sugar free ice cream is available in some spots like the ice cream shop on Main Street. Be warned that it is safer to get a cup not a cone as it melts faster than regular ice cream. Fruit also available in various locations.

Beware of hypos with all the extra you are doing.

Funny thing is this weekend I was at an interpreting conference and realy busy. Didn't eat enough and crashed royally. Guess who my recuers were. Interpreters I know from Disney World. Go off to a professional meeting and still get to see my Disney friends.
Originally posted by gardendame
They each get a 15 carb snack at bedtime without the pen (but they do have their Lantus shot then). One is on a 1 unit per 30 gram ratio, and the other is on a 1 unit per 12 gram ratio. Their pens can dose a 0.5 unit with the 15 gram snack. I hate to see them choose a shot for just a 15 gram snack, so IF they insist on a shot-requiring snack, I go ahead and let them have more than one, or a higher carb snack, then cover it with the right amount of insulin.

gardengame, that must be very tough keeping the ratios and grams straight with two little ones. I know over the years I have at various times approached my two who don't have diabetes with a loaded syringe or with the lancet ready to test them. Thank goodness they were verbal and were able to tell me that I had the wrong child! Kudos to you!!!

My son still does the bedtime 15 grams too. Or actually since he stays up later than me these days I should say 9:30 snack which is when I give him his lantus. That snack is like his security blanket I think. He is on a 1:10 ratio but I adjust it to 1:15 for strenuous activity like swimming. The problem is 1:10 only works well if he does virtually nothing but it is hard to switch to 1:12 and explain that he can be more active. And as I said at WDW with all the walking I have found it very hard to control so far. Only one trip under our belts with this regimen though.

Lisa, the various flavors of Diet Rite were available in cans around here including in an assorted 12 or 24 pack which is how we tried it some years back...I think it was a 12 pack. Don't know if it still is...I'll check next time I go grocery shopping.
Wow, Sue, you amaze me on how quick you are with helpful info. thanks!
At least I hope I'm helpful (just the nurse in me, I guess).
You are both quick and helpful as well as always diplomatic! Thanks again.
THe best carb counter book we found after 24 years is the The Carbohydrate Addicts Gram Counter by Richard and Rachel Heller (Amazon has it). It is as small as the other Gram counters but much more complete. It also has most of the Fast Food restaurants. What it does lack however is Fiber grams which is important for Atkins but unless there is a large amount of fiber it shouldn't effect your insulin dosing.

As far as the 15gm w/o insulin should be dictated moreso of what your BS is at the time. My guess with all the running around at WDW they will probably run lower then higher.

Also carry the glucose tabs. They are 4gms per tab. I know many say use the juice box (15gm) but I hate luggung all that around anf they don't taste to good warm. With the tabs they are very fast acting moreso then the juice and and you can take one and then eat something (soem Dole Whip by chance:p ) instead of just drinking juice. Good luck it get easier with age, lol!
Picked up that book today, DisOrBust. Looks good and I love its small size. Thanks.

My son hates those tablets. Carrying the little cans of juice is worth it and for him they seem to work very fast. I also am currently carrying a small packet of flavored gel that runners use. Haven't had to try it yet. It's 27 grams of carbs though so it might be overkill for my guy.

gardendame, I called Disney Dining and they gave me the direct phone numbers of all the restaurants at which we have PSs. I'm supposed to call them at least 24 hours before we dine at each and they will help us. I'll let you know how it goes. At restaurants that serve cheeseburgers and fries, that is his meal of choice so I may not need to call each spot.....I hate making an issue of things. I am determined to keep his glucose levels more even this trip however!
Our DS 10 was just diagnosed type 1 and we are learning the ropes. Have a Dec 20 trip in the works, passing on any news on carb counts around the parks would be great.
Sorry to hear about your son's diagnosis, Zurg.
Hope you feel like pros in no time.


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