Diane & Andrew's Trip Report!!

Hip-Hip--HOORAY for the fitting dress!! Be careful while you are away--- and make sure you enjoy all of that time you will be spending awway from MIL-- it will probobly go by much faster than you think. How long do you expect her with you all? Have a great time--

Also- Heres a website where you can get a free baby book (I ordered one for myself and im not even pregnant... or a member of this company). I hear that its a GREAT book (VERY THICK). I know this isnt your first pregnancy but if you want it, please take advantage of it (A freebie never hurts!)


Hip-Hip--HOORAY for the fitting dress!! Be careful while you are away--- and make sure you enjoy all of that time you will be spending awway from MIL-- it will probobly go by much faster than you think. How long do you expect her with you all? Have a great time--

Also- Heres a website where you can get a free baby book (I ordered one for myself and im not even pregnant... or a member of this company). I hear that its a GREAT book (VERY THICK). I know this isnt your first pregnancy but if you want it, please take advantage of it (A freebie never hurts!)



Thanks for the heads up. I ordered their wedding book too and it was a HUGE help. I already have a book for the pregnancy and even though we already have a 10 year old (or 10 3/4 as I am constantly reminded), I don't remember a whole lot... so information is good. Especially when it's free. ;)

As far as the MIL - we are stuck with her for 2 weeks. This is one of her shorter trips. There are some months when she comes up for 3 weeks.... I told my DH he has until next Wed to talk to her. When we hand her our first rent check (they gave us the house rent free as a wedding present for the first 14 months we lived in it... nevermind that they never asked for rent, they just said we could move in with them.....) I am going to ask her if we can reduce the rent for the time she is living with us. She is technically taking up the new baby's room... I know I sound mean, but if you had to live with this woman for the last year and a half, you would understand my insanity. She is one of the neediest women I know and she wasn't even a good mother. All of her children complain that they never had a mother because she was always so busy with all her volunteer work, she never had time for them... they helped to raise each other. So, perhaps this is her way of making up for lost time... :confused3 It is just frustrating to have someone constantly looking over your shoulder and telling you you're doing things wrong. If we were complete strangers paying rent to live there, would she still be coming up every month? No... she wouldn't. I"m sorry for the vent, she just has me really frustrated. The more frustrating part is DH just won't talk to her about it. And I am not a cool headed person when it comes to her.... so I would prefer he talk to her instead of me, but if he doesn't, then I will and that will probably guarantee her not coming up again, unless his father gets mad and kicks us out. Either way, I won't have to live with her anymore.
I really hope things start looking up for you! Ill keep you and your DH in my thoughts:hug: (I couldnt imagine having to live with my in-laws... ew... the thought kind of:scared: sickens me!
I was accepted to an online graduate program thru Seton Hall University for Masters in School Counseling. :)

That's awesome! Seton Hall is such a good school! I'm a little biased right now b/c my little bro just got accepted into their law school. How exciting!

I could not imagine the MIL situation:hug: How stressful! I hope things get better! Enjoy your time away and good luck w/ school :)
Hang in there Diane :grouphug: - I can sort of relate to your MIL woes. When Charles and I first started living together it was in an apartment located within his parents' house and the situation was..... less than ideal. ;)

Enjoy the peace during your hotel stay & good luck in your master's program! Looking forward to reading more about the wedding.
Well, the MIL leaves on Wednesday... still not soon enough for me. Sorry I haven't posted. My cold just keeps hanging on. It morphed into a cough and that was feeling better as of yesterday and then this morning I woke up with a sore throat. I feel like I'm never going to get healthy.... ugh!!!! :sick: OK, since I haven't posted in a while, I wanted to give you guys a little something, so here is the link to the ceremony video. Stan just forwarded this to me this afternoon and I watched it 3 times already. We might change a song or 2 but otherwise, it's amazing. I have a smile from ear to ear again and even my MIL can't get me down. ;) Hope you like it. I promise to post the next edition this week.

Great Trip report... Loved the pics too... Your daughter looked like she has a great time with the princesses.. She looked like one herself..
Great Trip report... Loved the pics too... Your daughter looked like she has a great time with the princesses.. She looked like one herself..

Thanks. She loves Disney and really enjoyed herself. Stan captures a pic of her in the video that really captures her personality. You will understand when you see it... it's near the beginning when we are taking pics. :rotfl:
Your wedding video is sooo beautiful.. I got teary eyed.... So cute.. congratulations
Awww... thanks guys. I just watched it with my DH and we were both like, awwww... look at us. We're such saps. I love it!! :love:
OK, now I'm crying :laughing: That was so adorable! You looked stunning and your laughter was so darling. You can tell the two of you are not only in love, but are best friends!

BTW, your daughter (in the blue?) is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!
I love the trip report so far Diane! Cant' wait to hear more about the big day. Though, American Idol does indeed need to come first. :)
I LOVE your video. You all look awesome! "Bless the Broken Road" - I think it is the 2nd song in the video by Rascal Flatts is my absolute favorite song, it is "our song" and SOMEDAY it will be our wedding song. What is the instrumental that is playing when the girls walk in? It sounds VERY familiar but I can't place it. Again, loving the T.R and the video was fantastic.
Diane, I loved so many things about your ceremony - the comments the officiant made to you guys under his breath were hilarious! - but your vows knocked me off my feet.

What you said to Andrew, and what he said to you, was so beautiful and moving. They were some of the most original and heartfelt words I've ever heard at a wedding. You are both so eloquent - what a gift!

Also, I *loved* the "Hallelujah Chorus" as you exited. I remember a lot of us had questions about playing our own music at the ceremony - did everything work out OK with you bringing a boom box to play the songs you wanted?

Congratulations!!! :goodvibes
Diane-- I LOVE your video-- Stan did such a great job! I cried the first 5 minutes of it-- DH was teary eyed too during "Bless the broken road"...

I have to admit-- I was really eager to hear you sing to Andrew-- but they didnt get it on the video. Darn it!!

You and Andrew need to come to our meet that we are having in Charleston later on this year. Bring your beautiful daughter too!! Oh please come:flower3: .

I loved your video so much-- :hug:
Diane-- I LOVE your video-- Stan did such a great job! I cried the first 5 minutes of it-- DH was teary eyed too during "Bless the broken road"...

I have to admit-- I was really eager to hear you sing to Andrew-- but they didnt get it on the video. Darn it!!

You and Andrew need to come to our meet that we are having in Charleston later on this year. Bring your beautiful daughter too!! Oh please come:flower3: .

I loved your video so much-- :hug:

Maggie - I don't remember telling Stan we loved that song, but somehow it managed to make it's way into our video.
I sang to Andrew at our reception, which we just got the link to today. I'll post it in a minute.
What meet? When this year? If it's before the baby's due, we might be able to make it... otherwise, it would have to be in the fall sometime. But it would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool to come down and meet you guys and others too!!!!

Lurkyloo - thank you. We LOVED our pastor. His name is Pastor Scott Smith. He's my in-laws local pastor. If you had heard how we practiced our exchanging of rings, you would be rolling on the floor!! He is hilarious!!! He said, "OK. Your exchange of rings will go something like this... here's the ring. I hope you like it. It was all I could get...." We busted out laughing.

kmebee - it is one of our favorite songs and I was actually deciding between that song and the song Someone to Watch Over Me as the song I would sing to my hubby on our wedding day. I chose the latter of the two. The song the girls walked in to was Pachelbel's Canon in D. We actually used a very cool Christmas version by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and we are going to have Stan put that version in the video.

Phisigprincess - I understand, we all need to have priorities. I will be watching Idol tonight as well. So, there will probably be no posting after 8 p.m. lol.... plus, House is on right after that and I LOVE that show...

SRUalmn - thank you so much. He is my best friend and I his. We've been best friends since our freshman year of high school. We didn't start dating until we were seniors and even then, we were hesitant because we didn't want to lose the amazing friendship we had. Thankfully, our friendship has only grown stronger through the years. We are very much in love and are so grateful to have each other in our lives.
Thank you for the compliment on our daughter. She is adorable, even when she's being a punk.... but she's excited about being a big sister....

Diane :goodvibes


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