"Different" kind of ? about Private Vacation Home use...


DIS Veteran
Jun 25, 2000
We are "very luckily" staying in a townhome owned by a co-worker of my husbands. No charge.....

We are planning on purchasing a gift card/cards to give them as a thank you when we return.

I would LOVE some suggestions from other townhome/condo owners as to what you would like as a thank you gift.


Other than checking every room, top to bottom, to make sure we leave the home as we found it.....are there any other tips you can give me as to how to make sure our visit does not inconvenience them in any way. (I am not sure how much of a "vacation" this is going to be for MOM!! lol).

We will purchase paper items and wash and dry any sheets or towels that we use.....take out the trash....I just feel as if I am going to forget something. I hope that when we arrive there is a list or something.....

Thanks for any and all help!!

How lucky are you. What a great co-worker your husband has.

I am writing this as an owner.
I just like the idea that people who have stayed in our home pass on the good revues. I also love when people sign my guest book.
Every time I go to our home I read what ever is written and it brings tears to my eyes. It just makes me feel so good that others love our home as much as we do.

I think no matter what you give them would be appreciated, but I still think a note about how you vacation was enhanced by staying in their home will mean more. JMHO.
Its always great to have friends and family stay in my villa (but Ive always charged them!!!)

Its nice to have some feedback about the state of the home ,service of M.C.

A few touch-ups with a small paintpot left in cupboards is what I tend to ask as a favour.Or buying new towels etc. if needed.

Enjoy your stay,
What a nice gesture. I think a gift card would be incredibly appropriate as a thank you. I hope you have a nice trip!!!!
We bought my cousin a gift card to Home Depot as a thank you for handling the purchase of our home. He's a real estate attorney and had just purchased a house for himself also. Once you're a homeowner, there's always something in Home Depot you need. My husband calls it a toy store for men! :lmao:
Thanks everyone for your input!!!

I have been told by my husband that his co-worker is divorced AND we are paying a $100 cleaning fee = both of which takes a little pressure off me to keep the place absolutely immaculate. I know the cleaning service will get whatever I happen to miss and there is no wife with a white glove coming - lol!!

Great suggestions for thank you gifts......I am going to discuss them with hubby and let him decide since he knows the man and I dont.....

I cant wait...........I Cant Wait...............I CANT WAIT!!!

(is it Saturday yet?)
Hooray for the cleaners! I was going to ask you if he rented the unit normally, and if so, could you find out what cleaning company he used and just use them.

I understand where you're coming from. We used to use my parents' home in FL since they weren't there during the summer (back before they retired). I always worried myself to death over not leaving something "just right" since they wouldn't be back for awhile to correct whatever I missed.

We finally decided it wasn't worth the stress and started renting houses. We paid $480 last June for a 4BR/3BA, had lots of room, and the cleaners took care of it. However, since you've got a cleaner coming, all of your bases are covered! :banana:

Have a great time! :Pinkbounc
I always leave the homes we rent cleaner than when we arrive! :rotfl2: I drag everyone out of bed to shower at the crack of dawn on the last morning so that I can wash the bedding and towels. :rotfl2: And dh always makes sure the trash is out on the right days. I've even been know to buy and replace light bulbs and similar items. :rotfl:

It does always occur to me, though, that it's only the cleaning staff that it really benefits. I'm sure the owners never get to know what good care I take of their homes. :(
UK Deb

When we return and every thing is still in one peice that says alot.

You might of stayed in our home at one time. We were left an electric griddle and we make pancakes every time we go down now. Never thought of one for the house we do not even have one at our own home.

In our home we have pool towels and it seems I always have the same amount but just different ones.

Things happen in every home but when we return to ours after being away for a while and it is still the same as we left it if not better you can not ask more then that from any one.


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